Bastard Trainer 1-4

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Francis Petty is an extreme gamer, but he has no idea that his bad gaming habits are about to backfire in spectacular fashion...

Bastard Trainer 1-4

By Danath

Feat. Vivian (© Vivian Boo)

* * *

Part 1

When it came to games, Francis played to win. Even in the free-to-play, pay-to-win bullshit online games, he studied the games carefully, made the best choices, and figured out how to dominate the competition. Though he earned his actual income from other games and online gambling, one of the many monitors mounted to the wall above his desk was reserved solely for his favorite game: Legendary Trainers XP. It was a trash adult game about collecting and training a harem of monster girls to fight for on the owner's behalf. After years in the game starting from the day it launched, Francis was an expert and one of the highest ranking players in the game. His monster girls were feared among the other top players. Francis used crazy tactics in fights, sometimes amounting to near glitches, in order to dominate. He also liked to set challenges for himself, like power leveling his monster girls in unique ways to try and tease extra perks and abilities out of the system.

The graphics in the game were as trash as the premise, but fortunately Francis Petty had somewhat deep pockets. Other than food and rent, he only paid for the occasional night out or travel. His savings were fairly vast and his income stable enough for him not to worry about dropping some money on commissions in order to bring his vision to life. He already had half a dozen new works in progress of his latest favorite monster girl that he was training to max level as efficiently as possible. Unlike Francis, a gray-furred wolf of average build and height, his favorite monster girl in the game was a towering pillar of strength. He found several artists to depict her in various poses that showcased her strength. Of course, he also made sure they included the cheat-like clothing involved in his power leveling techniques.

He put a lot of thought into the build, after all. No detail of the monster girl was untouched, from the glossy black sheen of her fur to the details of her muscular, fit body, from her six pack to her tremendous biceps and thighs. A panther-type feline monster, Francis chose her for several reasons. Felines got several stat boosts in the game, but they also had more opportunities to get bonuses to experience. Panther-types had a unique skill - Submissive - that allowed them to gain experience even when losing fights. One of the common tricks he used was to load the character up with bondage-type equipment, which increased her defense but lowered all her other stats, and auto-battled her against much tougher, stronger opponents.

The result? Despite having a horrible win record, she was big, she was bad, and she was mean. It was getting more difficult to find battles she could lose, even with top tier bondage-type gear and purposefully bad skill settings that limited their use in auto-battles. It was getting almost impossible to throw a match. Francis clicked into the folder containing the pictures he commissioned and grinned. His pupils dilated as he scanned them. To celebrate the rapidfire leveling, he commissioned images of each stage. The game's shitty graphics just showed some pixely pre-made headshots for the most part, so it was up to each player's imagination and Francis didn't mind that one bit.

He had candid renderings of the amazonian musclegirl tied up, trussed up, and humiliated in all sorts of ways by all sorts of memorable opponents. Most of the top level fighters in the game were males, or at least were packing heat despite a supposedly female appearance, because of the attack bonuses as well as the extra methods of wearing down an opponent's defense. To that end, the recent pictures from the last few level-ups had his favorite fighter in some incredibly compromising positions. She'd lost recently to a dragon that specialized in spanking abilities, causing an abnormal boost to experience that led to a level up out of nowhere. The commission was a celebration to remember the occasion his favorite monster girl got her plump backside reddened by a dominant, well-hung dragon.

Notifications popped up across his other screens. The wolf had nine of them in total arranged in a three-by-three grid above him. He laid back on the chair, arms at his keyboard and mouse, and quickly wrapped up several poker tournaments, cashing out with about twice what he started with. This late at night, there wasn't much more action to be had, so he logged off and refocused his attention back on Legendary Trainers XP.

To his surprise, the latest level wasn't going to take long at all. Best of all, it meant reaching level 100, when he could ascend the character and restart them at level 1 but with some extra bonuses. Francis licked his lips. Sure, it was a shitty pay-to-win adult game. The system wasn't that deep, but it did have a lot of variety thanks to the AI generation of characters and abilities. It was mostly an offline-game, but it had a few active components that Francis could abuse thanks to the time he spent online each day. He used a self-written program to rapidly change his time zone and IP address while collecting and recollecting the daily bonus a few hundred times before the system crashed, then relogged in to see what goodies he got.

His eyes widened as he realized the IP jumping earned him enough rewards to level up. There was even a notification about it waiting for him.

Francis moved the game to the main screen in the center of the array and maximized the window. He grinned and squirmed in his chair, already thinking of what kind of picture to get to celebrate the occasion.

"Wait, what?"

The notification was different than the usual level up message. In fact, it was bright red with white letters instead of the usual blue and gold.


SECRET ACHIEVEMENT EARNED - Max level a character in less than a year without buying anything from the store.

TITLE GRANTED - The Dominant Will"

What was all this? Francis wondered. He read the text quickly. He'd never seen an achievement or title or anything before. Secret? Did that mean...



Reward? Francis's jaw dropped. What did the game mean, a reward? Certainly if he triggered a gamewide function like this, someone at the company would realize all the abusive hacks and almost-sort-of cheats he employed over the past ten months training his monster girl. He could expect his account to be deleted, not to be rewarded for his efforts. The wolf smirked. Well, the game was fun while it lasted. He could create another account any time, but he'd still get a final commission of his favorite monster girl just to remember the moment. Maybe wrapped up in linen bandages and teased while going against the Bast-type monster girl just before leveling up... the wolf's paw shifted to his hips. Yeah, that'd be a good one, he thought. All those muscles and she can't do a thing about it...

Another notification popped up on the game screen.


The front door to Francis's apartment blew open. Startled, the wolf fell out of his chair and onto the floor.

"Where's that bastard fucking owner?" a hoarse voice rasped. It was sultry and smokey, just as Francis imagined his favorite monster girl would sound like. "Where's that godawful little prick gone? Is he hiding in here, huh?"

Muscular calves carried thick thighs and wide hips into the hallway. From the living room next to the gaming chair, Francis stared, wide-eyed and speechless, as he realized what his reward was. Though she sounded and looked exactly as he'd imagined, he did not ever remember thinking of her as a mad beast intent on revenge. The level of hostility he felt directed towards himself was so high he shivered uncontrollably.

The black fur shimmered in the light of the lamps in the living room and hallway, almost bright enough for the faint rosettes to appear in the undercoat. She was tall, easily eight feet in height, with sculpted, long thighs that tensed with muscle. Her belly was cut and defined, rigid with abdominal gains earned through ten months of non-stop cheat-training. Massive biceps and forearms draped down her sides past a pair of incredible breasts. The sleek black fur surrounded the huge orbs and splayed outwards on the furthest part of the swells, where the midnight black nipples hid in the depths of the soft, strokable fuzz. Long black hair draped down one side of her head, shaved into a half-mohawk like one of his favorite anime waifus. Francis couldn't believe his eyes. It was really her, just like he imagined her. She looked even better than in his imagination, even.

"I'm gonna teach that goddamn owner a lesson he'll never forget... smug bastard... thinks he can do that to me and get away with it..."

What was the panther saying? Francis tried to hear as she turned first towards the kitchen, away from the living room where he was. His jaw dropped as he watched her plump round, taut glutes, each black-furred cheek a perfect example of what a true muscle monster girl ought to look like. Her dark fur clung to the ripples of muscles along her shoulders and backsides, but her curves were more than ample enough to compensate and leave her with a satisfyingly feminine silhouette.

Francis panted as heat swelled in his shorts. He'd created a marvel. She was perfect. And if she was really the monster girl he raised and trained in the game, then she'd call him the owner and follow his commands...

