Trial Run [Patron Reward]

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Nikki discovers multiple new fetishes.

Patron reward for Izzy/Icaras, doubled in length with some extra money!

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Trial Run

Patron Reward for Izzy


Nikki knew Izzy was home. She'd heard him talking with someone on voice chat in his room an hour or two ago.

She really hated having to disturb him. But the leak in the kitchen was pretty seriously bad, and assessing the damage was not a one-person job. The lilac-furred needed some proper help. She knocked on his door again.

"H-hey, Izzy? You got a sec?"

There was no response.

"I need your help with something!" she said, a little louder this time. She pressed her ear against the door and listened. There was a very tiny creak. Shifting in his seat. Maybe he was blasting music and couldn't hear? That hadn't happened before...

"There's a leak in the kitchen! Can you help me out?"

...Okay, that didn't get his attention. She had choice but to barge in.

The cat opened the unlocked door and stepped into a very dark room. The blinds were drawn, the lights were off. The only light was coming from Izzy's array of monitors. All of them were bathing the grey and white rabbit's face in a purple glow, each screen emblazoned with a twisting, strobing spiral. Izzy was moaning and bucking, both his hands between his legs.

"Oh-" she gasped out loud, her tail puffing out on end. "Sorry! I'm so sorry, I didn't..."

... No response.

She stepped closer to the rabbit, paying no attention to the spirals on the screen, until she saw them reflected in his eyes. His jaw hung open and his eyes were half lidded, and he was stroking his two very-erect cocks. Judging from the pre leaking all over his knuckles, he'd been at it for a long while.

Nikki's face felt hot. She kind of wanted to keep being a voyeur. But she had to get him back on track. She switched off the monitors one by one.

"Unh...?" Izzy groaned and grunted like a child who just had a toy taken away. His eyes fluttered and his hands slackened from his twin dicks. By the third blink, the normal lustre was returning to his eyes, and he leapt clean over his chair with a shriek.

"NIKKI, WHAT THE FUCK?!" he yelled, scrambling for a nearby towel.

"THERE'S A LEAK IN THE KITCHEN!" Nikki didn't know why she was matching his volume, but it did the trick and brought him back to reality.

"Oh shit, okay, just.. G-gimme two seconds, sorry you had to see that!"

"It's fine, it's fine!" Nikki turned tail and skittered out of the room to meet him downstairs.

...Their relationship was not going to be the same after that, was it?

As they surveyed the rotten wood underneath the linoleum floor, the pair tried not to think about how the shitty landlord was going to handle it. There wasn't much to talk about... aside from that elephant in the room. Nikki knew it'd have to be addressed at some point, just to clear the air. She just had to say the right thing...

"So, that looked like a lot of fun," she said, instantly regretting it as she saw Izzy stiffen and his face turn crimson.

"Y-yeah, kinda," Izzy tried to downplay it. "It's a fun way to waste some time, turn my brain off for a bit, n' stuff."

"Yeah, looked fun," she said again. "Fun stuff. Uh... so what's all that... stuff like?"

Izzy had stuffed his head under the sink, hiding his blush as he rooted around. "It's hard to explain... but maybe I can show you how it works some time?"

"I'd love that!" Nikki blurted out. It wasn't out of politeness. The more she was thinking about it, seeing how blissfully unaware he was of the world around him, how empty of thoughts and worries he was...

She really wished she could be exactly like that.

Not to mention...

"One sec," she said, slipping out of the kitchen and heading to the bathroom. She had to confirm something.

As soon as she was out of sight, she slipped her hand up her skirt, and rolled her panties to the side. Sure enough, it was warm, wet, and slick.

"Alright," she sighed. "One more for the list."

The amount of kinks that she'd inadvertently discovered through Izzy was starting to get ridiculous. This new hypnofetish meant she couldn't count them on one hand anymore.

Still, it wasn't the worst problem ever.


"You free for the evening?" Izzy asked.

Nikki was sprawled out on the couch, resting her tired feet after a long shift, her eyes closed and her head lolled back.

"I don't wanna do a single fuckin' thing," she groaned. "Sorry, I'm just too tired..."

"Well, I was thinking," Izzy said, "We could do a thing that doesn't involve you doing... a thing. Sorry, that came out really bad. Do you wanna get hypnotised?"

"Oh!" Nikki lifted her head and looked at Izzy. "Uh... yeah, sure, all right."

Truth be told, the thought didn't excite her that much in that moment. She was too tired to be horny. Even so, it'd be a little bit more stimulating than staring at the ceiling.

"Do you wanna use the tv, or your computer, or what? I thought I'd use the spiral you saw me, uh..."

