Don't Go Eating Random Berries

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Felix always loved the wilderness. Retreating from the busy streets into the misunderstood forests of the world. As a new month blossoms, it is time for the monthly camping trip. Both Felix and his Zoroark friend head out into the wilderness once more to explore the nearby forest. However things don't go quite as planned when they discover some strange berries.

"Let's see. Sleeping bags, tent, cooking supplies," Felix muttered to himself as he crossed a variety of supplies off his checklist. Another long grueling month had come and gone. For many the start of a new month would symbolize a new chapter, perhaps fresh beginnings brought about by seasons changing; However, for Felix and Kit it simply meant it was time for their monthly camping trip! Felix always had an affinity for the wilderness, a love that he passed on to his Pokemon companion.

As Felix crossed off more and more items his eyes wandered to the nearby clock on the wall. "Woah! It's six already?" He tossed his scribbled list off to the side and swiftly slipped on the bulging backpack.

"Kit! Get your lazy butt down here, it's time to go!" Felix hollered out. He made his way to the door as a pair of footsteps climbed down the nearby stairs. By the time the door was halfway opened, the excited Zoroark had rapidly closed the distance and wrapped the trainer up with a warm fuzzy hug.

"Yeah I love you too buddy," Felix said as he gave Kit a few scratches on the head. "But we are a little bit behind schedule so we gotta get moving." Kit released his grasp and gave his friend an approving thumbs up with one of his claws. The pair exited their home and made sure it was locked up nice and tight for the weekend.

Despite the unexpected delay, the pair were not setback too badly; their house rested right on the edge of a gigantic labyrinth of a forest. Originally Felix had only wanted the house to give him and Kit a place to explore and map out but the cheaper price point helped finalize the purchase. Turns out people are not willing to spend as much on a house that has the risk of damage from wild Pokemon.

As the pair stood on the edge of the forest; Felix took out and unfolded a wrinkled, pen stained map from his back pocket. It would only be a few hours before the sun retreated beneath the horizon and blanketed the area in a chilly darkness.

Felix took a pen and stained the paper with a brand new trail of ink. "I say we explore over towards the east. We haven't had much time to see what is over there." He continued to carve a path into the map all the way to what looked to be a small creek. "We should be able to make it to this river before night hits. We can set up camp right there, sounds good?" Felix showed the map to his friend who nodded in agreement.

With a destination set, the two set forth into the deep mysterious depths of the woodlands. Their pleasant hike through the forest was for the most part uneventful. Felix had made note on previous expeditions that the Pokemon were quite docile. It was true that the duo was ambushed by the occasional bad apple; Kit could easily knock out those would be assailants.

Around an hour into the long journey, Kit suddenly stopped. His nose twitched as a sweet siren song of scent tickled his senses.

"Is something wrong Kit?" Asked Felix. The Zoroark gave out a small bark of excitement before he darted past a group of trees on his left. "Hey!" Felix yelled out and gave chase.

"What has gotten into him?" Felix wondered to himself. He tried with all his might to match his Pokemon's speed, an impossible task even if he wasn't weighed down by a giant backpack. Felix watched as his friend raced past trees and vanished completely.

Felix stopped his wild sprint and did the best he could to catch his breath. A soft pattering feet on grass slowly faded until the Trainer was left with only a deafening silence. He stood there motionless for a moment as he waited to see if Kit would make his way back. Minutes passed and yet he heard nothing. Felix felt his heart pound rapidly in his chest and waves of icy panic flooded his system.

The sun's golden radiance had already begun to fade into a drowsy dim glow. It would not be too much longer before camp had to be set up, yet they were still a decent walk from their original goal. Felix could feel his mind play tricks on him as the darkening landscape scraped at his sanity. Every branch that fell might as well have been a monster that was on its way to eat him.

"Come on Kit! Get back here..." His voice started strong but faded into a scared whimper. Sure Felix has been in the woods plenty of times at night, but Kit was always there to keep him company. Faced with the thought of being trapped alone without a companion really gnawed at his mind. Another five minutes passed and Felix felt his mind begin to wander to the worst case scenarios.

"What if he got lost and can't find his way back? What if he was attacked and is in need of help? What if..." Nightmarish thoughts were interrupted by rustling bushes. Felix gulped and attempted to cut through the fear that trembled his voice. "K-Kit?" A figure lurched forward and made Felix squeal in terror. Terrified, the young boy fell backwards onto his butt and clenched his eyes shut.

