A Wolf in the Window

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A man coming off a long shift soon learns why he is compelled to leave the window open on nights of the full moon...

Resisting the urge to slam the door, Eli still ended up closing it heavier than he anticipated. Still, he was remiss to care in his current state, pissed off about work as he was. It had been a shit show, and not for the first time this week. And he still had two more shifts before the week was done!

Working as a line cook in a decently fancy restaurant, Eli was used to a certain level of stress. But this week was far too insane for him to figure out how his head office still had a fucking clue in their heads. The kitchen was woefully understaffed, without incentives for new employees to even think about passing through the doors with their resumes. Any new staff hired quit after several days of experiencing the hell that was working in that particular establishment. And staffing issues did not deter management from booking the restaurant full each and every night, pushing their few remaining staff to the breaking point and beyond. Not to mention the toxic atmosphere brought on by the servers and management arguing with the kitchen staff. Eli was in desperate need of a new job. But in this economy?!

Still, glass of wine in hand and in the middle of cooking a pasta dish, Eli allowed himself to sigh in relief that he was out of that hell and back at his comforting apartment. He wished he didn't have an empty apartment to come home to, though a full-time man to romance wasn't in the cards just yet. Still, it was nice that he had the place to himself, and Eli, still a lover of his craft, took solace in the meal he was preparing and how wonderful it would taste.

To his surprise, a low glow from outside his tiny window caught his attention, not one he often saw but one that now had his interest. He took a few moments to regard it through the open window, something he did not leave unattended often but an act that was certainly warranted tonight with how unseasonably hot it was. It took Eli a few moments to realize the source of the glow, clearly not from the outside lamps or the light from a neighboring apartment. It seemed to be the light of the moon, a full one, or at least close. It had been some time since the clouds in Philly had parted enough for the moon to really show, to the point that Eli had to think for a moment about what he was seeing.

Looking out at the night sky, Eli found himself in a trance at the sight of the golden orb hanging in the heavens, massive and full and bright, beaming down on him. It was almost as though the moon was shining on him and him alone, as silly as that was. Still, Eli couldn't help but feel a special sort of reverence for the celestial object. It was as though it signaled something missing in his life beyond what he already wanted in a job and a mate. Almost as though...

Before he was really aware of it, a strange heat started to assault his body, starting in his chest and soon radiating out to his extremities. It was a sensation of being overheated, like standing out in 35-degree weather. But soon, it went beyond that, as though he was being bathed in hot water. Sweating profusely, Eli was hardly prepared for the heat to be turned up steadily, as though he was in the same water he was using to heat his pasta. The pain was being dialed upward as the seconds ticked by, with no obvious source Eli could escape from. A silly notion passed his mind that it might be the moon doing it to him. Yet, there was no way the rays were bathing him in heat or chemical irritants that could possibly cause such a reaction.

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" Eli yelled out, trying to think of anything he could do to alleviate the discomfort. Without its source known to him, Eli could do naught but try to rip off his shirt, tearing it at the back from the pressure and insistence he used to get it off. Pants were shucked off in quick succession, leaving him clad only in underwear. Even those were discarded in Eli's desperation to rid himself of the distressing heat. It had about as much effect as an ice cube in a boiling pot of water as Eli was assaulted with tongues of fire, burning him inside and out and making him wish for anything to stop the pain.

"Oh, fuck me! What's going on!?" Eli called out in desperation. Too late, he finally thought to grab his phone, and maybe call 911 for help. He was not suffering any aliment that he could understand, though figured that it wasn't something that could be left untreated. But, with the pain lancing through him, there was little chance of getting to his phone on the counter, much less dialing emergency services for help.

There was little more for him to do than to fall onto his hands and knees, writhing and panting and moving in any direction that might alleviate the heat coursing through his veins. He braced himself, channeling all of his awareness into quelling the omnipresent burning. Yet, all his efforts were in vain as the pain counted assaulting his very being. It soon reached the point that Eli almost wished for anything to come along and alleviate him from his burden.

It was when the pain started to center in his hands that Eli was able to look up with a look equal parts confusion and terror. The fingers were stiff, their ability to move robbed from him as Eli struggled to adjust them. It was as though his hands were not his own, yet the pain radiating from them was all too real. Still, he was left staring at the digits as they started to move and crack out of his control.

