In Which Master Goat and the Famous Cock Part Company, Chapter 4/4

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Aand the final chapter (forgot to upload this one here till now)!

In which the ultimate fate of our young hero's famous boyhood is revealed! >:3

Ristin belongs to

Chapter 4

For a moment, no-one spoke. Markus casually patted his dick dry on his pocket handkerchief.

"Well, Milo my dear boy," he said matter-of-factly, "Time to get your big fat cock chopped off."

"Ooh wonderful, what fun!" said Jackie. "Nothing personal, Master Milo, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't rooting against you and that ripe teen meat of yours..."

The young goat jumped to his feet, before feeling Jackie grab him roughly by the arm. His grandad took his other arm in his surprisingly-strong old-man grip, and held his hands together while the burly wolf slapped a pair of rusty old cuffs on his wrists. The wrists of the condemned, he realised. Together, the two frog-marched him out of the room and off down the hall, both seeming to know exactly where they were going. "But..." Milo heard himself stammering, embarrassed by how plaintive and ineffectual he suddenly sounded, "But... but... no... that can't... you can't..." there's gotta be some trick..."

"Trick? You think I had a sperm transplant or something?" said Markus gruffly.

Jackie laughed merrily at that. "Sounds like someone hasn't been doing his opposition research. If you'd given your old grandad a bit of pawy-pawy or sucky-sucky every now and then like a good lad should, you'd have known he's always been a cumming champion!"

Together the two of them dragged the struggling, panicking boy into a small, moody, windowless and candle-lit room which contained a device Milo knew all too well. A miniature guillotine, its hole too small for a beast's neck but big enough for... something else.

"No... no... no..." he was still protesting as Jackie held the ornate device open for Markus to push his grandson's cock through the hole, "This isn't... this isn't fair... I... I thought it'd be an endurance contest..."

"A bit late to be raising objections after you've already lost, boy," Markus said tersely as he seized that fat uncut young cockhead and pulled the great length of his grandson's malehood through as far as it would go, "You agreed to the terms readily enough earlier, when you thought it was going to be me you were doing this to!"

"Quite right," Jackie grinned as he closed the hole firmly around the very base of Milo's member, making its owner gasp in discomfort. The cold, hard wood fitted so tightly around the goat's thick, meaty shaft that he couldn't withdraw it even when flaccid. Milo's head swam looked down at his helpless beautiful cock now trapped in the guillotine, the wood flush against his groin, ballsack and pubic bone. "Great job, Markus, that's a very nice snug fit!" the wolf continued cheerfully. "We want to make sure that we shear off as much of this juicy willy as possible, after all!"

Milo's eyes darted frantically to his grandsire, who was nodding in agreement. "Oh gods," he cried, "Look, I beg you, all right? Please don't... please don't take my cock, you don't really... you don't really want a..." he winced. "... cockless grandson, do ya?"

The old goat shrugged, casually sprinkling some tobacco into his pipe. "I have other heirs. Your uncles, for instance."

"But... but... I thought I was your... look, I'll do whatever you want, I'll kiss your ass, I'll suck you off whenever you want..."

"Perhaps I'll make you do that anyway, you backsliding whelp," Markus remarked as he lit up his pipe with a match, before taking an appreciative pull on it.

Jackie laughed again at that. "You're a ruthless old so-and-so, Markus, that's what I love about you," he said. "Call me overly generous, but maybe we could give young Milo here one more chance to redeem himself? I have a rather fun idea in mind."

Milo's heart leapt. "Hmm," Markus said as he continued to puff away on his pipe, "Very well. Milo, you'll have to give us a moment, the grown-ups are going to have a little chat."

They went off to another room. The goatboy was left to stand there in silence, forced to fully experience the sensation of having his gorgeous proud penis trapped in that infernal device with no other stimuli. After a couple of minutes, his eyes began to wander around the room. If only there was some way he could free himself... he only had to find some way of cutting through his handcuffs, while handcuffed... he groaned aloud. What was taking them so long?

Presently, Markus and Jackie returned, the older goat still puffing on his pipe with a dignified air despite the fact that he still wasn't wearing any pants. "All right, my boy, we have a little proposition for you," he said. "Jackie tells me that this guillotine is equipped with a sensor, which will be triggered if the male trapped within it ejaculates. I'm sure you can guess what will happen then."

Milo looked up at the blade, wincing a little at the sight of it.

"Therefore, we have come up with an additional challenge. The sensor also comes with a timer. We will set this timer to ten minutes. Within that time, Jackie and I will do everything within our power to make you cum. Your job is simply, well, not to."

