
Story by Riff on SoFurry

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Chapter One

After double checking that he had everything packed and ready Daemon jogged back into his house to pick up the phone. All day he had been thinking about his coming holiday break from work, an entire week off to see his parents and siblings! It would be the first time that he would get to meet his sister's new mate, a raccoon. His parent's didn't really approve, but after Daemon coming out as being gay to them they had been forced to adjust their feelings about what an acceptable mate for their children would be, loving all of them regardless of their choices in life.

Picking up the receiver he quickly dialed the long distance number and was greeted with the warm voice of his mother. "Hey mom, just thought I'd call to let you know I'm on the way, everything in the car and I should be there in about 4 hours!" He could practically hear his mother wagging her tail over the phone, "Great! That's perfect, you'll be the first to arrive. I'll have dinner ready for you when you get here." Daemon's muzzle got a wide grin and licked his wolfish lips at the thought, "Can't wait! I've missed your cooking! See you soon, I love you."

Doing one more look through his house to make sure everything was off, he noticed the company newsletter reminding the employees of the holiday party. Daemon picked it up and glanced over it again, doing a bit of a double take when he saw the date, for some reason thinking it was supposed to be the last day of the holiday time off, not the first and that evening! He growled a bit and considered just skipping it when the thought of Connor appeared in his head. Connor was a rather attractive malamute that was on Daemon's team at work and had been the object of his desire since the dog had been hired a month and a half ago.

Daemon gnawed thoughtfully on his lower lip as he considered what he should do. He finally decided that he could drop by the party, have a few drinks as an excuse to watch his dream doggy and then drive on from there. His mother had said he'd be the first to arrive anyway, so it wouldn't hurt for him to be a little late. Locking up his house he jumped in his car and drove the few blocks to the company's complex. Most of the employees lived in houses nearby provided by the company, that being one of the biggest perks that came with the job, and so the underground parking terrace was almost never used, and not surprisingly it was entirely empty during the holiday.

The wolf jumped out and quickly followed the pleasant winding paths, the area between the buildings filled with trees and made to feel like a natural forest to make the furry employees feel at home. Coming to his favorite spot on the edge of a fairly large pond he rubbed his paws together to try to warm them up, blowing his steaming breath over his pads. The water was frozen and a layer of snow covered the ice, making a perfectly flat surface, the white snow reflecting the reds and oranges of the setting sun. When the colors started to fade from the sky he hurried on, coming to the large recreation building.

Inside it was warm and decorated brightly in green and red, tables lining the outer walls with a buffet of Christmas food, kegs of beer, wine and in the corner there was even a small bar with an otter bartender. Making his way through the crowd, greeting friends and acquaintances, he managed to get to the bar, his eyes scanning the faces for Connor. He smiled at the bartender and ordered a White Russian with a shot of Butterscotch Schnapps. Leaning back against the bar, his perked ears revealed that he was searching for something despite the fact that it was too noisy to find anyone by sound. He caught sight of the high contrast black and white fur, the slight reddish tinge brought out by the holiday colors around him.

Again working his way through the crowd, he let out a slight growl of frustration as it seemed the dog was moving away from him as quickly as he could approach. He finally did catch up, reaching out a grey-furred paw and putting it on the 'mute's shoulder. "Connor!" He wuffed in a friendly voice.

The malamute turned to face him, giving the wolf a smile that made him want to melt and or press their muzzles together, but he managed to control himself. "Hey wolf, how's it going? When I didn't see you I figured you'd already left to go see family!"

Wagging his tail furiously the wolf shrugged, trying not to be obvious with his longing stare, "Ooh, I actually was leaving when I discovered that the party was tonight. So I came by to say hello to everyone. Errr, have I missed anything interesting?"

The malamute noticed the wolf's intent gaze and instinctively cocked his head a bit, "Just about the only thing worth mentioning is Edwards drank so much that he already passed out and had to be helped home."

Laughing the wolf nodded, using the press of the furs around them as an excuse to step closer to the canine he so desired, his nose twitching a bit as he caught the masculine scent of the powerful dog. His eyes were drawn down to the well-defined muscles of the other male's chest and belly. A moment later he looked up quickly and saw that Connor had noticed his gaze, so he cleared his throat quickly, "Man, that only took him a couple of hours. I knew he liked the sauce, but I didn't know he was that bad!"

Connor felt a little uncomfortable at how close the wolf was standing, catching that strange scent unique to Daemon. He'd tried to figure out what it reminded him of and the closest he could come up with was a mixture of chocolate and leather. Moving his left foot back he shifted away and nodded. "Uh, yeah. Guess he had a bad day or something. Listen, I uh... I said I'd meet, someone. I'll see you later, ok?" Before the wolf could respond he turned and moved quickly away.