"Ahahahahah! What the hell...my hands!?" Eli called out, desperate for anyone to hear him. Though with the padding in his apartment walls and the door closed shut, it was unlikely that his neighbors would respond to his calls for help. Still, all Eli could do was cry out in pain and panic as a series of cracks resonated through the digits. Was he to lose them, both hands to whatever alien aliment assaulting his very being?

"Not my fingerrrs!" Eli called out, having a hard time speaking through the pain. Still, even his protests could not prevent the ache from fingers snapping and cracking, literally shrinking before his eyes as they were pulled inward towards his palms. They were diminishing rapidly now, snapping painfully like twigs as they continued to retract into the skin. The digits themselves retained their girth, though not their length as they reduced themselves towards an unknown fate.

Yet, the pain of their reduction was but a drop in the bucket to what was coming. Soon it felt that something was forming within the tips, pushing at the skin underneath the cuticle as though trying to be birthed. The pressure built to the point that Eli called out with a series of curses before a cacophony of pops hit his ears. The nails were literally being ripped from his fingers, blood gushing from the tips only to be proceeded by the points of something sharp and thick. Free from their prison, the new keratin nubs were forced forward, as girthy as the base of each finger as they took their place on his anatomy. Even the coppery scent of blood soon waned as their holes sealed up, the wounds closing as though the bestial nails had always been part of his anatomy.

"Oh god, it hurts!" Eli managed to call out as the feeling in his stubs was returned to him. The ache of busted fingernails seemed to have abated enough that he could move them, though they lacked the joints to do so any longer. In fact, a closer examination seemed to show that they were swelling, sealing the digits to their neighbors with a thick sheen of webbing, almost like a...

The reality of his situation started to sink in, as impossible as it was. They were the paws of a beast, a wolf, if he could be certain of such a thing. Like what might be happening to someone that was turning into a werewolf. Though such things were impossible in the real world, it was a notion that Eli entertained on more than one occasion. Though now that it was happening...he never could have wanted it...not like this!

"Make it stop! I don't want this!" Eli called out, staring at his twin paws with equal parts reverence and terror. He couldn't be changing, couldn't be a werewolf. Could he? There was no way that he wouldn't know if he'd been bitten, cursed, or had an errant gene in his bloodline. And surely, he couldn't have changed before. Unless the werewolf lore was like that of some films when the mind of the beast took over and removed all human recollection of the event...

Yet, there was little time for him to contemplate such things with the persistent pain lancing over his form. It was impossible for him to grow accustomed to the aches with each joint, bone, and even cell altering with the process of change. Flames of agony were assaulting his body at once, though were currently centered in his hands, which were continually swelling around the stubs of former fingers. There were massive, twice their human size, and still expanding in all directions. The sparse hairs along the backs of his hands were thickening, growing longer, and standing up straight. Strangest still was the swelling of blackening skin over his palms and fingertips, the flesh coarse and rubbery in the obvious shape of paw pads.

"Nononono make it stop!" Eli called out, staring at what were unmistakably canine paws sitting at the ends of his arms. Though the pain that soon bombarded his arms was likely to remake them in another image. His arms vibrated violently, cracking as the bones within snapped and popped out of their sockets. The muscles around them swelled and seemed to snap them back into place, though into different shapes and sizes that Eli's body was not prepared for. His arms were massive, larger than a bodybuilder, a sign of the size of the wolf he was likely on his way to becoming. Each change was like a stabbing pain, waves of agony washing over him and making him long for anything to make it stop.

Yet, his wishes were not to be granted as a stabbing like iron into his skin erupted from his toes. The same agonizing compression pulled them within his body, changing them into the nubs of paws like those that adorned his former hands. The entire expanse of his legs were crying out with distress, a sign that they were to alter as much as his arms had. It was proof of things to come, a signal that the changes would not end there, and he was to end up enduring a lupine fate.

"Oh god, make it stop!" Eli called out, wanting to crawl away to escape the sensations. But he could hardly move more than a muscle of his own volition, struggling to stay sane and stagnant in the face of the most horrific bodily alterations imaginable.