The young goat's heart was still hammering, but hope made the knot in his stomach loosen a little. "So... ten minutes?" he asked tentatively. "I just have to go ten minutes without... blowin' my load?"

Markus nodded curtly. "You wanted an endurance challenge, boy. You have your endurance challenge."

"Yup, you heard your grandaddy!" Jackie put in with a grin. "Well, Markus, I'm feeling like a kid in a candy shop now, I must say. Want me to start the clock?" He rubbed his burly paws together.

"Please do, Jackie."

The wolf bent down underneath the guillotine and started tinkering with the arcane contraption, turning a squeaky metal handle with vigour. Presently, a ticking noise began.

"All done!" he announced brightly. "It'll make a 'ding' sound whenever a minute has passed."

"Splendid!" Markus replied. Without any hesitation, he placed a bony finger against the fat base of Milo's trapped, helpless malehood. He then ran it slowly, teasingly, along the full length of his grandson's shaft, lovingly tracing the shape of the dorsal vein before caressing his big mushroom glans, tweaking the foreskin teasingly. "This really is a singularly comely young stud-muscle, is it not? I can quite see why it's so precious to you..." he smiled darkly at the sweating youth before leaning in with his tongue, licking along the side of that prize goat-sausage with his own caprine tongue. Milo was still getting his head around the strange feeling of having his grandad lick his cock when the first ding could be heard, and in spite of himself, he felt a certain stirring and twitching in the organ in question when Markus' tongue began to go further underneath, exploring the contours of his Jacob's Ladder piercing.

All of a sudden, the goatboy couldn't help but let out a startled "Yowp!" It took a second or two before he was able to properly register that Jackie had shoved a finger up his bottom.

"Don't be alarmed, Master Milo!" the wolf snarled into his ear, hot carnivorous breath on his neck. "A young fellow like you likely hasn't experienced a prostate exam yet, but I'm sure your grandad will agree that it's best to start regular checkups early. Make a habit of it! And if we can get your rocks off at the same time..."

The young goat gritted his teeth as he felt the hulking beast's thick clawed finger rooting around painfully in his tight anus, wiggling and exploring. A natural top like Milo wasn't used to having anything go up his own butt, he was accustomed to impaling the assholes of others exclusively! But now he could do nothing but groan in protest as Jackie invaded his posterior.

As the second ding sounded, the wolf began to multitask - Milo felt a fresh dampness on the backs of his legs as Jackie, now kneeling down, began to lick the goatboy's strapping bare thighs. The tickling sensation of it made Milo wriggle around almost uncontrollably, starting to feel overwhelmed by the mix of sensations. His grandad had now taken that plump pink cockhead fully into his mouth, and was sucking on it most savouringly, his tongue swirling around under the younger goat's tactile foreskin in a way that made Milo gasp. Jackie's tongue, meanwhile, began exploring the curve of his firm round buttocks, and the wolf's claw was now deeper in his asshole than ever, probing against his prostate in a way that made his pulsing cock throb and tingle alarmingly. I can't cum, I can't cum, I can't cum. Only... seven more minutes, just seven more minutes, he told himself as he heard the third ding, breathing deeply to remain calm. I can't... ah, fuck off! He thought indignantly as he felt the inquisitive lupine licking under his sensitive taint, tracing its contours teasingly before arriving at his loosely hanging goatballs, apparently luxuriating in the saline flavours of his musky sack.

Markus' mouth enveloped more and more of his grandson's big hardening dong, tongue now licking all around the full girth of its muscular shaft, sucking on the maleness like a lollipop as Milo shuddered and squirmed, struggling to retain his composure. The old bastard certainly knew how to give a good BJ, he had to grudgingly admit to himself - maybe there were one or two upsides to having years of experience. The elder caprine made no attempt to hide his own perverted relish in the taste of Milo's young meat, either, gently stroking himself off as he savoured its taste.

"Say, Markus, don't suppose I could have a turn?" Jackie piped up as the fourth ding sounded. "His crotch-kielbasa does look awfully tasty..."

After sucking away for a few seconds more, the old goat released the bobbing boydong with a wet smack of his lips. "All right, go on then, you dirty dog," he said with a rueful smirk.

Milo's heart began to pound even harder as the wolf's carnivorous jaws wrapped themselves around his helpless warm goat-sausage, though the unnerving feeling didn't make him any less hard - if anything, quite the reverse! "Ooh, ff..." he breathed as Jackie's muzzle moved forward, then back along his length, the big beast's maw so capacious that it could fit practically the whole hose inside without even making the wolf gag. Those sharp, wicked lupine teeth scraped the smooth, sensitive skin of Milo's precious malehood in a way that made the goat wince and grit his teeth a little, especially when they caught on his piercings in a way that tugged at the metal most alarmingly. Jackie seemed well aware of this, pricking and scratching the surface of the youth's shaft in a teasing manner with the devilishly pointy tips of his fangs.

