"A Shocking Situation" - Story by Kaz

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My latest story, this was a joy to write. We return to our favorite skunk Jay, held captive by a devious rubber fox named Makenshi. What happens next may shock you all.










As always, feel free to like/comment or drop me a watch! Also my PMs are always open, here or on any of my linked contact methods. Don't hesitate to reach out, I love chatting! Commissions are wide open also ?

A Shocking Situation - Story by Kaz

Chapter 1: His Office

Tick. Tick. Tick. Whirr, clunk. Tick. Tick. Tick. Whirr, clunk. The loud sounds of an antique clock echoed through the halls of a particularly stately manor. The type of home you'd only ever see in the movies. The same type of home that made you wonder what someone could do with all that space, all those floors. This was the private home of one Makenshi.

The first thing of note regarding the home's sole owner was his rather large bank account. After all, one didn't get to own a sprawling countryside estate without being loaded. Makenshi had made his profits over the years dealing in various questionable trades. Those that knew him best knew better than to ask exactly how he'd come into such a fortune.

Being so wealthy and so far from the hustle and bustle of city life, Makenshi grew bored faster than most. Having the money and space to do just about anything he could dream of led to some rather interesting hobbies. He'd once commissioned a life-size chessboard made from precious stones and metals to occupy his garden, only to grow bored and tear it out not even a month later to make way for some other ridiculous attraction to kill time with.

The inside of his home wasn't much better. Makenshi regularly rotated out various indoor activities to fill his time. Rooms were constantly in flux, being renovated and redecorated at the faintest whim. To sum it all up, Makenshi's prime hobby was simply spending money. It was as if he had an infinite supply of the green stuff.

The fox himself was fairly eccentric in appearance as well, to compliment his personality. He was made of a smooth and shiny rubber-like material from head to toe. The fox's belly and chest were a light lavender-esque color with the rest of his body being a dull purple color. His hands and paws were gloved so to speak, a shiny deep black coloring there. He was a bit on the portly side, sporting something of a beer belly. To be expected from a wealthy hermit.

That's just the ticket though, Makenshi was most definitely not a hermit. Anything but. He kept to strange social circles on the deep web, and often had very special houseguests of dubious consent. Money was power after all, and the more you had the greedier you were. Makenshi was simply ravenous in that regard.

Presently, the rubberized fox was sitting in a thick wingback chair in one of the den-like rooms on the first floor. The glossy black wood floor was accented by a plush rug that filled most of the floor space. The aforementioned antique grandfather clock stood in this room, beside a fireplace that was far too large, wrought iron grating in front of the stone hearth.

Tick. Tick. Tick. Whirr, clunk. Dong, dong, dong. Makenshi sighed as the sound of the clock's incredibly loud chime tore him from his thoughts. He adjusted his position with a low squeeeak. The tell-tale sound of rubber squeaking past rubber. Three chimes, that meant it was three o'clock. He'd whiled away too much of the day just sitting around thinking. Realizing just how bored he was, he decided to do a little internet shopping. A smirk crossed his face as he thought about that.

He rose from the chair with a cacophony of rubber squeaks, stretching and patting his belly. It was the sound you'd expect a beach ball to make when slapped with an open hand. He shuffled his way out of the room and down the long main hallway, humming quietly as he strolled towards a very large and ornate oak door just across the wide hall from the main entrance to the house. Iron fittings and an impressive looking handle made this door look like some sort of medieval castle's dungeon entrance. Another smirk at the errant thought.

He tugged the door open with a long low squeak, the sound reminding him that he'd need to get some oil for the hinges soon. Before him spanned a long staircase leading into a cavernous stone basement. Something of a wine cellar, casks lined the walls and shelves fitted for wine bottles made long aisles through the room. He squeaked his way down the steps, hearing the door swing closed behind him with an ominous thud.

The temperature decreased significantly as he entered the expansive wine cellar. The cool musty air tickled his nose and he sniffled, strolling down one of the long aisles and surveying his wine collection. Most of the bottles were coated in a thick layer of dust, having been stored here to age properly. However, the fox stopped halfway down the aisle and looked at a particular bottle that was as clean as a whistle, sparkling in the low light cast from the iron chandelier above. He reached up to grab this bottle, turning it in its place and pressing it deeper into the slot. It sprung back on a spring and a loud 'click' was heard across the room followed by the sound of stone scraping stone. The hidden entrance to his personal office slid open and he stepped inside as the stone wall rumbled back into place behind him with a 'snap'.

The room began with a rather long hallway, highly polished stone tile leading to a more modern wooden door. The strange part wasn't the sudden change in theme, but the impressive looking cyber-locks holding the door securely. An electronic tablet of some form jutted out beside the door, above which was an optical scanner. The door itself was mahogany. The polished wood gleamed in the low light provided from a series of sconces along the hallway. There didn't appear to be any form of handle or latch on the door. Light spilled from below the door, and the sound of faint operatic music could be heard from beyond.

Makenshi whistled as he leaned in and placed his eye against the optical scanner while simultaneously placing his hand against the scanner below, resulting in a high pitched electronic 'beep' as the door recessed and slid along a hidden track with a soft hiss, allowing him access to his 'sanctum' as he called it.

The room was large, but no larger than it needed to be. A spacious modern office, it was an octagonal room with a recessed space in the center which hosted a stately wooden desk. The octagonal walls were glass-fronted bookshelves housing all manner of tomes and literature, along with several cabinets devoted to more wild things. Sex toys, chastity devices, and more adorned some of the shelves. Photos lined one of the walls, pictures of bound submissive males in various positions seeming to beg the fox for release or pleasure...or both. The very center of the room where the desk was, that area was quite large. There was plenty of floor space around the desk before the slight step up to meet the rest of the room's elevation. It was in this area that Makenshi kept his favorite toys.

