Day 13) Jam

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#13 of Voretober

I am not sure what kind of poetry you'd define this as but I had a lot of fun experimenting with this short lil thing. Featuring Fintaffet Fintaffet as his anteater self merging up with my gooey tiger. Cws: Goo, Hypo, Merging, Trait theft, Absorption

Enjoy day 13 of Voretober

Pizza yawned as the tiger woke up from his bed. Spiraling thoughts ran through his head.

He noticed an anteater goopy and bright. How did such a creature slip in through the night?

Fin licked his lips, the anteater's grin spread wide. That lengthy goopy tongue began to slide.

Slither and sway it curled and lathered across the tiger's face. Swooning thoughts in place.

"Let loose." The anteater cooed with affection. The tiger's figure melted with an erection.

The body of the tiger's becoming a puddle. The melty anteater's shape began to huddle.

Sensations between the two began to surge! Their bodies started to merge!

The soft liquid becomes entangled and mixed. The two become one as the shape is fixed.

Reshaping into one. The anteater had won.

Malleable and partially yellow. Fin was now a chubbier fellow.

Adorning new ears and tail. With the tiger's features absorbed, allure wouldn't fail.

Day 14) Guest

This is for Day 14 of Voretober2022 featuring my lovely friend Loganbear1 Loganbear1 as Logan. Pizza ends up being a guest at Logan's place. Seems like the two planned on a little dinner date. CWs: Willing prey,Feederism, Mawplay, Gentle Pred,...

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Day 12) Frozen

This another fun lil horny blurb for day 12 of Voretober. I wanted to write some stuff involving Lynch a very lovely mera and friend. And well Pizza is myself, the weird little cannonical mess of a tiger lore wise. When the day is full of blinding...

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Day 11) Offering

Needed to do another short one to kind of take a break from the longer form pieces I have been doing for this extensive project. Anyway, this is a fun lil blurp about my vulture Sadiq who's continually confused for a god. While not being one he still...

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