The Baroness, Part I

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#1 of Stories for Photos

Hallo~ I've had this account in my back pocket for years now and I'm finally fucking using it for something. Right now I'm just looking to write little stories for my SecondLife photography, but I've got some bigger plans in the works that I'm stitching together. Tell me what you think~

The Baroness

Part I

"Welcome to Mendoza, Señor." The skunk leans herself against the balcony, inserting herself into the postcard imagery behind her. Despite the Francophonic accent, Lilac manages to become one with the scenery. She wears the villa like one would a fine scarf. "Everything you see here belongs to me, in one shape or another. From the buildings behind me to the vineyard fields along the far hills. It's all mine." Her lips break into a wide grin that tests the strength of the lace stitching between them.

"And, you want to build your club here, on your grounds?" you ask.

"In a matter of speaking." Lilac takes a prolonged drag of her cigarette. She angles her muzzle up towards the sky and blows free a perfect hoop that hangs over her like a sickly ashen halo before the wind takes it away. "I'm moving my pressing facility into a new, more modern building. Closer to the main road."

You can't help but break out into a little grin as you follow along her line of thinking. "...And you want to refurbish the old one into a club~"

"Ah, now you're thinking~ It's been my dream." The skunk's tail twitches and hangs over the railing like a broad feather duster. It acts like a meter for her excitement; the more eager she gets, the faster it swings back and forth. "My dream more than grapes, at least. And, I need someone strapping to oversee the refurbishment and make sure everything."

"Shall we head to the building now? I'd like to get started right away."

"Oh, I think you burned through enough sunlight just getting here." Her deep purple eyes linger on yours until you have to fight the urge to let your ears fold back. "Don't be like that. I know how traffic can be sometimes~"

"I feel like those eyes are judging me all the same, Miss~"

"They're always like that. I think I got them from my father. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Some people even like it. I've been told~ Rest in the guest room tonight. We'll get going in the morning."

"Dinner included in the offer?"

A gust of smoke slips through her nose like a dragon blasting a warning bellow to the knights trying to challenge it. She puts her cigarette out on the railing beside her. "If you cook it for me, sure."