Several large strap-laden tables at various angles stood around his desk. There was even a bondage cross and a set of polished wooden stocks. The most interesting apparatus however was close to the desk. It was a glass box that wasn't quite large enough for an adult to stand up in. One would need to crouch or kneel to fit inside. The inner corners of the box were lined with thick eyelets of reinforced steel, welded to the inside corners of the box. There was a round opening on top of the box, and several small cat-flap sized slots down below near the bottom of the box. Currently, it was occupied.

Bound in a tight leather straightjacket, on his knees was a pathetic-looking skunk. His straightjacket was connected to most of those steel eyelets in the corners of the box, securing him quite firmly in place. The bindings were pulled taut which gave him absolutely no room to move. His genitals and rear were fully exposed, part of the straightjacket holding his tail up high as well. Around his cock was a heavy steel cage complete with an impossibly thick steel rod slid deep into the skunk's urethra, keeping his penis erect enough to occupy the chastity cage properly, while a thick rubber o-ring filled out the end of his penis around the steel rod, creating an airtight seal for his penis. He couldn't cum even if he'd been told to.

The skunk's rear was similarly plugged up and stretched. A steel plug widened his hole with another rubber o-ring sealing his anal passage where it gripped tightly at the thick plug. The more interesting thing about these sex toys were the fact that they were connected. His anal plug and cock cage were fed a series of wires that connected and dropped to the floor of the box, leading out one of the small openings on either side to a pedestal that was positioned directly in front of the box, the top of which was a functional pressure plate. Presently there was a heavy paperweight resting on the pressure plate, inches away from the skunk's muzzle which was exposed through the circular hole in the top of the box.

Makenshi whistled as he squeaked his way down to his luxurious office chair, plopping down and wiggling to adjust himself, resulting in a series of loud squeaks and fart-like sounds as he got comfy, flipping the power on his computer and turning to look at his toy. He'd had this one for almost two weeks now. He was growing bored of the skunk's pained yelps and begging. He'd decided he would find a new plaything to buy. Currently, the skunk was whimpering softly as his eyes raked over the rubber fox. He was trembling, though the straightjacket prevented any motion.

"I think it's about time to move on, don't you?" Makenshi spoke softly as he leaned forward and wrapped his fingers around the large glass paperweight balanced no the pressure plate. As he did so, the skunk's eyes widened in fear. Not fear, exactly but something close to it. He knew exactly what was going to happen when the weight was removed. The very thought made him cringe a bit. The fox's fingers lingered on the paperweight, as if he were considering removing it or leaving it there. Finally he tugged the paperweight off and watched the skunk's reaction as the pedestal vibrated, sending a series of low power shocks through those wires and into the skunk's anus and cock. While the power setting wasn't too horrible, the longer the pressure plate remained unpressed, the more uncomfortable the sensation would become for the skunk.

The skunk yelped out and bit down on his lip. He wouldn't give in so easily. The thrumming dull ache of the continuous shocks had every hair on his fuzzy body standing on end, repeatedly zapping up his spine to make his nerves tingle. He could endure, as he had done thus far. Makenshi's computer made a loud 'ding' and drew his attention away, the fox dropping the paperweight back onto the pressure plate and turning away, giving the skunk a moment to breathe easy, his anus tingling like someone had poured pop-rocks into it. Something told him that Makenshi was far from done...

Chapter 2: Changing It Up

The soft clicking of Makenshi's mouse as he clicked and scrolled through questionable websites had the skunk tense. He would've shifted if he could, feeling a dull ache in one of his knees from being cooped up in the box. While it felt like an eternity had passed since Makenshi had stuffed him in the box, it really had only been a few hours. Prior to that, he'd been splayed across the various apparatus strewn about the room.

The skunk's eyes flickered over the rubberized fox, sweeping the room and narrowing a bit when they fell upon a large wastebin giving off a particularly rancid odor. He knew exactly what that was for. Makenshi hadn't been allowing him to use the bathroom, and so he'd been made to use diapers instead. Makenshi had been changing them and keeping the soiled ones in the bin not far from where the skunk was confined. The smells made him blush, knowing that he had produced those.

Makenshi sighed and double clicked a few times on the site he was exploring, opening a few profiles and scrolling through photos of potential new 'playthings'. He smirked as he found a rather promising one, moving to open a pay card e-form, reaching for his wallet and stopping short when he laid eyes on the skunk. The skunk was staring at the diaper bin across the room. A wicked grin twisted Makenshi's features as he had a sudden, awful idea.

Pushing away from his desk, the rubber fox squeaked over to the box holding the skunk, reaching down and pressing a concealed button on the side of the box near the bottom. There was a series of pneumatic hisses and the glass walls slowly folded outward, leaving the metal posts that formed the corners and fully exposing the skunk.

Startled, the skunk blinked several times and stared up at Makenshi. Why on earth had he opened the box so soon? He didn't like the idea that Makenshi had something sinister in store for him. He swallowed nervously and blinked again, watching the fox reach down, fiddling with the locking mechanism on his chastity device. After a metallic 'click', the cage unclasped and fell away from his genitals, allowing Makenshi to slide the steel sound out with a loud schlurp. The sudden feeling of urethral emptiness washed over the skunk and he shuddered, his gaping urethra spasming slightly as the cool breeze touched a place it should never be allowed to - the inside of his penis.

That strange sensation wasn't the only one he was subjected to. Shortly after, Makenshi gripped the plug in the skunk's ass with one hand, the other firmly planting on one bulbous fuzzy cheek. He grunted and gave an almighty yank, causing the skunk's body to stiffen and his eyes to shoot wide as the sensation of fierce pressure on his inner ring sent a jolt of pain up his spine. Makenshi tugged again, digging his fingers into the skunk's meaty ass cheek as the steel plug finally came loose with a series of airy farting sounds and a wet suction schlorp, leaving the skunk's hole to flutter gaped open, his inner muscles spasming wildly at the new feeling of being empty.