It took a warm lapping at Felix's cheek to thaw him out of the frozen terror that locked his limbs up. His eyes shook open and he was face to face with a very guilty looking Zoroark. Kit gave his Trainer another apologetic lick; a fruity fragrance that whafted from the Pokemon's maw told Felix all he needed to know.

"Were you hungry or something?" Felix questioned. Kit wanted to deny it but the berry juice around his mouth made that rather difficult. In the end he just gave a sad whimper and nodded.

Felix gently patted Kit's head to reassure him that it was alright. "Don't worry so much, I was just scared something had happened to you." It was at this point that the duo noticed how late it had gotten. The last streaks of light had begun to vanish one by one as night time began its silvery rule over the forest and nocturnal Pokemon skittered and crawled out from their dens.

"Well we won't be making it to the creak tonight," Felix sighed out. "Can you take me to those berries? We can set up camp there for the night, and I want to make sure those berries are not toxic."

Kit's eyes widened, he never even considered for a moment if those berries were safe or not. They just smelt so delectable and juicy and succulent and... his stomach growled again.

"Sounds like someone is still a little hungry," Felix gave a little chuckle. His laughter was cut off when his own stomach grumbled in disapproval. "Guess you aren't the only hungry one. Come on, let's get everything set for the night."

Kit had to stifle his own giggle as he helped his Trainer to his feet. It was a little bit of a walk, but after a short five minutes the pair made their way to the berries that had driven Kit into a frenzy. Felix took a quick look at the berries.

"Hmm. I don't think I've seen these berries before," Felix said. He gave them a small sniff and was pummeled with an intoxicating fruity scent. With Kit's sensitive nose it was easy to see why he went crazy over these. "Can't really blame you for chowing down on these. Either way I'll look through my survival book after we make some dinner."

With all signs of sunlight fully extinguished, the pair set to work on constructing their campsite. The campfire was assembled by Kit and lit with a match, despite the Zoroark's insistence on using a flamethrower attack. With a fresh fire to illuminate the area it was much easier to work on their other duties.

Felix got some rice, water, eggs, and sausages from the food storage and went about cooking. Kit on the other hand suffered through the tasty smell of dinner while he set up the tent and sleeping bags. It was so torturous on the poor Pokemon that he just had to juicy sneak another berry to keep his strength up. Well maybe three more berries.

"Dinner is served. Come on over here and get your plate." Kit practically tore down the camp in his mad rush to get his plate of food. "Woah! Didn't know you were that hungry."

Felix wanted to look into those berries before he dug into his meal. While Kit was distracted, Felix hid away a small container of food; he knew that was the only way he was going to be able to save some from this ravenous monster.

Felix grabbed his survivalist book and plucked a small berry from the bush. He made his way over to a small rock so that he could sit while skimming through the pages of the encyclopedia. Before he could fully start to read he was interrupted by a low whine.

"Is something wrong Kit?" Felix turned his attention to the Zoroark who had begun to pant. "Was the food too hot?" Kit only shook his head aggressively, his breath grew only more labored by the second.

"Were those berries actually toxic!?" Felix rushed to his backpack and pulled out a couple Lum Berries. He quickly made his way to Kit's side and handed them over. "It's going to be okay. Eat these, slowly. If I can't find any information in my book and you are still sick in five minutes we are going to leave, alright?" Felix did everything he could to calm his panicked Pokemon down.

All Felix could do now was return to the book and hope for the best. He skimmed through his wilderness survival book in a desperate struggle to find anything similar to the unknown berry that Kit had eaten. Constant whines and growls made it hard to focus but after a few minutes of searching he finally found a familiar image. Tergin Berry, this had to be it!

"Not much is known about the Tergin due to its rarity and unpredictable growth. This devilishly toxic berry lures Pokemon in with a delectable sweet aroma," Felix read outloud, mostly in a vain attempt to drown out the noises of intensified frustration from Kit. "It acts as both an aphrodisiac and an orgasm inhibitor, sending the consumer into a lust filled madness that is hard to break free from." Felix let out a single nervous gulp.