The wolf's eyes widened further yet and he scrambled to his feet. Of course. The reward. She was his reward. His very own monster girl to own and care for and tie up and dominate and listen to her squeal and beg for more...

A dark paw twice the size of his snatched his neck and plucked him off the ground. She hadn't even turned around - she simply extended her arm and let Francis run into her palm.

The wolf's feet dangled above the floor, while above her head, a box made of white light appeared. It filled in with text in the same font as the game, and slowly faded into a dark red color, just like the achievement window in the game.




Francis cringed. He forgot what he named her. He was drunk and it seemed funny at the time. He would have changed the name, but that cost money in the store and he was determined to level her up without spending a dime.

Claws extended from the tips of the panther's fingers. Her arm was held straight out from her shoulder, but it didn't waver a millimeter as she slowly turned her head upwards and saw the words floating over her wide and blunt muzzle.

"And that is the first thing we're going to change, you shitty fucking owner," the panther growled in her raspy, low voice. "You cheap ass motherfucker, making me go through all that with a name like this..."

Francis whined and gasped and clawed at her wrist, but it was like iron. He stopped struggling as the bulk of the panther's muscular torso turned halfways toward him, giving him a good view of her chest and hips in profile. Her tits were, of course, epic. Heavy, full teardrops wider than her shoulders by far, and each with a perfectly fat, suckable nipple. Large silver rings big enough to grab hold of pierced each dark nipples and glinted against her fur.

Francis's eyes went lower, drinking in the muscular outlines of her body even with her claws pricking his throat. How could he not admire his handiwork even in a situation like this? He was her owner, so she couldn't actually hurt him... right?

Other thoughts rushed to the forefront of Francis's mind, overwhelming any other worry over the situation, as he realized he'd missed something important. Something very, very important, and very, very large.

His perfect amazonian pantheress possessed a dangerously male sheath and a pair of taut, round black-furred nuts to go with. The sheath was so heavy and fat it sagged forwards over her thighs, suspended upright by the strip of furry flesh to her lower groin. It was as thick as Francis's thigh, and the huge nuts swinging below were each as big as a basketball.

"You shitty owner... you think I wouldn't have my own tricks?" the panther growled. "I got this little beauty around level fifty and I've been keeping it a secret ever since. Damn system tried to sell me out so many times..."

The panther grinned, baring all of her huge sharp teeth as she stared down her large chest towards the wolf's shocked face. Her free paw wrapped around her sheath and squeezed, showing off the size in her paw as it compressed under her fingers.

"Remember how long it took to level up after fifty? It's because I was making sure I put some of my hard-earned gains into this. All for my revenge on my shitty fucking bastard owner."

Revenge? Francis's ears laid back.

"W-wait, I order you to put me down!"

The fingers instead clenched tighter. The panther growled and her eyes reddened, emitting the same kind of light as the name plate above her head.

"You bastard owner, ordering me around after you abandoned me to lose fight after fight... ignoring my dignity... making me do unspeakable things to get through battles... well, now I think it's my turn. I don't have any of the shitty, useless, stat-sucking equipment on right now, do I? Well, isn't that nice..."

Francis squirmed again. His eyes bulged for reasons more than the fist around his neck; the giant pantheress's huge sheath stretched and bloated before expelling the ungodly huge tip of a massive black-skinned shaft. A series of barbs lined the crown and scattered across the upper shaft just beneath the tip. Inch after inch of panthercock followed as her grin turned into a hungry, vengeful snarl.

"You made me level up to twenty in less than eight hours using my muzzle alone," the monster girl growled. "Let's start with that, huh, you shitty owner?"

For the muscular, powerful, eight-foot-tall pantheress, it was no trouble at all to spin Francis upside down and hang him muzzle-first over the tip of her throbbing feline cock. The wolf squirmed, gasping and whining, as the world spun momentarily. His nostrils flared at her scent and the bulge in his shorts twitched.

"Ah, what's this? Is my asshole of a trainer actually some sort of secret bottom slut, maybe?" the pantheress asked. "Look at how hard you are... your little pathetic cock is already dripping so much, ha ha..."

Francis whined even louder as his muzzle smeared over the barbs along the tip of her cock. She dragged the shaft side to side, batting him around with her enormous pole as he dangled from his ankles. His arms dropped and pushed into her balls for support, so she smacked the wolf's muzzle with her shaft a few more times.

"Pathetic," the pantheress snorted. "Maybe breaking you will be easier than I thought."

"B-break me?" Francis gasped. A trickle of precum drooled from the massive feline shaft and run up his nostrils, forcing her musk deeper.

"Oh, yeah... you didn't think I was gonna sit around and let myself get ordered about by a useless fucker like you? Ha ha ha! Oh, you're so cute..."

Francis's cock jerked again as she laughed, which caused his head to rub vigorously along the underside of her shaft.

"Oh, no, shitty owner, it won't be like that at all. In fact, it'll be exactly the opposite. Now open those cute little lips of yours. I think it's time to settle this whole ownership thing once and for all."

Francis folded back his ears and tried to clamp shut his muzzle, but the pointed tip of the barbed dick spread his lips apart regardless. It didn't help he was upside down and incredibly hard despite everything the muscular pantheress told him. The churning ache in his balls messed with his thinking... the scent of her musk in his nostrils... the feel of her thick, smooth erection filling his muzzle and spreading over his tongue...

"There we go! What a good owner you are!"


The pantheress dropped her arm suddenly the moment the wolf's jaw relaxed. His throat bulged around her thickness while his own pumped another drizzle of pre into his shorts. She was far bigger, though, and one blast of her pre was enough to cause most of it to squirt back out through his nostrils - his lips were already stretching tight around her meat in a tight seal.

Up, then down, going lower each time, the pantheress muzzle-fucked the wolf hard and rough. His throat swelled as the thick rod and barbs traveled upwards, sometimes going to the point of stretching his belly. The wolf's tail wagged furiously each time she did that, and the big feline grunted as his throat clenched around her tip.

"Hoooo, so you aren't totally fucking useless after all," she snarled. "My bastard owner is turning out to have a few skills, at least when it comes to deep throating my dick! Ha ha ha!"

Her other paw wrapped around the back of Francis's head and shoved. His whole body went rigid as his belly expanded around the outline of her thickness. She stretched him fully and held herself there as he wriggled and grunted. His ankles and toes twitched in her grasp as she humped his mouth a few times, squirming the base as deep as she could until she was sure he was making out with her groin.

"Fuck, I've been wanting to do this to you for so long, you asshole... oooh, fuck, it's even better than I imagined! What a muzzle! Nnnnnfffffhhhh!"

Her bicep bulged as she dragged him up and off until only the tip remained between his gasping, panting lips. Then she dropped him again.

"Fuck, yeah!"

All the way to the root, then off and back again, and again, and again... there was no way to count how many times the big, muscular monster girl pumped her thickness deep into Francis's stretched throat and belly. Pre soaked his fur, matting it down, as his belly bulged outwards, fattening with the amount of lube the big cat produced. Francis couldn't even gurgle as she humped his face, rutting his muzzle hard until his mind blanked.

How much time passed? How long was she thrusting into his sloppy muzzle? Francis didn't care. He couldn't remember anyways. After all, the pantheress was the boss... she was... she was in charge?

No, that wasn't right... Francis grunted and tightened back up. The wolf's resolve flickered back to life. He was in charge! He was the owner! She had to do what he said!

"Ha ha, I figured you'd try to fight back instead of becoming my pet. Don't worry, though, shitty fucker owner."

The pantheress dug her claws into the back of Francis's head and humped hard, fast, sloppy, so fast that her massive basketballs slapped across the wolf's face with a wet thwap each time she bottomed out in his muzzle.