"Jackin' it to?"

"Yes, that. I can walk you through the induction my buddy uses on me."

Nikki didn't need clarification on that.

"Sounds good," Nikki said, taking out her laptop from underneath the coffee table and opening it up.

"I sent it to you on Morse, so you can throw it up on the screen."

Nikki clicked onto the chat app and grabbed the link - it was long, full of asterisks and little phrases like 'Relax' and 'Sink'.

She clicked on it and full-screened the twisting spiral, taking her time to get acclimated to it, its curvature. It was pretty easy on the eyes, and took her back to those patterns that were supposed to make her 'GET HIGH WITH NO DRUGS FOR REAL!'.

"Just get yourself comfortable," Izzy said from behind her. She hadn't noticed him slip behind her. She felt a little self conscious all of a sudden. Izzy seemed to notice.

"It's okay to be a little nervous at first," Izzy continued. "It's tricky getting hypnotised for the first time, you're gonna wonder if you're doing things right."

His voice had dropped and deepened, just a little. He wasn't overdoing the 'hypnotist' voice. But it did draw Nikki's attention to the cadence and quality of it.

He had a pretty nice voice, actually.

"If you're being hypnotised the correct way or not. Trust me, it's going to feel however it feels. Everyone experiences trance differently."

"Ok..." Nikki nodded. He had her read like an open book.

"Just focus on the centre of the spiral for a moment, firm up your gaze..."

The centre was so tiny, that Nikki went a little cross-eyed trying to follow it.

"Okay, and relax your eyes, just take in the spiral as a whole."

She did so. It was a relief to do that.

"Okay... and now we're gonna focus on the spiral again, but we're gonna add a little bit more focus in. You're going to focus your eyes, and your face as well, scrunch it up, don't worry about how silly you might look. Focus on the spiral with your eyes and your head..."

It sort of made sense. She scrunched her face into a pout, her eyes going crossed again.

"And release."


"Vocalising is good too. Just sigh out loud. It feels great."

It did feel nice to sigh out, the vibrations from her vocal chords radiating comfort down her throat.

"And now let's bring the neck into that. Focusing with everything above the neck, just bringing all that attention and every thought process to the centre of the spiral. And release again. Your jaw's hanging a bit lower now."

It was... he was right.

Nikki began to faintly wonder what else he was right about.

"And now as you breathe deeply we're gonna bring it into your shoulders. Are you ready to continue?"

Nikki felt ready. She nodded, not wanting to spoil the moment by trying to speak.

She could see where this was going. Eventually they were going to get to the bottoms of her feet, and when she did one last big squeeze, she'd drop into trance.

"And squeeze your shoulders and your arms, feel the tension, and know how good it's going to feel when you breathe out, and let them just -"

A sharp snap of Izzy's fingers at her ear made her jolt with confusion. What was she supposed to-


Oh, okay. That was easy enough.

She went to sleep, her eyes floating shut.

"Eyes open, but asleep."

Nikki opened her eyes.

"Staring at the spiral. Deeply asleep."

Nikki drooled and stared at the pretty curls.

"Eyes open, lights on, but no one's home."

"Hee..." Nikki giggled.

"It's good to feel like this, isn't it? Just letting any thoughts that arrive just melt away. Welcome the thought in, acknowledge it, then return to what's important. What's important right now?"

"Sssspiral..." Nikki exhaled. She felt fuzzy and floaty, heavy and doughy. Those contradictory feelings were exhilarating.

She was faintly aware of herself, aware of Izzy's body behind her, but it was so much background noise, easy to tune out.

"It's easy to let those anxieties and worries and inhibitions melt away. Let your arms and legs shift to whatever's most comfortable."

Nikki nodded. Her right hand slipped between her legs and rubbed, and her left roved up her shirt to wrap around her tit.

The spiral was flickering with words around its circumference, clockwise and counter-clockwise. She thought she saw Stroke in there. Or Drop. Or Deeper. Or maybe she just imagined the words.

It didn't matter. She was horny. She was happy to stare. Her eyes stayed crossed, even as they travelled around the screen, and she gasped.

"Leaning in to the spiral, letting it take your thoughts away, reminding you that you're always horny, that you've always been horny."

Nikki knew Izzy was right. He'd been right about everything else he said so far. She was constantly, unabashedly horny. The spiral just made her hornier, took her over her baseline. She kept rubbing. She kept staring. She drowned in the purple and black.

"Aaaand wake up, back up..."

Nikki blinked and shook her head, her eyelids fluttering like strobe lights as she tried to refocus. Her laptop was closed. Izzy was sitting next to her, his arm around her shoulders. "Take a moment," he said gently, "Get yourself settled again..."