"Kit crammed an entire claw full of those berries down his throat..." Felix turned his attention towards Kit. The Pokemon was on his back squirming in unimaginable burning lust. Kit's length had already grown to full master and it throbbed in a steaming inferno in the cold night air. Kit could not control himself any longer and he grabbed his cock with his paw; howls of pleasure escaped his lips as he began to heavily stroke his own length.

"Kit! Control yourself!" Felix turned away from the erotic sight. Despite Felix's protests, Kit did not even slow. "I guess... you really can't, can you?" there was still no response from his Pokemon. He had been reduced to a mindless fuzzy ball of hormones.

Felix knew he had to find a way to help his poor Pokemon. He instinctively reached for Kit's Pokeball only to come up empty handed. He had forgotten Kit's Pokeball. They were in such a rush to leave for the night that he never scooped it up before heading out. Kit usually stayed outside his ball so neither of them had noticed that one critical slip up.

Without a Pokeball to carry Kit in, he would have to carry the Pokemon himself. Felix thought hard about the difficulty of a return trip. It took them two hours to walk out here, it could easily be double that if he had to carry his friend. Especially if his friend kept trying to squirm out of his grasp to masturbate.

Options were pretty damn limited right now. Felix racked his brain for any solution but everything led back to one truth. If Felix didn't want his friend to go mad from lust, he was going to have to find a way to help relieve him. For a moment he thought that perhaps the both of them could somehow wait it out. It only took one look at Kit's frantic figure for Felix to make up his mind.

"Hope I don't regret this," Felix thought to himself. He gave a shaky exhale of breath as he worked up the courage to inch himself closer to Kit. The Zoroark was so lost in the agony of his raging lust that he did not notice the Trainer's slow advance. It took a chilly grasp on his claw to shock Kit out of his mindless stupor.

"Don't worry Kit. I'm going to help you get through this." A soft whisper from Felix helped soothe the frantic Pokemon's nerves. The length burned fiercely with so much desire that Felix felt like his hand was going to be singed. He could already tell that a simple handjob would not be able to do the trick. He steadily lowered his mouth to the needy Pokemon's cock and engulfed the tip.

Unimaginable bliss washed over Kit as his fiery length was doused by cool saliva. The Pokemon's howls echoed in the night sky as his Trainer took half of the cock into his mouth. Despite his inexperience, Felix put everything he had into this unexpected blowjob. His tongue slithered and danced across Kit's shaft, soaking the warm length in a layer of fresh spit.

Felix had planned on taking things slow so as to get used to the taste of his first blowjob, however a pair of claws that grabbed the back of his head signaled that things would not go as he planned. Kit was so deep into his lust that he could not contain himself. With forceful thrusts, he face fucked his Trainer with reckless abandon.

Worry crept into Felix's mind with each devastating thrust. Deeper that cock was sheathed down his gullet as he gagged out from the unexpected and unwanted deep throating. Felix slapped Kit's thighs in a desperate attempt to get his partner to slow down. As his body struggled for oxygen and began to fear that he was going to be fucked into unconsciousness, or even worse if his friend was truly blinded by desire. Thankfully those taps to the thighs were just enough to snap Kit's attention back to the struggling Trainer.

Felix could feel the grip on his head loosen and he took that opening to yank away from Kit's crotch. Kit shuddered as that mouth was freed with a wet pop, the cold night air tickled his spit slickened cock.

"T-take it easy Kit!" Felix called out with a raspy voice. He let out a few pained coughs as he sucked oxygen back into his pained lungs. "I know you are excited but you need to remain" Felix didn't get the time to finish his sentence before the Zoroark pounced on him. The Pokemon planted small kisses up his Trainer's neck while simultaneously using his claws to tear at those constricting jeans.

"Hey! Don't rip those!" Felix complained to no avail. Kit moved his kisses northward until he silenced Felix with a deep intense kiss. The intensity of the kiss caught Felix completely off guard as he felt the foreign tongue grapple with his own. Their sloppy makeout continued long enough for every shred of cloth to be torn to ribbons, the poor Trainer's private area left exposed to the wild elements.

Felix began to wonder just how much of this was the berries, and how much of it was Kit. His Pokemon would sometimes get a little handsy with him; now he wondered if these berries were the perfect excuse for the Zoroark to act on its own fantasy. In this current moment Felix did not really care, all he wanted was to melt into his companion's embrace.