Makenshi removed the toys from the area, straightening up and disconnecting wires from the toys. He tutted quietly as he surveyed the anal plug, noting that the head of it was stained and smeared in brown from deep within the skunk. He held the plug in one hand disdainfully, strolling to a nearby cabinet full of strange toys and opening it. He perused the shelf for a few minutes before placing down the used chastity cage and grabbing a leather hood that matched the straightjacket. It was fitted with a custom ring where the muzzle ended, allowing various implements to be used as gags. He smirked and turned to the skunk, lowering the hood over him and pulling the neck straps snug. Just snug enough to cause concern but not too snug to allow breathing.

Jay's heart fluttered as he watched the dirty plug approach his mouth, closing his eyes as Makenshi gripped the sides of his muzzle and pushed the huge steel plug into his maw unceremoniously. The bitter, earthy flavor of his own feces stung his mouth as the impossibly warm steel met his tongue and the roof of his mouth. He knew what to do, obediently sealing his lips around the plug and sucking while Makenshi fitted the custom ring around the base of the plug, tightening it down to hold the heavy plug in place, fastening the final few straps of the hood around the skunk's head.

He then strolled back to the cabinet, reappearing with two new devices. These were quickly hooked up to the wires and Makenshi got down on his knees to apply the devices. It was like a series of steel electrodes, with a curiously shaped cage on the one. Shortly, the skunk realized what this was as it clasped tightly around his balls, held in place by large cuffs around both of his thighs. He felt the steel electrodes sticking to his cockflesh and winced, wondering if this stuff would come off easily. Curiously, Makenshi didn't do anything to his urethra this time, leaving it to slowly close back up.

With his new shock-cage fitted to his groin, the fox grabbed the remaining portion of the device and began applying it to the skunk's anus. Rounded 'hooks' of sorts were inserted all around the skunk's anus to his inner walls. The ends of these 'hooks' were quickly affixed to his inner walls, seemingly by the same glue-like substance holding the ones to his cock. He grimaced as he felt the array of 'hooks' clasp to his inner ass cheeks, pulling his hole open ever so slightly and holding it there. These 'hooks' were attached to the rest of his setup, with the difference of wires coming off the end of the hooks and stretching around Jay's midsection tightly to hold the 'hooks' in place. He sighed, thankful that the ends inside his throbbing anus were rounded and dull, not some kind of sharp thing.

With everything hooked up, Jay watched in horror as the final wires were clicked into place, realizing that this whole new setup was connected to the pedestal before him. Almost as if to torture the skunk, Makenshi yanked the paperweight off of the pedestal, watching the skunk's eyes light up with shock, both literal and figurative. The voltage was now being sent into various points around the inside of his anus along with his entire ballsac and shaft. Brown-tinted drool oozed around the makeshift gag in his mouth as his eyes rolled a bit and his body visibly trembled.

Makenshi chuckled and placed the paperweight back onto the pressure pad, strolling over to the diaper bin. He hummed to himself as he fished one out, a rather foul one. The outside of the diaper seemed free of mess, but it was clearly holding a soft load of feces and a rather wide urine stain on the front. Makenshi licked his lips as he strolled back to the fox, kneeling down and winking as he opened the filthy diaper, unleashing a godawful stench that wafted directly up to the skunk and caused his eyes to water more than they already were.

Makenshi hummed quietly as he began applying the used diaper, pulling it tight and securing it at the legs and around the belly. He made sure it was extra tight so nothing could seep out. The skunk's heart fluttered again as he felt Makenshi's hand pressing the full, soggy diaper hard against his ass cheeks. The soft wet squishing was extremely uncomfortable given the temperature of the waste within. Having sat in the bin for a while, the shit was almost cold yet still squishy like soft mud. He felt it cake and smear across his ass as the diaper crinkled, hand kneading those cheeks through the papery fabric.

Now satisfied with his work, he pressed the button near the base of the box that sent the panels upward again, the glass box closing in around the skunk, hissing closed and leaving him in his new bound state. Makenshi rubbed his paws together and plopped down on the desk chair, reaching over and picking up the paperweight, watching the skunk's eyes roll as muffled whimpering emanated from his gagged muzzle.

The skunk tried to hold back but couldn't. The loud and unmistakable sounds of his body relieving itself echoed within the small glass box. The diaper almost sagged further as his vibrating, tingling hole squirted out a series of soft wet plops of his waste, adding to what was still within and staining the hooks dug into his hole. The sensation became almost painful as he relieved himself, losing control of his bladder at the same time. The voltage pumping into his balls and cock made his stomach churn and squirm, helping him relieve from the backdoor because of the tensing of his gut muscles.

The urine started to flow fast and thick, the stain on the diaper's front growing and spreading across his crotch. The cute animals depicted on the outside of the diaper were soon covered by an acrid yellow piss stain. It hadn't begun to seep through the diaper yet, but it was only a matter of time. Makenshi smirked as he watched the skunk lose control of his bodily functions, knowing from the tensing and unclenching of his muscles that the shocks were becoming quite painful now.

Along with the zapping sensation of the shock came an overpowering heat. It felt as though someone were holding white-hot branding irons inside his butthole and all up the length of his shaft. He made a muffled shouting sound as best he could around the plug in his mouth, gagging from the flexing of his throat around the shit-smeared head of the plug. He closed his eyes tightly, feeling tears stream down his face as he quivered in his shitty, piss-stained diaper.