Nikki tried to recombobulate herself. Just how long had she been out...?

Several memories crashed into her like a freight train, briefly remembered blips from the trance. Or from when she was awake....


"And back up for a moment, back up..."


Nikki opened her eyes. Her chin was to her chest, and her face was buried in her cleavage.

They hadn't been that big before...

Her tits were so big, they were this close to ripping her top apart. She was cross-eyed, staring right down at her cleavage, in awe. They were still growing, too. She didn't know hypnosis could do that.

"Look at your pretty titties~!" Izzy asked. "Easy on the eyes, huh?"

Nikki nodded. She blinked, and between those blinks she swore she could see that the top was gone, discarded on the floor at her right foot - but by the time she re-opened her eyes, she saw that it was still on, so close to tearing.

Her right foot shifted and rubbed against her discarded shirt nothing at all.. But she ignored it, mesmerised by her shifting, growing breasts. As she rubbed, she looked at Izzy, and the huge twin-tents in his pants. He was enjoying this as much as she was... that was nice.

Nikki opened her mouth, wanted to ask how he did all that... but Izzy pushed the back of her head down towards her cleavage.

"And sleep again, sleep for me..."

She slept.

"Back up again!"

"How did you do that...?" Nikki asked the question the moment she 'woke', though it came out as one long jumble. She bucked her hips into Izzy's stroking paw, rubbing her left dick - or his? Who did it belong to...?

"Hypnosis can do basically anything, if you want it to~" Izzy cooed. "And it looks like you wanted to borrow my cocks."

"Yeah..." Nikki moaned, her hand taking hold of the other dick and gripping it as she kept staring at the spiral on the screen. Her top was still holding strong, even though her breasts were now pressing against both of her arms - it was a wonder her back wasn't feeling the strain.

"Mmh... your pussy's really nice," Izzy cooed. "Thanks for letting me borrow it back... I'll give it back to you before the trance is done."

"Thaaank you..." Nikki cooed.

"And sleep again, please."


"Huh... whoa..." Nikki blew through her lips and shook her head to shake away the rush. Going under was way easier than she thought it would be. Not to mention way more fun. If that brief glimpse of Izzy under had unlocked a new kink, this was bringing it to a whole nw level.

"G-gimme a second, I think I'm gonna need to... to..."

Nikki glanced at Izzy, who was standing next to her. He was bottomless.

And he still had her pussy.

"Wait a second..." she squinted at it as though it was a puzzle piece that might fit in the right hole in her memory.

"What's up?" Izzy spread 'his' pussy wide as if taunting her. "You don't mind if I play around with it a bit longer? I mean, you're having fun with my cocks, right?"

She looked down towards the still-erect, still dripping cocks. They felt very sensitive and tingly, the way her fingertips generally were on a brisk, cold morning. They needed to be warmed up.

She grasped and rubbed them slowly, gently, massaging the pre-cum into them and keeping them glistening.

"This is... kind of a head rush," she murmured, wondering at the way the meat twitched and pulsed against her. A whole different taste of pleasure to the one she was used to. She wasn't quite sure if she preferred one set of bits to the other, but... there was some time to figure out.

"I have so many questions," Nikki began. She wanted to learn his techniques, what really worked well, how dick-havers got off the best.

"Maybe let's save them for later," Izzy said, helpfully.

"No, seriously, I wa-"

"Sleep." another gentle push on the back of her neck.

Nikki slept again, the questions dropping into the darkness, never to be asked again.


Nikki knew she was awake now. She had to be. She wasn't thrown wide awake like before. Izzy's slow, even counting, his paws on her shoulders and neck, guided her slowly and surely back up into the waking world.

"Just stretch up, yawn and streeetch and shake out your arms~!"

Nikki felt like she'd just come up for air - not in a painful sense, not in a breathless one. But she felt woozy, hypoxic and delirious.

"Okay, I'm up, I'm up..." she said, lifting her head up and looking at herself. Her breasts seemed to be back to their normal size and dimensions, but... something was off.

"Something the matter?" Izzy asked after a moment. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just..." Nikki slid her hand down between her legs. There was a mound and a slit between them, wet and slick and glistening. Like some sort of weird velvety pocket down there, inside her.

"What is this?"

"It's... your pussy!" Izzy scoffed, seemingly confused. "What else would it be?"

"My pussy?" Nikki said. She'd never heard that term before. "Is this supposed to be some useless organ like my appendix or something?"

"Oh, it's, uh, a sleeve for..." Izzy looked like he was struggling to explain himself. He seemed uncomfortable.

