The Past Divide

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When Theo and Milo get into a fight at Haze's party, he finally asks what happened between the two to make them hate each other.


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Haze walked around his house, taking in the sights and sounds of the party he was hosting. The music was loud and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves: talking and laughing while having drinks in their hand. He had one of his own, keeping it steady as he returned to the kitchen where his immediate friends were. It had started as a small thing but those in attendance invited friends of their own. The laid back panda didn't mind. All of his things were already put away and the big house still had plenty of room.

He was in a very good mood, walking right past two dogs that were preoccupied with each other. They could be heard moaning into the other's mouths, their tongues keeping constant contact. The panda walked right past, seeing that all kinds of fun was being had in the living room. More drinking, dancing, and a small show of some pony getting sucked off on the couch. Finally getting into the kitchen, the bear's good mood instantly fell. Even the pounding music failed to drown out the arguing.

Shouting back and forth at each other were Theo and Milo. The less than 4 foot fennec, having black and grey fur with yellow fluff within his large twitching ears, was standing on the kitchen table. That brought him at a similar height to his adversary. It was Milo, a large 7 foot grizzly with vibrant blue fur and white accents. He was the biggest guy in attendance, now butting heads with someone less than half his size.

On either side, there was another keeping the both of them from fighting. Rodney kept a hand on Theo's shoulder, being ready to pull the other short male away at a moment's notice. And on Milo's end, his best friend Silas already had a hold on the bear's left arm. It was doubtful that the lanky rat could actually hold the bear back but that didn't stop him from trying.

Groaning to himself, Haze stepped in to break the two of them up, getting in between. This was far from the first time that Theo and Milo were at each other's throats. At this point the panda was sick of it. Anytime the fennec and grizzly came across each other it was nothing but insults and being just short of fighting.

"That's enough!" Haze huffed, looking back and forth between the two of them. Theo and Milo backed away but were still glaring at each other.

"Is this a regular thing?" Rodney asked, being more annoyed than anything else. And seeing the panda nod didn't make him feel any better.

"Who the hell invited you anyways?" Theo growled, getting his drink.

"You didn't..." Milo muttered.

"Ugh, why do the two of you hate each other so much?" Haze asked.

"Well, you can ask Theo about that," the bear said.

"Oh fuck you. I've apologized several times!" the fennec defended.

"Little good that does..."

"What are you two talking about?" Haze demanded, being fed up with the both of them.

Theo sighed, his ears lowering a bit. "Milo and I... used to be a couple. But that was some years ago. Before I even met you, Haze."

"It was about 3 years ago..." Milo elaborated.

"You two used to be...together?" Haze asked, hardly believing it himself.

"Guess I should explain a bit," Theo groaned. It was something he had meant to tell Haze but never found the time. Better late than never...


Theo sighed as he laid on top of the bear's chest and belly. The two had just finished having sex and the fox was feeling rather satisfied. He and Milo had met about 2 months ago. The grizzly was new to the city, coming from some other town. The two of them met at a club and the next week they came across each other again. Upon their second encounter, they talked more and a pair of mammals ended the night by exchanging numbers. Talking further got them to see each other more often...

Being 18 and out on his own, Theo didn't have much and was still figuring a lot of things out. He crashed with a friend of his named Westley, a large muscular possum. The fennec wasn't quite ready to tell his boyfriend that he got by from conning and outright robbing others. Westley taught him that there were many suckers in the city and even more money to be made from them. Theo didn't feel bad about taking from others, instead it brought him a thrill and doing it with Westley made it pretty fun.

Milo himself was adjusting as well, having an apartment that was quite small for someone his size. He expected much more when moving to the city. But the bear was working a job that bored him a most and getting subpar pay from it as well. But having Theo around made him feel much better. The fox knew how the city worked and that helped a lot as well.

"I really hate my job..." Milo suddenly said, breaking the silence.

Theo had to stifle another groan. This was far from the first time he heard this from the bear. In fact, Milo did a lot of complaining. They used to have actual conversations but at this point Milo usually called when he needed to vent to someone. At first the fennec didn't mind but it was always the same thing... "Then quit and get a new one..."