Forcefully pushing his way through the crowd, upsetting drinks and even stepping on a tail in his haste the dog ducked into the men's room. Stepping into a stall he closed the door sighed as he sat down and put his head in his paws. Lately he'd noticed the wolf watching him with those bright eyes of his. Looking at him almost like a puppy would look at a shiny bicycle in a store window, a mixture of desire and longing. It really made him uncomfortable. It seemed that Daemon was always near him, touching whenever an opportunity presented itself.

After a few minutes of trying to calm his nerves he left the stall and peeked out the door to make sure no one had noticed him before emerging and going over to pour himself a beer. As the night went on and the alcohol flowed freely, the noise went up as furs' inhibitions went down. Connor had almost forgotten about his earlier discomfort with Daemon and found himself chatting with a group of furs when he noticed the wolf listening to the conversation. As his little group kept talking they unconsciously migrated around on the floor as slightly drunken groups will, ending up being pushed toward the corner by the door. Finding that there was a large space behind him the malamute stepped back and was just about to make a comment when he noticed that an otter in the group was grinning and pointing above his head. "You just stepped under the mistletoe!" The dog rolled his eyes and looked at the other faces in the crowd nearby, "Well I guess I get away with no kiss, 'cause there aren't 'ny girls in the group!" Grinning a bit at his witty point, being drunk enough to feel he was quite witty, the dog wagged his tail triumphantly. Until Daemon stepped up to him and put both paws on the dog's cheeks, pulling their muzzles together in a kiss, right there in front of everyone.

At the angry snarl from the dog Daemon quickly let go and stepped back, putting his ears down when he saw how angry the other male was. "I... I'm sorry Connor, I was just messin' around, ya know? I didn't mean anything by it!" He swallowed hard and took another step back, flinching at the quick movement, but it was only Connor turning on his heel and stalking away from the group, violently pushing furs out of his way and going through the door. Daemon whimpered a bit, looking at the other furs who'd witnessed the scene, "I was just joking. I didn't mean to... upset him". Most of the heads nodded sympathetically, most understanding, some having noticed the way the wolf watched the dog longingly. Feeling a little ill Daemon cleared his throat a couple of times and shifted uncomfortably, "Well, errr, I guess I should get going. It was nice to see you all." Trying to muster a smile he quickly padded out the door, hoping to avoid any more awkwardness.

Meanwhile the dog had stomped over to the edge of the pond, trying to calm himself. What had the wolf been thinking? He was a fucking guy! He had no right to kiss him! Guys didn't do that with other guys! Trying to calm himself he sat down on a bench on the bank, still fuming. He casually licked his lips and tasted Daemon, still smelling that combination of leather and chocolate. Closing his eyes he did it again, then realized what he was doing and quickly spit out any lingering trace, scooping up a pawful of clean snow and scrubbed off his muzzle and tongue. His ears swiveling as he heard footsteps in the snow behind him and whirled around to see the wolf again. Daemon froze when he saw the movement so close to him, hot having noticed the dog in his distraction at berating himself for his foolishness. His muzzle broke into an appeasing grin and his tail wagged, being held low as he approached to apologize again.

"Connor, I..." His sentence was cut off in a yelp of pain as the powerful dog's fist slammed into his nose hard enough to leave spatters of blood in the snow. His vision blurred as the next thing he felt was the malamute driving his balled up paw into his stomach, making him double over, gasping for breath. The next thing he saw was Connor aiming a kick at him and tried to get away from it, the footpaw connecting squarely with the side of his chest instead. At first he thought the sensation of falling was not getting enough breath but realized that the dog had given him a violent shove, landing heavily on his side on the ice covering the pond. "What the fuck were you thinking? Are you a god damned fag or something?! I'm not gay! Did you think I was gay?! I'm not!" The dog was snarling furiously, stepping off the bank onto the ice as well. Shaking his head Daemon tried to push himself away from Connor, not wanting to be hurt anymore, leaving drops of blood in the once pure flat white of the snow covering the pond. Looking at the malamute he cared about so much he whimpered, putting his ears flat to his head, "Connor please! I didn't mean to do that, I'm sorry, I love you, I never meant to embarrass you!"

The dog froze where he was, staring at the wolf as he tried to get back away from the assault. After a moment he snarled again and stepped furiously toward the retreating figure when he felt a tremor under his paw. Looking down he heard a cracking sound, feeling frigid water welling up and soaking into the fur of his footpaw. He jumped back in alarm as the cracking continued. Jumping onto the bank and safety. The wolf however was too distracted with what he'd just admitted and the pain of the blows to notice the water in time. The last thing that Connor saw of him was his terrified expression as he realized the ice was breaking, seeing him try to painfully get to his feet and then a splash as he plunged into the dark water.

