Can Never Be Too Careful

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When your boyfriend is a werewolf it requires quite a bit of planning, fortunately Jax is good at such things and makes sure that everything is prepared ahead of time. Sometimes not everything goes to plan though and one has to be prepared for... contingencies...

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"You know, you don't have to keep doing this for me."

The man named Dante that was holding the large box just rolled his eyes and set it down before he looked back as his boyfriend. For the last few hours the two had been all over the flat that they shared making the final preparations for the night, the smaller of the two men called Jax holding onto a clipboard with a number of items on it scratched off while looking about worriedly. "I think that I can spare a night or two looking after my man when he's not himself," Dante said as he moved over and scratched the underside of his lover's chin, which caused the other man to smile and lift his head up in response. "Plus what am I going to do besides this anyway?"

"I don't know, go out to a movie or something?" Jax replied as he checked off another item on the list once the last of the storage crates had been moved out of the small back room they usually used to keep them. "You're really too good to me to do all this and most people with my condition can take care of themselves alright."

"Yeah, chaining themselves up or locking themselves in some padded room for two days," Dante scoffed. "Personally I find our method much better, especially after that internet article that I found which helped us get some more humane gear." As Jax was about to respond they could hear Dante's phone buzzing which prompted the bigger man to pat him on the back. "Looks like its time to get you ready."

Jax just nodded and the two made their way back to the now empty room, which was covered in a drop cloth as Dante went over to the one box that was remaining in the corner and began to pull items out of it while the other man stripped. While it wasn't exactly the easiest thing to be partners with a werewolf the two had gotten into the groove of how to make it work, especially since Dante leaned towards being more than a little over-organized. When he found out his partner had lycanthropy it was just another to-do list in his eyes and in the course of two months he had made it so that they could more easily manage his partner's condition. Though werewolf's were no longer the bloodthirsty monsters that were portrayed in history, with Jax stating more than once that they probably never were but caught a bad rap with the lack of impulse control and bestial form during the full moon, there was a lot of potential for the creatures to cause trouble, plus Dante wanted to make sure that his boyfriend was as comfortable as possible as he put out the last of the gear and gestured for the other man to come over.

The first thing that they had to deal with is the transformation itself. With the time drawing near and the moon starting to get up in the sky Dante could already see hairs starting to grow on the body of the other man who had put his clothes away in a safe spot as they planned. While the lycanthropy seemed to make the changes discomforting rather than the excruciating pain that was often portrayed it was still one body turning into a far more powerful and potentially harmful one. Thrashing about was usually a byproduct and more often than not a lot of the rage-induced rampages that werewolves went on was because they had repeatedly cut themselves with their own claws, which while they healed quick did not render them immune to this self-inflicted pain.

Dante had solved that with a pair of thick industrial leather mitts, which at the moment were so big on Jax that they would slide off if he put his hands down once they were secured to his hands. It was why he had Jax lay down on his back on the singular, slightly torn-up comforter so that he could keep them on the floor while he slipped a similar pair of loose shoe coverings over his feet. The last thing that they put on his body was a bite guard that would keep him from clenching his teeth, which he could see were already starting to grow sharper as a small groan came out from the other man. Once he was sure that everything was set up and put on Dante removed his own clothing to make sure he didn't accidently get them ruined as he could hear the breathing of Jax start to deepen slightly while he laid there.

"Alright, remember the breathing exercises that we've practiced on this month," Dante said as he ran his hands through the growing pelt of fur that had overwhelmed the normally slightly hairy chest, feeling the muscles underneath starting to stretch and swell. "Breathe in, breathe out, focus on maintaining that rhythm and only that. Now, while you do that lets set the tone."

As he could feel the changing man attempting to remain calm and composed Dante clapped his hands once and almost immediately the sounds of the forest could be heard. It was a strange thing that it seemed to calm the werewolf down but the two had guessed that it might have something to do with the more primal nature of such a creature, or perhaps that silence was considered to be a bad thing for a predator. Either was the human could feel the muscles that had been starting to twitch underneath him start to calm back down again as his fingers ran through the increasingly thick fur on his partner's shoulders. Though he tried not to directly sit on Jax's body more than once he felt the torso of the man beneath him stretch slightly and caused him to nearly fall forward as he massaged any muscles and joints that happen to pop during the process.

Though there was no worry of harm Dante was glad for the mitts that were on the other man's changing body as he could feel the hairy arms press against his sides. The more that Jax grew the more his squirming became pronounced, especially since he was gaining quite a bit of strength from the muscle that was thickening on his furry form. It didn't take long before he had to readjust his position in order to not be sitting right on the chest of his boyfriend as he shifted his position to work on the legs of the transforming creature. Unlike his upper body the lower limbs were more pronounced in their changes as Dante held the first one out to allow the knee to pop into its new configuration while the thigh grew bigger in his grasp.