"Well, someone else can stick their dick in there. Or you can put your fingers in there, and it'll feel good... god, that sounds weird saying it like that."

"...So, it's like a fleshlight?"

"Yes!" Izzy snapped his fingers, letting off a flashbang of pleasure in Nikki's head. "Exactly.."

Nikki's head lolled to the side, her eyes rolling into her head, before she righted herself again.

"Agh, careful about snapping your fingers!" she laughed drunkenly. "That... hit me hard."

"Sorry..." Izzy sat down next to her, inspecting her face. "Huh... I think I got you really good. Your eyes are looking a little crossed."

"What?" Nikki scoffed. "What're you talking about?"

Izzy held up his phone, with the selfie camera on. Nikki saw that her eyes were crossed absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.

"I don't see it," she said, perhaps a little harsher than intended. "They're clearly not crossed."

"You sure?" Izzy asked again.

"Yes! I think I'd have noticed if they were crossed."

"Hm. Fair enough. By the way, about your vag..."

"My what?"

"Oh, your pussy. That's another word for it."

"...okay. What about it?"

"You're supposed to have it out at all times. It's rude to cover it up."

"Oh right, okay!" Nikki quickly peeled down and threw away her panties. "Guess I'll have to get rid of these," she mused. "It'll free up some drawer space..."

"Yeah, for sure." Izzy seemed to be stifling a smile. Something was amusing him. But she didn't ask. "So, did you enjoy yourself?"

"Oh man, yeah... how long was I out for?"

"Would you believe 3 hours?" Izzy smirked.

"No. Nooo way, it couldn't be."

Nikki took in the room around her. There was no natural sunlight, the curtains were closed, and the electric lights were on.

"You didn't have me under the whole time!"

"No, just most of the time." Izzy stuck out his tongue. "C'mon. Let's get you some dinner while you come down from all that."

"Sounds good," Izzy said, still staring at this "pussy" between her legs. "Hey, do you mind if I spend a li'l time to figure out how this thing works?"

"Be my guest." Izzy gave her a pat on the shoulder, leaving her alone to spread the lips wider. If it was like a fleshlight, maybe she could stick a dildo in there. She would see how that felt.

"Hm." she shrugged and threw her phone down.

"Do you wanna order in?" Izzy called from the kitchen. "There's not much here!"


"Mind having a look on the laptop and seeing what you want?"

Nikki opened up the laptop, looked right into the spiral on the screen, and sank right into it again with a confused little grunt.

RUB, the screen flashed. RUB YOUR PUSSY.

"My... pussy...?" that was... the thing between her legs, right? And was rubbing what she was supposed to do? The spiral said it, so it must have been right...

She put her palm over it and tried to see if that would do the trick. It didn't do much for her, aside from when it rubbed against the thick nub. She tried her knuckles next, tracing them along the edges. She noticed a couple of holes, one significantly larger and less pliant. She slipped a finger in, and her body exploded with pleasure.

This 'pussy' was pretty intuitive...

But she had more important things to worry about.

Like the spiral. And what commands it had for her next.


Nikki was having a little trouble breathing as she woke up again. Not just because the trance left her breathlessly aroused, but because of another effect of that arousal.

See, Nikki's tongue was special. Unique. Some weird mutation in her family tree meant that it was very phallic in shape. And when it engorged, it did all the things a dick would do. Ooze pre-cum, spurt ropes of jizz when it got pleasured enough.. And took up basically all the space in her mouth as it pushed past her lips.

"Anh..." she groaned, tearing her eyes away from the swirling screen and looking for Izzy. For fuck's sake, how was she going to be able to eat with a mouth full of cocktongue...?

"Need a hand with something?" Izzy said, hovering over her the way he had been for most of the session.

"Ho'h lawng t'll pi'ha..." she tried to speak, but it wasn't coming out right. She grabbed her phone and pecked at it with her paws.

How long till the pizza's here

"Oh, it's gonna be a little bit." Izzy said. "Sorry."

Nikki went back to furiously typing and shoved her phone in his face again.

We gotta get this dealt with now

You made me like this, you're gonna have to suck my cock

"Alright, alright..." Izzy didn't look annoyed or put-out. In fact... as he opened his mouth, his own phallic tongue was poking out and engorging.

"I'm more than happy to help." He had perfect diction even as the dripping dick poked out from his lips.

"How d'ya... do that..." Nikki slurred. It was hard, like speaking with a mouth full of warm cotton. It took her a while when it got hard initially to get decent diction.

