Suffering the Experiments of the Dragon

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Another experiment that Lorkos is pushed through, this time by a rather bossy feral dragon. Time to start prepping for eggs...

Commissioned by Lorvianne

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Suffering the Experiments of the Dragon

for Lorvianne

by Draconicon

Lorkos sat in the back of the holding pit that the dragon had set up for him and the other captives snatched from across the land. With the stone wall of the cave digging into the base of his spine and his tail shoved off to the side by the irregular stone, it wasn't a comfortable position for the black-furred wolf. He pulled one leg closer to him, stretching the other out, the chain that connected his ankles grinding against the metal ring hammered into the stone floor. The tinkle-jangle of metal-on-metal made every other captive around him groan, some covering their ears at the echoes that filled the underground chamber, while he just stared at the tunnel that led out of their prison.

Somewhere down there was the dragon that held them captive, and none of them knew what the magical beast wanted. Some of them had been kidnapped from battlefields, others from their beds, still others from the laboratories of mages throughout the world. Nobody had a common background with anyone else, and there was no way to tell just what the dragon wanted, save that he needed living bodies for...whatever this was.

The black-furred wolf shifted his legs again, pushing the other one out and pulling the stretched one in. Once more, the tinkle-jangle filled the air, and a fox to his right jabbed him with an elbow.

"Will you stop that?"

"I'm sore."

"So are the rest of us. Who cares?"

"I do. I want to be ready."

"For what? Escaping? Fat chance."

Perhaps, but Lorkos had always been one to take stupid chances if it meant that there was a hint of getting what he wanted. Why else would a beggar sign up to be a soldier, or a soldier sign up for a special operation that was more likely than not to get him killed?

Come to think of it, it probably wasn't the smartest way to live, but it had kept him alive rather than starving in some side alley. That was better than nothing.

Before the fox could complain again, a deep thump startled them all. A shadow rolled down the corridor leading out of their chamber, and every prisoner sat up a little bit straighter. The dragon was coming.

The thumps of his footfalls followed, and in less than a minute, the great beast poked his head through the end of the tunnel. He was a massive thing, standing near to three meters tall, and his eyes went from a deep brown to a soft purple as he focused his attention on them. Lorkos could feel the powerful magic tingling in the air, and he bit off a shiver before it could get out of hand.

Eventually, the dragon's eyes fell on him, and the beast blinked. The chains around Lorkos's ankles opened, and his legs were released.




The wolf got to his feet, loincloth falling into place. There was only one tunnel out, probably by design, and he couldn't just run past the dragon. He'd have to hope that his kidnapper would give him an opening later, one that he could exploit for his own purposes.

He left the half-circle of prisoners, stepping into the tunnel as the dragon retracted his head. As he followed the creature into another cavern, one that was wide enough for the winged, four-legged dragon to turn around it, he did something that most wouldn't have dared to do: he asked a question.

"What do you want from us?" the wolf asked.


"You captured all of us - kidnapped us - but we don't know..."

"Hmm. I did skip a few details, I suppose."


"Well, we'll cover those in a moment."

Better than nothing, Lorkos supposed. As the wolf followed behind the dragon, he kept his eyes peeled for anything that might be an escape tunnel - or even a crack to get lost in for a while, leaving the dragon either forced to look for him or to give up and go back to the other captives - but the tunnels and caverns followed a linear progression. There would be a tunnel, then an open cavern, and then another tunnel. There were no side-routes, no extra caves, no little places where someone on the smaller side might have wiggled into and hidden from someone that was so much bigger than them.

Finally, they reached a different cavern, one that had more to it than empty stone and sunken pits. This one had a stone that thrust up from the ground, big enough for two people to lay head to toe with a foot or so on either side. He blinked at the large, black stone as the dragon padded along to a series of jars that he had against the far wall.

"On the table," the dragon said.

"...I don't suppose I can have the name of my captor?"

"Karksin," the dragon said, idly opening one jar after another, looking inside only to put the lid back on. "Now which one..."

Lorkos glanced at the far end of the cavern. There was another tunnel leading out, but he'd have to cross the entire chamber to reach it. He hesitated -

"I'd lie down if I were you. This is a gift, really. Something that will make all our lives easier. Mine, mostly, but I guarantee that you'll get something out of it."


"And if you don't lay down on the stone, I'll just make you, so, save us both a little effort here. You're going to need your strength with this one."

Lorkos gritted his teeth. He doubted that things were going to be as beneficial for him as the dragon was saying, but at the same time, he'd always taken the route less traveled. To a street kid, dying on a battlefield was better than dying in an alley, and to a soldier, dying in the hands of the enemy was better than dying from a random arrow or sword to the gut. He supposed that, as a prisoner in the hands of a magical dragon, getting experimented on by whatever magical bullshit the dragon had was better than getting chased down and eaten.