One thing that the human enjoyed was the thick furry paws that grew from the human's feet and though it took a bit of stretching he was able to wrap his fingers around them as the toes swelled and grew into their new lupine configuration. They would eventually become huge in order to support the rest of the body but for the moment as the black leathery pads appeared on the feet they were still able to relatively fit into his hands. As he rubbed up against them he heard a deep snarl come from the man underneath him and when he turned his head he could see that the face of the human was already starting to warp. Fur had already grown in patches on Jax's cheeks but as Dante watched he could see his teeth sharpening and his ears stretching while his face pushed out into the muzzle that he would have for the next day or two.

As Dante continued to massage and stroke the changing werewolf's body there was one place that he made sure he didn't touch, seeing the reddening shaft of the man growing longer as it throbbed hard. He had to be careful since the fluids of a lycanthrope can cause another to change into a similar beast; while the transformation would not be permanent and only last for the duration of the full moon it would be harder for him to take care of Jax in such a state. He had to at least get the man finished with his form as the thick fur pressed against his human flesh and when he brought his hands to the attention of the lupine face of the werewolf he heard a low growl escape from his chest. It was a sound of contentment however and Dante had been with his partner enough to know that as he stroked the wild mane of fur that grew out from the head of the muscular creature that Jax had become.

With the aid of the breathing exercises and sounds of the woods around them Jax calmed down enough so that he could sit up by himself, though it came with several pops of his spine as he continued to adjust to his new frame. Dante could see his more primal desires abating as well and once he had regained enough sense of self again the began the next phase of their process. Again the werewolf let out low growls of contentment as Drake took the large fur brush and began to slowly run it through every part of the new furry form from head to toe and tail too. Part of the reason they had drop cloth down in this room was that werewolves shed like crazy after their initial change due to the transformation throwing their body into overdrive, which can cause the creature some discomfort if not taken care of as Dante dutifully ran through every inch until it was a silky-smooth texture.

It also accented his boyfriend's form; while Dante didn't directly tell Jax the modern werewolf had become more humanoid than their more feral ancestors and as a result it had made his physique that of a rather athletic human but with those wild touches to it. Though he tried to control himself for the sake of getting everything checked off his list for the night he found his own member twitching when he ran down the strong, powerful back muscles of the werewolf in order to get any knots out. Initially Jax would do like most werewolves during this time and just run off to a special woodsy retreat that catered to them or isolate themselves while telling him to leave, but Dante felt it was worth the preparation for the two to spend time together like this. They had actually thought about putting their technique on a channel for other werewolf and human couples to try, though how to do so without it becoming not safe for work was a challenge since werewolves typically attempted to shed all clothing even if it fit them.

The collar was the rare exception and Dante liked how much Jax had taken to it as he slipped it around the neck of the panting werewolf. The article they had read mentioned that while they were akin to wolves there was a cultural imprint of dogs on collars and leashes they could train into Jax, and after the first few months it seemed to be working as Dante told Jax to sit and the creature did so. With the transformation passed they could take off the other pieces of gear as well so that the werewolf didn't feel confined, which they knew could lead to panic and paranoia from the instinct-fueled brain of the man. Since Jax couldn't talk with his modified mouth and throat he expressed his appreciation for what his boyfriend was doing by giving him a big lick on his face, which Dante grinned at even as he felt the hairs grow slightly there before he wiped it off and finished putting the rest of the gear away and tossing the pile of hair.

Once that was finished the two made their way towards the kitchen and dining room where Dante had shifted the chairs around so that the bigger Jax could sit comfortably at the table while he went to the fridge. He could already heard the tail of the werewolf thumping against the floor excitedly as he pulled out the post transformation meal for the creature, which was one of the thickest steaks that they could purchase. There were actually several that he had for the next few days as werewolves were mostly carnivorous in nature along with a few other meats for variety as he got the stove ready to cook. While Jax could have just as easily handled the meat raw they found that it caused the instincts of the creature to become riled up more and that cooking it kept him in a more human mindset.

Though it was clear from the growls and whines that came from the other room that the werewolf was practically salivating over his meal Dante took the time to cook it right, finishing it off and putting it in a break-resistant dish for Jax while taking his own prepared food out and getting it warmed up. Once he was finished he joined the other man in the dining room and aside from the loud slobbering and chewing noises it was just like any other meal that they might have had. As he watched his boyfriend tear into the prepared meat, which while he could have easily used a fork and knife the carnal creature did indulge in using claws and fangs instead, Dante was thankful that he had put on some semblance of clothing while he cooked as he found himself rubbing his groin while biting his lip. When those amber eyes could sense that they were being watched Dante saw Jax look up at him, which promptly caused him to turn back to his pasta dish and finish it off.