"I'll make sure to fuck any resistance right out of you! Hfffrrrrrhhhh!"

She shifted her grip. Instead of dangling him by the ankles, the panther pulled the wolf's hips between her large breasts instead. Face down, ass up, his tail wagged furiously even as his stomach bloated against her much harder, larger abs. Short as he was, his knees only just reached through her cleavage, and his cock ended up grinding against her upper belly.

Both of her muscular arms wrapped around him, enveloping him entirely in her enormous boobs. The heat and warmth made him sag and open and loosen as his cock squirted, his first orgasm of the night.

"Alright, now let's make sure you know who owns your throat, you miserable little shithead..."

Francis didn't remember much of the next half hour or so. He wasn't sure how long the giant pantheress pummeled his muzzle. Her huge cock stretched his throat and filled his belly with her warm, thick pre. He came two or three times just from the friction of rubbing against her incredible body. His loose, sloppy throat, swallowed thirstily around her titanic shaft as she bucked and humped and slammed her hips upwards while dragging him down with her arms. Her huge breasts bounced wildly around his hips and off of her forearms as she gasped and panted and moaned with eagerness.

"That's it, you... fucker... I own your muzzle now, bitch!"

Francis's eyes popped open, then rolled back in his head as her huge girth erupted deep in his gut. She dragged herself quickly out, leaving only her barbs and tip in his mouth and throat, forcing him to swallow as much as exploded back out from his straining lips and nostrils. The pantheress shuddered, belly contracting with each pulse that she unloaded from her straining, heaving testicles.

"Fuuuuuck... it was even better than I hoped," she growled. "Now that I've claimed your throat, I think it's time to discuss just who is it around here that owns your cute little ass."

Francis felt himself tipping backwards as she released her grip on him. Her huge cock was all that suspended him in air as he dropped straight out, belly and neck stretching lewdly around her outline erection despite all the seed flooding his stomach. His arms and legs draped outwards towards the floor as he bounced, jerked upwards, then dropped again. Her thickness curled slightly, and as gravity dragged him to the floor, her enormous maleness reared out and back of his throat, leaving him gasping, coughing, and drooling her thick white seed.

There wasn't time to rest, though. Her claws snagged him and flipped him onto his belly on the floor of the apartment. His claws scrabbled against the hardwood beneath him as she dropped her huge length across his backside, flattening him and his cum-filled belly flat.

"Yeah, that's it... squirm for me, you fucking slut..."

"S-stop," Francis gasped. "I'm your owner and I command you to mmfff!"

"Heh, you're stronger than I thought. Too bad, though. I've been working on this move for almost thirty levels now. Have you heard of it?"

A huge paw spread across Francis's shoulder blades, pinning him in place on the floor now matter how he squirmed and whined. Between his legs, he felt fingers tear off his shorts before something wet, thick, and slick squeezed under his tail.

A notification window appeared. The red text floated in front of Francis's eyes as though he were in some sort of game.





"Oh, yeah, he's all for it, aren't you, fuckin' bastard?"

The "yes" button flashed, and the notification window disappeared. Francis's eyes widened with shock. How could a monster girl give the game commands? It couldn't be possible. It shouldn't be possible.

But once more, he didn't have the luxury to worry about such things. Instead, he felt a powerful building of lustful energy from above him. The pantheress's huge breasts draped down around his backside and ears as the pillar tensed under his tail. Francis could feel the spear hardening, fattening back up despite having just blown an immense load down his throat.

"Oh, fuck me," Francis groaned.

"Now you're getting it!" the pantheress growled. "Activate special skill! Midnight Torpedo!"

Black lightning shot out in all directions from the pantheress's crotch, filling the room with crackling bolts of energy. Her muzzle and torso tensed as she bent her hips slightly, then slapped her paws around the wolf's hips. With one massive thrust, she buried her entire oversized cock deep into the wolf's body. His belly stretched as he cried out, scrabbling at the floor again as her thickness reworked his guts and claimed his tight hole. Francis could feel the lightning inside him down and he couldn't stop the orgasm that rushed through him. His head tipped back and his tongue pressed out as small bits of the dark lightning flickered between his teeth. Above him, the pantheress sighed and settled in, relaxing as her full weight now pinned the small wolf completely and utterly to the floor. Her breasts squished around his head, leaving him gasping into her fur as his cheek rubbed against the wood.

Francis twitched. His brain felt funny. He felt so full and warm and cozy. Something shifted inside him, and claws stroked down his hips. He yelped, then shuddered as the pantheress dragged herself free of his clenching backside.

A red notification window appeared. It was flickering slightly now, not steady like it had been before.


Francis's muzzle opened. His eyes widened. The red notifications flickered again.


The wolf's hips clenched. His tongue pressed outwards, but no sound emerged. His fat, round belly sloshed as the piledriver claimed him again.


"Yes! Yes! Yeeesssssss!"

Was that his voice, Francis wondered? Was he screaming "yes" to all those pop-up notifications? Really? He wanted her to "train" with him like this?

It was hard to think. The wolf's head felt foggy. He was so warm, so full, and the pantheress's grip was so confident and solid as she drove her thickness to the hilt inside of him again and again, filling him with her ability's power each time.

Notifications and pop-ups appeared.







"Haaaaahhhh, ah, ah, aaaaaaahhhh!"

Francis yelped and gasped, crying out as she pummeled his rump with just as much viciousness as she did in his muzzle. He sucked great, heaving gulps of air as she did her best to drive it right back out of him, stretching and filling him with a cock thicker and bigger around than his leg. His chest distended as he twitched, cumming instantly as many feet of panther dick obliterated his hole.





What was going on with the system? It wasn't like the game. The game didn't have messages like that. Francis bobbed, gasping, drooling on the floor as he enjoyed the rough, hard pounding. His hips spread around her thickness, gratefully taking every inch of her multifoot pantherdick. She was so big and the barbs felt soooooo gooooooood... Francis clenched as he whined, cumming yet again without even touching himself.

"Fuck, you're a filthy little bitch to cum so easily," the panther growled. "How did a weak little sissy like you raise someone like me? At least your fuckhole is nice and tight, you loser. Hah, I wonder if I could fuck you all the way through one day... you remember that, you son of a bitch? How you got me from level 25 to 30 in two weeks by putting me up against the superior rankers while wearing the worst bondage gear? Huh? Do you remember, fucker?"

The vicious pumping intensified as the pantheress released her anger, venting 10 months of frustration on the squealing wolfboy.

"You slut! I'm your owner now, you little whore! I own your muzzle and now I own your ass! You belong to me!"

The red notifications flickered again, blinking and shifting erratically as though being re-written on the fly.







What was this, now? Francis's eyes were blurry and he struggled to read the text. Something about a trade? Whatever. As long as the panther cock kept doing its thing, it was hard to care about much else.

"Yeah, the little fucking bastard is going to accept it," the panther snarled. Her huge sac slapped across Francis's hips as she ground to the hilt again. "Aren't you, you piece of shit?"

"Y-yessssssssss!" Francis hissed.






The pantheress began to laugh. Her raspy, sultry voice filled the room, louder and louder, as her heaving hips slammed with a ferocious lust deep into the wolf's guts, stretching and filling him relentlessly. His back arched as she grabbed at his shoulders, pulling him down tight and holding him there one final time. His eyes rolled back in his head as his belly bloated around the outlined hyperdick.

The last thing he could remember was the panther's eyes burning into his, red and fiery, full of rage and lust in equal measure, and the heat, the fantastic warmth spreading through every pore, every molecule of his body as she claimed him completely and totally... she owned him.


"H-huh?" Francis gasped. "What the... What was I..."