Makenshi seemed to get the message. Not wishing to break his plaything yet, the fox replaced the paperweight. He could see the visible signs of relief in the skunk's body as his breathing returned slowly to normal and his thighs quivered less. The skunk's eyes finally opened and glared over at Makenshi. Had he gone too far? The better question to ask was, did he even care?

Makenshi turned back to his computer and fished out his wallet, smirking as he began to input his payment details. This one would be quite the fun toy to break. A quirky, bratty husky submissive who hadn't quite learned his place yet. The beautiful blueberry and chocolate colored fur was begging to be ruined. Sure, the price was a bit higher than Makenshi would've preferred but he would make do with it.

"Now then, my skunky friend. It appears our playtime is nearing its end. Quite frankly, I'm growing bored of you. A skunk is only fun for so long after all. I'll admit the stripes fascinated me. Now you're going to have to be a particularly good boy and behave while I go and collect my new toy." Makenshi grinned wide as he stood up, flicking off his computer monitor and reaching over to stroke between the skunk's ears.

"It is true though, what they say about a skunk's fur. Yours is the softest and most pleasant I've touched. At least it was before it got matted, tangled and coated in your sweat and filth. Perhaps I should have bathed you. Though, watching you soil yourself is so much more fun! The humiliation keeps you in check." Makenshi gripped the skunk's head tightly then, painfully as he bent down to glare into his eyes. "No games. Behave while I'm gone...or else." He released the skunk and turned on his heel, whistling on his way out of the office as the skunk was left in awkward, stinking silence...

Chapter 3: Torturous

The skunk's eyes fluttered as he watched the door swing closed with a click. He shuddered, his tongue dancing slowly over the steel plug in his gullet. It was pretty much touching the back of his throat. The bitter taste of his own waste had long since been licked away, replaced by a sharp metallic taste of the steel itself. Unfortunately for the skunk, his 'peace' would be shortlived. On his way out, Makenshi's motions had dislodged the paperweight on the pressure plate which was now wobbling dangerously...

The skunk's eyes widened as he watched it tip back and forth, the weight at the head of the paperweight keeping the momentum building. It was almost comical in how slow it was moving, sweat beading up underneath the leather hood and smearing across his forehead as he mentally willed the thing to stay put. He lost that battle.

The paperweight finally toppled itself from weight alone, rolling off of the pressure plate and smashing on the floor below, a mechanical buzz coming from the devices as the pressure plate was unheld. His body tensed and his spine tingled as he felt the stimulation to his groin and ass. It was uncomfortable already, the low voltage arcing through his body and making him tremble wildly.

He closed his eyes tight and tried to outlast it. What choice did he have, after all? Makenshi had left him bound and tied here unable to call for help or stop the sensations plaguing his body. His anus felt numb at this point. The smell of his waste grew stronger as the shocks stirred around his body's natural gases within.

As the minutes wore on, he found himself beginning to scream. As best he could, given the plug inside of him. He shouted and rolled his eyes, brown spittle foaming out around the plug and running down his body as the shocks turned from mild discomfort to alarming pain. He was beginning to fear he might sustain permanent injury from the electrodes if something didn't give fast. That's when his body stiffened and he felt a cascade of warm, pent-up cum bubble and ooze out of his cock, splattering against the inner wall of the glass box. He definitely_didn't feel good enough to climax. He blamed the voltage coursing through his nethers. He cursed the rubberized fox mentally, jerking against his restraints as the painful stimulation continued unabated. _Please let him return soon...

Makenshi had made his way back into the cavernous wine cellar, ensuring the door to his study was closed securely before squeaking his way up the stairs. Presently he was nude, but he knew he'd need to get dressed if he was to mingle with people in public. The thought always made him roll his eyes. Clothes could be so mundane, irritating.

He strolled out of the cellar and closed the door with a sharp snap, turning to squeak his way up the stairs, holding the handrail as he went. The beautiful carved mahogany was smooth under his rubbery grip, free of dust and debris courtesy of his amazing housekeepers. He'd hired not one, not two but an entire team of housekeepers for his estate. Some of them cleaned inside, others prepared food, still others tended the sprawling lawn and hedgery he kept out back. They knew to be precise and perfect in their efforts. He'd tolerate nothing less.

Passing the second floor landing he made his way to the third floor, patting his belly as he went. His bedroom, the master suite was located on the third floor. Among far too many drawing rooms and leisure halls was a floor-to-ceiling ornate double door with a gilded inlay depicting a majestic fox. The wood was very deliberately stained the purest of whites so as to stand out even more from the darker wood of the other doors. He flung his doors open and startled a housekeeper who was tidying his bed, the mouse jumping and scurrying out of the room. He snickered and strode to his wardrobe, choosing his outfit for the day. Something easily removable of course, and complimented by a fresh padded diaper. He needed to wear diapers under clothes as he had poor bowel and bladder control, often leaving trails of waste throughout the house as he just let go. Just another purpose for the housekeepers.

Fully dressed and pleased with his appearance, he tugged his jacket tight and strolled out of the room. He was wearing his favorite pair of boots, a foul set that he'd quite literally never washed since the day he'd bought them. Something about the potent cheesy odor coming from below comforted him. It didn't take long for his paws to become grimy and streaked with filth after a short trip in these boots.

He checked his phone and scowled as he slid into the backseat of his chauffeured limousine, rolling his eyes and pocketing the device. He'd been given an address for where to pick up his purchased goods, along with a short text that informed the fox his contact may be late. There seemed to be some sort of issue with his newly purchased plaything, though details were never given in text.

He relayed the address to his driver, who promptly began driving down the four mile long road that led off of the fox's private estate. It truly was an _estate_in every sense of the word. Acres upon acres of land, a literal personal road instead of a driveway, the sprawling house with far too many rooms. If anyone knew how to live the lavish life, it was Makenshi for sure. He idly flipped through old photos of his toys he'd saved on his phone, smirking and grabbing a cocktail from the minibar in the limousine as he hurtled away towards his newest toy.