"It's not that simple."

That usual response. At this point the smaller male could accurately predict their back and forth. Even worse was the choice to do this right when they finished. Milo would ask him to come over, they would have sex and then the bear would start dumping his grievances without warning. And always the same thing...

There were plenty of jobs that the bear could take on. Theo would list a bunch of places that were hiring but Milo never took in the advice. It seemed he just wanted something to keep moaning about. Holding down a job was something that never appealed to the fennec so he sought out other avenues, even if they weren't honest. But Milo had options and could really find something that suited him but he just wouldn't...

Theo heard his boyfriend out and when the conversation was over, the bear offered to take Theo back to Westley's place. But he declined and decided to walk back, having some things to think about as well.

When returning to the possum's also small apartment, Theo sighed deeply while throwing himself on the torn and musty couch. "Fuck..."

"Another long one? Bring anything back?" Westley asked, coming out of the single bedroom.

Theo shook his head. "I was with Milo..."

"Oh, spending time with your boytoy?" the bulky possum teased.

"I guess..." It was a bit hypocritical but the fennec began to vent about his experience with Milo. It started out like something in a movie. They were both 'in love.' Constantly talking and calling each other, their conversations being about anything or nothing at all. Much time used to be spent together as well, going to different places, eating out, and other kinds of things.

"It's not even like that anymore," Theo groaned. "Now it's only at his place and he only calls me if he wants to fuck. I call him and he says he's busy or not in the mood or some other shit... It's like he's changed or something."

"Or maybe he's just showing his true colors," Westley said with a chuckle.

"What do you mean?" the fennec asked.

"I see it all the time. Dudes acting different just to get a bitch to the crib. Once you got her you don't have to pretend anymore," the possum explained while sitting down on the couch as well.

"Oh so I'm the bitch?" Theo said, an amused grin being seen on his face.

"Hey, you said it. Not me," Westley deflected. The both of them laughed before Theo sighed and began to think about it some more.

The next few days were about the same. Theo and Westley would get more money through some kind of con or hustle and later on another call would come. Milo was on the other end, asking Theo if he could come over. There was no asking about the day or if the fennec was even busy. He was no longer busy but still... Westley's words had stuck with him and Theo wondered if Milo just saw him as a quick fuck or something like that.

"I'll be back..."

The walk to Milo's place was slow. Theo did some more thinking on the way. Should he just be upfront and ask about it? Nothing was going to change if he didn't... When reaching the apartment, the first few knocks of the door were immediately followed by it opening, the large ursine being on the other side with a grin.

"There you are," his tone had a little something extra to it. Clearly the bigger male had been waiting for this. "Come on."

"Milo..." Theo first said as he followed the bear into the living room. The bear didn't stop but did make a sound of acknowledgement. "Can't we just talk a bit first?"

"We can talk after. Please. I've been here waiting for you," Milo encouraged.

Theo nodded but sighed as he stepped in front of the already sitting grizzly. With legs spread and a tent in his pants, it was obvious what Milo wanted. Knowing that he wouldn't get anywhere until after it was done, the fennec got in close and was already pulling down the zipper.

Tugging down the boxers underneath exposed Milo's ten inches. Given his size, he was also pretty big down there. Knowing exactly what his boyfriend liked, the fennec got to work. His hands were on the bear's erection. It was already pulsing against his palms and a moan came when they started to tug upwards.

He was still thinking while stroking the bear's dick up and down with both hands. Even their sex used to be more exciting. Milo used to spice things up but now he just wanted the same old. He could feel the precum already wetting his palms and picked up the pace, smearing the warm and slick fluid over the fully hard bearhood. In addition to the low moans from the bigger male, a series of steady wet sounds could be heard as well, sounding with each rising and lowering motion of Theo's hands.

The handjob progressed with the addition of Theo's tongue, gently swiping over the tip. He could taste the salty hints of the precum, admitting that it was a taste that he enjoyed. Swiping the pink muscle along the head, Theo continued to collect the warm substance over the surface, taking in more of the flavor. While doing that his own cock could be felt rising in his shorts. Sighing internally, he put the questions he wanted to ask aside for now. Maybe he needed this just as badly...

