
Story by Drackir on SoFurry

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So this story is one I wrote ages and ages ago. I wrote it to submit it to "Heat" magazine. However it got rejected. So lucky for all you smut lovers out there you get it for free!

Please, as always, fav or leave comments! It's what lets me know you guys are enjoying the stories and that I should keep writing despite setbacks like this.

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The wolf's eyes opened and he realised he was wide awake. He didn't move though as some kind of sense told him he wasn't alone. He wasn't a paranoid kind of person, he knew the windows were locked and the front door dead bolted and yet... he couldn't shake this feeling that he wasn't alone in the room. He sniffed at the air and didn't smell anything unfamiliar just a 'close' friend and family who treated his house like it was their own. He decided to chance it and turn his head towards the window to check it wasn't open.

He turned his head and gasped as a large dark silhouette clocked the view of the street outside of his fifth storey apartment. Before he could call out, before he could jump out of bed and hit the lights, before he could do anything someone unseen to him had a rag against his mouth. He couldn't help but breathe in and as he did so his vision swam. He blinked and tried to stay awake but every single one of his limbs felt like it had been dipped in lead, coated in concrete and then put into high gravity chamber. He collapsed forward without a word and saw the silhouette advance towards him, voices murmuring like a distant room, as his eyes fell shut.

His next feeling was disorientation. He had been lying down over his own heavy limbs in a pose far too vulnerable for even Hollywood to use. Now he was sitting up in a chair. Time must have passed but how much? The wolf had no idea or even a frame of reference. His limbs didn't feel so heavy but his right arm was caught to something by the wrist. He also felt, oddly enough, clothed. He always slept in the nude, he didn't like feeling confined by clothing when he slept, but now as his fur pressed against the fabric he realised that it felt familiar.

He tried his eyes and found things far too bright and closed them again. A second later he tried again and held them open longer, looking around the room in a squint to make out the crude details. This was his apartment! He recognised the table in front of him as his dining table and just behind it was his small kitchen area. But between him and the kitchenette, standing in shadows still, was an imposing figure that fit the silhouette he had made out in the window earlier. He glanced down at his body, his mouth dry in fear, and saw he was dressed up in his finest suit and that his hand was tied to the chair's arm. He reached over to undo the knot when a deep voice spoke out from in front of him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you". The wolf looked up towards the figure who stepped forward into the light of the dining area. The light revealed a tall lion wearing a well tailored black suit. He had a thick naturally coloured red mane that the lion obviously took pride in, tangle free, silky and shiny, it flowed over his head, shoulders and curved around his cheeks like mutton chops. He was, the wolf would be forced to admit, ruggedly handsome in a very masculine macho kind of way. The suit tried to conceal the lions stature but it was clear the lion was broad shouldered and quite muscular in a natural bulky kind of way not a years of practice at the gym kind of way. The wolf felt his eyes lowering to the lions crotch but stopped himself, he couldn't be checking out this guy who had pupnapped him no matter how attractive he may be.

"Why not?" The wolf replied trying to put as much confidence and authority into his voice as he could. Yelling and screaming and begging just wasn't his style and besides it wasn't likely to work anyway.

"Have a feel around your neck" the lion replied, his voice deep and sensual. In any other situation the wolf would be offering to buy the lion a drink but right now it was a complication he wanted to avoid. He moved his free hand up to his neck and felt a collar. He quickly moved his paw around and where he expected to find the clasp he found a small metal box.

"It's a shock collar" The lion explained as he pulled out a chair and sat down at the table with the wolf. "Nothing so vulgar as to be lethal of course, just enough to..." he paused and smiled at the wolf making his sheath twitch a little and a cold shiver run down his back "persuade you into the right course of action."

"I see" The wolf replied and let his paw move back onto his lap. He glanced down at the table and realised he had completely failed to notice it had been set up for a meal. All of the items on the table, the side plates, cutlery, glasses and even his grandmothers place mats where his own. He felt even more violated than just being drugged; someone had been going through his kitchen! He held back a growl and locked his view on the lions brown eyes.

"So, why am I here then? Or more to the point why are you here, given that this is my apartment?" The wolf said in a clear determined tone.

The lion didn't reply at first. Instead he put his elbows on the table and made his arms into a pyramid and wrested his chin on his paws. "We have started this off all wrong. We should start with introductions. My name is Alistair. It is a pleasure to meet you."

A figure wearing a Greek comedy mask stepped in behind the lion and took a little bow. The wolf couldn't work out anything about the figure, even a gender. It's clothes were simple and neat but had no room for a tail and gloves covered the hands so he couldn't even work out the species. "And this is Huxtable. He does not speak which is perfect for a butler. Bring us the first course if you would be so kind."