Kit reached down to his Trainer's crotch and felt the semi-hard length begin to stiffen. This reaction was all the reassurance Kit needed. He broke free from the kiss and left the poor boy under him a bashful mess.

A cold shudder crept down Felix's spine. He glanced down at the Pokemon's menacing cock.

"Is he going to try to stick that up my butt? No way it would fit... Would he at least be gentle or is he going to pin me into the dirt and go wild." His mind was clouded by thought after thought of what the Pokemon had planned for next. He did not really want to get buttfucked, but he would if it would help his friend.

In reality, Kit's plan was far different from what Felix could have ever imagined. Before the Trainer could even realize what was happening, he felt his Pokemon's bubbly butt squish down on his groin.

"K-Kit!?" Felix was caught off guard. He couldn't muster up any response as his cock slid between those soft fuzzy butt cheeks. Kit moved his hips from side to side as he hotdogged that juicy cock between his buns. Slowly the cock slid deeper into the Zoroark's crack until it came to rest against a tight and tiny pucker.

Felix opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by another kiss. He was completely overwhelmed. One moment he was accepting the fact that he was going to get his backside creamed by his horny Pokemon, now he had his Pokemon's tight ring pressing down on his tip.

The lovers moaned into each other's mouths as that muscle gateway relented to the constant pressure. All it took was the first inch to slink inside that comfortable anus; the rest of Felix's length had no trouble sheathing balls deep into the Pokemon.

"I am currently inside my Pokemon's butt. This is so wrong. So so so wrong," Felix thought. This was a Trainer's biggest taboo. You can't just fuck your Pokemon! It is completely unethical and disgusting! Yet as those silken walls clamped down on Felix's rod all he could think about was how he really didn't care. Felix moved his hands to Kit's backside and groped that fatty tush.

Kit gently broke the kiss for the final time as he steadily started to bounce his butt against Felix's lap.

"So tight," Felix hissed out. "You are such a good boy Kit. A very good boy." Felix took hold of those girly hips and matched the bouncing motions with his own lustful thrusts. It was hard for Felix to not blow his load almost instantly. That overly tight feminine ass squeezed and massaged every last inch of his sensitive length.

Felix kept pounding that tight tailhole. Every rhythmic thrust sent shockwaves from Kit's prostate into his dripping cock. Despite every time his love button was pressed, he felt no closer to orgasm.

"Fuck!" Felix wrapped his arms around the Pokemon and rutted him like a madman. His cock had reached the limit and unloaded a surge of warm jizz inside the Pokemon butt. Even though Felix had satisfied his urges, Kit was still stuck in his own personal hell; however, he was not one to give up so easily.

"Hang on, I'm still a little sensitive!" Felix was given no moment to rest as Kit continued to slam his backside down on that overstimulated length. For what seemed like an hour, and five creampies later, the Zoroark felt his dripping cock tingle with a surge of intense pleasure. Kit's mind was blinded by the pure ecstasy as he wrapped his paws around Felix's head.

"Huh?" The exhausted boy managed to murmur out before his chest was forced upwards. Kit was still riding his Trainer while he ruthlessly face fucked him. Everytime Kit lifted his butt upwards; his cock was shoved down to the knot in Felix's throat.

Felix could feel that length pulsate on his tongue as he prepared himself physically and mentally. With a bloodthirsty howl, Kit slammed his cock forward. The cock completely slipped from his overused butthole and he fell forward on top of Felix's face.

For the first time in the past hour, Felix felt his overstimulated cock freed from being milked. He would've sighed in relief if it wasn't for the barrage of hot pent up cum that flooded his mouth. He gulped down as much of the salty liquid as possible but it just would not relent. It felt like an entire bucket load of cum was shot down his gullet before it tapered off with a final few thrusts.

Kit pulled his cock out of Felix's mouth and staggered a few steps away before collapsing on the ground. The long drawn out sex had completely tired the Pokemon out. Felix couldn't blame him, he was also feeling completely worn down by this point. Felix could just doze off right then and there, but that wouldn't be safe. Instead he approached his fallen companion and brought him into the tent.

The two of them could worry about cleaning up in the morning. But for right now, Felix was content with snuggling up with his friend and letting the exhaustion wash him away.