Once they were done with dinner Dante and Jax put the dishes away to soak and then they curled up on their large bed together in order to digest and watch television. After the first time they had attempted something like this they had found that most furniture was not built to support the weight of werewolf and they decided to just get a custom bed so that they could still curl up together. It also kept Jax from having to sleep on the floor and as they shifted about on the bed Dante could hear those claws slide against the special sheets that he had put on the night before that were tear-resistant. While it didn't mean that they would survive the entire night without getting a hole or two in them it helped keep them from having to make new mattress purchases each month, especially as he began to feel something pushing up against his back and a needy whine come from Jax.

Being horny was yet another need that Dante knew he had to satiate in order to keep the werewolf calm and collected; one of the more dangerous moods that a creature such as that can have is to be pent up, mostly because it has a hard time keeping his body under control while in such a lustful state and the potential for accidental claws or bites rose sharply. But with the fluids of a werewolf being so transformative there were special precautions that had to be taken as another prod from the one behind him had Dante get up and go over to the closet. Inside was a box that was just for these occasions which contained rather large and reinforced condoms that caught and collected the fluid so that it could be properly disposed of. While he heard a huff come from Jax when he saw the human starting to put the rubber ring over his member Dante was quick to remind him that if he wanted to keep getting taken care of this was how it was going to happen.

Though the werewolf squirmed slightly he stayed mostly still to allow his partner to put the large condom over his member. While it was still mostly humanoid the sensitive flesh had taken on a red hue and the tip had tapered significantly, and like some werewolves he had also gotten a knot that made it easier to keep the edge of the condom around. The only thing he hadn't gotten was a sheath but Dante didn't mind that at all as he could feel the pulse of the bigger man with each throb of his cock while he covered it in the thick rubber. Even with having minimal contact with the pre of the other creature he could see that his fingernails had darkened a bit and they looked hairier than normal, though those changes would quickly reverse with such minimal exposure he knew he had to be careful even if his own desires were starting to rise along with his own member.

"Alright, you know how this works," Dante says as he patted the bed, which Jax shifted and put his beefy fur-covered arms behind his head while he nodded. "Good, I think that we can do it without the mitts, just mind the grabbing alright?" The werewolf nodded his head in agreement and Dante got on position on top of him, taking the rubber-covered cock and maneuvering himself so he could be as comfortable as possible while taking it. While it would have been easier to just lie down on the bed and let Jax thrust into him the first night the instincts of the werewolf were particularly high and if he started to get into a rut then it was likely that Dante would have trouble walking tomorrow, which had him opt to be on top while still giving Jax the dominance he wanted by filling his hole.

"Now that's a good boy," Dante said as he rubbed his hands up against the pectorals of the werewolf, feeling the tail wag back and forth against the bed as those thick legs shifted up in the air. "Just continue to relax and enjoy the pleasure, I'm going to take good care of you." He could hear the werewolf whimper in desire and that was a good show that his euphoria had put him into a relaxed state instead of a primal one. As he began to push the rubber-covered cock between his cheeks he was thankful that they came pre-lubed and with the previous interactions with the lupine creature along with training he has done he was able to stretch open his hole and slide the tip inside.

Dante let out a groan of pleasure himself as he tried to get it in slowly but surely while keeping Jax in a calm state. There would still be a little discomfort with such a girthy insertion but if the werewolf got too riled up he might start thrusting upwards. Though he could feel his boyfriend squirming he continued to remain still and allowed him to get used to the throbbing cock inside of him before pushing down even more. His breath caught in his throat as the pleasure started to suffuse through his body as he was filled with Jax's throbbing cock, his own member jutting out from his groin as he started to stroke himself.

There was definitely some perks with having a werewolf as a boyfriend, Dante thought to himself as he could feel those furry arms and hands pressed up against his bare flesh. More than once they had gone all night and the stamina of the creature beneath him is always extremely impressive. Eventually they would probably switch positions but for the moment Dante wanted to get the werewolf acclimated to the feeling of pleasure so they could. As the minutes passed the human managed to get about halfway down the thick spire of flesh before he could feel Jax starting to get more eager.

It was still controlled however and as he felt those clawed fingers wrap around his hips Dante knew Jax had a sense of self about him. His hips began to rock back and forth as he started to feel the werewolf pushing deeper inside. It was already starting to slide up against his prostate and cause waves of pleasure to go through his body, and as he heard Jax starting to huff and snarl both of them were getting into it. Once Dante got used to the thick lupine member he allowed his boyfriend to really thrust up into him, but even in the state of euphoria that he was in while he stroked his own cock his eyes widened at what he had just felt.