The skunk gritted his teeth and yelped around the plug. He'd been straining so hard that the leather straps holding the plug in his mouth had snapped, and a bit of wriggling allowed him to push the thing out of his mouth. He'd been careful in that moment, pushing his muzzle as far forward as his restraints would allow so that the plug flopped out of his mouth precisely on top of the pressure pad. He pushed it extra slowly so that it wouldn't just roll off of the plate.

He let out a moaning sigh of relief that trembled just as much as his body as the plug settled atop the pressure plate and stopped the downright torturous shocks to his genitals and anus. A bit of liquified waste slipped out of his bruised hole into the diaper, the thing now almost uncomfortably full. He breathed out through clenched teeth, willing himself to calm down now that the pain had subsided. That was beyond awful!

He sniffled and steeled himself, regaining as much composure as he could. Mentally he was still cursing the fox for being so careless. He just thanked his lucky stars that the fox was off to buy some new shiny plaything to take his place, so he could go free. He flicked his eyes around the office, trying to do anything to pass the time until the inevitable return of the foul fox.

Makenshi slammed his fist down on the roof of his limousine as he stood next to it, tail slashing the air impatiently. "What the fuck do you mean the deal is off??? I paid good fucking money for that slut, you give him here!" He advanced on the quivering weasel before him, the man shrinking back and holding up his hands. He explained that there had been an accident with his purchased goods and the husky had become...damaged beyond repair. He was offered a full refund plus a discount if he dealt with the same people for his next purchase. Makenshi shuddered and threw a hand up, climbing back into the limousine and scowling.

His feet ached, he'd shit himself at some point and he was furious at the most egregious offense - his time wasted. The fox settled into his cozy limousine, feeling the clods of soft dung squelch and shift around his rear, streaking across the rubber surface of his bubbled out ass cheeks. The fox _did_have quite the superb rump all things considered.

He motioned for the driver to take him home and folded his arms, too irate even to drink. Now he'd have to spend all that time loading into the secure servers he used to do this sort of thing, all the while contending with that skunk. That fucking skunk. His eyes narrowed as he thought about what he was going to do to_that fucking skunk_. Someone had to pay for his wasted time after all.

His anger turned to sadism and a grin stretched his face as he unfolded his arms, flexing his now greasy, sticky toes within his foul malodorous boots. He'd walked enough to work up a thick grimy sweat within the boots, adding to the humid environment within and intensifying the filth between his toes. He sighed then as a thought crossed his mind. The skunk had been a good little plaything. And he would be lying if he didn't say he was delighted in some of the lad's reactions. He smirked then. Why look for another plaything after all? He'd just repurpose the one he had, find new things to do with him.

The fox clapped his hands together gleefully as the limousine rolled down the stretch of country road leading to his estate. He was going to have a marvelous evening with his toy, and something told him the skunk was going to have quite a good time as well.

He was whistling again as he strode up the marble steps to his front door, all signs of anger or irritation having faded from his face. He locked the door and made his way down into the cellar, operating the hidden locking mechanism and striding down his hallway. He hadn't even bothered to take his boots off.

He clomped into the study, crinkling ever so slightly as he moved thanks to his diaper and of course squeaking. He shrugged his clothes to the floor save for his boots and diaper, flopping into his chair and turning it to face the skunk. He leaned down and unlaced his boots, pulling out his now-rancid rubber feet, wiggling his toes as the cool air washed over them, flooding the immediate area with the stale odor of unwashed feet and sweat-caked footwear. He smirked as he released both feet before leaning back, swinging his legs up and plopping the ungodly feet on the pressure plate, sweeping the plug and bindings that were resting there down to the floor.

"Here's the deal my lovely toy. Things fell through in my er...business transaction. So I'm not very happy. You're going to make it up to me by cleaning, bathing...no, worshiping my filthy feet eh? Get all in there, clean the gunk from between my toes and suck on my clammy heels. Now you might ask why you're going to do that. Well, for starters because I said so. Secondly, if you don't do that, well..." He stopped for just a moment and lifted his feet off of the steel plate, causing the fox to shriek out loud before he lowered the filthy feet back onto the plate. "You get the message I see. Go on ahead, get to work. I've got work of my own to do y'see." He grinned and grabbed his laptop from the desk beside himself, flipping it on and setting it in his lap, loading up the server connection and tapping his toes against the skunk's nose and lips. "What are ye waiting for, hmm? Suck my nasty toes!"

Chapter 4: Worship

The skunk grimaced as the rubber fox plopped down with a squeak. Tentatively watching Makenshi to see what his next move was. His nose twitched as he caught a whiff of something foul in the air, something overpowering the already disgusting stink of his soggy used diaper. He knew the smell well, and it made his nose almost curl in on itself. It was the smell of filthy unwashed feet. The kind of ripe stink you'd only get after months of not washing your feet.

The skunk's first thought was how Makenshi had gone from a faint body odor to full blown stinky feet in the matter of an hour or so. This was soon answered by the fox himself as he peeled off those boots. They must have been lying around the house for months on end, maybe more. There was a visible lining of thick crusty residue all along the inner tongue of the boots and god only knew what the inside of the boots must have looked like.

Makenshi's rubber paw gleamed in the light with a greasy smearing of ages-old filth and sweat. It was so bad there were very nearly 'stink lines' coming off of his feet as he hoisted them up. The scent was so foul and acrid that he'd even failed to notice Makenshi's own soiled diaper. His heart jolted as those feet took the place of the plug and straps he'd discarded onto the pressure plate a short while ago. The unbearable stench was mere millimeters from his face.

