The Baroness, Part II

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Part II of II for my little short story. I know it technically doesn't have a climax, but I found it tasteful~

The Baroness

Part II

Toss and turn you might, you find yourself unable to rest for the big day ahead. Her. You know her name, but in your mind she is just her. Something about the title gives her a taboo mystique. A memetic property that keeps infesting your dreams. You've tracked the moon across the sky long enough. You decided to detangle from your fever. Perhaps some time in the night air will clear your mind. But the moment your bare feet meet the outside you find something that makes your heart leap into your throat.

Lilac crosses one bared thigh over the other, leaving the moonlight to skid across her curves. "Oh, you scared me." The skunk's lips curl into a bone dry smile at your attempts to apologise. They curl deeper still as you begin to realise it is your room that she perched herself in front of.

"What are you doing here, Miss?"

"It's my villa, boy. I think that gives me the right to sit where I want~" The hint of a predatory purr creeps into the skunk's voice. Butterflies stir in your stomach. There's a certain thrill in finding out what it feels like to be hunted. Though, you never guessed it would be a skunk like her to give you that feeling. The woman purses her lips as she weighs up which answer she ought to give you. "The truth is... I've been having some trouble sleeping tonight. Tomorrow is a big day for me. The day when all the little pieces I've been moving start falling into the right places.

She tosses the apple she brought with her from one hand to the other, over and over in a rhythmic gesture. It feels casual on the surface but you suspect it belies nerves like yours. You blink and flush a slight shade of red when your eyes slip from her hands up to the curves just above them. Maybe not quite like your nerves. "What about you? What brings you out here this time of night?"

"It's, uh, outside my room, Ma'am."

"I suppose that's a likely enough story." She taps the apple to her thigh like a gavel and, for some reason, that actually instills a bit of relief in you. "I think I like you, you know."

"Y-You do?"

Lilac's laced smile takes on a more sardonic edge. The rest of her seems to sag from her perch, shoulders draping over her knees as she damn near folds like an accordion. "Was this subtle for you~?"

"N-No, it's... plenty, Ma'am." You curse the stutter you've seemed to have developed, along with whatever witch that deemed now was a good time to put this on you.

"My room?"

"Your room?"

"It's my villa. I'm not sleeping in my own guest bed." She takes a bite out of the apple. The juices stick to her lip long enough to give her an otherworldly twinkle in the moon's light. "Eat up. You'll need the stamina to make me happy." Her heels are clicking across the floor before you even catch the apple.