At first the malamute couldn't believe what had happened. He stood there, looking at the black hole in the white pond, expecting the canine to emerge, expecting something. But there was only silence. He waited in shock for almost five minutes before he realized what he was doing. Racing to the nearest building he dashed into the entry and dialed 911 at a coin phone. Breathlessly he told the operator that a wolf had fallen through the ice on the pond at the Marten Computer Complex, giving the address in one rushed breath. When asked for his name he froze, his eyes widening. He finally just said, "Hurry, don't let him drown, please!" And hung up.

The dog then hid in the wooded area surrounding the pond, waiting. Within ten minutes a rescue team arrived, the otter diver already suited up in an insulated wet suit. Turning on the underwater light he dove into the dark hole, emerging moments later carrying a limp form. Pushing him out of the water onto a tarp the other rescuers then dragged him to the edge of the ice where they could get him, rolling him onto his belly and pressing the water from his lungs. Connor couldn't see what was happening where he was, but didn't dare approach, watching from a distance as the rescue team seemed to lose hope, picking up the wolf's limp body and carrying him away.

The dog stared after them down the path they had taken, long after they had disappeared. He reached up to rub his eyes and felt that tears had frozen into his fur. With tail hanging low he trudged home, not even trying to stop his tears. Later he couldn't remember unlocking the door or the walk home, he could only remember falling onto his bed and hugging his pillow.

Chapter Two

The next week passed in a blur. Connor knew he must have eaten, slept and gone to the restroom, but he couldn't remember it. The only thing he could think about was Daemon. The terrified wide eyes, the flat ears as his claws grabbed at the edge of the ice as he plunged in. The last words he had said to him. The kiss at the party. And all he could think was that he had killed him. He had hit him and kicked him and watched him fall into the black freezing water.

It wasn't until the entire holiday break had passed that someone interrupted his cycle of remorse and self-loathing. The phone next to his bed rang and he picked it up, pressing it to his ear and muttering hello. "Connor? You weren't at work today. I thought I'd better call and check on you." It was the voice of Baldwin, the his arctic wolf team leader. "Yeah, I... can't come to work. I need a week off." He half expected to be fired, but didn't even care. "I see. Does this have anything to do with Daemon?" The malamute swallowed hard and managed to reply, "Yes. I can't... yeah. It's because of Daemon." There was a pause on the line for a few heartbeats, "Well, I guess the accident has hit us all pretty hard. It won't be easy getting along with two of my best team-members missing, but we'll manage. If you need it the company has counselors on call to help the employees through this." Connor's ears splayed a moment, "No, I'll be fine... wait, you said it was an accident?" The arctic wolf's voice sounded confused, "Yeah. Daemon must have been taking a shortcut over the frozen pond and fell through, then hit his head on the ice when he tried to surface again. Didn't you know? What were you talking about Daemon if you hadn't heard?" Connor, swallowed hard and tried to think of an excuse, "I, uh. I heard about that, I knew about it. That's what I meant." He swallowed hard, "So, errr, you said two missing." Baldwin voice sounded even more concerned than before, "Yeah, you and Daemon. Are you sure you don't want to talk to a counselor?" Connor shook his head strongly, "No... thank you. I, uh, I have to go." The malamute hung up the phone quickly, closing his eyes tightly, realizing that he'd been harboring the hope that the wolf was still alive. That they had revived him at the hospital and he would be at work. That he could tell him how sorry he was for what he did. But now he'd never be able to.

Chapter Three

Connor sat up in bed and looked around the room, his nose twitching as a scent hit his nose that shouldn't have been there. The scent of leather and chocolate, and the feeling that he was not alone in the room. He called out, "Who's there?" But there was no answer. Quickly flipping on the light he looked nervously at all of the corners and hidden places in the room, but he could see no one. He even looked in the closet but again, no one was there. He tried following the scent to find out where it came from, but could only find that it was stronger near his bed. What happened next was terrifying. Something entered his body. He could feel someone else looking out through his eyes, listening through his ears. He watched as his paw rose unbidden in front of his eyes and that other presence turn it, examining his pads slowly. His voice chuckled, his paws smugly rubbing together as he got out of bed and went over to open his closet again, looking over his shoulder at the mirror on the door. "Mmm, quite the sexy doggy!" The voice was his, but it was not HIS. His paws reached back to rub up and down his firm butt, wagging his curled tail above. He tried to resist and regain control but it was no use. All he could do was experience what the other presence wanted him to. He found himself looking at his wardrobe, picking out a pair of exercise shorts that were a size too small and slipping them on without any underwear. The bulge of his sheath in front easily visible. Fishing his keys and wallet out of his pants on the chair he found himself locking the door behind him and getting in his car, the presence driving both his car and his body out of the garage.