The condom had ripped.

Damn, he knew that they were getting old but he thought they were still good, Dante thought to himself as he tried to pull off. Unfortunately Jax was close and when he tried to do so he heard a deep growl and was just pushed down even further. The human attempted to warn his lupine lover of what had happened but as he was pushed down he felt something pop inside of him, his eyes rolling back in his head as he felt the fur-covered muscles tense beneath him. There was a loud howl as Jax orgasmed and as the human looked down at the lump in his stomach that started to swell slightly he could feel the werewolf starting to fill him up with his seed.

But Dante was prepared for this as well and as soon as Jax finished he got the werewolf's attention and told him that they needed to go to plan C, which from the surprised look in Jax's eyes he knew that he understood before he was scooped up in those strong muscular arms. With the knot inside his hole there was no way for them to separate at the moment and already the human could see fur starting to grow on his groin and his own cock starting to lengthen. This wasn't just some contact exposure; with the werewolf's seed deep inside of him it was going to cause him to fully transform, but fortunately they wouldn't need nearly as much preparation as they did with Jax. A human keeping a werewolf in check while they transformed was dangerous, but a werewolf keeping another werewolf from harming themselves was much easier as they went around together and locked down the house since both of them would be creatures for the weekend.

Once they were done Jax took Dante back to the room with the drop cloth in it and laid down on top of him as his body began to swell and bulk with new muscle. In their newest plan Jax had to take control for a while as Dante was less used to the sensations that came with lycanthropy, his eyes shifting in coloration as his fingers stretched out while growing a set of claws. They were quickly held by the bigger wolf on top of him as he shifted as best he could to allow the new tail of the other man to grow out and a nuzzle from the creature helped keep him calm while his teeth grew and his face pushed out. The fact that he still had the werewolf cock inside of him also kept the transformation on a more pleasurable note as his shifting about caused the thick tool to stimulate his insides while his own member grew into a similar configuration.

With just how much fluid he had absorbed Dante's changes happened much more quickly and as his feet stretched out into a huge pair of werewolf paws the brown furred werewolf pressed his muscular body up against the grey of his counterpart. His body had gotten so big that he actually was bigger than Jax and as he moved about he could feel the lupine cock slide out of him as his tail wagged about. Though there would be brushing to do the two werewolves could feel their hungers growing and when the two faced each other their muzzles met in a passionate kiss. While Jax knew not to get Dante too riled up the sight of a creature similar to himself stoked lusts that fortunately for both would be mostly concentrated on one another.

Once the two had a chance to explore one another more fully it was Jax's turn to take care of Dante, grabbing the same brush that had been used on him a few hours ago and using it to brush through the thick fur. He let out a growl of contentment as he watched his muscles get more defined as his pelt was groomed, and more than that it was nice that he was on the other side of care. Most of the time the weekend was spent taking care of a werewolf, and while it rarely happened and he normally took great strides to avoid it every once in a while it happened that the more experienced creature would have to take care of things. Fortunately Dante also had prepared on the off-chance that this happened and usually had more than enough meat to sustain two werewolves for the next few days, and once they had gotten done with his grooming session it was Jax's turn to cook while he waited at the table.

Dante tore into the cooked meat with fervor and once they were done with the meal he decided to have some fun and pounced on his boyfriend while he went to put away the dishes. Though normally he was the responsible one he wanted to have a little fun as a werewolf since it was so rare that he was in such a position. While Jax gave him a growl he knew that he had to be the responsible one, and that caused the brown-furred creature to give him a fangy grin while pushing his erection between those furry cheeks. Jax continued to huff and shifted over towards the part of the counter that they had reinforced in case it was needed, which in this case was to sustain the weight of two werewolves having sex.

There was no need for condoms anymore as Dante began to thrust forward, huffing and growling as he basked in the same instincts that he had tempered with Jax. He had only had a limited experience with being a werewolf before and as he ran his clawed hands through the thick pelt of the other creature there was an intoxicating aspect of being such a powerful creature. It was their primal nature to rut, to fill each other with their throbbing cocks as he wrapped his arms around the muscular chest to thrust in even deeper. No doubt the neighbors would be hearing this one, but fortunately the authorities already knew that this was a werewolf household.

Jax quickly bucked back and snapped Dante out of his rutting haze, letting out a growl and nipping at his lupine boyfriend to get him back in the proper mindset. They had plenty of time for that all weekend, Jax knew, and thanks to Dante they were well prepared for anything that might come up...