The mental image of a favorite movie came over him just then, one that could not be viewed in the same light ever again. He was David, the one on the floor changing, becoming a Hollywood horror monster before his very eyes. He would be set loose on Philly to terrorize and perhaps devour those that stood in his way. Only to wake up the next morning with no memory it had even happened. To go through it again during the next full moon...

There was little time to focus on the special effects of a film when the actual thing was happening to him in real time. The compression of his toes increased ten-fold, giving him the same blunt digits that would be suitable on any natural-born wolf. It was that realization that Eli would be a true beast, not just one that resembled a wolf man but one that was all animal.

"Awww...FUCK!" Eli yelled from the intense pain of claws bursting with a spray of blood out of his toes. They reduced the former nails to mush as they took their place on his anatomy, as thick as the larger toes that adorned his feet. His big toes were even worse off, forfeit as they shrank into his stretching skin to be eliminated from his form entirely. The same padding covered the base of his feet and swelled from his toes in equal measure. The meat and mass of his foot soon expanded to match his front paws, leaving him with appendages suited only for running around on all fours. As if to solidify his quadrupedal fate, stretched heels separated from the base of the foot to carry his eventual weight, a digitigrade stance preventing him from walking erect.

Eli no longer had to worry about standing on two legs again, his body far too pained and stunned by the horrific changes to rise from all fours. The position was more comfortable now that his legs and arms are altering into a lupine configuration. Eli was left to balance there, shaking like a leaf as his body rocked with waves of agony. His back and hips were popping and pulsating now, forcing him to lean back and forth on his paws, unable to manage his body in its current hybrid configuration. The searing pain was almost too much to bear, and Eli wanted to fall back into blissful unconsciousness.

Yet, a sliver of pleasure started to erode the eons of agony that were assailing his form. It began in his penis as though the changes to his body had plugged themselves into his prostate. It sent a pulse into his cock that left him powerfully confused and lustful all at once. The change hurt so much. How could it be pleasurable, even to a minor degree? Despite Eli's disposition towards the notion of lycanthropic transformation, it was clearly not the sexual fantasy he longed for. And yet, still...

Suddenly, his cock shot to full erection, making Eli groan with ecstasy from the implication. "Oohhh...fuuuuck..." he managed to croak out, feeling the pounding of his erection against his prostate start to etch over his body. The pain was still there, still tearing at his very being. But the contrast of pleasure was a stark revelation, one that made him confused in the moment of the worst event of his life.

Still, the continued cracks from his legs brought him out of those conflicting thoughts, calves reducing and thighs thickening to match a more canine physiology. It was more comfortable for him to stand on all fours, though his body was still rocked by the aches of change and the ever-present burning. Only the energy ebbing from his cock allowed him to stay standing, the pulsating pleasure growing by the minute until it felt like Eli was being assaulted by tongues of flame and ice in equal measure.

The changes marched onwards, painful enough even with the reprieve that Eli was still left agonizingly aware of them. Like the few hairs over his hands, his amply hairy legs started to fiercely itch as the strands strained against their follicles. It prickled like mad, though Eli's physiology was hardly in a position where he could bring himself to scratch, even if he still maintained his hands. The tingling over his legs spread like a wave causing each hair to stand erect before turning black and wolven to match their counterparts. By the time the process was done, Eli's leg hairs were long, canine-like, though the rest of the skin was bare, as though the skin was still human, still preparing for its eventual transition.

Yet, the growth of lupine fur was largely forgotten with the ache in his loins and its increased intensity. "Please...I can't...why does it feel so good..." Eli managed to moan as the cool, refreshing waves of lust started to ebb from his prick. Though the skin just under his cock head felt powerfully warm, the sensation was sensually pleasant, as though the skin was bunching up and stimulating his penis all the way down to the base.

Head leaking as it was, Eli was only aware of the next change as fluid started to run down into what could only be the apex of a foreskin. Though, Jewish as he was, Eli had been cut from birth and had always wondered what playing with that aspect of his anatomy would be like. As it stood, the warmth was building as a soft parting of skin seemed to spread from the head and run down towards the base of his erect prick. It was wonderfully sensual, hanging around his cock like a warm blanket, though clearly separate from the upper dermal layer, the skin having filled in from underneath. Far from human, however, the foreskin was deep enough that even his cock head was sucked inside, deflating slightly enough that it could slide down into its warm home.