It was shortly after hearing the fifth ding that Milo felt another intruder into the sanctity of his tight ass, this time his own grandad. It took him a moment to realise that Markus had shoved his erect mature member between the cheeks in question, sandwiched snugly in between them like a hotdog in a bun. The young goat squirmed, blushing a little as he felt the elder caprine rub that stout erection up and down between his buttocks, wrinkled scrotum bumping against Milo's own. "Eeh..." the boy protested, "Enjoying stickin' your dick in your own grandson's ass, you goddamn perv?"

Markus only laughed. "Very much, thank you, my lad! In fact, maybe I'll stick it in a little further..."

Feeling his grandad's meat temporarily withdrawn, Milo couldn't help but wonder what the old bastard was up to... but he didn't have to wonder long. He felt the head of Markus' cock force itself into his anus, teasing, just the tip. It was still much more girth than his tight hole was prepared for, however, and he gasped in discomfort even as he felt Jackie's fangs continuing to worry at his penile piercings. Milo was feeling the pressure, wriggling and squirming as the wolf deep-throated his bulging hard-on and his grandad's venerable malehood forced itself into his anal passage, its big bulbous head finally finding his already-tender prostate, his own erection pulsing harder than ever as he struggled like hell to contain himself. Just five more minutes... he told himself. Just five more minutes... just... four more minutes... his mind repeated fervently as he heard the sixth ding.

It was around that time that Markus dispensed with any ambiguity as to whether or not he was going to hump his own grandson's ass, and began earnestly humping his own grandson's ass. "This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you, boy..." he murmured into the younger goat's ear as he thrust in and out, surprisingly nimbly for a male of his years. Though not quite in Milo's own VIP size range, Markus was nonetheless big enough to slam against the lad's prostate time and again, and Milo breathed in sharply from the pain each time it made contact. It was almost enough to distract him from the way Jackie's fangs were scratching up his soft, vulnerable penile skin... almost.

His anal passage was really starting to ache, and to feel his already tender prostate aggravated time and time again was exquisite torment... Milo was starting to feel as though he might not be able to hold out much longer, and yet he only had four minutes to go, probably much less, now... so near, and yet so far...

It was a few seconds after the seventh ding that Markus abruptly pulled out, leaving his hapless grandson feeling like his bum had just been plunged. "Well, sad to say, I don't think I've got another load in me," he sighed ruefully. "Spent all my seed for the day on our little contest, good thing I used it wisely, eh? Jackie, I have an idea for how we might be able to make this horny lad jizz in these final closing minutes."

"Mmph?" the wolf asked amid his appreciative sucking.

"I fear that we may have been too vanilla so far in our choice of stimulation techniques," the old goat continued. "Remember, my grandson here manages a shop specialising in male genital modifications, he's a kinky boy. And the rather fine, moody, atmospheric lighting you have set up in here gives me a rather good idea. You'll have to release him first, though."

Presently, the wolf complied, giving the sweating goatboy a good view of his own puffed-up, glistening malehood once more, a few faint scratches visible on the surface where Jackie's teeth had scraped it. Any relief Milo felt was short-lived, however, as his grandsire took a lit candle in hand, holding it above his helpless and tender big boymeat, smirking wickedly at him.

"Er... ah... wait a minute now, Gramps," the young goat said with a nervous smile, "I don't believe we said anything about... aahaa!"

Milo couldn't help but dance about in his restrained position as Markus carefully poured a few drops of wax onto the top of his exposed shaft, wiggling his hips and bottom around and causing the great trapped penis to bob up and down in a vain attempt to dislodge the burning wax. It was like dipping a finger or toe into a too-hot bath, but without the ability to remove it, and on his sensitive male sausage too! The youth was dimly aware of the eighth ding sounding at around this time, but he wasn't sure he could go even two more minutes with this exquisite fresh torture! Especially since, in spite of his best efforts, his rock-hard cock twitched and pulsed harder than ever now, its owner even somewhat turned on by the sight of his own sore, tortured member bouncing and jiggling about. Fuck!

"Just look at him go!" chuckled Jackie. "Would you recommend this spa treatment, Master Goat?"

"Oh, ha fricking ha, just... ah shit, don't do it again... owowow!"

Markus beamed broadly as he poured another helping of molten wax onto his grandson's bare cock, clearly delighting in watching the lad dance up and down as he did so, waggling that hefty, smarting member about. "There there, my boy, your old Gramps will kiss it better," the old goat teased, as he leaned forward to give the pulsing, straining shaft another appreciative lick.

