Checked Mate - WriteTober 2022 #2

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Prompt: Strip chess but instead of clothes you take inches from the opponent

Provided by: JustBuckingham ( )

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"Check." Angel declared, unable to keep a grin off of his muzzle.

Nicole glared up at the rabbit before turning to look across the chessboard once more. Her eyes darted back and forth as she worked to figure out what her best move was. It didn't help that even when she couldn't see it she could practically feel that smug grin of his directed down at her like a spotlight. She was already in a tight spot. Early on in the game she had been too hasty and lost several key pieces to stupid moves she hadn't thought through. Some of them had been so obvious that in other friendly games they would have been the kind that you asked your opponent to let you take that back and they would readily agree. Not in this game, though. Even though it was a friendly game between the two of them this one was for keeps.

"Don't keep me waiting too long." Angel teased.

"Shush you, I'm thinking!" Nicole barked back.

After another minute of consideration, she finally made her decision. Walking around to the left side of the board the tan-furred lupine woman stepped over the curb-height edge of the chessboard and walked towards her remaining knight. Squatting down, the barbie doll-sized woman wrapped her arms around the wooden chess piece. With a grunt she strained to pick up the roughly thigh-high piece of carved wood, causing her lean musculature to bulge across her body visibly even at her size. To any normal person the piece may have been nearly weightless but with her being only twelve inches tall its weight was more like a full beer keg for her. With those shuffling half-scooting half-stumbling steps one uses to move something they can barely pick up, Nicole eventually was able to push the piece up against the side of one of Angel's bishops, the one that had her in check.

Fingers nearly as thick as the pieces reached down to casually pluck the bishop away without warning and set it aside, making the wolfess jump and scramble backwards in surprise. Looking up, she again glared at her looming lapine boyfriend. Once he had set the piece aside and mercifully scooted hers fully into its place the chess board's unique property took effect. As she stared up at her towering boyfriend Nicole watched as his body dwindled slightly smaller, sucking in on itself until he was several inches shorter than before. By this point he probably wasn't much more than four feet tall considering the pieces she had taken from him already. However, considering she had lost significantly more, he still utterly towered over her and could have effortlessly picked her up and manhandled her like the doll her current height barely rivaled.

With her no longer in check, Nicole let out a sigh of relief. Before she could turn to walk back off of the board, though, those large fingers swept past her again and plucked up a rook behind her. The abrupt movement moved his hand close enough one of his knuckles bumped into her and sent her stumbling backwards until she caught herself on one of his pawns. When she recovered and turned to glare up at him again she was distracted by watching the rook he had just plucked up sweep across the board where she had just been and casually knock aside the knight she had just saved her king with. The wooden chess piece fell on its side with a heavy THUD to Nicole's perspective that shook the 'floor' of the chessboard beneath her noticeable. Casually plucking the now-defeated knight up, Angel carefully placed it with the rest of the pieces he had taken from her and lined up in a neat row.

Nicole cursed herself for not realizing the stupid mistake she had made. It wasn't exactly easy to keep a clear head when you weren't much taller than your own pieces, not to mention the unexpected difficulty it added to planning out the board when you couldn't easily look down on it. Her frustration at her own error morphed into shock, then disbelief, when her boyfriend's deep - at least to her - voice rumbled overhead the word she dreaded most at the moment.


Eyes wide, Nicole glanced back and forth across the board in a desperate attempt to refute his claim. The board already knew the truth, though, and she already felt herself once again dwindling even smaller. The once thigh-high pieces rapidly rose up until most pieces were roughly chest height, while the taller ones like the rooks were staring her face to face. Scrambling her way through the crowd of suddenly people-sized chess pieces, Nicole dashed off of the chess board so she could protest her loss and demand a rematch. When she turned to point up at her boyfriend her words died in her throat.

Rising to his feet, the massive four foot runt of a rabbit loomed over his lupine girlfriend like a small building. It didn't escape either of their notice that his position in the room blocked a good chunk of the light from the overhead lamp, casting her in a rather ominous shadow shaped like his torso. Slowly, teasingly, Angel ran his hands down his chest and over his stomach before his thumbs came to rest hooked in the waistband of his pants. Nicole gulped as she stood frozen in place, ears flattened nervously against the top of her head. Even as she felt a twinge of fear in her chest she also felt an embarrassing thrill of excitement that she would never have admitted out loud to even if tortured. How else was she supposed to react when she watched her building-sized boyfriend's fingers begin fumbling with the button and zipper of his fly?

"You know the deal." Angel rumbled breathily, much more visibly excited for what their near future together held.

With a heavy thud, Nicole heard what from her perspective would have been dozens if not hundreds of pounds of denim hitting the floor pooled around Angel's ankles. But her attention wasn't on the clothes that he had taken off, but rather the clothes that were still on and hovering roughly at level with the short table they had been playing on. Tail tucking between her legs, Nicole stared up at the outline of a crotch bulge that was impressive even when they were both at their normal size. Now, though? The thing looked to be the size of a small house to her six-inch-tall self.

"One game of size chess-" Angel continued, lips twisting into a very un-rabbit-like predatory grin. "-Winner gets to be on top for the night."