"Whoa... You're so good at this," Milo commented, feeling the soft touches to his cocktip. One came after another, making the surface even wetter than what his precum alone did. The jerking of his dick continued while the tongue slowly dragged along in slow wide circles, licking up precum as soon as it oozed out.

Feeling emboldened, the fox took a deep breath and opened his muzzle, leaning down and forwards. His lips spread around the wet tip, having the precum being smeared over them while taking the inches in his muzzle. At this point he was used to Milo's size and didn't have much trouble sinking down on them, one after the other. The bear moaned louder and watched his dick disappear into the other male's maw. Warmth and wetness surrounded his bearhood, the tightness of Theo's throat making him shudder and jump a bit.

Theo closed his eyes and simply bobbed his head up and down, feeling the rigid flesh pumping back and forth within his windpipe. There were little gags and he kept up the motions at the same pace that his handjob was at. Going up and down, the tip and other inches slid in and were pulled back out. The soft walls hugged in close, giving added clenches here and there that milked out more precum. It clinging to the surface made it all the easier for the flesh to slide around.

Breathing deeply, Milo sat back and just let his boyfriend throat his cock. His own precum was being further smeared over his own flesh. Theo's mouth was reaching all the way down to the base, the tongue having kept itself pressed to his underside. Theo had admitted to fooling around before they met and his actions spoke for itself. From the soft lips, gently moving tongue, and the throat that caressed the rest of his inches further beyond.

Since his mouth had taken up the space, Theo's hands were now playing with the bear's balls, rubbing and even squeezing them gently. He could feel them churning, heavy and full of seed. The two of them could fuck all night, fulling draining every drop of cum out of Milo and he would be ready to do it all again the next day, having a full and swollen pair all over again. Sucking down in the precum, the fox just gave his boyfriend what was requested. He sucked harder, running along the throbbing inches, being more prominent than before. Milo was getting close and wouldn't be lasting too much longer...

"Ooahh!! Fuck, Theo..." the grizzly snorted, digging his claws into the couch's arm. He could feel his cock swabbing the throat walls, being further squeezed and rubbed. Those hands on his balls added to the experience, having been teasing and caressing them the entire time. Milo rode this out the best he could but was soon growling deeply as he came and pumped full out of his thick and hot bear spunk down the fennec's throat.

Theo had been ready for it and proceeded to drink it all down, feeling the hot and sticky spunk rushing down into his stomach. When pulling back he got the last few ropes on his tongue, feeling it gush straight from the tip before painting the length of the long flat muscle. One hand returned to the wet shaft, giving it some slow jerks to milk out whatever else he could, suckling and kissing the tip gently. All the while, he kept his eyes closed and waited for it all to be over so they could finally talk. Milo grunted a bit more before finally sighing deeply. Theo popped his mouth from the softening length and drank the rest down, clearing his throat before looking up at the satisfied bear.

"Milo. Can we talk more now?" Theo asked with some urgency in his tone. This time he was one interrupting the afterglow. Milo made a clearly annoyed sound but nodded. Got on the couch beside him. After taking a deep breath he just figured the best way to do this was just to say what he had been thinking for a small while now. "You love me right, Milo?"

"Huh? O-of course I do," Milo said, stammering a bit.

Theo nodded but pressed on. "I just noticed that we're not spending time with each other like we used to. You know, going places... We don't even talk like we used to."

Milo had a look on his face before he spoke. "I know... I've just been busy."

Busy. That was the word the bear always used and yet Theo knew for certain that the bear didn't do much when getting back home from work. He would call the fox over to have some fun and then claim to have something to do, leaving Theo to head back home either by walking or car ride.

"Busy right..." Theo grunted, his ears lowering.

"Well, I've been trying to save up so I can get out of this city. It just doesn't feel right..."

'You never really gave it a chance,' Theo wanted to respond but he kept quiet for now.