The implication of his newest development was not lost on Eli, werewolf fanatic that he was. "Oooh...a sheath...so warm...oh shit..." he managed to moan, the persistent ache for change ever-present but sufficiently dulled to the point that Eli no longer worried about it. All his attention was focused on his cock, the sensual sensation of his penis being enclosed in its protective covering.

The ever-separating sheath seemed to form enough skin to bunch up at the base of his cock before starting to fuse up his hairy groin almost towards his chubby belly. His cock was pulled towards his head, the sensation uncomfortable enough to prevent him from coming to full erection again. The separation between his belly and foreskin pulled his entire package up like a zipper until the head of his penis was sticking out just below his stomach. The sensual sensations still shot up through his prostate, enough to keep him placid as the aches pulsated through his torso, in preparation for internal changes which Eli could scarcely begin to imagine.

A warm, soft prickling began to play over the surface of the hairless flesh, tiny hairs poking through like fast-growing weeds. They peppered the skin all the way to the base, preceded by a prickling over the skin on his balls. They, too, converted their hairy unshaven covering into a wolven pelt, the same fate as the hairs on his arms and legs. Yet, unlike the rest of his flesh thus far, Eli could feel the fur spreading over his junk, itching his ball sack as it was swept up in a fine black coat. Though Eli couldn't see it, he could feel the persistent prickling that covered every inch of his ball sack in a lupine pelt. It was almost pleasant, and in any other circumstance, Eli might be tempted to run his hands over it. Assuming he still had them, that was...

"Oooh...it itches...why does it feel...so gggrrrood..." Eli managed to growl, the ache in his balls altering the pitch of his voice and making him growl slightly. He could feel them swelling with what had to be ample semen, enough to support the beast that he was becoming. They were weighty on his body, swaying back and forth from their sheer virility. Their heavy package sent another shiver through Eli's covered cock, and Eli could feel it sliding out of a now lupine sheath, the tip parting the skin and making him growl in a beastly baritone.

All the while, the fur growth itched around the present follicles to the point that dozens sprouted between each until the skin was obscured with a pure black pelt. Thicker guard hairs rose up above the undercoat, providing a canine costing the envy of any wild wolf. The same wave rushed down his arms, which themselves had thinned towards his paws until it seemed he had perfect lupine forelegs, shorter hairs up the arm than the hairs on his body would end with.

It was almost impossible to focus on that, however, with an intense ache that forced blood into his penis. The agony of transformation had been held at bay as easier changes took hold, ones that were even pleasant. Yet, all that was a drop in the bucket to what was coming as the sheer force of lust had his dick burst from its sheath like a blossoming flower. The head was still human if not a dark red to match his canine heritage. Though he could not see it, given his position on all four legs, Eli could feel the head altering, cleft sinking into the shaft as pre-cum leaked down its thinning circumference. It was much longer than its human counterpart, however, rising to meet the center of his chest and bobbing against the still human skin, leaking fluids all over it. The tip seemed to come to a point, thinning from the rounded shape and giving him what had to be a distinctively canine cock.

That was not the only change to prevail over his penis, as the shifting shaft suddenly stood stiff from the formation of something solid within. A calcium composite formed a small bone within, one that set into place with the onset of full lupine erection. Eli was hardly in a position to understand its presence, only knowing that his cock was impossibly erect at this juncture.

It soon grew worse, the pressure in his prick building as the base bulged out with blood and swelled to double the size. It should have been impossible for his cock to get that big compared to the shaft. But the bulge of a knot, strong as it was, sent vibrations through his member and all the way to his prostate. It was powerfully uncomfortable, making him twitch and writhe in his skin just slightly. The pressure built to a crescendo, pulling his sheath impossibly tight as though preparing him for orgasm. Given Eli's proclivities for change and his desire to escape the muscle memory of pain that played over his mind, Eli let himself give in, not wanting to wait for a second longer for the welcome reprieve.

"Oh...it's so good...why does it feel so grrroooooooowwwd?!" Eli howled as the spasming against his prostate sent him over the edge. Throbbing balls pumped potent jism through his mammoth lupine erection, an audible squelching ringing through his cock as several thick globs of wolf spunk plopped onto his hairy belly, filling the air with the pungent stench. Eli's body rocked fiercely, the fringes of pain robbed from his form and giving him the momentary bliss he'd been craving since the change had begun.

