Emotions (The Series) - Chapter 4.5

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Emotions Series

_*Author's Note*

You may want to check out the Emotions story before reading this series. It will greatly explain each character so you know what happens. Fave and Comment!_

*Loneliness Part 2*


What just happened? Did he just reject me? I honestly thought he would accept my boyfriend invitation -I was sure of it. For a month now I've worked up the courage to ask him to be mine. We basically spent every second together, and there I thought that would help make him mine.

I just stood in the spot he left me, in his room -in his home. Milo's parents walked into the room with a frown wore on their face. I guess they felt sorry for me, since they knew my intent. The even helped me make the best gift. Well, I thought it was one of the greatest gifts.

After seeing their disappointed faces, I walked over to Milo's window, looking up into the sky, pouring white, snow crystals. Silence filled the room until Milo's mom broke it.

"I'm sorry... I... WE thought it would be good for him... We are really sorry..." Milo's mom exclaimed.

"Yeah... me too..." I said, looking down into Milo's huge backyard.

Down two stories, there was a large backyard, covered with snow, stacking high and thick. Down in the snow lied Milo's present. Written in giant letters, surrounded by a heart were the words "I Love You Milo"