"...And I was hoping that you would be coming with me," Milo revealed. "I don't have any real plans but it could be the two of us. With the money you have we could go anywhere!"

"Wait, wait!" Theo interrupted. "I don't wanna go anywhere. I like it here and I'm sure as hell not spending my money on going around in circles. I get it, Milo. You're not used to the city and all that but you just can't drop something like this on me."

"No, you don't get it..." Milo said, his tone becoming lower. "It was my dad's choice to dump us here and now I'm stuck! I've tried to make the best of it but... I just wanna go back home."

"Then go," Theo said plainly. "If this city and everyone is so terrible then why don't you just go yourself?"

The bear huffed and stood up. "Look at where I am, Theo. In a small shitty apartment, being barely enough to keep the lights on around here!"

"And you think that makes you special?! Westley's living that way and so is everyone else around here! And I'm crashing on his grandma's hand-me-down couch!" Theo growled. He wasn't going to listen to the bear whine about a fairly common situation. Even hustling others was just getting him and Westley by.

"If we put our money together, we could leave all of that behind," Milo encouraged. But Theo shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Milo. But it's not happening. I'm not going anywhere..."

"That's what he told you?" Westley asked, listening to the fox venting.

"Yeah, he just expected me to up and leave with him. Going either back to his podunk town or who the fuck knows where else," Theo said, pacing back and forth.

"So what's up now?" the possum asked.

"I don't know. I just walked out and he hasn't called me yet," Theo responded. It had been several hours since their fight. Rather than going right back home, the fennec had taken a long walk to really clear his head but the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. It wasn't like he wanted to hear from the bear anyways...

"Damn, little homie. I didn't think it would be that bad," Westley apologized.

"No you were kinda right. Showing his true colors... He was just using me," the fox grunted, balling his fists.

"You really think so?" the possum said.

Theo didn't respond at first, sniffling a bit. Before Westley could see the fennec wiped his eyes. He was about to say something but the possum's hand was on his head, gently rubbing between his large ears. "No shame."

"Right." Theo said, nodding a bit.

That night the two of them were in a shared bed. It was pretty big and Theo didn't take up much room. Sleeping on opposite ends, they made due with what they had.

"How are you doing over there?" Westley asked, just checking on his friend.

"Feeling better. I think... I'm done with him," Theo said, daring to speak those words into existence. It was his first major relationship, lasting almost 2 months but he was ready to end it, being certain of the choice. "I can go one without him but I will miss fooling around."

"For real?" Westley snickered.

"Yeah... He wanted it every day and it wasn't bad either. The bear's got a big dick. Guess that's why I kept coming back," Theo snickered and shrugged.

"Well... He's not the only one," the possum said, shifting a bit from the other end of the bed. "I know we're just friends and all but if you're ever..."

"Wait, are you saying-"

"I-if you want," Westley finished for him.

It was a suggestion but Theo ended up taking him on the offer. It was obvious the possum was big, having pure bulk all over from lifting weights and getting into fights often. But the fennec wasn't exactly prepared for the 12 incher that slid out of the possum's sweatpants.

"D-damn!" Theo exclaimed, seeing that he was even bigger than Milo despite being shorter in size.

"Glad you think so," Westley grinned, gripping and stroking his uncut meat. "The bitches already love the rest of me." He flexed his free arm, making the muscles bulge. Theo chuckled and came in closer, watching the thick hand pumping up and down, moving the foreskin along with it. Soft grunts came from the 6'6" marsupial, getting a rise just from having a set of eyes on him. He mostly hooked up with women at the local clubs but a good number of guys had been lucky enough to be taken home. In truth, the street thug had an interest in his little buddy. But knowing that Theo was with Milo kept him at bay. But they were done now. Sure it was a bit fast but if the fox was okay with it, those fantasies could be made a reality.

"Come here, little man..." Westley growled seductively. Letting go of his twitching erection, he grabbed hold of the fennec. While standing up Theo was gently lifted and placed back onto the bed, being on his hands and knees now. Theo was already trembling with an excitement he hadn't felt in a while. Large hands were on his hips, tracing along his sides until they reached his shorts. Slowly they were both pulled down with the boxers. Being tossed to the side, the fennec was left showing off his backside; the expansive black fur covering his toned ass and the grey fur that ran along the taint and balls.