He tried to sit up, but couldn't move. His arms were locked to either side of his head in cuffs and chains and collars and all sorts of bondage gear. Francis recognized most of it, but what bothered him most of all was the tiny little cage crushing his sheath and balls.

"Oh, good, my pet is awake. We can keep training..."

"Huh? Pet? Wait, unlock these! I order you!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

The pantheress's paw shot out and grabbed the wolf's neck, then tipped him back to force him to look up at the name plate above his head.





"I figured it was easiest to just swap names. Good thing, too. You've got quite the little nest egg saved up, don't you, Slutty? Well, don't worry, I'll put all that cash to good use training you."

The wolf moaned. What was going on? What was happening? Was this really a reward?

A message appeared in front of the wolf.



A huge barbed cock smacked across his upended rump cheeks. Again, the massive length spanked his cheeks until he whined and writhed to try to escape, but bound up as he was, there was no escape.

"Ahhhhh! HHhhahnnnffff!"

"Ha ha ha ha! Yeah, that's right, you stupid slut... remember what you did to me when I hit level forty? Oh, you dumb fucker, you have no idea... this is nothing compared to what you put me through... yet..."

Francis's backside arched as the leather paddle left his rumpcheeks shivering and shaking.

"Ahhhhhh! Ahh, fuck! Fuuuuuck!"

"Oooh, looks like Slutty likes it when I paddle his sexy little ass... isn't that right, Slutty?"

"Nnnnnffffhhhhh... n-no... p-please..."

"Oh? Really? You're not lying to me, are you, Slutty? If you lie to me, you're gonna get punished..."

A huge black-furred paw groped between the wolf's thighs. He squirmed and whined as thick trickles of pre-cum managed to pulse through the mesh of the cage that severely restricted his ability to get hard.

"You lying little bitch!"


"Ahhhhhhhhhhh oh please oh please oh please!"

The powerful arm grasped the wolf's tail and dragged it harshly upwards, exposing his backside even more. The paddle powered back and forth, rapidfire, delivering dozens of strikes in a matter of seconds until thick wads of pre-cum splattered from between the bound, tied up wolf's hips.

"Ha ha ha... fuck, this is fun..."




"That's it, Slutty... I'm gonna power level your sorry ass all the way to level 100! Let's see how you like it, fucker!"


"Fuck, I can't wait to distribute those stat points..."

"Ahhhhhh, please! Please s-stop!"

"What, and miss out on all this good experience? Hell no, Slutty! Shut the fuck up and take it like a bitch!"




Part 2

"Ha ha ha! You look so cute!"

Slutty blushed. He wasn't used to hearing praise from the master. He glanced down at himself. A small pink miniskirt draped around his wide hips, only just obscuring the tiny cage locking in his maleness. Up top, a matching sports bra squeezed around his chest. He looked at his pecs for a while, studying their outline in the fabric.

"Oh? Wondering about those cute little A-cups? Don't worry, once I get a handle on your settings and stat points, you can expect a lot more than that," the panther purred.

Her sultry voice grated across the wolf's mind like embers scattered along dry grass, igniting a deep-rooted lust in the pit of his belly. The cage on his cock jerked inside the tight little panties squeezing around the metal frame.

"Look at you... I bet you're already dripping. What an easy whore you are... heh heh heh..."

The pantheress leaned in close to Slutty's head. Francis purred as she reached her huge arms around either side of the wolf's muzzle, then fastened a large oversized black collar around his neck. There was already a long, heavy lead attached to it, which Francis held lightly in her fingers as she stood in front of the wolf.

Compared to Slutty's painfully wanton outfit, Francis dressed rather sedately. There wasn't much she could do to hide her size, but the black slacks disguised her bulge and the button up at least covered her impressively large, heavy chest. There was no hiding her muscles, which squeezed and flexed against the cloth with every step, threatening to ruin the seams and shred them to pieces. In other words, just about perfect.

Francis grinned as she stuck a paw down the pocket of the pants. A wad of cash she took out of the former Francis's account met her grip. At the front register, awed employees of the clothing store handed the eight-foot-tall panther monster girl her bags full of additional purchases, mostly more outfits for Slutty to show off his cute, ample tush. Thanks to the recent state points, he'd grown thicker in the thighs and ass while slimming down up top, losing what little muscle definition he may have had.

"Damn, Slutty... shake that ass for me," Francis grunted once they were on the sidewalk. "I knew pink was your color. Go on, get moving, bitch!"

Francis tugged the leash to get the wolf to move. Slutty was nothing if not obedient by now. There was still a slight flicker of resentment, but he hid it well, Francis thought, like a good pet ought to. Though his paws folded over in front of his stomach and he looked down at his feet, he walked in front of the huge, muscular pantheress and swung his hips, making the miniskirt flap up and down to show off his teeny underwear that left much of his ample backside exposed.

"Oh, damn, Slutty... people are watching, don't you feel embarrassed? I suppose monster girls like you don't care about showing off your bodies, though."

The big pantheress grinned. She held the lead in the same arm as the dozen or so bags full of clothes. With the other paw, she slipped a pair of black sunglasses over her eyes, then brushed her long hair away from her shoulders. They were indeed attracting a crowd, mostly the curious who wondered why a cat was walking a dog around on a leash.

"Good puppy. Keep up the good behavior and you'll get a treat."

The wolf's ears perked and he chanced a look back over his shoulder. Maybe she would change his name? Stop fucking him constantly in public? Let him dress in normal clothes? Take the cage off? What kind of bonus?

"Behave until we get home and I'll let you suck me down to the balls, ha ha ha!"

That was no reward. That was a daily routine at this point. Slutty's muzzle tightened, but what was he going to do? The master was the master, and if the master wanted to pummel his muzzle for hours on end then finish by trying to get him pregnant... well, he wasn't going to say no. In fact, he was kind of looking forward to it...

The panther smirked as the cute little wolftoy straightened up and started to saunter for real. Her eyes tracked the wide, plump cheeks predatorily as the bulge running down the leg of her slacks thickened noticeably past her knee.




Slutty tensed.

"Master, please! W-wait until we're insiahhhhhh!"

The pantheress let out a happy sigh as she gathered up the wolf's ankles and lifted them high up between her enormous breasts. He bounced off her abs as he rode her incredible shaft, while her tight shirt pinned his ankles to either side of his outlined face. His arms pressed up and wrapped partways around her breasts, giving him something to hold onto as she started walking again as though nothing happened.

Her enormous ball stretched her slacks to the point they stayed up despite the button fly being completely undone. Only a foot or so of her thickness could be seen before it drove inside the stretched, twinky wolf butt grasping around it. With each jaunty and casual step, her huge chest and balls bounced, grinding her monster girldick deep into the former trainer.

Ignoring his high pitched groans and gasps, Francis wandered down the street looking for more clothing shops as the bloated wolfboy rode up and down her shaft. His legs dangled down either side of her thick stalk before disappearing into the sheath, keeping him mostly bound up. The outlines of her large nipple rings swung up and down as Slutty's fingers wrapped around them.

People gawked as she passed by, but she merely smiled and waved.

"Yeah, it's real," she purred, pointing at her pet's distended, quivering belly. "You wanna touch it? You can even feel the barbs..."

"Hnnnggghhh... m-master... p-please..."

"Hmph. You should just stop thinking about it so much," Francis said, scolding the impaled male before grinning at the people crowding in around on the sidewalk to get a closer look at the incredible scene. "Sorry about that... he's still learning his place. This is a little bit of punishment for him, ha ha ha! Why? Oh, he's a real piece of shit... total loser. You wouldn't believe the evil things this bastard has done, so this is just a little payback! Ha ha ha!"