The skunk swallowed hard as he tried to recoil, but stopped in his tracks as Makenshi lifted his feet from the pedestal just long enough to give him a sharp and painful zap. His eyes narrowed as he surveyed the fox for a moment. He could tell Makenshi had no issues lifting his feet up and subjecting the skunk to more pain if he didn't do as he was commanded.

"Ugh alright then you filthy fox, bring them closer. I can't move, remember?" His throat scratched in an almost painful way as he spoke the first words he'd uttered since arriving at the fox's estate. The sound of his own voice even startled him a bit. Makenshi too looked up from his computer screen and raised a brow, letting out a soft chuckle.

"Feeling defiant today are we, lad? He jerked his feet back and put them on the ground, leaning forward and planting a sickly wet smooch on the skunk's immobilized nose, watching him try to writhe from the pain of the shocks. "Why don't you calm down and take your 'medicine' quietly so the big boss fox can get some work done, eh?" He shook his head and resumed his position, pressing the sweaty heels of his feet into the pad with a wet 'squeeealch'. This time though he made sure to shove them forward enough to rub his greasy rubber toe beans on the skunk's nose. Grinning, he flipped open the website he was working in, scrolling idly through the contents.

The skunk yelped loudly at the zaps again, growling under his breath as the feet were replaced. He huffed out over them, trying not to think about the smell too badly. He leaned forward then and dragged his tongue up the bottom of Makenshi's paw, from his heel up to the crease where his toe digits began. He could feel a salty thin layer of filmy grime collect on his tongue as he did so.

The strange thing about the rubberized fox was that it wasn't like licking a latex glove or a beach ball to lick his 'skin'. It was more like someone had become_a latex suit of sorts, the thin rubbery material merging with skin and fur to become some strange hybrid. When his tongue ran up the sole of the fox's filthy foot, it felt warm. It felt _alive. As it should, he supposed. It was a unique sensation and he shuddered from a combination of the acrid flavor and the smell.

He felt dizzy as he tried to swallow the filmy residue caked across his tongue. It was sour and bitter like old cheese mingling with corn chips, with a slightly sweet tang of foot sweat. The lick was only the beginning however, as Makenshi cooed approvingly when the skunk went in for another lick. This time he started midway up the foot and brought his tongue between two of the large beefy paw digits, into the dankest filthiest crevice on the stinking feet. He was rewarded with a glob of fermented toejam which stuck to his tongue and nearly singed it from the acidic flavor alone.

His eyes watered as he sucked down his impromptu 'meal'. Another lick, and ano---"Oh god why?!?" The skunk's head tossed back as Makenshi suddenly removed his feet from the pedestal and subjected the skunk to more shocking pain. "You mother_fucker_! S-s-s-stop!" The skunk cried out, tears rolling down his face as his cock and anus begged for release from the stimulation.

"What's that? Do you not enjoy the feeling? Seemed you were working a bit slow for my tastes, on my feet I mean. Why don't we pick up the pace this time hmm? And to show me you're serious, you'll need to calm down and stop insulting me. Beg, instead. Tell me how badly you crave the disgusting filth from between my toes. Tell me how you want to taste my feet in the back of your throat. Beg me like a good pet and I'll relent." He smirked as he leaned in, licking the skunk's nose and giggling to himself at how stiff the skunk's body had become.

"Ow ow ow god DAMNIT. What the fuck?!?" The skunk screamed out as the burning sensation in his anus and shaft grew more intense. He gritted his teeth and tried to focus on something, anything else. The shocks were so painful he could hardly bear it. Could he muster the strength to do as the fox wanted? He supposed he had no choice.

It took him longer than he'd have liked to muster the energy to beg in a convincing manner. He was grappling with the idea of subjecting himself to those paws again, but by choice. His alternative was to keep suffering from the shocks to his groin and anal passage. He whimpered out before finally uttering the words the fox was looking for.

"P-please. S-s---OUCH--sir...I need it. F-feed me y-your f-f-filthy feet!" He gasped out the phrase, spluttering out saliva with the effort involved. He gasped for air. If he could move he'd be lurching back and forth, gripping his belly to deal with the abdominal pain felt from the constant abuse to his testicles. However, he could do nothing but cast his baleful eyes up at the fox, tears staining the leather hood as they streamed freely down his face.

Makenshi tutted and shook his head before giving the skunk's head a gentle pat. "Come, come now. Was that really begging? I don't feel very convinced. Maybe I should go and put on a kettle of tea upstairs, come back in an hour and see how you feel?" Makenshi began to rise from his chair, stretching and staring down at the skunk before moving towards the door.

"N-no...NO WAIT! Feed me your filthy, greasy t-toejam! Stuff it down my throat. Let me w-worship those filthy fucking feet! God, I was BORN to praise your stink!" The skunk had no idea how he'd managed to string the words together. Through nearly-gritted teeth that was for sure. The phrase wrenched out and caused Makenshi to stop, turning to raise a brow. He seemed genuinely impressed at the second round of 'begging'. Grinning, he strolled back over to the chair and plopped down in it, bringing his feet up and letting them come to rest on the pedestal. "As you wish, pet." Those were his only words as he jammed his feet forward into the skunk's face, forcing his mouth open in the process.

The skunk closed his eyes as he welcomed the relief from the shocks, wrapping his lips gingerly around the toes offered to him. Again the sensation of the rubberized flesh and fur combo rolling across his tongue was unique. The overpowering bitter flavor of the foot grime washed over his senses, clinging to the roof of his mouth like a thick syrup. He'd taste the fox's filthy feet for weeks afterwards, for sure.

Makenshi sighed and resumed working on his laptop, flexing his toes in the skunk's maw and pressing into his inner cheeks, quite literally wiping off a thick trail of yellowed toejam. He felt the skunk's tongue working faster than before, lips applying suction around his toes as the skunk's eyes glazed over and he gave in. A stifled sound like a moan came out around the foot, coupled with hot air from the skunk's nostrils as he 'enjoyed' his 'treat'.