"Fuck, T!" Westley commented, reaching underneath and tracing his fingers along the fox's erection. To his own surprise it was about as big as his own. At least ten inches were already throbbing between Theo's legs. The fox hadn't gotten off with Milo earlier and was feeling more than a little pent up. Even the light and slow drag of Westley's finger along his length was enough to make him voice the sense of need within him. It kept going, running along the curvature of his balls and all the way up to the lifted tail before finally easing off.

Being driven by his own sense of need, both of Westley's hands were on Theo's rump, kneading the pair of asscheeks. For someone a bit small, the fennec's backside was rather soft and had some good cushioning. Once getting his fill on rubbing the mounds, he spread them apart and exposed the soft and pink hole in between. The bushy tail flicked back and forth while the bigger male's plump thumb touched and rubbed over the soft ring.

"Mmm... Wess..." Theo moaned, feeling the thumb slowly easing in. Even without lube, it felt good to have his hole slowly spread. He was still a bit loose from the last time he was fucked. All the fox wanted now was even more.

As if on cue, the thumb was pulled back but something else quickly replaced it. Not another digit but the possum's muzzle being shoved underneath Theo's tail. Making contact with the winking rim was his lips before the tongue made the first swipe. Westley showed how eager he was, already taking in the bit of musk that came from the other male. Mouth watering, the possum wasted no time before making full use of his tongue, plunging it right inside. That slightly loose state of his tailhole allowed the pink muscle to jam its full length right in.

"So deep..." Theo groaned, feeling the tongue already rimming his ass deeply. The thick surface was sweeping and twirling along the warm pink walls. Those simple actions were making the walls of flesh twitch and squeeze down on it. In addition to getting the tailhole prepared for more, Westley just enjoyed the feeling and light taste of his friend.

Theo's persisting moans came from his friend hitting all the right spots while sinking in. The saliva was both slick and warm, sending steady waves of pleasure through him. They got even stronger when his prostate was firmly touched. Reaching in so deeply, he could feel the sensation of being stretched just a bit more by the probing appendage. His cock was pulsing even harder and wetting the already messy sheets. While being licked, he could feel those hands still rubbing his ass, all of it making him so eager and almost desperate.

He couldn't help but whine when the tongue pulled out. A final lick was given to the rim, looking even more stretched than before. That extra lick made Theo jump again, a tingle running along his spine. While easing up and onto the bed, Westley gave his friend's ass firm smack. "Hope you're ready for what's coming next."

"Rrr... Better not hold back!" Theo demanded, swaying his backside a bit. It was only now that he truly realized how needy he was, already being given something that Milo hadn't for a long time now. He wasn't afraid when looking back at the large maleness that was aimed at his other side. Westley spit on it and smeared the stuff along his inches, getting it slick as well before he finally aimed and pushed the tip inside.

The both of them moaned out. One was reacting to the tight warmth and wetness while the other basked in the feeling of fullness that came from being penetrated from something so big. It wasn't a whole lot but those extra three inches could be felt reaching even deeper into him than usual. The entry was rough, their bodies connecting with a distinct sound. Right after the first moment of entry, a pull back of Westley's hips was tugging his cock out with it. Just before it could pop fully out another hard lunge forwards slammed it all back into the fox's ass.

"Your ass is really gripping it," Westley commented. With every stroke of his dick going in hard and being reeled back, the possum could feel Theo's hole keeping a snug hold on him. And hitting certain spots on his way back in made it all come down harder on him. This got the first spurts of his precum to streak the soft borders, adding to the warmth and lubrication that his spit had already provided before.

"And you're so fucking big..." Theo said, his voice dripping with pleasure. He unashamedly wore a wide smile, already panting while his tail flicked back and forth. Every pull and hard slam in of the possum's cock rocked his body but Westley's hands kept him place and ready for the next reaming.