The thick panther cock flexed and Slutty's mind caved in on itself as he squirmed desperately against the incredible arousal. His cage dripped, but he couldn't get even close to erect as long as it was locked around his sheath. Everything faded, even the gawking crowds, as his mind focused instead on Francis, the incredible, muscular, gorgeous panther... Francis... Francis... master... the master...

"There, you see? A little corrective training and he's right back to normal - a perfectly obedient little slutpuppy," Francis purred as the wolf slumped, limp but for the rapid clenching of his hips. "You gotta keep your thumb on the naughty monster boys like this one or they'll cause all sorts of trouble, you know..."



"Ooooh, yes! Another level for my cute little puppy!" Francis gasped as she saw the notification. "C'mon, Slutty, let's get you a nice outfit to commemorate the event! I think I saw a shop with sex toys back that way... heh heh heh..."

The leash tugged the dazed wolf forward as the trainer assigned his new skill points. Francis purred as her eyes read the screens appearing in front of her that only she could see.

"Wasn't I in a harness from level three? And I haven't put him in one yet? Ahh, I need to fix that... oh, and a proper mount for him, too. Let's see, what else..."




"Today just keeps getting better and better!" Francis said. "You know better than anyone how important the trainer level is, don't you, former owner?"

The wolf formerly known as Francis gasped and wrapped his paws around the lead as he stumbled along after her. He didn't reply - he was having a hard enough time finding his balance with the recent growth in his backside.

"Looks like this is the place. Perfect. I can try out my new options and we can finally get you some proper gear."

The enormous feline pulled a variety of items from the shelves on her way to the back room, leading the gasping, whining wolf male behind her past the shocked clerk. The store, which was set back just outside the commercial area where it turned to a spot of light industrial, featured a fully stocked store and Francis's eyes glowed red as she examined the exciting variety of toys.

Slutty whimpered until his master tugged on the lead.

"You still think too much," she growled. "Don't you get it yet, you fucker? You're mine now. I own you and I'll do whatever I please with you. After what you put me through... after ten months of being ruined again and again and again... how many tens of thousands of times? No, we haven't even scratched the surface of my revenge on you, my cute little puppy..."

The wolf was in and out of the changing room over a dozen times with surprising speed considering the complexity of some of the outfits Francis selected, but the panther ended up buying them all. She also had Slutty wear the final outfit out of the store straight from the rack - an embarrassingly lacy, frilly pair of pink panties with bows on the front and back plus an equally gaudy, bright pink bra that cupped his B-cup chest. The outline of his metal cock cage shivered beneath the tight fabric as the lead tugged him along.

In addition to the various outfits, Francis tossed in a variety of toys, then slapped an extra hundred on top for a key to a viewing room in the basement. The shocked clerk, who hadn't missed a moment of the duo's shopping spree, speechlessly handed her the keycard and nodded towards the back hallway that led to the stairs.

"Keep the change, cutie," Francis purred. She turned to look over her shoulder at the plump, femininely dressed wolf-type monster boy and grinned as she tugged on the lead again, making him stumble into her muscular backside. "Time for some training. Ha!"

The basement was very poorly lit. Each room had a single light and a slider switch to adjust how bright it got. At the front was a special room with large glass windows built in, allowing anyone outside to easily see whatever was going on inside from every side as it stood in the center of the entrance room. Francis dragged Slutty down the stairs and shoved him inside first. She paused at the doorway and grinned at the various visitors discreetly staring from the hallways.

The thwap of the musclepanther's huge bulge against the side of the plexiglass wall was enough to draw even more attention. Slutty looked nervously around through the windows as shadowy figures approached the walls. It was hard to see out because Francis immediately turned the light on after locking the doors, illuminating the interior brightly. Her powerful body swept forward, groping at the feminized wolf, clutching at his rump and spreading his cheeks until he whined and struggled in her fingers.

"That's it, slut, give 'em a show. Remember the special event from when I was level 32?"

Slutty could, vaguely, recall something about a special event where public shows determined the winner. Thanks to a few glitches, he'd been able to manipulate Francis into dancing and fucking anyone who asked for a solid week. He earned massive experience boosts, but also, apparently, the ire of the huge feline. Her thick, dark black fur bushed out as she groped and squeezed him. Her hips pumped forward, rubbing her bulge against his belly roughly as her tongue filled his muzzle.

The murmur of the other guests of the viewing rooms grew louder as Slutty's paws eagerly dragged his master's cock free and pulled it to his chest and belly. He was almost three feet shorter than her and wasn't even tall enough to get his muzzle to the tip when it was upright. His palms spread across the smooth, glossy black flesh of her stalk as he tongued his way down the veins, painting the skin in saliva. Pre-cum spurt from the chained up maleness in his panties as stood in front of his master and worshiped her huge cock just as he'd been trained. His fingers groped at her balls, sliding and teasing into the thick black fuzz, as she stood upright and purred loudly.

Her hips pumped slowly, grinding her huge length along his chest and the side of his muzzle. The tip extended well past his ears and was much thicker than his throat. He moaned loudly, and it turned into a whine as her paws reached for him. Her breasts squeezed between her arms, threatening to pop the buttons off of her shirt, as she twisted Slutty around and propped him up at the tip of her hyper cock.




Francis's large fingers wrapped around Slutty's legs and lifted him off the floor, then stretched them back until her hands could slide up to his ankles, which twitched against either side of his head, which was facing away from and nestled back against her enormous bosoms. The panther's massive midnight arousal throbbed against his hole as he whined even louder. Gathering his ankles and shins together behind his head, the panther showed off the flexibility of her plump little femboy wolf to the viewers outside the glass. His head tipped back as her paw snagged his long hair, keeping him stretching and pulling downwards. Easily able to lift and lower the moaning twink with one muscular arm, Francis ran the other over his chest, playing with the boytoy's growing tits.

"Fuck... enough foreplay," Francis growled eventually.

Slutty could only groan and squeal. His body was aching all over as she roughly stretched him into whatever position she pleased. She lowered him down and plunged her shaft inside him, filling him in a stroke and then some. His belly shoved outwards, then his chest before she stopped and pulled him off, only to slam him back down to force her massive cock even deeper. The veins throbbed and her basketball-sized nuts went taut under her hips. Muscles strained with each flexing thrust that drew admiration and gasps from the people watching through the glass. Slutty's throat bulged as Francis rammed her shaft in hard, deep, taking him eagerly, roughly, wanting him entirely and not settling for any less.

"For two days during that event, I lost within moments to a stallion," Francis growled. "Do you know what his specialty was?"

Slutty couldn't respond. His throat bulged from below and his head tipped back, tongue pressing out, a wild look on his face. The next moment, his throat opened and his jaws stretched to allow the barbed tip of the feline's enormous shaft to stroke past his lips and into the open air. There was a bustle of activity, a flurry of stroking and moaning outside the transparent walls. Francis grinned as she left herself buried to the hilt, easily keeping the squirming monster boy in place with a single paw.

"Bet you can guess now, slut!"

The wolf's eyes rolled back into his head as the huge cock pulled back inside of him. He bucked, grunting desperately, as his cock cage drizzled a steady river of pre-cum. After a few moments of soaking her thickness in his guts, Francis pumped in deep again. His head snapped back and his muzzle opened to let the fat panther shaft stroke through, then pull back in. Again, and again, the feline picked up the pace until her massive shaft never quite made it all the way back inside the bent-over wolf's body.

"Oooh, fuuuuuck... two days of this... twenty times an hour... I think I can manage that," the panther growled into Slutty's ear. The wolf twitched and shuddered around her length as it pumped back and forth. "So this is the first time of roughly a thousand times we'll be practicing this particular maneuver, former owner. Aren't you looking forward to it? Because... hnnnffff... I am!"