Makenshi felt himself stiffening under the diaper and shifted, a crinkling squeak echoing out as he got comfortable again. Though it wouldn't last long. His erection was pressing up against the underside of his laptop and his hips were starting to hurt from holding his feet higher than his torso for so long. He grunted and rolled his toes in the skunk's mouth. He'd swapped from one foot to the other, making sure to let that tongue curl in between all of his toes, cleaning thick layers of greasy grime by the second. It wasn't too terribly long before he was pretty much 'clean' in the foot area of things. Though 'clean' was a bit of an overstatement. That stench would linger for quite some time now.

Makenshi felt the skunk suck hard on his remaining unclean toes, feeling globs of gunk disappear from between them, surely rolling down the pet's throat by now. The thought made him stiffer than a board and he finally sighed, setting the laptop aside. He definitely needed some attention down below.

He stretched his arms before pulling his feet off of the pedestal, replacing the weight with his hand as he stood up, pressing down firmly on the pressure plate. "That was impressive, my little pet. Now you're going to show me what you're really made of. I have some more pressing areas that need attending to. Do be a dear and clean those for me too? Consider it your reward for behaving so nicely." Makenshi chortled and kept one hand on the pressure plate, using his free hand to undo the Velcro fastenings of his diaper, letting it fall gently to the floor with a wet 'plop'.

The skunk's eyes widened a bit as he stared at the rubberized sheath before him, a bulbous cock that looked like some sort of a butt plug reared out of it. The shaft was made of three large balls, not unlike knots. The one at the bottom was biggest, then a smaller one and the smallest one at the tip. It seemed designed specifically for anal pleasure. It gave off that familiar latex shine in the lights of the office.

The fox grinned as he straddled the pressure plate then, his filthy rear immediately leaving shit smears on the surface of the steel. He had one leg on either side of the pillar, putting his genitals at mouth level with the bound skunk. "Now I'm sure you can guess what you're going to do with this, eh?" Makenshi gripped his sheath and tugged a bit, allowing the skunk to get a fresh whiff of something sharp and tangy. Cock stink. Makenshi inched forward and poked the tip of his ominous member against the skunk's lips, licking his own lips as he angled forward. "Open wide, pet. Enjoy your treat!"

Chapter 5: The Treat

The skunk's nostrils flared as the sweaty cock head was pressed against his face. It was a different texture than the rest of Makenshi. This was more like actual cockflesh than any sort of rubber or latex. He breathed out through his nose, hot breath washing over the steaming shaft prodding at his lips. He had to admit it was more than a little tantalizing. His eyes flicked up to Makenshi and back down to his 'prize', the skunk swallowing nervously as he opened his mouth, feeling the fox slip forward on the pressure plate just enough to thrust his cock forcibly into the now-open mouth.

The skunk made a comical noise of surprise as the spheres plunged into his mouth. He immediately sealed his lips around what was offered, feeling the first of the two knot-like spheres embedded in his mouth. He quivered as he began to suckle on the shaft, his tongue wiggling around against the underside of the shaft. A thick residual layer of sweaty cock grime scraped off onto his tongue and Makenshi sighed pleasurably, tilting his head back and enjoying the sensation of having his cock 'nursed' so to speak.

The fox's tongue lolled out as he savored the sensations, rolling his hips ever so gently to push his cock back and forth within the skunk's mouth. He could feel the tongue slapping around at the underside of his cock before dexterously curling its way around the shaft. He sighed out and reached down to stroke the skunk's head, squeezing between the ears and ruffling the fur there

"Now that's the ticket. You like the taste of my cock don't you?" Makenshi delighted in pushing even more of the skunk's buttons, forcing him to admit to himself that he truly did enjoy the salty flavor bathing his tastebuds. It was unclean in several ways but it was so erotic for the skunk. He was struggling against his own erection down below, feeling himself stiffening rapidly.

"There you go boy. Suck it, tongue the base of my dick and wipe away the day's sweat with your throat. You love it and you know it." Makenshi's voice was slow and almost a bit slurred from the sheer level of pleasure he was experiencing. The skunk definitely knew how to suck a cock. The way the pursed lips rippled over just the right places, tongue wrapping so snugly around his cockflesh...the sucking draw from those experienced lips. This was definitely not the skunk's first time sucking cock.

Makenshi began to rock back and forth then, using the skunk's mouth like a makeshift pussy, watching those lips bulge out and tighten down as the orbs of varying size were yanked and shoved from that eager mouth. The warm wetness spread up his shaft and he let out a guttural moan as he began splurting thick sticky globs of precum directly into the back of the skunk's throat.

The skunk widened his eyes in surprise. The wet sticky and quite bitter taste of precum was in his mouth now. The fox definitely put out a good quantity of the stuff. Enough to slime up most of the skunk's mouth and force him to swallow down at least a cup of the stuff. The skunk could feel his own cock drooling a much lesser quantity of the precum down to the ground below. He huffed out through his nose as it bobbed and twitched.

Makenshi started bobbing back and forth faster now, muttering quietly to himself in pleasure as he began to fuck the skunk's maw. His movements made squeaking wet sounds given the shit smears on his ass cheeks from his filthy diaper, mingling with the latex like material of his ass cheeks. It was almost comical and would have been for both of them had they not both been in the throes of a wild orgasm.

Makenshi's jaw hung wide and he let out a gurgling moan as his organ spasmed, shoving himself all the way forward so that the most bulbous of the knot-like appendages was jammed into the skunk's mouth. At the moment he started to squirt cum down the skunk's throat, he heard thick splattering sounds of fluid against glass, knowing that the skunk had lost control all the same.

