it could happen,,, part 1 (extra long premier) partially edited

Story by RagsWox on SoFurry

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#4 of it could happen

this is a story i wish was true.if this story is any good it should be scripted into a mov...

this is a story i wish was true.if this story is any good it should be scripted into a movie

This all started about 5 years ago on my way home from work, im busy driving and suddenly i get this extreme urge to get off the road and walk into the bushes. not knowing why i got the feeling i ignored it but my body yanked up the handbreak and slamed the pickup to the side of the road, just bearly missing the speedlimit sign ending up in the bushes with my vehicle still in 1 piece.

i was really surprised to find that apon inspecting the car that there was no damage to it anywhere. i decided to get back into the pickup and drive off but it died. i was also surprised at how easily it started everytime it stalled on pulaway, after my 7 or 8th attempt i decided to follow this feeling which still hadnt left me and go further into the brush. it also escaped my attention that on a usually busy road not a single car had passed me that whole hour i spent checking my car and trying to leave. 5 minutes into the brush the feeling left me but the sight of an injured creature took my breath away. there infront of me about 3 paces away was what looked to me like a large wolf ,too big to be a normal wolf, it looked to be about the same size as me. a 5'6'' 200lbs male who worked on assembly lines. i stepped closer cautiously to check it out, the poor thing was out of it, not moving, breathing heavily,its ears didnt move even when i tried to wake it. judging by the state it was in and the larg puddle of blood it was laying in, i had little time to help it, i made a run 4 my pickup and drove to where the animal lay. i opened the bak and got my car cover out and put the animal on it, after which i loaded it in the back and rushed out of there. when i got onto the road i thought about calling a vet, then decided against it for they would probably put it down, or experiment on it to see why it got so big. so i rushed home with it and got it into the entertainment room opened up to see that IT had hand like paws. full 5 fingers including opposable thumbs, where i realised that this was a werewolf. i was worried about helping it for if i did, it would probably eat me and not be greatful at all about having been saved.

i thought about how i was drawn to it and why i couldnt leave until i had picked it up and i then realised, i was there to help a goodhearted creature. i got started emediately with positioning her on the pooltable !!!!! ''OH MY GOD! SHE IS A FUCKING FEMALE !''. I shouted out in amazement as i saw her big breasts and faliceless groin.

she was a hot fullgrown adult female warewolf. waking her she growled with a moan of pain and passed out again. she was dieing and i knew i was gonna have to touch her in places to help her.'' thank god i live alone.'' i thought to myself as i got the medical kit from my room closet, apon my return i also got a razor from my shaving kit and my bottle of mampoer so i could sterilze the wound before i shave it. i started by gettin an i.v. and a shot of morphine into her arm which i had shaved at the elbow. she slowly started to breath a little easier as the morphine kicked in. i then got the second drip into her as i knew she lost alot of blood, and proceeded to see where she was wounded.

her face was bloodsoaked and one ear was torn up badly, she needed about 90 stitches to patch her face. her neck was also bad, as though she had been bitten multiple times, 60 stitches later and that was sorted.her breasts abdomine and pelvic areas as well as her back were shredded like claws had ripped her open 325 stitches. i did find some tar in some of the wounds so she might have been hit by a car. her left arm was broken in multiple places so i splinted it as well as i could and stiched her arm up. the right only had roasties and a few gashes, however her legs were dislocated in the hips knees and the lower part which looked like ancles. the morphine was starting to wear off and siture gut had run out when i got to her neck so i used fishing gut which i soaked in mampoer(i knew it would come in handy), so i administered another shot of morphine and went onto my 5th and last i.v.. after putting her legs back to where they belonged i noticed that she was sleeping peacefully and her breathing wasnt labored anymore. 2am is when i finished and i had started at 6pm. i knew i had to call in sick for work to keep an eye on her, but first bandage all the wounds, clean up, munch and then sleep.

5am and i just finished cleanup, i guess i better call the boss and be sick.''johnathan here.''

''hey john its kilagan. did i wake you?''

''yeah you did,{yawn} but only a few seconds before im supposed to get up. why, whats the problem?"

"im coming down with a bad bug of sorts, and scince i have some paid leave coming up i wonder if i coul take about 3weeks of the 8 ive got?"

"sure sure just be sure to fill the form when you feel a bit better."