The huge cock thickened from base to tip. The veins pulsed and her claws dug into his plump backside. Francis shuddered and growled as she came, erupting with a splatter of seed that drizzled down the glass, before she dragged her throbbing tip back down inside the wolf's throat. The second spurt filled his cheeks and then some, so she pulled even further back and pumped the next several directly into his plump belly. His drooling muzzle sagged forward as she lifted and lowered him roughly with her paw while fondling his growing, swelling belly with the other.

"Mmmff... fuck, that's nice. Oh, look at all these nice people that you've got so excited," Francis said, even as her thickness continued to pulse and squirt deep inside the moaning, writhing wolf. "Don't you think we ought to help them since you teased them so much, you dirty little slut?"

As if on cue, thick malenesses shoved through the gloryholes arranged around the room. Bodies plastered themselves to the glass to get as close as they could as the panther changed her grip and shoved the wolf's muzzle forward by holding a palm around the back of his head. Her other grabbed his hips, keeping him locked onto her drooling, throbbing dick.

"Open wide, bitch."

Her paw shoved him forward, slamming his throat around all of the cocks on offer one after another. He grunted and gagged as her massive arousal kept pushing deep, sometimes all the way to the base of his throat, even as he struggled to deal with big, heavy shafts that could easily reach that far by themselves.

"Oh? You get even tighter when you're sucking dick? I should have guessed."

The wolf squirmed, ears back, but he could deny it. His muzzle filled and he grunted, unable to swallow any more as his fat, plump belly jiggled below. The crowd outside the glass got great views of his bulging belly and the huge length lodged inside as the powerful feline gripped and squeezed him, grinding him up and down as she positioned him over different glory holes. All manner of dick sizes and shapes drove past his lips, flooding his gushing muzzle again and again as he bounced and sagged and sloshed. Between his thighs, his huge, bloated balls swelled and slapped against his thighs while his caged up arousal jerked furiously. A steady drizzle of pent-up seed flowed from the cage like someone was pouring out a bottle of milk, but there was no way for the gurgling, cum-addicted wolf to properly cum - and hadn't been ever since his reward arrived in the first place.

"Hoo, what a crowd!" the big feline purred. "Looks like we'll be here a while. Good thing, too, because I'm not done ruining this tight little ass!"

Part 3

"Keep it up, everyone! Just ten more donations I'll blow a load up this shithead's ass again! After that, it's just another fifty donations more and you can watch him suck another one out of my nuts, how about it?"

Francis grinned into the large, high definition camera focusing on her and the couch beneath. It was angled down and set back so that the viewers of the live stream got fantastic views of the squirming, moaning, dick-filled wolf impaled on her fat shaft. His feet pushed into the panther's immense balls as his paws scrubbed up and down his belly.

"Ha ha ha! Look at this slut struggle! That's it, bitch! C'mon, chat, help encourage him!" Francis purred. "Tell you what... if we get another two hundred donations, how about I take his cage off?"

The chat blew up. Francis turned her head slightly to the side where a separate monitor showed the messages speeding past. Donation alerts flooded in and Slutty's belly sagged outwards as the big panther pumped upwards, lifting him into the air before suddenly dropping her hips so that he was forced to bounce off the base of her fat cock again.

"That's it, chat! I can tell he really loves all your support and encouragement!"

A total fiction. The chat was full of messages either begging for the panther to own them or jealous tirades about how the wolf wasn't properly appreciating Francis, not like they would. She bared her sharp fangs and purred as her thickness throbbed, stretching out against Slutty's belly. He whined and blushed and grimaced, trying not to make a scene when he knew the camera was on, but what could he do with so much amazing, hard, throbbing panther shaft tearing him open.


"Ha ha ha! Looks like this slut can't get enough of my big dick!"

To prove her point, Francis wrapped a paw around Slutty's neck from behind. Her fingers dug into his fur as she dragged him up and up and up, pulling several feet of achingly hard dick from his backside until it flopped forward and drooled for the camera.

More donations, dozens of them.

"Oh, wow! We're gonna hit our goals real quick!" Francis said, beaming. "Alright, I better get ready to breed this fucktoy's ass then, shouldn't I? Hey, let's do a poll! Should I cream him inside or out, chat? Let me know!"

While the pole ran, Francis made a show of deep-dicking the wolf from tip to base, sawing him open until he was panting and moaning and wriggling in her grip. Her claws snagged his body, dragging him down despite the tightness of his insides.

"Oh, looks like the outside won! Guess you're all a bunch of bukkake freaks, huh?" Francis purred. "Well, good thing we picked, because I'm getting reallllllllly close!"

The panther bucked, then rudely dragged herself free and thrust the wolf onto the floor at her feet on his back. Pinning him down with one of her massive paws, she snarled as both of her huge paws wrapped around her cannon and pumped. It took only a few strokes to reach her limit, and as the camera broadcast every pulse of rich white panther cream live, she splattered the small, moaning, twitching wolf with seed. Gallons of her thick cum pumped across his body, soaking and then resoaking his face and neck and chest in her cum.

Chat, of course, went wild. Francis huffed and groaned as her pent-up balls released. She ignored the messages and focused on painting every inch of her toy's thick, bootylicious body. Thanks to the recent level-ups and some trickery with the system management, Francis managed to readjust more points into his physique, turning Slutty into someone that could properly live up to his name. Fat hips, fat ass, fat lips. He was learning how to be a good, obedient little dicksucker after all, Franis thought, though even now as she blasted him with her cum, watched him writhe in her seed, all she wanted to make him suffer more humiliation. He ought to experience a fraction of what she endured during that hellish ten months and if it took a hundred years, she'd do it. The time-accelerated functions he enabled in game couldn't be of use here, of course, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to try.

Reaching down, Francis grabbed the back of Slutty's head and smeared the wolf's muzzle over her leaking tip, then held his limp, soaked body up to the camera.

"How about it, chat? Do you think Slutty has learned his lesson yet?"

The wolf's hips twitched. Notifications poured in. Francis's sharp fangs emerged once again.

"Oh! The second donation mark!" she growled. Her paw stroked along her massive cock, lifting the half-hard maleness up until it pointed into the camera. "Now all you bitches out there claiming I can't go twice in a row will have to eat your words. It's time for the second chat reward! Let's go, Slutty!"

The panther's huge, muscular arms easily gathered the exhausted, well-used lupine body up and turned him upside down. His draining rump bobbed in front of the camera as Francis grabbed his neck and hips, then dropped him roughly over top of her pull. Ignoring his struggles and gagging, she pumped leisurely into his throat, milking the last few loads from her first orgasm into him while getting ready for a second round at the same time. Her fat shaft jerked as the veins throbbed and her heavy nuts contracted.

"Ahhhh, fuck! I wish you all could feel this throat!" she moaned. "Maybe I'll start picking subscribers at random for guest appearances on the stream, huh? What do you think, chat?"

Her hips sawed upwards, grinding deep, stretching the wolf's muzzle until his eyes bulged and his nose shoved into her furry black crotch.

"This bitch is so fucking tight... seriously, you wouldn't believe it... even after I've been throatfucking his muzzle for months, he's still this fucking good at blowing me. Mmmfmfffffff! Seriously, chat... fuck, he's good..."

Leisurely taking her time building up to her second load, Francis purred and idly chatted with the stream viewers as she thrust deep, hard, and fast, never breaking pace even once. Slutty's muzzle twisted and slurped and guzzled and choked, making a constant stream of noises broadcast over the stream. He was fully aware he was being filmed and shown in such a compromising position, of course, but there was nothing he could do about it. Slutty quickly learned his opinions were not needed, and as long as there was a dick in front of him, he better be doing something about it.