He found himself parking the car in an unfamiliar part of town and quickly stepping out. He tried to figure out where he was, but it was a nondescript building in back. When Daemon paused and let him soak in the sight of the front of the building he wanted to cringe. Large flags hung on each side of the door. Flags with brilliant rainbow colors. He tried regaining control of his body again, but it was like trying to do advanced calculus when you don't even know how to count, all he could do was rage inwardly as his body sauntered up to the entrance, giving the bouncer a clearly flirting once over. "Hi there handsome. Want to see my ID?" The bear grinned and returned the look, his eyes fixed on the nice sized bulge in the too small shorts. "I can tell you're old enough. So I don't want to see your... ID anyway." He felt his lips pull up in a grin, his tongue licking his lips. "I'll keep that in mind. Maybe I'll see you again." He walked inside, his tail swaying and would have jumped at the paw giving his rump a squeeze if he'd had any control over himself.

Once inside he looked up and down the bar, clearly looking for something, and giving Connor a chance to take in the scene. Some of the furs were dressed all in leather, some in tight fitting clothing, a mixture of every species and attire. He found his eyes settling on a well-built wolf in his mid twenties. Connor couldn't help but catch every detail as his eyes looked up and down the other male. He was a couple of inches taller than the malamute; his face had a smile as he talked to his friends. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a slightly worn black leather jacket. He wore no shoes as most digitigrade furs did, and no shirt, his thick chest and bellyfur over a six-pack visible through the open front.

Connor found himself approaching and stopping at the bar a couple of furs away and ordering a beer, his eyes never leaving the wolf. After a few minutes the wolf felt his scrutiny and glanced around the room, finally seeing the handsome dog. Their eyes met and neither looked away for several moments, until Connor's eyes lowered to the ground in front of him in an apparently shy way, taking another swallow of his beer. He glanced up again and saw that the wolf was still looking, a smile crossing his muzzle this time before looking away again. He found himself slipping up onto a barstool, facing the bartender, not 30 seconds later a strong furry paw settled on his shoulder.

"I couldn't help but notice you. I don't think I've ever seen you here before". The wolf's voice was soft and deeper than most, making a shiver run through the doggy, Connor wondering if it was from him, the other presence, or his body alone. "Well, this is the first time I've been here. A... friend -made- me come." There was something familiar about the wolf, that the dog's mind couldn't place at first, but then he realized that he reminded him of another wolf. This wolf had the same build and markings as Daemon! "Well, my name's Cavan. If I see your... friend... I'll have to thank him." He paused significantly when he said friend, the dog's paw reaching out to rub Cavan's chest softly. The other male tensed slightly and half closed his eyes, murring at the sensation. He leaned close and put his muzzle next to Connor's ear, his warm breath tickling the short fur inside. "Let's go to your place and get to know each other a little better." He pulled back with a slight growl, his eyes locked onto Connor's intently, who had to look away from the dominant stare. "Yeah, that... that sounds good." He stood from the barstool and turned, when the wolf put his paws on the dog's cheeks firmly and pressed his muzzle to Connor's. This wolf kissed him much harder than Daemon had, pressing his tongue at his lips, which opened to Connor's distress. He felt his own tongue rubbing against that of the other male, taking it into his mouth and sucking on it right there in front of the entire bar. His paw reached down to rub against the front of Cavan's jeans. By the time Cavan broke the kiss nearly everyone in the bar was watching them. Most of the expressions showed aroused interest, but that didn't make Connor feel any less humiliated. His muzzle had a huge grin as he took the wolf's paw and put it on his tail, leading him from the bar in an unmistakable way.

The wolf got in the passenger side of his car and grinned at him as he started the engine. When they had pulled out of the parking lot and had started on their way Connor felt a paw on the waistband of his shorts, hooking a claw under and pulling them down in front to expose his sheath. Wrapping his pads around it the wolf leaned over to nip at his neck softly, growling a little. "What a hot young dog you are!" Connor's eyes glanced down, the image of the male wolf's paw gripping his sheath as his tip started to poke out stayed in his mind even when he looked up at the road again. By the time they got to Connor's house the wolf's paw had him so aroused that even without the other presence controlling him the dog would have dragged the wolf into the house if he had to, desperate for relief.