"thanks john, youre the best, bye.". well off to bed with me,those few hours i slept, all i dreamt about was how beautiful she looked. even though i havent seen her beauty yet.when i woke up it was 9am and i dont really get by very well on just 4 hours sleep, especially since i had been awake for 11hours. but today was different, i actually felt better than i had in months, so i went and checked on my big patient who was awake but not completely with it. she slowly looked over to me and showed her teeth and gently growled as to warn me not to come closer, so i kept my distance and left her to rest and recover. she seemed to realise that she was being treated for her injuries but was annoyed at the fact i was there and that i had helped her. when she was more awake and aware of her surroundings she called me.

"excuse me sir. ungh are you ahhhrg there?" when i didnt respond she tried a howl but stopped as she was still badly hurt.

i came in and she said"thank you for helping me, i dont know who you are but you seem to care about me. my name is phifer mills."

i sat down next to her and introduced myself."my name is kilagan manroe. what are you and how can you talk? where are you from?"

she started explaining that she came from an alternate reality thanks to an irresponsible realm jumper who tried to kill her when he realised his mistake, what they diddnt realise is that they were on a street and they were hit by a truck.

"so you see i got knocked into the bushes and he died on the spot. his technology was completely destroyed so i am unable to return to my realm. we dont wear clothing because of our fur." i was surprised.

"your entire race doesnt wear clothing, and you are all different animals?"

"yes, in my realm you would have been either a reptilian, avian, equestrian, feline or kanine type of anthro."

"cool. so how long did you lie in those bushes?"

"about a day, but no one looked for me until you arrived."

"so you were in the accident i missed ." as i started drawing blood for testing.

"what are you doing?" I could see the anger and fear in her eyes.

"im going to take this to test and see what bloodtype you are then see if there is a match so i can transfuse it with you since you are still weak and in need of blood."

she looked at me as though she didnt believe me and got edgy with me." i swear that if you fuck with me i will hunt you down and kill you!"

i fell over my chair as she said that and she started bleadin from her torso and i had to redo 22 stitches without morphine since i had run out. she was one feisty bitch.i assured her that i would never fuck her around and that if she pulled any of her shit again she might end up with me replacing more stitches, which seemed to calm her to a point where she was fairly dossile.

i left at about 12pm and returned at 12:45 with 4 pints of type a+ blood which was a coincidence since i myself am a+. as i drew nearer and hooked her up for the transfusion she asked if she could drink some to aid the healing process. i agreed that she may have one pint and if it really helped that drastically she could have more later. at 3pm i realised that istill hadnt eaten and got myself some leftover chineese and reheated it in the microwave.

"something smells good."she said from the other room.

"just a little leftover food that im reaheating."said i as the timer tinged on the microwave .

i headed into the room where i dropped my food when i sow her sitting upright on the pooltable removing bandages to reveal her beautiful face, with all the fur grown back.

"why so surprised? dont all your kind heal this quick?" as she brushed away the loose stitches i had put in not 10 hours ago.

"how can this be? i stiched you up so you wouldnt bleed out and you wip them away like nothing?"

she said"im an anthro, i live like you do but i heal when i drink blood. and since you transfer of blood doesnt work on me im gonna drink this one and be ready to walk by the morning."

i passed out right there and lay there till the next morning. when dawn was breaking, phifer was patting my face to try wake me up. as i awoke i noticed that she was stinking up a bit and her fur was still clotted with blood so i recommended she take a shower.

"whats a shower?"she asked all innocently.

"a shower is when you wash yourself with soap and water." i chuckled as i stood up and led her to the bathroom.she then requested that i demonstrate how it works."you do realise that im a man? and that we humans dont see each other naked unless we have sex." i told her as i was ,lets face it ,a 24yearold virgin who had only seen pornographic content.

"i dont mind. besides who is going to see you naked with me while you show me this shower thing?" she said with a smile on her face.

i thought to myself "fuck me ! shes here mearly 3 days and she already wans to fuck my brains out. what the fuck, why not?"

i proceeded to demonstrste the hot cold features of the shower to which she caught on rather quickly. after which i explained that once the water is the right temperature she can get in and start soaking her naked body, which had healed remarkably. when she removed the bandages the stitches clinged to her fur with the dried blood and the wounds were completely healed. not even scar tissue where the cuts had been.

"kilagan! will you please show me how to wash myself ?" she hinted as she started to undo my jeans.