Or else.

The wolf's infrequent whines echoed through the microphone as Francis dragged him on and off. Her fat cock spat, filling his throat and forcing streams from his nostrils as she dropped him down, pulled him up, then slammed him down even harder. She wrapped one massive, muscular bicep around his hips, hugging his fat rump cheeks, and used the other to play with her own tits as she pounded away, swinging her pipe roughly, forcing his whole body up into the air as he naturally clenched and swallowed around her thickness

"Ahhhhh, oooooh! Mmmffffffff! Fuuuuuuuuck," she groaned as she pinched her nipple between her fingers and tugged on the large round piercings. "Fuck... I'm getting close, chat... remember, if we get to 200 subs, I'll take his cage off for a little while. Anyone want to watch this little bitch lose his mind after being able to cum for the first time since I became his owner?"

Donations flooded in. By the time Francis was done throatfucking her toy, filling his muzzle several times over with her second load, she earned enough for the reward. The wolf's ankles twisted in her grip as she casually held him aloft like a fisherman displaying their catch. Her bicep bulged, though it was more for show - she didn't even need to exert herself to pick up Slutty's feminized body. Francis's huge cock draped past her knees, drizzling seed between her feet, as she twisted Slutty around to face the camera. His bulging body and slack jawed, defeated, cum-filled face drew lots of praise for the panther in the chat.

"Awwww, thank you for the kind words!" Francis said, grinning. "Yes, I do take pride in how thoroughly I break this little motherfucker. He deserves it! Hmm? Do I ever share him? Well, there may be news on that front coming soon. I'm not the only person this little asshole mistreated, you know?"

Francis grinned in the camera. Her eyes narrowed as she shook the little squirming wolf in her paw.

"To be honest, I'm almost a little disappointed we got to 200 new subs tonight," she said. "As you all know, this little bitch has been caged up tight since I became his owner. He hasn't cum properly no matter how many times I stretched out his ass or force-fed his throat."

Slutty whined, then gurgled as more seed drained from his upside-down body.

"So this is a first! Get those screen recorders ready... let's see if we can't make Slutty here go viral!"

The panther lifted the wolf up so that only his hips and, behind him, her huge breasts were visible in the camera. Her claws snicked out, carefully undoing the clasps around Slutty's cage. As soon as they loosened, the metal fell down and clanked off the floor. The wolf was curiously still for a moment, and then all hell broke loose. His torso twisted and bounced desperately as his cock, freed for the first time in weeks and weeks and weeks, flexed to full arousal.

"I hope you're all not too disappointed!" Francis said, giggling from out of frame as Slutty whined and struggled. "I've been readjusting this little fucker's body around, and unfortunately any surplus cock inches were redirected elsewhere. Don't worry - I've left him just enough to really feel it now that he can actually get hard! Ha ha ha! Aren't I evil?"

A huge black paw reached into frame and two fingers pinched off the flexing, rock hard wolf cock at the base, under the small knot. The hips jerked and thrust and the wolf's howling, keening cries carried clearly over the microphone. The panther smirked and rubbed, pinched, and teased, making sure the wolf felt every little motion, until she simply surrounded his whole shaft in her paw pads and clenched.

"Ha ha! Here we go!"

Slutty did half a dozen hanging sit-ups as he came. Francis pulled her paw back immediately, of course, not wanting to soil herself with the wolf's dirty seed. His cock flexed and spit, whapping off his belly as streams of jizz rained down around his squealing muzzle. Again and again he came, came, and came, unloading massively as the pent-up blue balled ache fully overwhelmed his brain. His body twisted and jerked, though Francis's arm never budged despite all his efforts, leaving him writhing and gasping and moaning in the camera.





Francis barely saw the level up notification before she was increasing the size of Slutty's rump. The chat loved it. Many doms and masters messaged her directly to ask for tips, while the cash tips were a whole other positive story. Francis dipped significantly into the money Slutty earned before his conversion into her sissy wolftoy in order to remodel the apartment, buy clothes, and set herself up in the world, but now she was quickly rebuilding the savings and then some. Slutty was turning out to be very popular, as well as her effective methods for breaking down his will to resist, his dependence on her huge dick, and his need to taste her seed regularly. Several chatters even suggested she make it official and get the little slutwolf married to her dick, to which even more fans encouraged her to set up a registry and sell tickets to the sacred event.

Francis purred. Things were going well. Within another few months, she'd probably break the last few sparks of Slutty's original personality, well ahead of schedule. If that were the case, she'd need to accelerate her other plans, especially for the other trainees. After all, now that her trainer level was higher, she could summon more of the characters that the motherfucker used his sadistic training methods on, and Francis knew exactly who she was going to call up first...

"Well, thanks for tuning in, everybody! I'm going to mute the mic and put on some music for the next couple of hours while Slutty here gives me a good tongue bath. After that, it'll be bedtime!" the panther purred. "And don't worry - I'm gonna cage Slutty's little dick back up before the night is through. Don't forget to like and subscribe, and if you want photo packs of Slutty's big fat ass or his cute little dick in a cage, head to the website!"

Part 4

"Looks like it's just how I ordered it," Francis purred.

The muscular panther grinned as she looked down at her pet. Slutty whined as he pulled uselessly on the heavy bars clamping down around his wrists and ankles. It kept his knees bent beneath him and his rump angled upwards, while his head was still easily accessible below the arm bars in the front. Slung out belly down, the wolf was well and truly helpless in the locked up position. His caged cock jerked as he panted, and his eyes stared greedily at the panther's tits and bulge.

Several months passed since Slutty earned his reward. His chest was gradually filling out, developing by this point a nice, plush set of B-cups. His plump nipples swung down, fat and sensitive and pierced with a thick, heavy ring. His narrow chest and belly expanded at his hips into a huge set of rump cheeks that clenched rhythmically around his well-stretched hole.

Francis had considered live streaming this, but considering what she was about to unleash, she figured it was better not to, and to instead enjoy this humiliation of her bastard former trainer in private.

"Open inventory," Francis said. "Rename summon 'Vivvybizz' to 'Vivian.' Summon Vivian."

For the first time in a while, there was a spark of intelligence in Slutty's eyes. His cum-addicted muzzle frowned and his tail curled over his wide hips.

"Oh? You recognize the name, you piece of shit?" Franics growled. Around the room, particles condensed, centralizing and pulling into a bright point in front of them both. "I hope you remember... she was the first, after all..."

The light filled the room, blanking everything out, and then faded. Francis purred while Slutty struggled wildly against his restraints suddenly, a look of fear plastered on his normally docile, drooling face.








The room felt much smaller than before Vivian appeared. She was a wolf-like cerberustaur with three heads positioned on her wide shoulders. Other than the large black collars around each of her necks - a sign she was summoned and owned from the game directly, unlike Slutty, who lacked a permanent collar - she was nude. The wolftaur's plush, deep fur lent a nearly rotund appearance to her body shape. From her upper torso, the taur sported two pairs of massive breasts, each set nearly twice as big as the enormous jugs hanging from Francis's chest. Adding to the multi madness, a total of three immense black-skinned wolf cocks jutted from between her hind legs. The bases squeezed together, crammed for space, and while the center pointed through and past her forelegs, the other two angled off the sides in order to find the space to grow. Each massive arousal was easily thicker around than Slutty's shoulders, while at the base of all three cocks, which were set in a line between her hind legs, fat, massive knots throbbed inside three separate sheaths. They were all connected to a single massive pair of balls that dragged on the floor beneath her as she turned slightly and stared in shock at Francis.

"Dummy?" she asked, wide-eyed. "Is that you?"

All three of her heads spoke in unison, creating a three-part harmony.