The skunk's lips pursed around the narrow cockflesh behind the largest bulb, eyelids fluttering as he sucked as hard as he could. He was milking it, after all. It didn't take but a few moments and he could feel the fox's urethra bulge out underneath the shape of the member, the head flaring ever so slightly as warm fluid began jetting out into his throat.

Given how far back in his mouth the cock was, the semen didn't last long at all before disappearing into his throat. Almost forced to swallow every last drop, his eyes rolled as the fox grunted bestially, finally finishing up his long and drawn out orgasm with a huff. His thick and sticky cum had slimed up the insides of the skunk's throat, leaving a syrupy residue as it slid and oozed down his throat and into his belly. The faintest hint of sharp musk blasted his tastebuds for a moment.

Makenshi wasn't quite finished yet, breathing heavily as he reached down to pet the skunk's head. He opted to keep his overly sensitive organ jammed into the skunk's mouth as it throbbed and his urethra switched modes from climax to bodily function. He placed his other hand on his gut and pressed, letting out a heavy grunt in the process. It wasn't long before acrid yellow fluid began to sprinkle out of his cockhead, slow at first.

The skunk's eyes focused and popped wide again as he started up at the fox the best he could. Was that...urine? Being so far from his tastebuds he couldn't be sure. Almost as if that same thought occurred to Makenshi, he felt the bulbous organ retracting from his throat, until only the tip remained in his mouth. There was no mistaking the acidic warm flavor of the fluid. The fox was beginning to piss.

The outpour of urine began to thicken from small tangy droplets to a full on powerful stream. He watched it pool and fall out of the corners of the skunk's mouth, chuckling as he opted to go one step further. He unfastened the hood around the skunk's head and yanked it off carefully, still urinating full-forced into the skunk's mouth, watching his adam's apple bob as he struggled to swallow the impossible quantity.

With the hood off and the skunk's bare head exposed, he grinned and pulled back, squelching his position on the pressure plate to slide back just enough to pull his pissing cock out of the skunk's mouth. The sound of fluid splattering substance echoed around the room as he continue pissing, but all over the skunk's face and head now.

The skunk had to close his eyes as the warm fluid flowed down over him, pattering to the ground inside his glass enclosure, staining the leather straightjacket affixed to him. He opened his mouth then, knowing it would please the fox. He opened wide enough to catch the stream and the fox chortled in amusement.

By the time it was said and done, the skunk was soaked in bitter piss, the taste of unwashed greasy cockflesh strong in his mouth. He opened his eyes, watching piss rivulets drip down from his forehead to his cheeks. He was blushing then, looking up at Makenshi. He only had to wonder, what could be next? That question was answered almost before the skunk conceived it. Makenshi wiggled and pushed himself to turn around completely, exposing his backside to the skunk at which he swallowed nervously.

Makenshi wasn't giving the skunk time to think about what came next. He squelched and scooted back in his messy trail left on the pedestal. In mere moments the overwhelming stench of unwashed ass caked in fresher shit assaulted the skunk's nose. He yelped out, muffled by the rubberized ass cheeks hugging his face as an impossibly moist and slimy pucker pressed against his nose.

He could feel the muddy shit caking into his fur. He imagined it would come off of a rubberized fur much easier than it would his own. At this point, he was complying for the sake of compliance. So he did what he knew was expected and pressed his lips to the slimy ring of anal flesh, immediately rewarded with a puttering toot from the flesh and a deluge of inner anal slime poured into his mouth. Not fresh waste, just the sort of anal mucus that was produced deep within the bowels and reeked to death.

The skunk's eyes glazed over as his face and tongue were used as glorified toilet paper for the fox, who sighed pleasantly. Each time the skunk's tongue would dare to slap and slide against the flexing anal muscles, the fox would fart directly into his open mouth again, unloading an alarming amount of the thick sticky anal mucus in the process.

The feces played second fiddle to the overpowering ass raunch the fox had. It was clear he hadn't washed his butthole in a very, very long time. That sour but sweet tang of dirty ass was the skunk's entire world now, overpowering the stench of shit by miles. Besides, at this point the skunk's tongue had scraped most of the filth away. It slid off of the rubberized flesh with ease. He imagined even a wet wipe would do the trick.

The fox's toes curled as he listened to the sounds of the skunk snuffling and huffing his ass stink, feeling the warm slime leave his anus and greet the skunk's tongue in kind. Now this was something he hadn't done with his playthings before. He had to admit it was quite nice. He might need to keep this skunk around for a long time after all.

The skunk felt himself stiffening again, approaching yet another handsfree orgasm as he feasted on dirty ass, an ass that seemed to keep squirting thick and sticky anal juices right into his mouth. He doubted his face would ever be clean again, he'd likely always catch an after-scent of Makenshi's filthy anus from now until the end of time. He wasn't sure that he actually minded. In fact, it was quite a nice disgusting stink to have around...

He felt his thoughts shifting as his mind melted to the musk, knowing only a desire now to worship the fox endlessly. To do as he was told. To beg, plead and whimper for more whenever Makenshi pulled away. It seemed that days transpired with the skunk sucking Makenshi's butthole before the fox finally yanked away and stood up. The skunk was reminded painfully of the presence of the shocking devices, to which Makenshi chortled out. Makenshi hummed quietly to himself as he knelt down, the skunk still being shocked as he pulled off the cum-soaked, piss-stained, shit-filled diaper. He grabbed his own off the floor and held them up, grinning as he carefully set them down on the pedestal to stop the shocks. He'd set the diapers together right up against the skunk's nose. Now he felt like making some food, so he blew the skunk a kiss and meandered out of the dank dungeon office, leaving it and its horrid stench behind for the skunk to enjoy as the doors sealed with hisses and clicks...