Dizzy from the sensations spasming through his body, every cell was lit aflame as his torso cracked with change. It started with a compression in his shoulders, something that should have been objectively more painful than anything he felt this far. After all, the bones were snapping and tearing apart the muscle fibers underneath before reforming into new shapes that should have sheared the still-human anatomy. Yet, even as his shoulders sunk into widening flanks and his chest expanded, the pain of such a change was dwarfed by the sheer lust he felt, Eli's wolf cock coming back to full erection as soon as the first orgasm died down.

The itching of fur growth, like his arms and legs, started with his former human treasure trail, the itching of hair spreading with their larger lupine equivalents. Looking down, Eli was barely aware of the shades of grey intermingling with the forming black. It thickened all the way to his furry groin, making him squirm to scratch as his chest and belly were covered with wolf fur. Even his armpits puffed out with a coating of lupine essence, thicker and longer than humanly possible before they altered into their final form. The heady stench of sweat became trapped in the hairs even as Eli's skin shifted to prevent him from sweating any longer. Yet, the pungent aroma hung in the air like a thick musk, bringing him to full erection, to the point where it was almost slapping against his stretched belly.

Loud pops resonated through his back as his spine lengthened, taking his belly with it. The skin stretched taut, making room for altering internal anatomy, the aches of which were only minor when such changes should have killed him a dozen times over. His heart beat faster, his stomach compressed, and his intestines stretched to take in a more carnivorous diet. Even his anus, puckered from the pounding on his prostate, was tugged upwards towards the base of his tailbone, sitting just underneath it as befit his quadrupedal stance. His balls followed suit, moving from in between his legs to behind them as his hips started to crack and meld into new shapes. A thick pop resounded through his lower body as his pelvis literally broke apart before reforming, shifting his weight forward and leaving him perfectly able to stand on all fours without pressure. Yet, instead of pain, the pressure on his prostate forced the rest of his human seed from his balls, enough pleasure to subvert the agony of change. And it would hardly be the last one, with his prick still at full attention.

A peculiar tingling started over his chest and belly, in tandem with the previous orgasm fading over his form as he shook a little. What felt like two sensitive pinpricks seemed to erupt some distance below his nipples, each tingling as much as the original pair. It seemed that he now had extra lupine nipples, supplemented with the growth of two more pairs below them, running down the expanse of his taut belly. Two were right above his prick, growing under some of the cum that had stained his skin, sending pleasant aftershocks through his body.

The present pleasure subdued the painful pulses ebbing from his tailbone as the bones within broke apart. Almost immediately, they started to expand, far larger than the individual pieces themselves until they forcefully pushed at the skin. "Ooohhhhgggrrrr..." Eli managed to moan out, the bones forcing skin around it until it was an inch and then two, sticking out of his backside. Eli shuddered as the damn thing started to move, twitching back and form and as flexible as his arms or legs. It took the itching of fur running down the length of the growth in rapid succession for Eli to realize he had a tail, that he was turning into a wolf, and well on the way to losing the waning facets of his humanity.

By this point, the only still-human aspect of his body was his head, sitting on what had to be an almost entirely canine body. Though twinges of aches and growth were still left before his torso took on its fully canine configuration, his head looked comically out of place on what had to be a wolf's body. He was almost thankful for the reprieve, wondering why he wasn't changing any further. At least, so far, he hadn't lost his-

"Aaaggghhhrrroooowwww!" Eli howled as his skull cracked and a piercing pulse of pain pounded through his brain. It was as though a drill was being injected directly into his skull, burning down to the brain matter and making him red hot with agony. So harsh was it that it made him wish to white out to avoid any more discomfort. But he was forced to bear it, unable to struggle against the pain that the change was flowing into him.

With the pain came something new, unexpected. It felt like something was bubbling up from under the surface of his mind, like a presence awakening. Though there was nothing he could compare the sensation with, Eli could not deny a certain familiarity with the presence. It was almost as though he had experienced this additional company in his mind before in a way that scared the changing man to the core. It was a simple being, though Eli couldn't quite understand what it wanted to do with him, what its purpose was. It was a primal force of desire and impulses, one that longed for simple things that Eli could scarcely fathom. The more he looked into it, the more he desired to jump back. For when he did, it swept into his mind, pushing at it with impulses that Eli could hardly put into words. And the few that did come from it carried notes of bestial intensity. HUNT. FUCK. KILL. FEED...