"alright. just so long as you dont try anything" i said as she tore my shirt from my body.

we both got into the shower and i demonstrated on myself how she should do it

" no silly, demonstrate on me." she said with a wink. "ive been so dirty, show me how." as i started with her sholders she rubbed her tail against my crotch and said"no baby im not dirty there, move lower"

i moved onto her breasts which had these erect nipples which were begging to be sucked as the blood washed away. i got the hardest wood i had ever had and she smiled and said "lower my pussy is so filthy! wash it so i may be clean again!" i got even harder battling to concintrate as my dick got so hard it nearly hurt. but i proceeded to clean her clit and she then came closer and loweres herself onto my rock hard cock, proceeding to ride me slowly moving faster with every passing second untill we both climaxed. and as we were done she proceeded to bite my neck, as though a hicky, but just enough to break the skin.

"that was my first time. i never thought it was so great" i said as we collapsed in the shower trying to gather enough strength to carryon cleaning up. when we were done,

" you were the best i ever had. all the anthros from my realm just fuck for survival. i wanna fuck for fun, and you helped me achieve this." she said

"what about pregnancy? what kind off offspring will you have since you fucked me?" i asked.

"i dont know. that is why i bit you, to see if anything happens." she replied. we got some towels and started to dry off

as i decided to get her the hair dryer, she said that she knew what a shower was and quite a bit about modern life. i turned on the hairdryer and i started to dry her dark orange fur, which became more of a yellow as it dried and she had a colour the same as renamon. a yellow coat with white fur on the tip of her ears and bushy tail, a white chest and white hands and feet. however she didnt have any of her markings or the purple gloves. however, she had these tufts of fur on her head, on the back of her sholders, on the front of her neck which hung over her breasts, and also on her cheeks and knees. as i was getting dressed i realised that she is really distracting since she is naked, so i went throgh some of my older clothes to find some pants she could fit into. once we put some clothes on i cut a hole ino the jeans so her tail could more freely and the sleaves and neck of the shirt had to go so she looked more feminine in mens clothes. the jeans went up to the ankle looking joint on her legs so she was showing what looked like dogs legs. we spent the rest of the day discussing how and when we would go to places, what our likes and dislikes were, what we did before we met, i still cant believe that she was a computer programmer by day, and an exotic dancer by night. she also played games similar to what we had at the time, and her choices in music were like that of your typical 22 yearold collage student. we are both in our mid 20s. i thought to myself {wow! what a score, a sexy, inteligent babe who is so like me and enjoys being near me and i near her}. the next day we discussed having her get a pregnancy test to see if she had been fertilised, she agreed and i got a test kit for her and the tests were negative. she was slightly upset because she had hoped that i could father her child. i comforted her and told her we could try again, but not at that time as i felt terrible.

"it is the transformation process." she replied. "it unsettles your entire system."

i looked at her and she told me that i looked more pale than i had these past few days. i then collapsed and slept for about 2 and a half days. just to be woken by the sound of multiple heartbeats. i was sure i was dreaming until she slapped me that i actually hurt.

"what the fuck you do that for?!" putting my hand to my face "that really hurt".

i then realised that my hand was bigger and had these claws that belonged on a wolf. i realised that i had changed,but to what extent? i made a run for my room and looked in the mirror to see this dark grey,almost charcoal colored wolf staring back at me with light grey fur on my chest[which had ripped the shirt i was wearing due to its increased size], hands and fore arms, the hair on my head and under my face was scruffy and had yellow tips, i also realised i had to loose my pants since it felt like somethin was shoved up my arse. as i loosened my pants i saw that my shoes were shredded by my large doglike feet which were also light grey. as i dropped my pants my newly aquired tail stood out and i felt much better. looking in the mirror i watched my newly chissled, ripped and sculpted body, which had been hidden by the shirt which now lay on the floor. i was amazed by what i saw, and i liked ears suddenly tuned towards the door and i looked to see phifer, who was naked again come towards me whispering

"youve been asleep for almost 3 days, i never thought you would be even hotter than you allready were. you must like it?"

"yes...i do but how? this just isnt possible." i repliedwhile becoming aroused yet again

when i looked down i saw that my penis was sheethed like a wolfs and was slowly coming out and longer than it was before.

"wow. you are even more than i expected. usualy the people that change keep their original sizes. but you have grown" as she grabbed me by the rod, licking and sucking it getting me hornier than the last time we did the deed.

i grabbed her and started to rub her allover and she becaim moist and her nipples erect, aiding in my animal instincts to take over and putting myself in her and gettin{believe it or not}knotted in her and having the longest orgasm in my life, she screamed with pleasure and i lay thee completely drained as i wated for my knot to subside and release us. she was also completely drained when we were done and when we seperated we went and showered and went to sleep feeling satisfied and relaxed.

the next morning i woke up and saw that i was back to normal, thinking i had dreamed it all. discoraged by it all i turned to my side to see a hot young blond sleeping in my bed.