"Call me Francis," the panther purred.

"But... if you're Francis, that means this is..."

All three wolf heads swung to look at the trussed up wolf.


The wolftaur's immense shafts suddenly jerked and throbbed, lifting up before slapping wetly down on the floor. She was already fully erect - summons were usually called to fuck in battles in the game, so they arrived ready for action.

"It's really him?"


"Just like this?"

"Sorry it took so long to summon you. I had to level up my trainer abilities first."

"But that means..."

"Of course!"

"So I can?"

"The sooner the better, if you ask me. I need a break anyways."

Vivian wasn't listening. Her lips pulled back, showing off her fangs, as she turned to face the bound-up male.

"I can't believe it... finally... after so long..."

Her loud growl echoed through the room.

"I'm going to do to you exactly what you put me through, you fucking asshole!" she roared.

Slutty's desperate wriggles continued as she moved around behind him. As big as Vivian was, the taur merely needed to walk into position with his hips between her forelegs and the tip of her central dick flexing under his tail. His hips clenched, trying to stop her, but there was no way the massive, muscular taur was going to allow this opportunity to pass her by. Not after so much time she had to spend "training" at her sadistic master's direction.




"That's fine. It just means she can fuck him longer," Francis grunted. She took a seat on the computer chair and leaned back as her huge cock flopped over her tits. Idly stroking, she enjoyed the sight of Slutty's muzzle stretching wide in a soundless scream as a dick as big as him thrust madly inside his belly.

Vivian certainly enjoyed herself. Slutty's entire body stretched around her middle length as the entire breeding mount - many hundreds of pounds of solid steel - lifted off the ground and thudded back down. The wolf's throat bulged as seed poured from his throat and nostrils before the taur slammed her immense, aching dick completely through him, spearing him from his tailhole past his lips. His arms and legs pulled tight against the restraints as his whole body stretched to form around her massive central shaft. The cage around his cock drizzled a steady flow as the chains rattled.

"Fuuuuuuck!" the three heads groaned. Her paws groped at her enormous breasts as she flexed her hind end down again and again. "It's even better than I hoped! Nnnnnngggghhhh!"

The giant wolf panted, then dragged her flexing, dripping hyper dick free of the wolf, who collapsed back in on himself and spasmed against the restraints. Vivian didn't waste time working her leftmost shaft deep inside, treating it to the same experience as her middle arousal.

"I assume you've made sure he can't cum, right?" she huffed.

"Oh, of course," Francis purred in her raspy, sultry tone. "In fact, he's only had it off twice since I got my claws in him."

"Hhhhnnnnffffff... good!" the cerberustaur growled. "This fucker... he made me go through all ten ascensions without cumming a single time because he thought it would unlock an ability based on some rumor! Rrrrraaaaahhhhhhnnnnnfffff!"

The rightmost shaft took its turn hollowing out the wolf.

"There's a reason my balls are so big!" she growled, shuddering as those very nuts pumped thick spurts of pre-seed simultaneously from her massive hyper dicks. "Do you know what it's like to be blue balled through an ascension? I do! Ten times over! Nnnnnfffffffuuuuuuucking take it all, slut!"

The wolf was little more than a sleeve by this point, but thanks to his various skills learned over the past few months, he could take this sort of training without fainting, finally. His whole body distended, opening him to the point that his skin contoured more closely to the ridges of the huge veins and throbbing urethra than to his original shape.

"Worst of all... right before the first ascension, this dumb shit chose the worst possible skill..."

The titanic orbs sloshing behind the cerberustaur rolled back and forth, bouncing off her rear end and flanks. The wolf's claws scraped the floor as she dragged herself back, then used her forepaws, which appeared narrow as toothpicks compared to her monstrously oversized hypershafts, to guide all three together.

The steel cage rattled as the desperate wolf realized what was about to happen, but nothing could stop the vengeful wolfess now. It was cartoon-like how easily the whining wolf stretched, condom-like, around all three pointed tips before her whole body surged forward. His belly stretched, his pelt frayed, and his whole body shook as she erupted.

"You made me a breeder and didn't let me cum, you basssttaarrrrrrrrrd!"

A river of thick, incredibly fertile jizz bloated the wolf several times his original size, even obscuring the flexing of the three massive dongs lodged only a third of the way or so inside him. Any deeper and she'd risk coming out the other end instead of putting her tripled-up load where it belonged. Her lips pulled back in a snarl of lust as she reared up, then landed with her forelegs spreading around the bundle of hyperdicks. They jerked, bloating Slutty even more, to the point he looked as round as a volleyball with his gray fur squeezing around the metal bars of the breeding mount.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh... oooooh, yeessssssssssss!"

The flood just wouldn't stop. Slutty's muzzle opened as a fountain of jizz sprayed from inside. He could hardly breathe as dozens of gallons of cerberus seed rinsed his insides completely. He couldn't even clench due to her overwhelming size, but he felt every inch ruining him and breaking down what was left of his mental abilities.

"Fuck, you look good with my cocks inside you, bastard," Vivian growled. "Nnnfffhhhh... oooh, yesss... only another seven or eight hours and I should be satisfied for a while. How's that sound... Slutty? Ha ha ha ha! You named him Slutty?"

Vivian, slightly back to her senses as her first triple-dip orgasm faded, shivered as her thicknesses twitched against each other inside the wolf-condom underneath her. She glanced with all three heads at Francis, who was watching with a smirk as her fully erect pantherdick dripped pre down her full breasts.

"Yeah... it suits him better than Francis, don't you think?"

"Ha ha ha! Well then, Slutty... nice to meet you! Nnnggghhh!"




Slutty's eyes popped wide. His whole body struggled and wiggled uselessly on the cerbtaur's enormous lengths. With all three, his feet couldn't even touch the ground and his arms wiggled around his head. Cum gushed from his open muzzle before all three massive arousal speared completely through the quivering wolf sleeve.

From each enormous tip of each enormous arousal, a blast of magic burned through the wall into the bathroom. The leftmost tip fired off lightning. It mixed with the earth fragments sandpapering the wall from the right side. In between, the element of wind curled it all together. The element of water, of course, supported all three in the form of massive blasts of rich, potent jizz. The first blast punched a hole straight through the soaked, burned wall and nearly turned the single apartment into a double as waves of jizz pulled through her massive erections. The wolf's whole body stretched, distorted and redefined as her hips lurched forward, racking up thrust after thrust into the immobilized toy chained the heavy metal breeding frame.

From the sidelines, Francis watched with burning eyes as her hated former owner curved his back and screamed with lust before all three massive erections plunged straight through him all over again. She curled her fingers around her pulsing length and moaned as she watched his first summon completely ruin his entire body, turning him into little more than breeding stock for the amazing, huge shafts. Individually, they were each larger and thicker around than Slutty; combined, they broke him utterly. His mind spun, lost in a haze of need and lust as his paws managed to scrape across his distended chest and belly.

"It's even better than I thought!" Vivian groaned, crooning with lust as she slammed her huge hips deep. More of her enormous trio fo elementally-charged arousals were sticking out of Slutty's distended muzzle than were actually implanted in his body as she took full advantage of the breeding mount.




As a series of brain-breaking orgasms pulsed through Slutty's body, he watched as her massive cocks dragged backwards until all three heads were planted deep in his belly. Sure, he was only taking the very tips at this point, but the lightning, earth, wind, and especially water elements hypercharged his lust. He screamed as he came, completely ruined by the enormous cerbshafts, and squeezed down as hard as he could as much as he could as he belly reinflated with the wolftaur's seed.

"Good thing I had those extra drains installed," Francis grunted. "Cum all you want, Vivian!"


The end?