Nononono not my mind! I can't be a wolf! Eli screamed at the other being in his mind, though was unable to tell if that was what was truly happening. It was only his perception of the presence that made him label it a wolf, as much as the body he was growing towards.

At the thought of what his mind wanted to quell his hunger, Eli felt his insides turn. What did he eat when he was a wolf? Did he eat animals? Pets? People? Vague images played over the dozens of things he had done as the wolf. Smells, sounds, tastes. Things he had eaten, which were undoubtedly...

"No...get out of my heeeeooooooooowwwww!" Eli tried to cry, but the mournful howl of a wolf was all that escaped. He couldn't even talk like a man anymore, he was losing himself! And Eli had just let it happen, the pleasure in his loins all-consuming. If he had just fought a little harder then, maybe...

A sharp crack resonated through his head at that point, his jaw bones stretching out before the rest of his face could keep up. Saliva dripped down his maw as his serrated teeth pierced his gums, the taste of his own blood on his lips making him lick their blackening, gummy contours. Though the wounds from expanding teeth were quickly sealed, they reminded him of his awakening lupine instincts, what he wanted, what he craved more than anything.

"Aaawwwrrooroooeeeack!" Came a jumble of sounds from his mouth as Eli struggled against the instincts and changes in a vain final effort. He didn't want to try to speak anymore, the fear of what he would sound like at the forefront of his mind. It was a bestial sound, the humanity gone from the tones as much as it was from his body.

By this point, Eli could see his muzzle in front of his face as his tongue tingled, expanding in his mouth to match the space provided by lupine jaws. Without being aware of the action, his tongue started panting, a blessed coolness finally alleviating the heat and pain that had plagued him all those moments of change. Though it was pleasant, the action was not of Eli's accord. It was as though the being swelling in his mind had initiated the act, that the creature had more control over Eli's body than he did himself. The more he changed, the more purpose it seemed to have, and the less ability Eli had to operate a body that was steadily no longer becoming his own.

Though he struggled with every ounce of his being, there was nothing Eli could do to stop the onset of the changes and the being in his mind that came with them. Things were made worse for the degrading human as his nose lit up, its surface moist and black with rubbery skin as slits slid up the sides. The musky odors of cum, sweat, and musk flooded his nose and awakened the mind beside his own, Eli caught in the undertow and struggling to maintain even the smallest semblance of himself.

Still, it was impossible for him to resist, each passing moment allowing the wolf to grow stronger as it developed the beastly senses it possessed. Eli's fading rationale was startled to hear the sounds of the wind carrying sensory impulses from out the window, things that were several streets away. His ears were pointed, the canals wide and filled in with long sparse hairs to vibrate far more intently than anything a human could hope to achieve. Soon, new muscles under the ears had them twitching enough that they could swerve in the direction of a stimulus. What Eli was starting to realize would soon be the beast's prey...

Eyes watering, the wolf blinked them a few times, Eli starting to become aware of the beast's clarity of the world. Though the lights were still on in his apartment, everything seemed to be dialed up in intensity and clarity. He was sure that his eyes were now golden, though the beast had control over his muscles now, and he could not turn to the open window to see what had become of his face. He was therefore forced to stare at the world through the gaze of a predator, of the beast that he was becoming.

The ever-present pain started to intensify as the last vestiges of humanity were to be robbed from him, and Eli panicked, unable to call out with his mouth not his own. The wolf was so powerful, the wolf was winning over his human self, and Eli could do nothing but be swept away by its dominant presence. It was painful, a screaming in his skull as his ability to think was robbed from him. Though, part of his fading intellect was aware of how much it hurt to fight, and how much of a struggle it was to resist. The wolf was a being of pleasure, its body a sexually charged lightning rod. His cock was bobbing up and down, knot pulling its sheath down around it as it strained for release. Though he might have preferred the hole of another male or even the contours of his own tongue to get it off, the wolf was so erect that it could easily ejaculate with the pressure still clenching on its prostate and its need to be born. If only Eli would relent, to fall into the wolf as the beast demanded...