The strange butler walked off while the lion gestured towards the wolf. "And your name my good sir?"

"Julian" the wolf replied in a curious tone. This entire act wasn't playing out like he had planned, wasn't there supposed to be torture? Threats? Extortion?

"Julian..." The lion rolled the word in his mouth like a cigar and decided he quite liked it. "A fine name. Now to answer your earlier question. I am here because I wanted some companionship for the evening.

"So you just decided to break into some random person's apartment, drug them, dress them" Julian paused for a moment, derailed by the thought of the lion or the butler having seen him naked. "And then have them wake up like this?"

"Oh more or less." The lion said, the casual tone grating against the wolf's nerves. He picked up the napkin in front of him and flicked it open with both paws as he continued speaking. "The random part isn't right though. I've been planning this for a while."

"You've been stalking me?" Julian said in shock, his face screwed up in disgust at the thought of being followed like that.

"Hardly anything so vulgar and I am offended at the thought. I just noticed you." Huxtable chose this point to walk back in with two metal trays. Alistair continued talking Huxtable placed the dishes in front of both men. "You are a very attractive wolf as I'm sure you know. But that's not the only reason. However my rambling can wait until we have eaten."

The lion gave the slightest nod and the butler pulled off the lids with a flourish presenting a small platter of garlic prawns. Julian sniffed at the air and felt himself start to salivate, the food smelt incredible and he hadn't had anything fancier than microwave lasagne in weeks. He liked his lips but didn't reach for the fork, there was no way he could trust this lions food.

The lion had no qualms about the food though and had eaten two before he noticed his forced companion wasn't eating. "Oh come now. If I wanted you dead I could have killed you earlier, it's not poisoned." The lion stood and at the same time stabbed his fork into one of the garlic butter smothered prawns. He slowly walked over to the wolf's side of the table and held the fork right in front of Julian's muzzle, the thick powerful garlic aroma over powering any other scents he might have picked up.

"I know this is your favourite. And it would not be poisoned and be on my plate would it? I am hardly that masochistic." The lion pressed the fork just a little further forward until the heat of the prawn brushed the wolf's lips. Julian barely managed to keep in a soft moan and finally gave in and took the morsel into his mouth.

The flavours washed over his tongue and he could feel himself moaning at the taste. Whoever this lion and his odd servant was he had good taste in his food. He shewed slowly and savoured every last burst of flavour before he swallowed and felt the warmth spread down his throat into his stomach. Without a word he picked up his fork and moved onto his own plate, after all even if the lion couldn't be trusted at least he'd have a full stomach.

"I'm glad you like it." the lion said, his voice rumbling with a held in laugh as he walked back to his own seat. The two sat eating in silence until it became unbearable and the wolf put down his fork and locked his eyes on the lion.

"So then, you aren't going to kill me," He paused as Huxtable filled their whine glasses with a white flat wine and cleared away the plates quickly and politely and then continued. "And you've been watching, not stalking me from afar. Is that right?"

The lion just nodded his agreement and sipped his wine while the wolf waited for more elaboration. He was left waiting with the lion just looking at him, the same annoying all knowing grin on his muzzle that had been there since the start.

"How are things where you work?" The lion finally said in a tone that indicated that actually this had been what the conversation had been about all along, pupnapping? what pupnapping? The wolf glared at the lion, trying to work out if he was serious or not. He didn't receive an indication either way and decided to take matters into paw.

"What do you mean things at work? You've got me tied to a chair!" Julian growled as he replied. He struggled against the rope and reached down to untie his hand when the lion placed a black box with buttons on it onto the table. He paused and remembered the collar on his neck and settled, slightly.

"I said I would explain everything after we've eaten. In the meantime we can make some small talk." The lions grin broadened and white clean teeth were revealed which made the wolf shiver softly in fear. "Now if you don't want to talk about work perhaps you would like to chose the conversation? But a warning, any more talk of why you are tied up or anything along those lines will bore me and i may have to find my own entertainment..." The lions voice drifted off and his eyes very pointedly looked at the remote on the table.

"What's the wine?" The wolf said, his brain on autopilot as the lion's menace was shown. Oh sure it was an attractive guy with good taste doing the menacing but it had finally sunk home that really he was here for the lions pleasure. At the moment the lion wanted him to be happy, but if that were to change... "It's really good. I usually prefer red but this is good."

The lions teeth vanished but the grin grew even more radiant, like a ray of sun from a menacing cloud. "I honestly don't know. Huxtable takes care of all that. He's really quite well trained." He took a sip and finished the glass and before he could say anything Huxtable was behind him filling the glass and then disappearing as quickly as he had appeared.