"Don't worry about it. C'mere." Izzy moved in. Nikki pressed the tip of her cock-tongue to his. A little kiss on the tip before they slid past each other, frotting against each other in the two warm holes. Their lips didn't even touch - Nikki's meat was way too big and long, significantly longer than Izzy's. His throat bulged as he gulped and squeezed it. The pleasure from having her dick sucked travelled all the way down between her legs. Her fingers dove into her pussy - working on both holes at once would make it far quicker and easier to come.

Though she did feel the desire to prolong this as much as possible, there was absolutely no way she could walk in front of a pizza-boy with that hanging out of her throat. She grabbed the back of Izzy's head and pulled him forward, hearing him choke and giggle a little as it tickled his throat.

"Feelth good... donnit?" she managed to say, swirling her tongue around and around Izzy's. Tasting his pre, and his shocked, overwhelmed arousal. Honestly, making him squirm like this was super hot; it was perfect revenge for how horny he'd made her by hypnotising her. Or maybe it was more of a 'thank-you'. Either way...

There was a knock on the door. The sharp wrapping sound almost reminded her of a finger-snap...

"Hang on," Izzy said, trying to pull back. "I'll get it..."

"Noh, I'll geh ih."

She reached down to grab one of his dicks, keeping him held close so he couldn't wriggle away.

"NN-nah...!" Izzy bucked against her, his hips trying and failing to pull away.

"Wha?" Nikki giggled, speaking and slurring through her dick with all the confidence in the world. "Thith ith to'hally normal, isn't it? No'hing wrong wih' jerkin' a fren off..."

"Y-yeah, but...."

"Ih'th to'ally nohmal, he'h noh gonna mind..."

Izzy looked kind of nervous. Self conscious.

"Do'h worry, y'tol me yourthelf!"

"I... did..."

Nikki dragged him over to the door, still mouth-fucking him with her tongue, her slit still spread and on display. Again. Totally normal.

So why was the seal giving her such an awkward look?

She pulled herself away from Izzy, taking the pizza boxes with one hand.

"Thorry," she said. "Don't mind m' tongue, it's just gotta get dealt with."

"Uh..." the seal choked. "I don't see anything wr-wrong with it...?"

"Ohhh~?" Nikki smiled. She could feel her dick dripping. The seal had a cute mouth. "Immean, i' ya like cocktongueth, you could have a tathte..."

"If I like what, sorry?"

Nikki winked. Surely he heard her. He was looking at her cocktongued. He blinked and stiffened, looking over his shoulder at his idling car.

"Well, uh...have a g-great night!"

Nikki patted her hips - oh right, she didn't have any pants on. That would keep her from showing her pussy.

"Shit, hang on, lemme get you a tip!"

"Th-that's okay," the pizzaboy stammered. "I'll, uh-"

"I insist!" Nikki peeled away, leaving Izzy to stagger, kiss-drunkenly, off to the side. Grabbing a fistful of bills, she thrust them into the seal's awkwardly out-stretched hand without counting them.

"A-are you okay? Your eyes look a lil' crossed...?"

"...Absolutely." Nikki was confused. Why did people keep asking her about her eyes? They were totally normal.

"Don't worry about it. C'mere, I got one last thing to give ya~"

She moved in to grab the cute boy's face and kiss him.

Weirdly enough, he seemed to be taking the tongue like a champ. Like it wasn't even there. He tasted pretty nice too... but she couldn't get too carried away with him. It'd be a little weird to finish off in a stranger's mouth.

"Have a good night~" she said, pulling away from him and closing the door in his face. That'd give him a little burst of confidence for the rest of his shift, she was sure about that."

"Now..." she returned to Izzy. "Put those down. We gotta finish up here, first."

"Y-yeah..." Izzy was drooling. Man, she'd done a number on him.

She shoved him against the wall and groped his cock again, her arousal even more insatiable than before. It was all his fault. So he was just gonna have to accept her cumming right down his throat.

That came not too long after, her whole body arcing with pleasure as her walls clenched and her dick spurted. Izzy drank it down with gulp after gulp after gulp. It'd whet his appetite for their junky dinner, at least...

Nikki draped herself over Izzy as she stroked his dick, purring into his ear and sighing with delight. Her cock was finally receding back, and the stuffed-mouth sensation was gone once again. Not that she minded it so much, if she was being honest.

"Nnnh... thanks for letting me try your kink~" she crooned. "This's been'a ton of fun."

"Glad to...hear it." Izzy gasped. "You, uh...don't need to finish me off."

"What, you can eat through that thing?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine... we don't want it to get cold..."

"Fine. But... after dinner, you're mine. Maybe I'll melt your mind next..."

"Oh... w-well, I..." Izzy stammered. "S-sure...?"

Nikki smiled at him knowingly.

That dominant personality was all gone.

Nikki was going to destroy him.

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