So, the wolf took off his loincloth and laid himself down on the table. Ignoring the slight ache in the base of his tail until he could adjust it to rest between his legs, he looked up at the ceiling, fingers sliding against each other as he rested his hands on his stomach.

"There's the blasted thing," Karksin muttered. "I was starting to think I'd misplaced it."

"What...what are you going to do to me?" Lorkos asked.

"Not much. Just start a cult."

"I - what?"

"You know how it is. Dragons are supposed to have devoted followers. Goblins, orcs, kobolds. Doesn't really matter what species, but they're supposed to have something under them," the dragon said as he walked back over, stopping at the side of the table, holding a black egg in his hand, one that almost seemed to move on its own in the beast's grip. "Problem is, there's a bit of an economy of labor there, and I don't really have much to bring to bear."

"Mmmph...and what..."

"Oh, this is going to help you make minions for me."

"...Please tell me that isn't going up my ass."

"Oh, no, no."


"It's just going to bond with you."

"You -"

Karksin's eyes glowed again, and Lorkos's arms and legs spread out wide. His arms went over his head, locking to invisible chains at the corners of the vast stone table, and his legs were pulled outward, down towards the foot of the table, ankles locked together. That didn't feel like a particularly good sign to him.

"Now, let's get this started. This should begin of its own accord, if I've got it right..."

The wolf groaned, trying to pull himself backward, futilely trying to sink into the stone as if it was permeable and would let him just slide out of sight. There was no such luck, and as soon as the dark egg touched his stomach, he felt it go from hard to soft, and then to something liquid, running through his fur and sinking through it with a warmth that was undeniably wrong.

"Nnngh! Ah...ah..."

It rolled over his belly button, and he swore that he could feel tendrils of something sliding into it. He hissed and wheezed, biting his tongue as the black spread across his fur, smoothing it out, knocking it down. Where it rested, it looked solid, almost more like insect chitin than flesh or fur, and it hardened fast when it reached the right places.


"You sound aroused, wolf. Are you?"


His body was, though his mind wasn't, and his cock was showing that. His sheath was filling out, the tip opening as his cock started growing out despite his opinions on the matter. He rolled his hips upward, his eyes rolling back in their sockets as he felt the odd pleasure of the heat spreading through his stomach, getting more and more intense.

The black ooze stopped its growth just below his rib-cage, bonding with his stomach and around his back. The egg-shape itself was slowly sinking further through his stomach, almost as if his belly-button was being changed, opened up, allowing the strange orb to sink inside of him. The sensation was at once sickening and pleasurable, his breath coming faster and faster as his stomach started swelling, getting heavier and...and he didn't know what else to describe it as. Bloated? Stretched? Something, at the very least, and it wasn't done there.

The pressure continued further down, swallowing him up, dragging his thighs together and joining them with his hips. His ass felt like it was growing, too, but not just in getting thicker and rounder, but blending together. As he whipped his head from side to side, trying to track what was happening to him, all he could tell was that his lower body was gradually turning more and more...

Am I...

His lower half, from his hips down, was starting to develop something that looked almost like the lower body of a queen insect, something that didn't belong on a mammal by any stretch of the imagination. His eyes went wide, his mouth working soundlessly as he felt his body losing more and more of its mobility.

As that new thing kept growing, his ass cheeks losing their distinctness and melting together, creating a 'butt' that was more like one long, chunky section, he could feel his cock - long since buried - moving around under it. His entire body was being rearranged, and it was slowly losing whatever made it more 'wolf' and less any other animal. He wheezed for breath, his head spinning as he stared straight up at the ceiling.


The warmth was spreading through his core, and the more that it heated up, the worse-better he felt. It was harder to think, and his body, already limited with movement, felt more and more pinned under its own weight. The extra space on the table suddenly made sense as his body extended, getting longer, heavier, bulbous with the strange black insect 'flesh' that it was covered in. What little remained of his legs were pushed sideways, insufficient in length to allow any kind of movement. All he could do was lay there or be carried.

At the tip of his fatter lower body, nearly one and a half times the size of his upper body and still growing, was a slight opening. For a moment, he almost wondered if that was where his asshole had moved, but at the same time, it almost felt like his cock had been shifted down to that opening, as well. He didn't understand it, didn't know what was going on, but he knew that it was going to be important in -


Lorkos arched his back, a sudden gush of fluid shooting from that hole. His body surged, swelling, growing, spreading out further. That new lower half was now nearly twice the size of his upper body, and it felt like it could swell, could stretch even further. What it was for...

The wolf's eyes went wide. He could feel it now. His 'cock' - such as he still had one inside of that carapace - was feeding him low-level pleasure as he kept twitching inside, some part of him forced to orgasm time and time again. It was so low-level in pleasure that he could barely feel it other than a slight pulsing and gentle throbbing inside, a little 'high' of happy times that kept coming after the end of each spurt. Then, he felt other things moving.