"What is he?" The wolf said in puzzlement. He had tried to watch the mysterious figure but somehow when he stepped away into the shadows he actually did vanish.

"A servant, not a slave despite what you may think. He is paid very well and comes from an exclusive agency, i think there are only five like him in the world. If you mean what species is he I regretfully have to say despite having been my valet for five years I have no idea what species he is." the lion rambled off and didn't even pause as the person, or thing as the wolf couldn't help but think, returned and served up the next course in the same elaborate manner.

Julian had been wondering how he would be able to eat with one hand bound but the lion, or possibly Huxtable, must have thought of this as the dish turned out to be some kinda of pasta. Gnochi and a creamy sauce with bits of chicken mixed through it. The scent promised garlic and cheese as well and the wolf needed no prompting this time to start eating.

While eating the two furs talked with growing ease. Despite the situation he was in the wolf was finding the lion to be quite the agreeable host and quite pleasant to both the ears and the eyes. He didn't even protest when the lion moved his foot and started to stroke it against his leg slowly, his face giving away nothing but that same confident smile. It was only when the lion knocked something off the table that something registered as amiss with the wolf.

"Bother" the lion said and before Julian could react he had slipped off his chair and was under the table.

Now was his chance! He reached over to the rope binding his hand and started pulling at the knot and found it rock hard. He swore silently and started to look for a knife or something else he could cut the think bindings with when warm paws pressed against his inner thighs. He glanced down to see the lions face locked onto his crotch.

"He..hey!" Julian cried out and without even thinking he had the fork in his hand ready to fend off the lion. quicker than he could react, even quicker than he could see, Huxtable had his hands on his wrists. The odd butler wasn't cruel and there was no pain, just force and the fork was pulled from his grasp and placed back on the table next to the dinner plates.

Julian whined softly as his fly was slowly unzipped and button undone and it became apparent that while one of the two had dressed him underwear had not been on the agenda. Despite himself his sheath was already thick and the scent of his arousal filled the room. He heard the lion purr and press in, his cold nose rubbing along the underside of his average sized sheath. At the same time he could have sworn he heard Huxtable make a noise too.

"You will have to excuse me" the lion said, his lips and whiskers rubbing the fur of the sheath in front of him as he spoke, the hot air making Julian's cock inside the sheath start to stir. "But I really could not contain my desires any longer."

Julian opened his mouth to reply but a warm tongue changed words into a soft moan and his pink tip pressed out into the air. He heard Huxtable definitely make a sound this time but was unable to raise his vision from the sight of the lion devouring his cock not with his mouth but with his eyes.

The wolf gasped in pleasure, he'd never had anyone do this to him before. Oh he'd had compliments before, telling him he had just the right size, that his knot was nice and thick, that he pre'd like a leaking faucet. His cock had most definitely never been ignored, but it had never been worshipped like this. Alistair's large paw grasped his balls gently and even managed to move up and grip around the sheath as well, the lion's fingers like a furry cock ring. His pink length slowly spilled out of his sheath and was teased by gentle finger tips that just made more and more of him stick from his furry container until six inches of canine cock stood proudly between his legs.

"Oh my..." The lion murmured in a voice that was meant for only himself but echoed around the underneath of the table and made Julian blush. He struggled with Huxtable's grip but the butler didn't let him budge an inch. He wanted to stoke the lions mane, he wanted to push him away, he wanted to pull him in closer and to stop being so close that the hot air washed over his cock and made him pulse almost painfully.

All of his thoughts vanished in a moment as a hot tongue brushed over his tip, lapping up the small amount of pre he had already secreted. He gasped out loud as the tongue worked over his tip again and again, each time licking away the pre he was oozing and each time being responsible for the next load being larger and larger.

"Such a fine member you have here. So firm. So Juicy." The lion murmured between licks, each full stop marking the hot tongue lapping against his cock. The lapping was no longer restrained to his tip but was over his entire cock from his slowly forming knot to his copiously leaking tip. despite the fact he was not in the lions mouth yet he would have sworn under pain of death he had never been so hard, any thoughts of protesting lost to his gasping sighs.

"Alistair..." He moaned out and whatever he had to say to the lion was silenced as the lion's large muzzle plunged forward and took all of his cock into the tight warm confines of his muzzle. He could feel the feline purring as he nursed on his cock, the suction slow and steady and unlike any guy had sucked on his cock before. Instead of hard sucking and a bobbing muzzle and a paw wrapped around his base stroking him off the lion sucked slowly like he was a lolly. His hands clenched and unclenched, one in Huxtable's grasp and the other against the chair, while his feet clawed at the souls of his shoes.