After a bit more of this, the bigger male had paused and adjusted before going again. But this time he was actually humping into the still tight tunnel. His own deep grunts had become even louder, now swabbing his length against the hot flesh, feeling it becoming even wetter with the added strings of precum that his tip was letting loose. Just like before, the rolling of his hips was done roughly, making sure that his cocktip jabbed as far as it could. This kept Theo's moans loud and the tone of need was still clear to be heard. Simply keeping it up fed the possum more of his satisfying sound, being even better than he imagined. And it felt better too... His own breathing was heavy and his body was trembling as well, feeling like it was charged.

Theo just let himself get lost in the pleasure of having his ass rutted so intensely. Even though it wasn't long since his last anal fucking, it hadn't been to this degree. He had always liked it rough and wild. Westley was giving him just that and satisfying that urge even further by keeping up the relentless pace and intensity, making low and dominant noises as he loomed over. Each pound of his hips made the smaller male's body rock and the bed as well. The wet sounds of the large meat grinding inside of him and the steady thump of their balls meet with each full roll of Westley's hips, all of it was what Theo had been sorely missing.

Westley picked up the pace and was slamming his dick in even harder, bashing the small fox's most sensitive spots repeatedly. Theo nearly melted from all of this, being thankful for the large hands holding onto him. But he could also feel the possum's cock throbbing harder inside of him, depositing more precum to the point that his tailhole was soaked, making a loud squelch or hiss with every motion made. Under him, his own cock had been just as much of a mess, a stain that had been spreading from more and more fennec pre that got soaked up by the cheap thin bedding. His cock bobbed and swung between his spread legs, being rocked just as much as the rest of his body.

"How you doing down there, T?" Westley asked, still going strong.

"T-trying not to pass out," the fennec said with a chuckle. But it had been cut short by another moan. "N-not gonna last too much longer."

"Me neither..." Westley confirmed. "Okay, here we go!" He pulled up, being on his knees and pulling Theo up with him. He held the fox close to him while his lower half jammed in deeper and at an even faster speed. The messy sounds of his dick pumping away were outdone by the two males moaning out. Westley rutted his friend for all that it was worth, chasing that building orgasm. Theo's ass felt so good and he was looking forward to pouring his pent up load into the fennec's guts. The fennec in question would have been repeatedly bounced around if not for the strong arms holding him still. That didn't stop him from crying out in a pitched and needy way, even whining a bit as he felt his cock straining without touch.

He couldn't even voice his incoming climax, just letting out a long moan while his eyes rolled. While still being fucked hard, his cock throbbed hard and began spraying out fat ropes of his release. He felt each wave of bliss overcome him, being stronger than usual and even more cum than usual shot out of him. His loads came down onto the already ruined bedding, marking it with sticky lines that would leave some obvious marks. But he wasn't the only one. Just as Theo began to come down from his climax, Westley hissed and tensed up. The last thrust was given, lodging his dick in deep before he began pumping ropes that were just as thick and hot. His loads were all being unloaded inside of the fennec, rushing into the soft hole and further marking with even more possum essence. The both of them reacted to it. Theo felt the immediate rush of heat and even fuller feeling that followed but Westley was completely riding out the intense rush of euphoria that enveloped him for a bit.

The possum was about to say something else but that was before his ears flicked. A sound from beyond the bedroom instantly caught his attention. He tensed again, listening closely. Aside from Theo's panting he did hear a creak from the living room.

"Theo. Wait here."

The fennec knew from the possum's tone that there was something up. He was let go and slid off of Westley's cock. They both groaned a bit but the possum was quick to creep towards the door and look into the living room.

"Who is it?!" Westley barked, knowing that someone had snuck in. Sure enough, there was Milo standing there. Though he was bigger, he looked nervously at the possum, eyes going wide when noticing his naked state.

"I... I came to see Theo," the bear answered.

"He's busy right now," Westley answered.

"Y-yeah, I can see that," Milo gulped. Knowing that the fox could only be in the bedroom and seeing the cum still dripping from the possum's dick painted quite the picture. He knew that the two of them had done. And though he had been planing to break it off with Theo, knowing that he just had sex with someone else still hurt tremendously.

