Bigger Breasts: Hyper Inflation Mini Story Collection (erotic eBook teaser)
Those cursed or blessed with hyper breasts must find ways to control them, and their lusts, in this mini story collection, filled with clothing malfunctions, self-pleasure and the lust of inflating, swelling hyper breasts.
Bigger Breasts
A mare anthro finally gets to remove her special bra and lets her hyper breasts out to play... --- follow me on my socials!
Does the body good
This is a commission for xilimyth ( warning: this story contains growth, macro, hyper breast expansion, hyper muscle expansion, clothes ripping and hyper lactation! xilimyth belongs to her player.
Charnival Cruise- Knight and dragon
Julaus gave off an air of nervous anxiety as he approached the cavern. The white stallion's chiseled muscles hidden by shining steel armor worn for protection. He tightened his grip on his sword and shield as he slipped into the cave, his shield's...
Reality Shift: Part Two
"first, you will gain hyper breasts, if you do not have them already and hyper nipples that are two inches wide and four inches long. the addition of four more hyper breasts, two pairs, will allow you to present yourselves as true tigresses.
Dexter’s Laboratory: Bree-DInG LiKe- BUNNiEs
Dexter's Laboratory: Bree-DInG LiKe- BUNNiEs Written by SSK Chapter 1 Discovery Dexter, boy genius, was in his lab, blessedly alone. In front of him were at least 16 cages filled with rabbits. Each one had 2 bunnies, some the same and others...
Breast Lovin'
A dragoness with lusciously hyper breasts gets some special attention from her lover... --- a pleasure to write up for you! this story has been available for early reading one to two months ago on patreon!
Dragon Milk
Thalia hefted the heavy box from her porch, shouldered through her door, then dropped it on her table her table. A heavy thud sounded through her living room with its landing, drawing creaks of protest from the coffee table and sending a tremor through...
Burning Desire
Content warning: this story is intended for adult readers and contains a female quadruped ninetales, multiple breasts, hyper breast growth, hyper pussy growth, self-denial, induced heat, implied exhibitionism the soft scrapes of feral nails against hardened
Commission: Boys will be Boys
The main things are hyper boobs, cocks, and copious amounts of cum. it also contains oral, vaginal, and anal sex, as well as breast play and underage and herm characters. there's no digimon either. you have been warned.
Growing Breasts, Heightened Arousal
breast inflation mini story_ _ _ ** ** the toy sank into simona, pouring magic deep, and the raven anthro whimpered, clacking the edges of her beak together.
The Simpsons: Diary of a Centuar Ch. 3
The Simpsons: Diary of a Giant Hermaphrodite Centuar Written by Silent Soul Ken Tags include: Shotacon, Lolicon, Growth, Hyper, Transformation, Radiation, Impregnation, Pregnancy, Odd Creatures, Swearing, Mild Violence, Teenagers, Futa, Gender...