Unfaithful Love 2

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A loving wife and her husband moved to a new neighbourhood for his work and to start a new life building a family together. But she caught attention with the neighbour next door, who gives her the pleasure she never felt from her partner. Now, her mind is playing games, either to stay loyal or to give all away for the sexual desire she wanted, an unfaithful love.

Days went by, like the other days. Gregg, as usual, went to work leaving Aida home, kissing him a farewell. Not long after he was gone, Dobrik came knocking, greeted by her. She smiled as she brought him in, for some fun time. Pleasingly as they wrapped each other, their furs felt in one another, constantly exchanging kisses together and taste their own saliva as their muzzle came together. It was like watching a sex scene from a beautiful lust sharing their warmth body as one soul. Unintentionally, they helped each other to get undressed, as their fully naked body was shown in front of their naked eyes. The wolf acted as an alpha to the husky, as he crouched to his knee, getting the sense of her juicy vagina, as he licked the sensitive skin, tasting her luscious drooping in heat. As he entered her tongue in, sounds of moan came from her, breathing heavily as she felt his, inside her womb. He continued massaging her like a toy to play and so she was with him.

"In bed, now", she persuaded to continue this lust at their bed. A place where she slept with her husband all night would soon become their playground. He heard her offering and without hesitation, he lifted her, like a baby, kissing her casually as they walked. Once they arrived, he tossed her on the bed.

"Turn around, let me see your rear end", he ordered her and so she followed. Both her private parts from behind were shown, full of wet juice covered by her heat. He placed his hands to her arse, stretching it, exposing the inside womb. Then, he started to finger her ass, thrusting her sensitive part. Her moans were loud, her ass was not touched by anyone, neither her own husband. His touch was incredible, like he did it before. But no questions asked, they were too focused on the pleasure they had. But he stopped, changing to the main event. His erect dick was willing to have its enjoyment. Before he did, he placed it between her ass cheeks and rubbed smoothly through her fur. In seconds, she was losing her patient.

"Stop teasing me, I need it", she said, her lustful voice couldn't handle a little tease. Her inpatient angered his mood, growling like a hungry predator.

"I don't like your tone. You deserve a punishment", he pushed his member, straight in her rear end, making her scream in pain, because of her tight walls closer together. When he was thrusting, her womb was getting widened, despite its girth size. Every *fap* sounds, hitting her hips, following the rhythm, hearing her scream of lust was music to his ears, slapping both her cheeks until it marked red hands. His member was throbbing, through and through without a sign of stopping. She called his name.

"Huh~ fuck me Dobrik, Ah yes~ tame me with your big cock~", her words pleased him, wanting to do more, desired for more lust.

"Arghh, take it~", he ejaculated his loads inside, after minutes of anal sex. They passed out to bed, resting, after decaying all their stamina. But it didn't end there. Whenever her husband left, he came. Fucking, pleasuring, owning her, draining all the juice of lust within them. Their untold connection had gone further, deep down to their sexual desire, risking it all, for a touch of fur, attaching their sensitive lust in one another. They went on from weeks to months, attempting various positions, keeping their connection untold, particularly her husband. Having it behind his back, him doing the work, bringing in fortune while her lust has been taken. But they were not the only ones and someone was watching them. The other house next door, a figure was spying through a window. Watching, recording them having their way in the bedroom. He held a stand camera, capturing every move, sex, angles and pictures along the way. He had all the witnesses of their secret relationship. He had been doing this since she came to his house, he was there, observing, without making a sound. He only smiled, a face detrimental to this couple. But his focus was on Aida, not Dobrik nor Gregg. He got planned for her, but it would have to wait. He must have had the right time to do so.

Days passed, her husband left, as for the wolf too had gone out, Aida was left on her own. Passing the time, she went to her garden, planting flowers as usual, until she heard a *snap* of a camera. It surprised her, as she turned to see where it came from, unveiled a male brown horse, holding his camera, focusing on his shots. He lay his camera down, once she spotted him.