He fumbled his keys, almost whimpering in excitement as he got the door open and led the wolf inside, slamming the door after them and leading the wolf to the bedroom. His mind was so clouded with lust that the dog couldn't even tell who was in control, and was past caring as he turned to the wolf, whimpering softly as he pressed their muzzles together again. The feeling of the other male's tongue again slipping past his lips was enough to make his sheath slip back to collar behind his knot. Breaking the kiss he dropped eagerly to his knees, reaching up with trembling paws for the wolf's zipper. He grunted at the unexpected feeling of the wolf's paw playfully slapping his paw away. "Bad doggy, you have to beg for treats! Do you want it?" Connor nodded vigorously, whimpering softly in need, "Please sir, I really want it! Please let me take it out!" Connor heard the words coming from his lips and told himself that he shouldn't be embarrassed by them, it wasn't really him. "Good boy! Now if you thank me for the honor you can undo my pants. With your teeth." Connor realized that his tail was actually wagging behind him, "Thank you so much sir!" Knowing he couldn't resist didn't help for long as his muzzle moved forward, gripping the zipper with his teeth and pulling it down, then gripping the edge of the snap and pulling on it like a puppy playing tug-of-war until it released, letting the wolf's pants pool around his ankles. He felt the other male's paw petting his head like he would stroke an obedient pet's head as he moved his muzzle forward, lapping at the wolfish length and cleaning up the pre that had covered his wolfcock from the ride over. After a couple of minutes of lapping at it he started to open his mouth to take it inside, but again the wolf stopped him, wrapping his paw around the dog's muzzle and gently shaking it back and forth. He wiped his thick pre over the dog's black lips as he spoke, "Master didn't say you could suck. Bad dog! You'll have to be punished." Stepping out of his pants and tossing his jacket on a chair the wolf walked over to the closet and pulled out a wooden coat hanger, moving over to sit on the edge of the bed. "Take off those shorts and come and lie across my knee puppy."

Connor heard himself whimper, wondering if it was from him, or the other presence and if he was pretending or was actually nervous, but his body moved again without his control to slip off the shorts and lie across the wolf's knee. He felt the wolf rubbing the hanger under his tail, lifting it with the edge. "What a naughty dog, not wearing any underwear! Keep that tail held up and count like a good boy and maybe I'll decide you've been punished enough." The dog's tail reluctantly stayed lifted, exposing his rump to the other predator. His eyes closed tightly as he felt the hanger move away; then sooner than he expected, a stinging slap across his rump. A yelp escaped his muzzle, but his voice whimpered through clenched teeth, "One!" Again it was lifted and brought with stinging force across his rump, "Two!". The next stroke hit just the left side of his rump, "Three!" A chuckle escaped the wolf as he slapped the hanger against the right side, "Four!" "No doggy, those last two slaps only count as one, they only hit half of that cute fluffy butt of yours!"He had to bite his lip when the next slap was across the back of his balls, but with less force, " Connor nodded, whimpering. "I'm sorry sir... three."

The wolf kept spanking Connor like he would a bad little puppy until his entire rump was tingling and a little pink through the white fur. Cavan then used the tip of the hanger to tease around the 'mute's tight tailhole, his other paw rubbing his ears. "Good boy, now you get a reward. I think you know what it should be, beg me for what you want!" Connor heard himself whimper again, but nodded his head. "I want you to mount me and cum in me like you would a female. Please sir, I really need you to yiff me!"

The wolf laughed and stroked down his nose as well, "Good boy! Now you may get off my lap and present yourself to me like a proper subbie puppy should!" Connor slowly got off his lap, feeling his teeth biting his lower lip and getting another taste of Cavan's wolfish pre from earlier. He turned away from the other male and got onto his hands and knees, holding his tail to the side to expose his pink tailhole for the other's view, waiting to feel the paws on his back. Connor's mind, which had almost accepted his helplessness suddenly realized what was about to happen and he again desperately tried to regain control before another male mounted him and took his virginity. His thoughts pleading with the possessing awareness, but got no response, but the scent of leather and chocolate suddenly filled his nose. Before Connor could think anything more he felt the other male's paws reaching around him, settling on his chest and pulling him against the other male's belly. A momenter later he felt a firm moist poke under his tail.

Deciding that the time for teasing was over Cavan shoved forward quickly, spreading the dog's tight tailhole around him. He grunted in surprise at the tightness, growling into the doggy's perked ear, "Damn! You're tight. You're not a virgin are you?" His voice showed that he thought he was making a joke, but Connor heard the amusement in his own voice, as he replied, "Not... anymore..." Connor could only experience the sensations as he was used for another male's pleasure, shocked that his body was getting so much pleasure from the experience, having thought that it could never feel good to have a cock shoved up his butt. After a few minutes of hard humping he felt the strong jaws of the wolf close around the back of his neck, gripping and holding him in place firmly. The feeling of a mating bite different from any other bite he'd ever even imagined. His length dripping in excitement, both awareness' knowing that the other male was about to squirt inside the tight doggy rump.

