Project 13: Chapter 1 (part 1)

Story by Unknownfur13 on SoFurry

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Next chapter is out (duh!) sorry but this one is kinda boring, not as much (if any) action as the 1st one but it's a two part-er and the 2nd part will have action in it I promise.

I want to thank Shiromori and Nyas Nix for their advice and help, I appreciate it

COMMENT PLEASE!.... I like to get feedback to help make my stories better

One year earlier.....


Blackness, nothing but blackness all around him. He didn't remember how he woke up in this empty abyss; in fact he didn't remember anything. This dark emptiness enveloped him, swallowing him sending him deeper and deeper into the bowls of nothingness. He tried to call out to the darkness, but no noise escaped his throat, he tried to move his arms and legs but to no avail, he couldn't feel or move them, it's as if they weren't even there. His whole body seemed to be gone or feels like it never really existed, what was he in this darkness? No body, no presence in this blackness.... Did he even exist? He was self aware so that, to him, was enough to prove that he existed. He kept asking himself questions out of fear of what would happen if he didn't keep his mind occupied, the truth is that there was "something" else was in this darkness that was trying to break him down and cause him to fade into nothing. Questions flooded his mind, "Where am I?" "What is this place?" "How did I get here?" With every question/thought he had, he established himself a little more to the point where the threat of being consumed by the emptiness seemed to fade completely. However, without a solid body or any tangible memories, he was just cognitive thought floating around in this void. He feared this was all he would ever be, doomed to drift through this emptiness until these thoughts simply drifted away and he was nothing more. It was cold and dark in this dimension he found himself in and it also looked like there was no way out.

After what seemed like an eternity of drifting, something else entered his empty reality..... "Sound!" it want very distant at first but it slowly grew louder and louder until the black void was filled with the sound...


This was the first sound that he had ever heard and it was a little overwhelming at first, and he couldn't tell what made the sound but it was something new. Next he felt something caress where his arm would be, he noticed that an arm had started to form from the spot where he had felt touch. He couldn't really call out any specific features of the arm but it was spreading, helping define the rest of his body to the point where he was fully formed. Two new senses filled his universe which long had held empty nothingness and for the moment, not really sure what they were or what they meant. Light was the next thing to emerge from the darkness, it started off a small ball of light off in the distance but it slowly grew and enveloped him in blinding light, tearing him from the darkness that surrounded him.

He opened his eyes

The first wave of stimulus hit him hard, he opened his eyes to a completely new world and the information flooding in from his senses were assaulting his brain with all new sights, sounds, smells. His mind tried desperately to sort everything that was rushing in and making heads and tails of this foreign world that he now occupied. He knew nothing of this world, without any knowledge of how this world worked the simplest task, such as eating, was completely mind boggling. All he had ever known in his short life was the darkness and this constant onslaught of new experiences was causing his brain to overload to the point of over stimulation. He started to panic; his heart started to beat faster and harder within his chest, his blood was coursing through his veins causing his blood pressure to rise. His temperature was starting to rise and he was sweating profusely, eyes quickly darting back and forth, from one end of the room to the other. He started to hyperventilate, desperately trying to catch his breath but with no success, shock was setting in. He was on the verge of losing consciousness until an unknown figure made its way over to him and lightly touched him on his arm. His eyes widened and his pupils dilated, time seemed to stop dead in its tracts and a whole lifetime of knowledge came rushing into his head, in a split second his world had been reconstructed and all the pieces fell into place.

His eyes narrowed and his pupils constricted, the world that seemed so foreign to him just moments ago now seemed like he had been in it forever. With panic now gone a wave of relief washed over him, his mind was now calm, his blood pressure now within normal range, his heart beat slowed to its customary pace, and he let his tense body relax. He started to take in the world around him in a more manageable fashion, he room he was in appeared to be a hospital room but something was off. The room was and almost blinding white with a bit of silver splashed in various places from the equipment and instruments placed throughout the room. The newest up-to-date medical equipment filled the room; there were machines to check his heart rate, blood pressure, even one that contently monitored his brain waves, an IV was pumping some unknown liquid into his veins. Soft beeps and clicks from the machines filled the eerily quiet room as well as the muffled murmurs from the various furs that filled the room. There were 3 other furs in the room, all of them dressed in the stereotypical doctor outfit; white lab coat, shit and tie, stethoscope hung around their necks, carrying clipboards, periodically checking the machines followed by the scratching sounds that their pen makes compiling the results of their tests. Two doctors stood in the back of the room while one was right next to him, one of the two doctors was a panther, around 40 years old, looking at slides under a microscope, his dark black fur helped him stand out in this sea of white. The other doctor, however, was the opposite of the panther; he was a polar bear wearing glasses, around 60 years old, his white fur blended in with the white lab coat he was wearing which also blended in with the wall making him harder to distinguish from the rest of the room, he was checking out charts on the back wall. The last doctor was right next to where he lay, a cheetah in his early 20's, his golden fur covered most of his body while his dark black spots covered the rest, he walked up and started messing with the IV drip, either increasing or decreasing the dose of the mysterious liquid that was now coursing through his body.

His eyes slowly drifted to the room's mirrored ceiling, this is where he got the first glimpse of himself. He was a wolf, couldn't have been any older than 20 years old. He was around 6ft 5in; his body was slender but tone a pretty average wolf except for one abnormality: his fur. His fur was black, as black as the void that he drifted in moments ago, his black fur covered the majority of his body; rest of his fur, however, was a deep crimson color..... Blood red. This unusual red fur was distributed throughout his body but it was localized in four major points, his limbs. The red started off at the tips of his paws (his claws however retained their distinct black tint among the red) and maintained its unique crimson color until about halfway up the appendage then from there the red seemed to mix with the black. Slowly the red turned from covering the limb to splitting into thin strips of red that swirled and turned in every direction in a unified pattern until about his knees/elbows. These unique markings held high importance to the doctors in the room for there was dozens of pictures and data that suggest they were trying to decipher their meaning. The red occupied other parts of his body but there no other markings that he noticed. His hair was long and as black as his fur except for the tips which were red, it was brushed over so it covered his left eye and the left half of his face. His ears poked out from his hair and they seemed to be touched by the red as well, slowly fading from a red tip to black base. His tail was no different; the red occupied the tip of his tail before, again, dissolving into black. He was drawn back to his eyes, there was red there too, the red circled closely the fur around his eye (including the eye lid) before coming to a point in the corner of his eye which guided down to his muzzle, but this isn't the reason he was drawn back to his eye. There was something different about his eye, it's not what a normal eye what look like; from what he could gather his eye was the standard color of a wolf, amber, but there was something else in his eye... there was a bright ring of blue around his pupil so bright it looked like it was glowing. The blue was almost hypnotizing, it looked like it belonged to a different fur, like it shouldn't be in his eye, he couldn't see his other eye due to his hair but he assumed that it was the same. There was something else about his eye.... It seemed like it was drawing him in, he quickly moved his vision away from the mesmerizing eye. His body confused him, this strange color, these weird markings, and that foreign eye, how come he looked like this? What happened to him? Where is he? It was time to get some answers. He looked down at the three furs still wrapped up in their work, still unaware of the fact that he had been wake for a couple minutes.

His voice pierced the silence as he spoke for the first time, "Where.... Am....I...?

The next chapter is part two and hopefully more action