"Sorry to bother, you look beautiful with those flowers", he said, with a deep manly tone.

Evidently, he was a stallion, with a bigger body than Dobrik, buff, his hands were huge, he could break that camera to pieces but he didn't. It looked like he was in a soft mode for now. A stallion like that, meant danger coming up. But his compliment, sent a good vibe around them.

"Thank you, and you are?" She questioned.

"Jack, and you must be Aida. Please to meet you", he replied, handing out his hand for a shack, and she accepted it.

But how could he know her name? They hadn't met yet. It was curious at first, maybe she didn't notice he was here, might be possible since she always put eyes on Dobrik. She let that mind swept through, unnecessary to ask, might be rude to not recognize him before.

"It was nice to meet you too. Can I see the picture you took?" She offered to see the photo he took earlier.

"Sure", he accepted as he gave the camera to her, taking her trust to each other. As she examined the photo, it was well taken. The position, lighting, her pose, it was like a professional taking the shot. She was amazed and glad he liked it. She was very impressed by his work and would like to see more.

"Can I see what you do?" Suggesting him for his work.

"Yeah I can show you around", he invited her into his house, opening the fence gate as she went through, letting her walk first. But something was not right, as she didn't notice. He could only smile and time to play the card. Right now, he acted naturally, not getting her scared all of sudden. Once inside he escorted her to his office where he kept all his previous photos. She was astonished by the decorations of his room. Photos hanging on the walls, beautiful portraits on the desk, photo albums on drawers, this horse was living as a photographer. The office was wider than the living room, despite there being a set of a photo booth, where he took pictures on the go. It had a long white background, two camera light stands on both sides, a camera had been prepared on a stand and a stool, just in case for anyone short to stand. She took a quick tour of all the things around her, getting the view of the room, looking at pictures he took before. Mostly were Landscapes and portraits of a person. Weirdly, those portraits were all females, almost like she knew some of them. But she got interrupted by Jack.

"Would you like some tea?" He offered.

"Oh, yeah, that would be nice, thank you".

"Great, take a seat in the living room", he left as she looked at the photo once more before leaving his workplace. At some moment, she thought something didn't feel right about this mysterious horse. While she was sitting, she looked around for clues, finding any sign to understand his personality. But nothing, the house was plain, simple. It didn't have that character of the horse he lived in. Almost felt like he just bought the house by default, ready for him. He was hiding something, or maybe he was not a photographer at all. Maybe this was a bad idea, coming into someone's house. But she got herself invited, that was a mistake just to be a 'nice person'. So far, nothing happened. She hoped it would. A few minutes later, Jack came with the tea, Two glasses filled, with tea bags in it. He carried it on a tray, easier to hold and lay it on a coffee table. Once he was done, he sat down the opposite, facing her.

"These are green tea, if that's fine with you?" He asked.

"Oh green tea is fine", she took a tiny sip, since it was hot, taking some tastes of the tea and it was wonderful.

"Wow this is great!" She added, once she laid her glass.

He was thankful for her compliment as he drank some as well. The scene went quiet, taking some time drinking their teas until he broke the ice, asking her something.

"So, I can see you're got a lovely husband?"

"Oh, yes. Things didn't go as planned but we'll work it out together", she added.

"And how about your neighbour?"

"Our neighbour?" Out of nowhere, his question had gotten unpleasant for her. Her face changed once she heard it, showing her getting worried. So, she played a little twist with the question.

"Well, our neighbour is giving me a nice, warm glass of tea-"

"I meant Dobrik, the wolf. You two were hanging out most of the time?" He cutted her words, and felt annoyed by it. He was serious, even worse for a horse-shaped face. He looked like he could punch someone right now. She was starting to get scared, but keeping her nerves, didn't want to make a scene.

"Uhm, w-well I uhh" she was stuttering, couldn't say a word anymore. She looked down in panic. There was nothing she could think of to answer. As for the horse, he just stared at her, not long after he took out something from his pocket, some photos and lay it on the table.