Driving forward the wolf's knot forced open his tailhole even more before popping inside, swelling up as the two males became inseparably tied together in sex. Connor found himself looking down his belly, sensing Daemon's excitement as he saw the doggy cock dripping and hard under him, his white furred balls hanging low behind. And worse, bumping into the back of his balls, a place he thought another male's nuts should never touch, were the balls of the male fucking him. The whimper that escaped his chest was so like how he wanted to whimper he wondered if he had done it or the awareness. His thoughts were abruptly cut off in pleasure as the other male bit down harder on his scruff so hard the tips of his fangs pierced his skin as the wolfcock buried deep inside his body started twitching and spurting canine seed into him. The first pulse of cum filled him with burning warmth, the wolf pulling back and stretching his tailhole as the second pulse squirted against his prostate from the inside, the dog's cock twitching on the verge of cumming. The grinding of the other male's knot against his prostate when he shoved forward again sent Connor over the edge and his doggy cum began spurting, shooting out so hard that most of it shot up onto his belly fur, covering his front with the scent of doggy sex.

The pleasure seemed to last forever, Connor never having experienced such an intense climax from pawing himself. He realized his eyes were closed and wanted to open them, but the other presence was enjoying it and didn't open them for what seemed an eternity. The wolf humping him had slowed his thrusts and he was resting most of his weight on the dog's back, his jaws opening followed by the feeling of his tongue lapping at the small punctures his fangs made, cleaning them instinctively. Cavan's nose twitched as the scent of Connor's cum came to his nose and he rubbed his paws down the malamute's chest until he felt the wetness from where the doggy's seed had spurted, wiping as much cum onto his pads as he could before lifting it to hold his paw in front of Connor's nose. "Doggy really enjoyed that! What a good boy, cumming without even being touched! A submissive bottom dog like you should enjoy the taste of cum! Lick me clean." Connor was looking at the sticky white goo on the other male's paw and didn't want to, but knew that he couldn't resist. Soon his tongue swiped out, hearing himself murring softly at the taste of dog spunk in his muzzle. "Mmm, I knew you'd like it." Only after wiping more cum from his belly and making him lick his paw clean several more times did the wolf seem satisfied, wiggling his hips around and feeling his cum squelch around deep inside the dog's body.

Chapter Four

Connor gasped and sat up straight in bed, looking around the room frantically for several moments before he was convinced he was alone in his bedroom and flopped back onto his pillow. Only then did he realize that his length was almost painfully hard. Sitting up again on his elbows, his black nose twitching as he took in the air, trying to find any trace of Cavan's scent, but all he could detect was the scent of his own arousal. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed he padded over to flick on the light. He could find no trace of what he was sure had happened. The shorts were still in his drawer and his keys and wallet were still in his pants where he'd left them the evening before. Looking at the clock he saw that it was 8:30 in the morning so he unsteadily padded into the bathroom, turning the shower on hot and stepping in, letting out a soft whimper as the hot water soaked into his fur. Getting a big glob of shampoo in his paw he worked it through his headfur then down over his body, getting up a fluffy lather.

When his soapy paws reached his sheath he let out a little whimper, squeezing the base of it as he closed his eyes, letting his mind wander. At first he wasn't thinking of anything in particular, just enjoying the slippery feeling of the soap when he found himself thinking of the strange wolf and how he had looked like Daemon. Without even realizing it his paw started moving faster up and down his length, remembering the feeling of the wolf's lips pressed to his in a passionate kiss, but in his mind he was kissing Daemon again instead of Cavan, feeling his coworker's paws rubbing over him and then watching the wolf kneel down to lick at his doggy shaft. He could almost smell the other canine, could almost hear the sound of licking. Then his ears started to go back in pleasure, his pads gripping harder in his pleasure, but just as he was on the verge of cuming a spray of the shower water washed the soap off his paw and made his eyes snap open at the sudden friction. He realized what he had been imagining the moment that his cum started squirting from his tip against the shower wall. Grabbing the soap holder he only just managed to keep his legs from buckling at the intense climax, closing his eyes tightly as he panted rapidly, his tongue lolling out.

Blushing slightly he got another pawful of shampoo and washed the seed from his coat, quickly finishing up and turning off the water. He couldn't believe that he was so turned on thinking of Daemon, sighing a little as he shook himself vigorously before stepping out and toweling himself off. Padding back into his room he flopped onto the bed. Thinking about the dream as he stared at the blank ceiling. It didn't surprise him that he'd dreamed of Daemon, the wolf was just about all he had been able to think about for more than a week. He just wouldn't have expected a dream... like that. He sighed and shook his head. No wonder he dreamed about being punished by the wolf, he was probably trying to find some way to punish himself and lessen the tremendous guilt he felt. But his dreams were almost never so vivid; and Daemon had never acted like that in the time he'd known him. He had to talk to someone. But not to a councilor who didn't even know him, or Daemon.

After a minute or two of considering he reached for the phone and dialed up work, remembering that Baldwin had always been very friendly with the wolf. After only one ring the arctic wolf's deep growl came over the line, "Martin Computer Company, this is Baldwin Cauda".

Clearing his throat before speaking the dog's voice was much less assured, "Hi Baldwin, this is Connor Conchobhar. Do you have a minute?"