"M-Milo!" Theo barked. He came in with a towel wrapped around him. "What are you doing here?"

"This is Milo?" Westley asked, his eyes going a bit wide.

"I let myself in. I just wanted to see Theo..." Milo repeated.

"Uh, Westley. Let us talk for a bit," the fennec said.

"So you two were..." Milo gulped.

"I'm sorry, Milo."

"No you aren't," the bear growled. "Have you been cheating on me the whole time?"

"No! This was just..." Theo then growled himself and pointed a finger at the other male. "Have you been cheating on me? We barely talk, you only want me around to fuck and it isn't anything like it used to be! I just needed something, Milo. I tried to talk to you but you wouldn't even listen to me!"

"So you just go and cheat on me?" Milo responded.

Theo knew he couldn't dispute that so he didn't answer. But he kept his gaze locked with the bear. "Milo... This isn't going to work. It hasn't been working for a while now. I should have just been upfront and told you that."

"So that's it? You go back to him and just leave me all to process all of this?" Milo asked, his tone turning pitiful.

"Goddammit, Milo! What do you want from me? It's over. It's not all about you anyways. Yes, I cheated but at least I tried to make an effort. How many nights have I listened to the same complaints? I tried my best to give you answers's like you just want to be miserable!" Theo snapped.

Milo didn't say anything, just getting up from the couch and heading for the door. "Don't call me anymore," the bear huffed.

"Oh, I won't..." Theo responded. The grizzly shut the door firmly behind him. The locks on it were iffy and someone could easily just stroll into the apartment. And that's what Milo did, at the perfect time too...

"I'm sorry, Theo," Westley said, feeling responsible for their break up.

"Don't be," the fennec said firmly. He still felt guilty about it being this way but just as prominent was the feeling of relief that came over him. Milo would have to find someone else to hear him whining and someone else to put up with one sided sex. He was done...


"And that's about it," Theo said, finishing up the story.

"Damn..." Silas commented.

"We did see each other after that and I apologized again but Milo just called me a 'bitch.' So I decided that two could play at that game. Ever since then the two of us have been going back and forth," Theo explained.

"That was pretty messed up that you cheated on him," Rodney pointed out.

"Yeah. I know. It was fucked up. I should have been upfront with you Milo. I could make all kinds of excuses but there are none," Theo said honestly, looking the bear in the eye.

"But if you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly the same as before. When we split up I did a lot of thinking and made some changes. I stopped hustling with Westley and looked for another way to make some money. Honest money. I had another short relationship before I realized they weren't for me. It was just when I started selling my goods that I met Haze."

The panda chuckled awkwardly. He could very well remember their first encounter, being lonely and looking for someone to spend the night for. Not only had it been money well spent but he liked Theo so much that he offered the fox to share the large empty house with him. The rest was history.

"Look, I'll say it again. Milo, I'm sorry for any and every way that I hurt you. I know I can't take it back and I'm not gonna try. And I know we get into it a lot but I still think you're a pretty cool guy. It'll probably be fucking awkward but we could put this all behind the both of us and just move on already," Theo apologized and admitted.

"Theo I..." Milo started. He balled his fists and grit his teeth. From expression alone it looked like he was going to decline but the bear sighed and was instantly in a more relaxed pose. "Alright. It's not like we're together anyways. And I'm sorry too. I was bitter about...everything and put that all on you. And you were right back then. I did just want to be miserable, it was easier than changing the way I did things."

"So it's behind us now?" the fennec asked.

"Yeah, it is. You little chihuahua," Milo said, chuckling a bit.

"Whatever, you blueberry teddy bear," Theo countered, laughing a bit as well.

Haze breathed a heavy sigh of relief, being glad that their feud was finally over. Now he and the others could enjoy the party again. The panda needed another drink and soon got lost in the music. When taking a break from it all he saw that Rodney was taking his turn getting sucked off by some wolf chick while Theo was leading Milo upstairs, winking when their gazes met.