"Take a look", he asked her.

When she looked, she was shocked in disgrace. They were photos of her and Dobrik having sex. All their sexual encounters, from her bed and his house, the first time they did it. At this moment, her body was shaking. It felt like she couldn't move, shivering as she was in her down state. What could possibly he want from her?

"H-how did you get this?" She said, her tone was deep, feeling frightened.

"From a man who lives next door?" His tone got stern. He was not joking anymore. She could see his eyes from the point of view, something was about to happen and he would be the one to unshackle.

"What do you want".

"An offer you can't reject".

There was nothing else she could do. He was a threat that would ruin her life. She was supposed to be careful in situations like this. Guess all the sexual minds didn't help her think it through. Now, the horse asked for an offering. He blackmailed her and she had to do whatever the circumstances would give. But why did he want to do this? She didn't have any memory of Jack. Either something related to Dobrik or Gregg that he was interested in. Maybe an unfinished affair they had in the past. But now Aida took part of it and she had to do something to save her marriage eventually.

In another way, she accepted his offer, nodded without a single word to speak. He understood her sign as he stood up.

"Follow me", he didn't hesitate as he escorted her to the... basement? Something wasn't right and she didn't like it. Walking down the stairs, there was nothing but a door, which was locked. He opened the locker with a key he was holding, sliding it wide but it was dark.

"Come in".

"What's in there?"

"You'll see".

He dragged her in, closing the door behind. Jack found the light switch, as he switched it on the room was clear and bright. She took a look at the room and she was surprised. The walls was covered with red, a single king size bed, cameras setted at different angles, sex toys in different sizes, bondage equipments and clothes hanging. At this moment, she knew what this horse was. He was into bdsm sex play and she hadn't experience this kind of kink before.

"Take your clothes off".

"What are you going to do to me?"

"You'll know. Now, be a good slut and take it all off'.

He was losing patience. Not taking his time, she removed her clothes rapidly, tossing them from afar. She was stark naked from his perspective, taking a glance of her soft, beautiful pattern of her furs. He went closer as he felt her body, rubbing her warm fur. She didn't resist, allowing him to explore her, even her sensitive womb. He brought his hand between her legs, to her entrance. He played around, fingering her walls inside. He could hear her moaning, breathing heavily from her muzzle.

"I... I'm not feeling well, I-I feel so hot... w-what's going on?"

"Well, I guess the pill is working its magic".

"Pill? I-I feel weak. I can't stand...".

She fainted to the ground, not getting a chance to finish her words. Her body instantly felt weaker than before and she couldn't stand. It must have been the tea she drank, he drugged her. Her vision had gotten blurry, she could only see an unfocused figure watching.

"Don't worry, it'll wear off".

The voice was deeper like she was in a deep water, her hearing wasn't working accurately as she went unconscious. The only thing she felt, someone was grabbing and raising her.

Time skipped, she had woken in an uncomfortable state. It was still blurry, she blinked repeatedly, clearing her eyes to see better. But she couldn't move her muscles. She looked around her, and unveiled she was wearing a black harness strapped on her body, a collar on her neck and laid on the bed already. Her arms were tied on the bed's bar headboard. Her legs were freed but she was still weak to move. Her body was dripping with sweat, she breathed heavily rapidly as she tended to get more heat in her, her womb was getting swollen with the heat and with just a touch she could feel pleasure. The room was dark again with only a ceiling light on top of her opened. Then, he heard a thumping sound coming closer.

"You awake".

"J... Jack? W... What did you do to me?"

"Just relax and enjoy".

Her voice was weak as well, trying to speak her words out but she lost her breath quickly as she had to breathe more air. Adding, Jack removed her pants, revealing his erected member. Being a horse, it was longer, bigger, stronger and thicker than any species could have. She could see it with her bare eyes, like the size of an arm. He laid it on her body and she was shocked. That length could insert through her stomach, reaching the upper waist. Her body couldn't take that kind of size or it would kill her or ruin the inside.

