We don't hate being micros - Halloween

Story by Jevin on SoFurry

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George grunts and moans each time the sock-clad sole of the giant fox's foot comes down over him. Luckily, the sole suit kept him mostly unharmed. Light musk as well as sweat dampens him as Terry trots from house to house screaming out: "Trick or treat!" And standing still for about a minute before continuing over to the next house. The entire time, George, inside of Terry's shoe, can only wriggle and push his paws up against the thick, sock-covered sole pads pressing into his body again and again.

"Why did I agree to this? Why are puppy faces so effective against me?" He sighs, feeling the kit's toes curl and trap his head between a pair of toes.

By now, he's gotten used to the smell; and the pressure isn't all that hard to deal with though he still grunts due to his brain perceiving the heavy mass about to smash him into the ground as a threat. The toes wriggle around George's head and, as he and Terry established prior, the wolf gives the fox a small lick on the side of the toe to let the kit know that he's still alright.

Feeling the lick, Terry smiles and squeeze George's head in place. Having his little brother in there is just too fun for the little fox. Veronica walks next to Terry, "Lets go over here next, alright?" she points to a decorated apartment complex. Terry follows his mother, still smothering George underpaw each time he takes a step.

Once inside, Veronica moves to settle down onto one of the steps of the stairway leading up to the next floor. "Alright, go ahead, visit every apartment on this floor. I'll wait here." She sighs, rubbing her head tiredly. "How do children have so much energy? We've been walking for miles..." She thinks to herself, watching over her son as he moves down the rows of apartment doors.

"Trick or treat!" Terry calls out, swaying his tail as a large rabbit opens the door, peering down to the kit. "Oh! Look at you... uh... what are you?" He asks, grinning sheepishly.

"A pirate! Where's the candy? Arr..." Terry says while a wolf walks up from behind the Rabbit with a bowl of candy. "Don't hurt us! Here's our booty..." the wolf says with a smile while the fox digs into the bowl of treats.

"Did you forget to put the chocolate bars in, Veir?" The rabbit says, peering at the candy bowl full of fruit-flavored candies while Terry helps himself.

"I guess..." Veir speaks, moving to get the chocolate bars before bringing them over.

George finally has a moment's reprieve from the constant stomping. Long enough that he can hear the conversation outside rather clearly. When the name "Veir" is spoken, his eyes widen. He doesn't hear it clearly, but even so, it is close enough for the wolf. He pushes his muzzle into the fur between Terry's toes and, though he tries to keep it soft, bites, hoping George will forgive him 'If this is the Veir Cameron was talking about, then...'. The kit's fur stands on end and he whines. "George! That hurt!" He leans down, pulling his shoe off while Veir and Din simply watch, confused.

"A micro?" Veir says, surprised as a wolf falls out of the kit's shoe. He feels bad for the little wolf, wondering why he was in this kid's shoe. "You can't just go stuffing micros into your shoe..." Veir begins only to have the little wolf shake his head and wave his hand dismissively up towards the larger lupine. "I told him I'd do it, but that's not important... you're Veir, right? You helped Cameron..."

Veronica comes over to see why Terry is taking so long at this particular room. She spots the rabbit and wolf while walking up next to her son. "Hello" She speaks, giving slight smile before looking down to George.

"It's Veir, Veronica. The one who helped Cameron find me." George speaks while smiling.

"You're his brother?" Veir asks, blinking several times. He didn't expect Cameron's brother to be a wolf.

"Well, adopted brother. It's a bit of a long story, but, in short, we're all that's left of our respective families. This isn't the time for that, though, I'm really happy we ran into you."

Veronica holds a paw out to the younger rabbit and wolf. "I'm Veronica, this is my son Terry and... I guess you've met George, our adopted son." She smirks a little, having not gotten used to thinking of George that way.

"I'm Din and this is my boyfriend, Veir. Why don't you all come in? We didn't expect we'd be hearing from anyone related to Cameron.