"And so will nice Mr Wolfie," Jackie put in as he leaned in to lap the other side of the young caprine's hard-on most appreciatively.

"Ooh... rrmmf..." Not long now, not long to go now... "Aahoohow, mother fuck!"

"Now, now, language, young fellow," Markus tutted softly as he drizzled another generous helping of wax onto the area just behind Milo's fat mushroom glans. "I may have schooled you in the art of perversion, but I did not teach you to have a foul mouth..."

Amid the old bastard's self-important bleating, only one thing cut through Milo's consciousness, just at that moment: the ninth ding.

Only one more minute, I just have to go one more minute, oh jeez, please just let me go one more minute... his big blue boy-balls felt fit to burst, but he felt like he could make it. It was going to be tough, but he could make it. His grandad looked him right in the eyes at that moment, and the young goat knew the old man could read him like a book.

"Well, boy, it would seem you've nearly made it," Markus said, surprisingly coolly. "But can you go all the way, my thrusting young buck?" He leaned in once again, this time sticking his tongue right into the wide pink piss slit on the end of his grandson's throbbing, perspiring dong. Milo gritted his teeth again.

"Hmm," his grandsire said critically as he withdrew. "A definite tang of pre there. Unmistakable. I think we may nearly have him, Jackie."

"Wonderful, Markus! I have just the thing," the hulking wolf replied as he rummaged briefly in a drawer before pulling out something long and metal, glinting silvery in the candlelight. Wasting no time whatsoever, he strode across the room, taking the cockhead in question in one beefy paw while he held the rod level with Milo's wide, warm slit with the other.

"Ah, f... seriously?" the goatboy groaned, perspiring harder than ever. "You gotta be kidding me."

"Good thinking, my lupine friend, but we're running out of time," Markus observed. "No need to stand on ceremony."

"Hnnf..." the teen goat managed not to cry out as he felt the cold, hard, unyielding metal invade his urethra, but he had to bite his tongue. The residual soreness caused by the wax was nothing compared to this, his whole pisstube was suddenly on fire. Even having his prostate pummeled by his grandad's old mushroom hadn't held a... well, candle... and the agony only intensified exponentially the more Jackie implacably forced more and more of his intensely sensitive boy-plumbing to accommodate this remorseless metallic tormentor. And yet, he remained stiff as a board.

Oh, come on you bastard bell, the suffering caprine adolescent pleaded internally. It's got to have been ten minutes by now, it's got to have been. This last minute feels more like two frickin' minutes, or three even, or four...


Milo's heart leapt. Saved by the bell! The voice in his head crowed triumphantly, but within a split second it was interrupted by a queer rushing sound. Something metal whizzed past the goatboy's startled, disbelieving eyes before landing with a thunk somewhere just below his crotch. And all of a sudden, a curious numbness began spreading throughout his poor tormented malehood.

A moment later, the still-erect malehood in question fell onto the table, twitching and pulsing a little, a small stream of blood trickling out at its neatly-severed base. His grandad and Jackie both began laughing heartily. The teen's mouth fell open.

And then he came. Spluttering, splattering, chaotic, his seed erupted from the hole in the wood in which his gorgeous fat cock had nestled, but a moment ago. Staggering back from the guillotine, from which he was now abruptly free at last, Milo stared in a dreamlike trance at the bloody stub, incongruous and bizarre, that now formed the centrepiece of his crotch, crowning his sweaty, musky balls, pumping out a mixture of cum and blood in a most erratic manner, leaking unchecked all over the floor. Presently, it slowed to a trickle, dribbling down his nutsack.

"But..." he gasped hoarsely, "But, but, I... made it. I _made_it. Ten minutes. You, you, you... you said I wouldn't lose it if I made it!"

"Did we?" Markus smiled. "I don't remember saying that."

"Quite right, me neither!" Jackie agreed brightly.

The goatboy's face was a picture of disbelief and dismay as he looked up at the two of them, still wide-eyed. "Wh-what? N-no, no, this can't be... you said..."

"That we'd give you another chance to redeem yourself, my silly ex-willy boy. Didn't say anything about letting you keep that fat todger of yours. That was forfeit when you lost our original contest, as we agreed. Does being a male of one's word mean nothing to young folk anymore?"

"Well said that goat," the great lupine grinned broadly, stepping forward to put a big warm paw on the shellshocked teen's shoulder. "This last part was just a bit of fun, our meat-free Master Milo. The blade was set to drop if you blew your load prematurely, but it was also set to slice your salami at the ten-minute mark if not! We were hardly going to deprive ourselves of the good part, were we? A fittingly fun send-off for your recently-departed ladhood, wouldn't you say?"