"W... Wait. I-I can't take it, it won't fit".

"I know, that's the pills for. It weakens your body and softens the inside. Your womb will stretch smoothly from any large object inserted through. You'll still feel pain but it won't damage your organs. Let me demonstrate"

Without warnings, he thrust his member straight right in smoothly, no stopping.


She screamed in pain from it's length, she could see its bulge stretching her stomach, filling the wombs space. He started thrusting, in and out and pushing all its inches in. Her vagina wasn't meant for its size as the tip pushed the cervix deep in. It was painful to feel, she screamed every thrust it went in and her breathing was faster as she needed more air to handle the pain. It got her dizzy as she couldn't feel her body anymore. It felt like she was a flesh sex toy rubber with nothing inside. She began to blur out from him thrusting rapidly without stopping. Her screams were weakening and exchanged lust of pain. There was nothing else to stop this horse. Her womb was getting wet from her orgasm, lubing his dick, licking out the remains and precum out from its tip of the pleasure he was taking. This would put her unconscious if he kept going like this. But then he pulled his member out, making a 'plop' sound.

"Wha...~ What~?"

"I'm not finished".

He turned her body around, from her back to the front.

"Let's remove this bean out".

"B... Bean?"

He inserted a bean in her anal when she was unconscious. He pulled it, one bean at a time as she moaned with an 'ah~' sound, her hole had stretched out every bean removed and dripping juices from it. Once the bean was removed, he gave his member a massage between its cheeks, rubbing it firmly through her skin. Not long after, he pushed it in through making her scream again as the wombs were tight. Even though the pill helped to stretch her walls, the pain won't vanish. She couldn't handle the size anymore.

"P... *huff* Please... no more"

"Try to deny me?"

"I... ~ I can't take it anymore".

"Then I'll force you to accept"

She begged him to stop but he wouldn't take her words. So he had something in mind to force her out, by punishing her. He removed his member and somewhere in the dark, he took some kind of silicone paddle. It was hard to see it as it was dark in colour. Without any delay, he rubbed it around her cheeks and went through her anal, letting her to feel it before moving to the painful part. Without waiting, he gave her a hard smack on both cheeks, making her scream. Every smack she shouted 'AHH!' of pain, the sound filled the room but no one could hear, the horse was fulfilling his needs, punishing her entirely and her cheeks had turned red from it. She was suffering but she couldn't do anything, her body was already weak to move and only torture she offered.


She cried all her lungs out, begging him to end her torturous. Her tears were flooding from crying, the torture was too much for her, no one could help her and this was her punish. But for what? His pleasure? Recordings? He won't stop thus, scratches and stitches appeared, bleeding from the red wound and still, he was proceeding to hit her.

"You want me to stop?"

He grabbed her neck as he moved closer to her ears.

"Then you'll do whatever I say and be my pet".

"Yes, I-I will".

"Good girl".