He knew what they were. They were eggs, self-fertilized eggs that were getting ready for laying. His hole at the end of his lower body was already so slick and wet from that sudden expulsion, and he could feel things moving inside of him, rounded things that were eager to be allowed to come out, to be put somewhere where they belonged.

And Karksin just grinned.

"It's time."


"We just need the first subject. The first cultist."


But there was no waiting. The dragon was already moving, and Lorkos was left there, attached to the stone table with nothing more than his own weight and size. His legs, his arms, they were too small and useless compared to his overall size now, and he...he was nothing but an egg-layer.

He shivered, lowering his head to the stone, washed over by the pleasure that his own body offered him. It was impossible to ignore, and time faded.

He was brought back to the moment by something soft and fuzzy pressed back against the hole at the end of his lower body. Lorkos lifted his head with a grunt, feeling an odd pleasure as that fur and soft flesh ground against the hole, almost like some camp follower rubbing her ass against his cock. Blinking away the blurriness from his vision, he looked down.

It was the same fox that had elbowed him back when he was adjusting his position back in the other cavern. The fox was struggling, but Karksin's power had him pinned in place, unable to get free. The squirming, the wriggling was making it harder and harder for Lorkos to keep his head on straight, almost like he was getting a perfect level of stimulation already.


"Egg him," the dragon said.

"Egg - what the fuck - let me go!"

"Egg him and begin the change."

Lorkos didn't have a choice. His body was already changed, his new biology controlling him rather than the other way around. His eyes rolled back as he felt that same grinding, the fox's pucker spreading around the edges of the egg-chute at the end of the long chitinous bit of his body -


The pleasure hit hard and fast, and Lorkos didn't know what was happening, just that it was. The dragon's magic forced the fox back just enough to spread his cheeks, and the pressure on his body and that strange opening forced his body into overtime. Something clenched down there and forced the eggs inside him forward, and Lorkos could feel the first one just moving, grinding, sliding down that chute faster than he expected. Gushes of slime squirted from the hole at the bottom of his body, and then -




The fox's yelps and whimpers grew higher and higher as the egg reached the end of Lorkos's body and the fox's asshole. The vulpine male tried to pull away, but couldn't; the pressure of the other eggs inside of Lorkos, all of them wanting to be birthed, forced the first egg further and further up. He could feel it stretching that new hole, grinding against the fox's pucker.

Over the whole process, Karksin watched, the dragon a mix of a mother hen, a proud father, and a gleefully crazy mage eager to see the results of his experiment. They were nothing but his pawns, and yet, Lorkos couldn't complain.

It felt too good.

The stretch and strain continued for nearly a minute as the fox's hole resisted the pressure of the egg, but the forward push and the constant gush of slick fluids couldn't be denied. The tip pushed in, and the rest followed. The squelching sound of the egg popping into the fox's hole, the sudden gasp of realization, the 'pop' sound of it all happening, told him that it was done.

Before the other eggs could be released, the dragon dragged the fox away from Lorkos. The sudden lack of pressure around the hole meant that it was no longer open, and the former wolf whimpered, biting his lips as he felt the sheer build-up of eggs that needed to be released. He had to lay, he had to let it all out. There was so much in there -

"It's working," Karksin whispered. "'s working."

Panting for breath, Lorkos tilted his head to the side. The fallen fox remained on his hands and knees, his tail high, asshole all but gaped from the forceful insertion of the egg with a creamy slime sliding from within. Yet, even as he knelt there, gasping, quivering, hole clenching and oozing, he was changing. Red and white fur were already transitioning to green scales, spreading down in lines and waves from his open hole. Each time another shimmering layer of scales appeared, the transforming fox moaned, his cock spitting pre-cum onto the floor.

The transformation was pleasurable, at least, but when his former prisoner-in-chains turned his head, it was clear that his transformation was as much mental as physical. He looked back at Karksin with worship in his eyes and need in his heart, panting as he struggled across the floor to the four-legged dragon. Just one word got past his lips.


"Heh...well, that works," Karksin said, shaking his head. "How are you feeling, egg-bearer?"


"That should pass when we get all of this clutch laid."



"Getting there..."

"We'll get another one in here, then."

Lorkos tried to feel violated, to think of himself as a prisoner of fate, an unwitting victim...but the sheer relief that flooded through him when the dragon promised another 'victim' was palpable...and unignorable. He was going to want this, whether he liked it or not.

He'd become a tool, a toy...and he didn't know how anything good would come of this. He didn't even know if he'd care after the first few layings...

The End

Summary: Another experiment that Lorkos is pushed through, this time by a rather bossy feral dragon. Time to start prepping for eggs…

Tags: M/solo, M/M, Egg Laying, Oviposition, Insect TF, Insect Lower Half, Wolf to Egg Queen, Ooze, Transformation, Trapped by Size, Feral Dragon, Wolf, Something Else, Orgasm, Weird Cum, Eggs,