They walk in, and Terry settles atop a coffee table with George. Veir starts to say something but then puts it off, figuring the child isn't heavy enough to break the table anyway. He and Din settle onto the couch while Veronica sits in a chair perpendicular to the couch.

"I want to thank you, Cameron seemed really happy that he met you guys. I also want to apologize... we lost your ring, Veir. Actually, that's not really the entire story... the police have it. It's one of the reasons cloakers have been in the news lately."

"I heard on the news a while ago, yes. Don't worry about it, I still have the one my father used to own" Veir speaks while Veronica gives a few glances to Veir's armlet, renewed hope flowing through her. Another micro with a cloaker! She still wants to get her hands on one...

"I hope he's alright, George." DIn says, keeping his ears down. "I didn't know him for long but he seemed nice enough."

George lowers his ears a little. "Yea, I hope so too." He tries not to linger on the thought, but ever since Cameron went missing he can't help but feel a little uncomfortable when the topic comes up.

"So you're a micro?" Veronica asks, peering to Veir whom simply blinks to the vixen. He hadn't been paying attention to her. Still, she is with George, so she must already have some idea of what cloakers are.

"...yea, I'm a micro." Veir says.

Terry giggles a little bit, having been settled next to George atop the coffee table. "You're little like George is? Where's your ring?"

Din sees the slight discomfort in Veir's eyes but the wolf looks down to his armlet. "I guess you all know what they do already. I don't need to explain, right?"

"Don't worry, I'm not looking to cause you any trouble." Speaks Veronica, noticing Veir's discomfort. "But If you were interested in helping me study them a little bit... I wouldn't mind having you over to my lab or I could even come here. I don't mind, I just want to understand those devices. You never know, maybe it could help you in the future."

"I... I don't know, maybe." Veir says, unsure of whether he should trust this Vixen or not.

Veronica thinks for a moment, realizing how hard this probably is for a micro. "How about this, here's my phone number. If you're interested sometime in the future, give me call, alright? I promise I'm not going to help anyone use it against micros or anything, this is just part of my research. There's a few issues with the way I'm going about this and I feel that your armlet contains the solution." She writes her number down and hands Veir the piece of paper.

"Thanks, we'll think it over." Din smiles, wrapping an arm around Veir who smiles up to the rabbit a little.

"I hope we keep in touch in the future, it's good to know that other micros are doing well for themselves and helping others in the process." George tilts his head for a moment as a thought comes to mind. "Are you both micros?"

Din shakes his head. "Nope, no micro blood here. Couldn't you tell? I'm taller than him even when he's a 'giant'" The rabbit gives the wolf a prod, eliciting a blush from the smaller lupine who then says, "You and I are the only micros here, and it's great to meet you too, George. I heard you and Cameron had been searching for a ring? I guess that means you've spent most your life at that height. I admire any micro that can, it's certainly not the easy road."

George smiles at that, swaying his tail. "Heh, thanks, I rarely ever get recognized for having lived on the streets."

"But you have a home now." Terry smiles, giving the little wolf a nuzzle while Veronica smiles at the two. "I think we need to go, dad is gonna wonder where we got off to soon enough, Terry."

"Alright! Lets go George." Terry reaches for the wolf while Veronica stands and shakes both Veir and Din's hands. "It was nice to meet you both, I hope you'll consider my offer."

George, inevitably, is grabbed by Terry and tugged into the air, much to the displeasure of his stomach. After Terry stops moving around so much he smiles and waves to Veir and Din. "I'm glad we met, thanks for taking care of Cameron. I hope we meet again..." He smiles widely.

"Wait! Here..." Veir holds out a piece of paper. "This is our phone number... I dunno about the research, but I don't want to lose contact. Keep in touch, alright?" He smiles, giving George's head a ruffle with his finger while Veronica simply nods. "It was nice to meet you both, I hope we can work together in the future..."