She was in tears but accepted his offer. There was nowhere she could avoid. He cornered her in this blackmailed situation. He gave an evil smile on his face, he owned her now, not just her body but he could do anything to her in any way and he wasn't finished. He wrapped her mouth with a red ball gag before releasing the tie and moved her to a different spot. Promptly, a few lights were shining in the room, revealing all the kinky equipment again and cameras that were already rolling, but something was hanging between the rooms. It was a sex swing he installed earlier. It had black ropes tied on the ceiling to a black soft bench, handles for hands and clips to hold someone for balance. With her harness, he attached her to it as he positioning her body on the sex swing. Despite her weak body, those clips would hold her legs up and spread, exposing her vagina. He did not hesitate as he went shoving his entire inch through her inside. The pill effect was still present, so he won't bother to drug her again. But her condition had gone so weak that she couldn't scream anymore but absorbed the lust from him. She received his pleasure but not savouring this circumstances, she gave an aroused face, blushing red as the heat presented during the sex, her breathing had became normal from the stretch of its length had widen her organs as a common thing and every thrust made her swing when fapping against her as he held both her rear end, getting some grip to follow his flow. It hadn't done yet, the horse utilized every piece of equipment in the room. From chains to pierced, sex toys to machines, pet play to slaves, whipped to spanked and orgasm to semen, filling the scent of juicy lust in the room. Hours of bondage pet play, she had enough and as for the horse. Her body was completely covered with stitches and scratches, her skin began turning red from bleeding and her vagina had stretched to the size of his member from hours of fucking. Her womb couldn't shut as it was still licking from orgasm and her vagina was covered with his thick horse semen. Her breast had been pierced, still bleeding from it as a symbol for being his pet and owning her. She looked like a slave slut that she was and couldn't deny it. She got herself into this and it was her fault to do so. She couldn't move but the horse had one more round on him. He grabbed her head, pulling her closer to his cock. This time, she didn't oppose it as she straight licked his tip, praising like she wanted it badly.

"Huh, I guess you are into this. You couldn't hide your old self do you? Melaine"

"Wha-... wait. H-How you know my real name?"

"Like I said. You couldn't hide your past".

Melaine was Aida's real name. She changed it before she met Gregg all because she was running from her past and she didn't want to go back. She wanted to turn her life around to be a normal person, marrying a loving mate and a happy family like everyone else. But her past self ruined her and she was supposed to get rid of it but every time she tried, her old character would tame her mind and body to do what she needed. All of this happened because of her past haunting her again. So, she had nothing but to accept it.

Without saying a word, he pulled her head, inserting his cock in her mouth. With that kind of length, it went down her throat and almost reached her stomach. She made a 'gulp' sound as she tried to suck it. With his aid, he started to thrust in and out as hard as he could, making her choke every shoved it went in. She had a hard time breathing as it filled her mouth entirely but she could handle it. It went faster, longer and it started to stretch her throat so that you could see its girth pushing her skin to her stomach. It was hurting her but she wanted it whole, she wanted her body to get destroyed, beaten, punished for all her misdeed. She was a bad bitch and the horse was her master. She accepted his cock as she moved her head on her own, giving him a good blowjob and she won't need his aid anymore so he let go of her head, letting her do the rest.

"That's it slut, take it".

She didn't say a word as she was busy taking his entire inch in her mouth. Few more thrust she could feel his cock starting to feel hot. He was about to shoot his semen one last time. She started to throb faster and faster, supporting it to reach its climax and so it did. He started to shoot his last round inside her stomach, filling with white thick horse semen. She wanted to have a taste of it so she pulled her head out to suck its tip, getting the last drip for her to enjoy. Even though he stopped cumming, she was still sucking his cock. Her mind and body was overtaken by her old self from his pleasure. Out of the blue, she started to smile, blushing red with lust, she looked at him with a horny face as he looked back and her voice was beginning to change from an innocent wife to a lustful slut tone. His member had gone weak and couldn't go for another, so he stopped her from sucking again as he shoved her to the bed, laying down. She turned her body facing him again as she played her body, massaging her boobs and licking her breast, rubbing her vagina as it was still sensitive from fucking, masturbating herself to reach her orgasm again. She expanded her entrance with her fingers, exposing the horse.

"Go again~?"

"Hah, sorry. Even though I wanted to, I got no rounds left. Take a rest you slut, tomorrow's another day".

She offered for another round but was rejected by his master, ordering her to rest. She didn't say anything but she passed out from tiredness and out of energy to move anymore. Everything begins to blank, she didn't care what happened next but sleeping was what she needed now. Laying on the bed weak, she shed tears in her eyes, crying with her eyes shut. There was no one to comfort her, she was left alone. No one was around, crying was the only thing she wanted now and all of this to be over.