In his last cognizant moments, Eli gave himself to the wolf. All fear of what it would do was diminished by the sheer ecstasy the wolf promised. It hurt so badly to resist, to hold onto humanity that its brain could no longer contain. Giving in was much simpler, a world of sexual ecstasy that even his faded sense of self could relish in. And it was a futile struggle, one that he could not win even with all the willpower he could muster. Then why fight, when he could let himself go in peace and rapture...?

With that, Eli's last thought was of the waves of pleasure as his wolf cock blew its burden for a third time, spraying its load all over the floor and his belly. The wolf blinked a few times, nostrils sniffing in the rank stench of sweat and ejaculate. It was contented at that moment, knowing it was powerful, an apex being in his domain. There was nothing that could challenge its dominion, and it was free to take what it wanted and needed from the night as only a beast of its stature could.

The newly formed wolf shook his head, trying to eliminate the obtrusive human thoughts that always seemed to linger for a few moments after the change. It was irritating, but something the beast learned to live with. At first, it had been more confusing, though the beast had become accustomed to the chaos. It soon faded like a dream in the face of a being such as itself, with such simple goals and needs. He needed to feed, of course, he always awoke ravenously. But, the cock and testicles dangling from his underside demanded attention first. Though it would depend on the first being he ran across whether the wolf would want to fuck or feed...

Making his way to the familiar open window, the wolf crawled through, careful about scrapping his taut erection against the frame as he did so. This escape was always prepared for him, never was he stuck in that confining space reeking of humanity. There was no prey there, nor was there anything to fuck. It, therefore, held little interest to the wolf. Not like the rich scents wafting towards him on the night winds, making his lips drool and cock leak in equal measure. With a howl of triumph, the wolf announced himself to the night, prepared to prey on the city and take what he needed to satiate his needs, both digestive and sexual...


That same night, Alister was walking back to his hotel room, out from an evening at a show he'd paid good money to visit the city for. It had been worth it, save for the fact that it went long into the night past the point that he could easily get back to his hotel via public transit. So, Alister was in for an hour trek, thankful that his walk was bathed in moonlight and there seemed not to be anyone else around.

Even over the noise from his headphones, a piercing howl rang through his ears, almost loud enough for him to take them off. Though, without a follow-up, Alister decided to play it off, thinking that he had heard something else. A chuckle crossed his lips as thoughts of werewolves played through his mind. Maybe he was about to run across a bonafide werewolf? Wouldn't that make for an interesting end to the evening!

Yet, even the sound of heavy footfalls was not enough to pull him out of his stupor in time for what was about to happen. There was no time to move out of the way of the shadow that rapidly approached, no time to turn to see what was descending upon him before it was too late. "Ooohhhpppp!" Alister managed to call out before hitting the ground hard. It was as though he'd been struck by a car, making him smack his body against the pavement. Though he was not knocked unconscious, not yet, he was dizzy, seeing stars and unaware to interpret what had hit him, let alone what was happening now.

Still, part of him was aware of a pungent odor, one that reminded him of an animal. The weight over his body was that of a massive beast, one much larger than he. It was a tower of muscle, and even in his dizzied state, Alister was given the mental image of some sort of canine. But no dog he had ever known could knock him out with such force...

The sensation of something wet and moist hitting his face roused Alister from the brink of unconsciousness. It was like drool was dripping over his face, followed by a thick tongue that lapped the side of his face and down his neck. Alister froze for a bit; even in his daze, he was still aware that danger lurked above him, and he had no ability to fight or flee in his stunned state. He was therefore forced to wait there until whatever it was above him was done with what it would do.

Though at first, Alister thought he was being licked by a dog, the thick musk in the air seemed to indicate it was something else. Alister still froze, unable to look up and afraid for what he might find. Yet, too late, the gleam of fangs in the moonlight was followed by the piercing of something against his flesh. It made him all too aware that he'd made the wrong choice, and that this night was to be his last.

Yet, death did not come. Though he fell into unconsciousness, Alister was vaguely aware that the teeth had been removed, and that a gentle tongue was licking the blood that had spilled until Alister could feel naught but a trickle. Still, there was little he could do as an intense pressure caused him to pass out, only vaguely aware of the sensation of something pulling down his pants and a warm, seeking rod probing his backside before the world went black...