It was at that moment that the goat began to feel faint. A whistling sounded in his ears as the room span around him, a delayed swoon setting in as the reality came crashing down on him. "Fuuck," was the last thing he heard himself saying as he fell helplessly into Jackie's strong arms.


The raccoon was in his element. A small crowd gathered round, some regular customers, some simply curious to see the spectacle. Ristin welcomed them all with a big smile and a cheery wave as he railed his young boss' ass.

Milo was bent double, gasping and moaning involuntarily as he felt the exquisite torment of his own rock-hard member plunging his anus, the Jacob's Ladder, still in place on its underside, chafing away at his poop-chute to a tooth-grinding degree that he still hadn't got used to, weeks later. The spectators whooped, chuckled and whistled.

The whistling reached its climax at the same time, as Milo did - but the part of him that still half expected his thick adolescent seed to come pumping out in a graceful arc, as it once had, was in for a rude reminder. It sprayed and leaked, sputtering out messily, splattering large droplets onto his supple thighs and sack. Once Ristin had pulled the all-too-familiar dildo from his anal passage with a smacking sound, the young goat hurriedly squatted close to the ground in an attempt to limit the mess, eliciting gales of laughter from the audience as his reduced bare crotch was brought into full view, his big intact goat-balls creating a comical contrast with the truncated pink stub where his penis should have been, dribbling caprine semen onto the floor from the crouching boy's new pee-hole.

When he had shaken out the last few major drops, Milo stood up straight again, his arms folded and a scowl on his face, desperately attempting to retain what dignity he could. But his burning cheeks had betrayed him, turning a deep pink that only intensified the customers' mirth.

"And there you have it, ladies and gents," Ristin beamed brightly. "That's how a penectomized male, such as Manager Milo here, can still get off even with the help of a fellow penectomized male, such as myself, by taking his very own former malehood up his very own posterior!" The crowd applauded appreciatively as the raccoon paraded around theatrically, showing them his new strap-on. The huge and handsome preserved goat-penis looked almost as succulent as it had in life, now frozen as hard as it had been at the moment of its removal, gleaming Jacob's Ladder still proudly in place underneath. "Any questions?" the coon asked politely.

"Yes, I have one, if you don't mind!" a plump sheep-lady whom Milo vaguely recognised piped up. "Why is Master Goat's big dickie a dildo now? I could have sworn it was flopping around between the young buck's legs when I came in here only a few weeks ago!"

A fresh gale of laughter greeted this question. Ristin couldn't help but chuckle a little himself. "Well, it's a long story, Madam, and I'm afraid the poor fellow doesn't really like talking about it. Let's just say he lost a bet with his grandad, and the old goat is always looking to expand his Collection! I should know."

"Very well, Mr Ringtail," the sheep-lady replied with a chuckle. "But I must say, I do have a bone to pick with you, young sir, if you'll pardon the pun," she continued as she turned to the blushing, sulking goatboy himself, who had been looking off in another direction pretending not to listen. "I booked in advance for that Manager Meat Special you told me about."

"That's right, madam, I remember that!" the raccoon put in. "As the manager himself said, a full money-back guarantee if he can't fully deeply satisfy you."

"Well, that's just it, I don't think the manager is equipped to satisfy me!"

The other customers laughed harder then ever. "She's got you there, sir," chuckled the coon. "Will you process her refund?"

"Eeh, all right, all right, keep yer wool on, lady," the cockless goat muttered as he slunk back to the main desk, a cool breeze tickling his lonely scrotum and his tender pink pisshole as their merriment rang in his ears.

In Which Master Goat and the Famous Cock Part Company, Chapter 3/4

**Chapter 3** A couple of minutes after knocking on the heavy whitewashed door, Milo started peering through the dingy window next to it. If this was indeed where Grandad's old friend lived, there didn't appear to be any signs of life right now. Was...

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In Which Master Goat and the Famous Cock Part Company, Chapter 2/4

**Chapter 2** "An endurance contest," Milo muttered pensively. "It's gotta be." "You think so, sir?" Ristin asked as he poured his young boss a glass of wine. The two were sitting together in the back room of the shop late into the night, old Markus...

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In Which Master Goat and the Famous Cock Part Company, Chapter 1/4

**In Which Master Goat and the Famous Cock Part Company** **Chapter 1** The goat was in his element. A small crowd gathered round, some regular customers, some simply curious to see the spectacle. A broad and, some might say wicked, grin spread...

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