There was some amusement in his boss' voice as he replied, emphasizing his last name playfully, "Of course I have a minute for you Mr. Conchobhar!"

The dog realized it was a little silly to be so formal, but that always happened when he was nervous. "You knew Daemon pretty well, didn't you? I mean he always seemed comfortable with you."

Baldwin's voice became more serious at the mention of the other wolf, "Yeah, we were good friends. We met when we were still in grammar school and have been close ever since."

Connor's tail swished up into his lap and he nervously groomed it as he spoke, "Well, I don't know how to really ask this as it's a little awkward, but... uh... Was he aggressive with the people he loved? I mean did he like dominance and... stuff?"

The wolf on the other end of the line was silent for several moments as he tried to decide how to answer that. "I... uh. I wasn't expecting a question like that. I don't really know." There was a short pause, "I know that he was pretty attracted to you, but don't let that make you feel uncomfortable. When we were in high school he had a little crush on me, but when he was sure I didn't feel the same way he moved past it and it never interfered with our friendship. Did you know he was actually offered the promotion to team leader? But he knew my mate and I had just had a couple of pups..." his voice got a little distant at the memory, "And he turned them down, convincing them to give the position to me." His voice seemed on the verge of breaking and he had to stop for a few moments, "Sorry, I'm rambling, I'm still trying to deal with what happened to him. Is there anything else you wanted to know about him?"

The malamute shook his head as he replied, too distracted to realize Baldwin couldn't see the gesture "Um, no reason. I've just been... thinking of him a lot lately. And I had a really vivid dream he was in last night."

Baldwin's voice was a little more warm as a slight smile crossed his lips, "He'd be glad to know you were thinking of him. Who knows, maybe he was communicating with you in your sleep or something," he cleared his throat a little uncomfortably before continuing, "I don't know if you're up for it Connor, so if you're not I'll understand, but a few of us are getting together after work today..."

Connor broke in before he could finish, "I'm sorry Baldwin I'm just really... not up for going out with friends yet."

Baldwin voice sounded sympathetic, but a little disappointed "Well I understand. It's really hard seeing him like that. Just get some rest and call me if you need anything."

Connor's ears perked up and he sat up straight, his eyes widening, "Seeing him like what? Where? What are you talking about?"

The arctic wolf's voice sounded slightly worried, "Connor, maybe you should talk to a councilor. I think it'd really be a good thing."

The dog's voice was more than a little impatient, "I'm fine, what are you talking about? Seeing who?!"

"Daemon. We're going to go see Daemon at the hospital. I'm a little concerned Connor, what's going on with you?"

The malamute's heart skipped about 5 beats, "He's in the hospital? He's ok?! He made it out of the pond?!"

Baldwin's eyebrows rose at hearing the surprise in the other canine's voice, "Well he's in the hospital, but I certainly wouldn't say he's ok, he's been in a coma for more than a week. Connor, if you didn't know he was in the hospital why have you been thinking about him so much? Why did you need time off because of him? Just stay there, I'll be right over. I don't think you should be alone anymore."

Before he could say anything more Connor had jumped to his footpaws, his tail wagging behind him quickly in his excitement, "Don't bother, I won't be here. I'll see you later!"

He slammed the phone down and ran into the bathroom to make sure his fur looked in order before rushing back to his room, grabbing the first clothing he could lay his paws on as he ran from his house, getting dressed as he drove to the hospital, paying little attention to the traffic and any pedestrians unfortunate enough to be in the way. He screeched into the hospital parking terrace. With the luck of fools and lovers (as both applied to him at that moment) he avoided any major accidents on the way and pulled into the closest spot he could find, not even caring if his car was ticketed or towed for parking in a handicapped space as he leapt out and sprinted into the hospital lobby.

"Hi, I need to see Daemon Anastasios right away!"

The ferret nurse behind the counter looked up at the excited dog and asked, "Are you a member of his family?" Clearly already knowing he wasn't from his species.

"No, but I really need to see him!"

The nurse shook her head, "I'm sorry, but visiting hours aren't for another 4 hours. You'll have to come back then, or request a member of his family to add you to his list of allowed visitors."

The dog's ears drooped and he whimpered softly, "Please, I really need to see him! I thought he was dead, and I just found out he's still alive! Please!"

The ferret glanced around and seeing that there weren't any other nurses around she leaned forward, "Give me your name and I'll see if I can add you to his list. I'm sure he wouldn't mind, you seem like you really care about him. But don't get your hopes too high. There is only a 90% rate of arousal from coma and a 35% rate of recovery to independent function. Get yourself a coke or something in the cafeteria and come back in 15 minutes, ok?"

The dog's head nodded vigorously, "Thank you so much! My name is Connor Conchobhar I'll be back in 15 minutes!"