Hours passed, her eyes still shut. She had stopped crying and everything was quiet. So quiet that she couldn't hear her own breath. Then there was this tiny voice she heard, whispering through her ears. It was not clear but then it got louder... louder... louder.



"Woah, stay calm it's me. Sorry I woke you up".

"Gregg? W-Where am I?"

"Uhmm, you slept in the living room".

Gregg showed up from nowhere, he was there waking her. She took a glance at her surroundings and noticed she was at her house in the living room. She raised her body, unveiling she was covered with a blanket and wearing her nightgown. She wondered how she got here and who. Might be Jack, but why? Nonetheless, it was a good thing he brought her here before Gregg came home or he might be worried about her absence. She was dizzy as her head began to hurt. She looked around again and it was already night. How long has she passed out? All those sex and sleep made her tired again but she got the energy to move around.

"Sorry I kept you waiting. We had another meeting and I tried to tell you that I'm going to be late but you didn't answer my calls".

"Oh, I'm sorry. I uh, too much stuff going around here".

"Hmm, that explains your tiredness. C'mon let's get you to bed".

He carried her like a baby in his arms around her, going up the stairs one step at a time. Once arrived at the bedroom, he laid her on the bed gently and covered her with a blanket. She waited for him to get in his night clothes as he straight jumped in bed. They both got closer, cozying their bodies together and he gave her a smooch kiss on her lips. Before he turned his body to the other side, she stopped him.

"Gregg... would you still love me, if I mess up?"

"Hmm? Where is this coming from?"

"I mean... What if I'm not the loving wife that you knew anymore, what if I betray you at some point, or if I make a mistake in our relationship and it's my fault?"

"Whoa honey calm down, I don't know where you are getting this. Something's wrong?"

"Gregg... if I get us in trouble... destroy our life from being together... or with someone else, would you still hold me?" *Crying*

"Ohh, honey... I don't know why you're talking like this but I can tell you, whatever happens between both of us we can face it together. We help each other, fix it and do whatever we can to be a family. Even if it means if we're with... someone else, but I promise I will hold you and love you the best I can".

"Thank you".

She kissed him on his lips longer than before. She hugged him tight as he accepted this embracement she was giving. Both went to sleep together but her mind couldn't let go of what happened with the horse. The lust was still in her and the pleasure overtook her body. Even though her husband was with her, it was not enough. She knew he was too innocent for this and she didn't want to ruin his heart because her past life came haunting her again. She needed to do something before everything would be ruined but nothing could get her out of this mistake. Jake owned her and would do anything but Dobrik was still around, maybe he could help but might be a risk. She didn't want to think and see what happened tomorrow.

The scene had changed to Jack's side, he was still up late in his office, editing the sex videos he took earlier with Aida. When he was done he copied in a pendrive. He went outside as he waited next to a pole with only a single half working street light. It was in the middle of the night, everyone was asleep and no one around was watching. Not long, a figure came closer to him, walking slowly as he showed his face... Dobrik.

"How're you doing Jack?"

"Good but remember, I'm only doing this for myself".

"Hehe you do your way Jack. Now, you have the videos?'

"Sure, here".

Jack lends over the pendrive to Dobrik.

"I'll take a look, see if it's great for views. You'll have your cut once I've done".

"No problem with that".

Right before Dobrik left, he looked at him once more.

"Oh and uhh Jack. When this is over, we go our separate ways. Your contract ends after you are done".

Once he was done talking, he walked back but Jack halted him

"How about her?"

"Aida? Not my problem. You know her way back so you either deal with her or let her life miserable. Also, don't you call her Melaine? She might tend to forget her past, but they always show up. Like you bringing her into this work of ours".

He went inside his house after he was done with Jack and everything began to silence. As for Jack, he was rethinking his work again but work is work. All he needed was her to play the part. He went back in and to his room, laying before ending the day. Right now, he was concerned about bringing her past life back. Might be a mistake to do so, but it already happened. Tomorrow's another day for the wife's pleasure.