"who are you and how did you get here?" i asked

"kilagan dont joke its me phifer" she replied with her eyes still shut.

"how can that be? youre a woman. you should be a fox"

she opened her eyes and looked at her self then said "it must be the sex we had last night. it has allowed us to become human."

i looked at myself to see that my body retained its build from the transformation and i got some of my oversized clothes and got dressed.

"get dressed. were going clothes shopping for you while you are human"

"but why kilagan? i like being naked."

"because in this world, all people wear clothes, and they dont wear those cut up clothes that i gave you."

we then went to the shops where we immediately asked a assistant to get us clotes in our sizes, who promptly returned with some inexpensive items for both of us. i took her to the changing rooms and we tried the clothes, which fit surprisingly well.


"yes phifer?"

"i want to do you now." she said with a tremble in her voice

"why you so nervious?" i asked.

"iv never been human before, and i think i want you." she replied.

"ok i can understand that. i was so frightened the first time we did it, and also when we did it as lycans."

"but you diddnt look scared?"

"i was overpowered by the animal instincts that were in me so i couldnt show the fear. lets wait untill we get back home before we do it again, incase we transform."

"ok" she said while collecting the tags of the clothes she was wearing.

we then checked out and went home."why you so desperate to have sex as a human so quickly?" i asked

"because. i want to try it and see if i like it as much as when we were lycans."

so we did it and to our surprize, it was rather excellent, not as great as when we are lycans, but still excellent, but only because it lasted longer than the previous 2 times by a full 20 minutes. we then got dressed and i decided that we should watch a movie. she picked a movie which had lycans and vampires in it so she could understand why humans would be more afraid of her than others. she realised that when the werewolves were in the movie they were based on evil myth and folklore, which i had to explain every now and then. we watched the movie and had some good laughs. i noticed she got a bit more hyper than she had beenthe rest of the day, when she started to make out with me in the cinema. i looked into her emerald green eyes and realised she was turning, i took her out the cinema and we headed for the car while i covered her head with my jacket, hiding her large foxy ears. By the time we got to the car and her legs were also changing, i got into my car and it felt like my car had gotten smaller. i saw in the mirror that my eyes were a bright yellow and i had my wolf ears comming out. i rushed home and tried to figure out why we were changing, then i realised chocolate is an afrodesiac which increases the feeling of love and enguages your sexdrive also aiding in the transformation. when we got back she had completely turned into her animal form and i was almost complete as we entered the door. phifer was all over me with excitement trying to get me onto the ground while i was locking up and turning out the lights. i could see everything clear as day but the lights were already out, another sense had developed in me. i then fell to the floor as my animality took over and the two of us made love for the rest of the night, trying to get the chocolate out of our systems. the next morning we were still anthros but we were feeling completely normal. not wanting to constantly fuck as an anthro was different. we spent the next few days trying to figure out what to do untill we change back. during those days i had this urge to go and hunt, kill, and eat something, like a real wolf would do, but phy stopped me all the time warning me that doing these things, would not be good for me , or anyone else in the area.

we were running out of options. the fridges were empty and the pantry was ill prepaired since i never really used it. we decided to go to the river just a few kilometers away so we could get fish or small animals we could feed on to subside our urges. we got there and the first rabbit i saw i darted after caught an killed. i would have started eating it on the spot, but my human side made reason for me to give it to her first. she accepted an ripped the rabbit in two sharing it with me. the two of us enjoyed my first kill, and the blood and raw flesh appealed to me as i devoured that rabbit. afterword we felt better but were still hungry, so i fabricated a fishing rod from branches and the gutt and hooks i brought along. in no time at all we were enjoying some fresh fish as we got them. raw and tasty."phy, why did you say hunting and killing would be bad for me? i just killed a rabbit and now we catch and eat raw fish?" "i' ve never known any lycan to be as generous, loyal or tame as you are. i thought i would have to kill you if you lost control, but you killed a rabbit and calmly gave it to me and for some reason, i too felt the urge to share." she replied. "thats called being human" i said "it is somethin we all have no control over, some are evil, others saints, then you get the average joe like me who is neither but both at the same time" i added. i could see the confusion in her face about the neither and both explanation. And let her know that it is one of the mysteries of life itself and that i could not explain it. we returned to my place to keep from sight but saw that some old friends of mine had come over for the lan party i had arranged for the weekend. it is easy enough to see how i had forgotten but how would i get past them to my cell, and call them to cancel when they are already here waiting to set up? i had to face the music, but phy wouldnt let me as she was suspicious about some of them