Time had never seemed to drag on as long as those minutes spent in the sterile dining room of the hospital. His eyes roamed over the walls, looking for something to occupy himself, finding nothing but medical information posters. He tried picking up magazines and leafing through them, but his mind could think of nothing but his wolf. With a bit of a start he realized he now thought of Daemon not as a wolf, but HIS wolf. A small grin crossed his muzzle, but faded quickly. If he recovered that is. He clenched his paws and closed his eyes. He HAD to recovery. He wouldn't let him die, not again.

After only ten minutes he couldn't wait anymore and walked quickly back to the reception desk, his tail lifting a little in hope when he saw the nurse was back, and smiling at him. "I knew you'd come back sooner than I told you to, but that's ok. I told you it would take longer than it did for just that reason. He's in room 383. Just tell the nurse's station on the third floor that you're on his list of allowed visitors and they'll show you where it is."

The curly mala tail wagged back and forth more than 180 degrees, a big grin on his muzzle as he barked a heartfelt thanks as he turned and ran to the elevator, growling with impatience and dashing into the stairwell next to it when the doors didn't immediately open. Taking the steps four at a time, he sped up the stairs, his tongue lolling out by the time he made it to the nurse's station and panted out his name.

His heart was still pounding as he was led toward 383. His eyes searching the window for a glimpse of the wolf inside, but the blinds were drawn. The nurse he was following started telling him about what he should do and say, giving him a little background and he couldn't help but let out an impatient growl. The nurse frowned at him and asked if he was listening. He nodded his head and asked if he could go in now. Still looking a little disapproving she nodded and he pounced the doorknob, turning it and stepping inside.

What he saw made him gasp in surprise and pleasure. Two bright lupine eyes were looking at the door, with a happy grin of greeting on the muzzle beneath. The dog almost started jumping up and down, dashing over with a yelp of happiness and grabbing the wolf's paw, stroking it to reassure himself it was real. He was so caught up in seeing that Daemon was still alive that he almost jumped at the sound of the wolf's voice. "Mmm, you look good in those shorts doggy!" Connor's ears splayed a bit as the words sank in, looking down, his eyes widening as he realized he was wearing the same too small shorts that had been in his dream!

He blushed and had the urge to cover the bulge in the fabric with his paws, but couldn't bring himself to let go of the grey paw, his vision getting blurry as he looked down at the wolf he thought he'd killed. "Wolf, I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry."

The paw tugged on his and pulled him down to kiss his forehead, a chuckle coming from Daemon's chest as he shushed the dog, "You don't have to keep apologizing. It's ok, you're not attracted to me. I shouldn't have kissed you at the party like I did, I wouldn't have if I hadn't had too much to drink and seen you so handsome and happy. It won't happen again, I would rather have you as a friend than have you hate me."

The wolf's eyes closed when he thought of that night, sighing at the memory. Before he could open his eyes he felt paws on his face and his eyes snapped open in time to see Connor's broad muzzle lower to his, giving a slow loving kiss. This kiss had no tongue, but just as much passion as the dream and the fact that it was real and with Daemon made the malamute whimper in bliss, running his paw down the wolf's chest under the blanket.

It was at that moment that the door banged open and an angry beaver nurse strode into the room. "I don't know what kind of sick puppy you are to come in here and take advantage of an unconscious wolf like you are, and I don't want to know! Security's on it's way!" Her paw grabbed his shoulder and pulled him away, being surprisingly strong for her size.

Daemon's eyes opened and he couldn't help but laugh at the baffled look of confusion of the malamute's face, the sound making the nurse jump as she looked to the bed. "No no, it's alright, let him take all of the advantage of me he wants!" He grinned broadly, his ears perked forward. Moments later two burly lions in guard's uniforms jogged into the room, one of them actually picking up the dog by the scruff, making the wolf sit up in bed, "Hey! Put him down, that's my friend!" The guard looked at the nurse who just nodded to the guard as she briskly walked from the room to get the doctor.

Shifting uncomfortable from paw to paw after being put back on his feet Connor tried to decide what he should do and finally just sat down in the chair next to the bed, his eyes never leaving the wolf. Rolling onto his side Daemon tail started rhythmically lifting the blanket as it wagged. "That was really nice doggy." His eyes twinkled at the expression on the other male's face, "It was just like in a dream I had!"

Note On Names:

Name Origin Meaning

Connor Irish wolf-lover

Conchobhar Irish Strong dog.

Daemon Greek Guardian spirit.

Anastasios Greek Resurrected.

Cavan Celtic handsome

Baldwin German Brave friend

Cauda Latin Tail


Rusty could feel the tension melting out of him as he walked through the sun dappled shadows of the deep forest. It seemed the only place he could let his guard down was out here in the wild, beyond sight or sound of his pack's settlement. He had...