Julian was enjoying himself so much but he needed friction, he needed to thrust his hips but the lions paws had moved while he hadn't noticed and were holding him in place. He was painfully hard and needed to cum but had no way to do so, no means to get himself off, he was entirely at the lions mercy.

Alistair slowly started to draw himself back to the tip, his tongue lapping over every throbbing inch, savouring every protruding vein, teasing every spot that made the wolf gasp or shiver. Once he reached the top he pulled off with a small pop and a hand replaced muzzle and continued the same unique brand of torture, slow strokes and light pressure. His muzzle descended to the wolf's ball sack and sucked them in and rolled them on his tongue slowly. Any pleasure the lion was feeling, or any signs of it, were hidden with the lion's body still under the table.

The lion continued like this, alternating between the wolf's impossibly hard cock and slowly boiling balls, for what felt like hours to the wolf but was probably only minutes. Usually the wolf obeyed his instincts and his rutting was wild, savage and untamed, the lions method of love making was washing over areas of pleasure he had never experienced before through his youthful impatience.

Finally the lion surfaced from his crotch, his entire crotch now coated in a thin layer of the lions saliva. Alistair leaned in and kissed the tip softly before he slipped back under the table and emerged on the other side. Julian gasped softly as Huxtable leaned down and took his cock into paw and moved it back into his pants and then carefully zipped up and buttoned up his pants. He patted the area gently and the wolf got the message that unzipping himself and pawing himself madly would not be approved of. The masked butler took a knife from a pocket and cut through the ropes binding him to the seat and then took a step back.

"Thank you Huxtable. Now if you would be so good as to clean up." The lion moved towards the wolf and Julian couldn't help but lock eyes on the large bulge in the front of his formal trousers. Alistair offered a paw and the wolf took it without thinking and was lead to the bedroom.

The room had been transformed, most likely by Huxtable, his cotton sheets and plain brown bread spread replaced with black silk and some kind of exotic patterns. There were flowers on the bedside table and the entire room was light by candle light, two large candles in glass bowls on either side of the room just dimly lighting everything.

Julian felt the lion step behind him and then strong arms wrapped around him and a muzzle pressed into his neck and nuzzled aside his collar. He shivered but didn't resist, resistance was not an option at this point as six inches in his pants trumped the words of caution in his brain. Teeth softly grazed against his skin through his grey fur as large paws moved around and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. Button by button he was revealed, his somewhat toned chest and every so slightly tubby stomach hidden under thick grey and white fur. His shirt fell to the floor and moments later his pants followed and he felt his cheeks blushing as he kicked off his shoes and was completely revealed in front of the still fully clothed lion.

The lion led him forward by stepping forward, his large frame against the wolves hardly minuscule frame, and a large hot bulge pressing against his back, moved him until he was on the bed. Julian rolled over until he could see the lion, on his back looking down past his all too obvious erection.

The lion stripped for him in the way any stripper would cash in their fake tits and spray on tan for. Nothing could replace the passion and desire the lion had in his eyes, or that was reflected back from the wolf's, as he undid his tie and let it fall to the floor. his jacket followed soon after and then button after button revealed yellow fur with a broad, toned chest and then a solidly muscled but not toned stomach. The lion paused at this point and stepped forward and gestured to the wolf, wanting some active participation.

There was no need for words to ruin this moment. Maybe the lion had used an odd method to get the wolf to the position but he didn't care any more at this point. He moved forward off the bed and onto his knee's and then almost crawled the distance towards the lion. One hand rested on the bulge, feeling the dull heat through the thin fabric of the trousers. His other paw undid the lions belt and then opened the button. Like a kid at Christmas he slowly undid the fly and let the pants fall to the ground around the lions feet. Black brief style underwear barely contained a bulge that made the wolf's jaw itch in anticipation. Leading up from the briefs was darker courser fur leading up like a triangle.

"Do you like what you see?" Alistair asked, his voice making the wolf's spine tingle. The wolf nodded silently and let his fingers slip into the black elastic waist band and slowly draw it down. No grand unveiling, no ship first setting forth, no ceremony of any kind had been taken with such reverence as the wolf did now as he lowered the underwear.

The lion was long. The lion was thick. The lion was long and thick and not even fully hard, his cock that semi flaccid state that only really big cocks can get, where it can be it's full size but not rock hard. It hung down over an equally impressive set of golden furred balls and twitched as the black briefs joined the rest of the clothes on the floor. Before Alistair could react Julian had the tip in his muzzle, the protective foreskin already pulled back and a wide flat tongue lapping at what it found underneath.

"Very eager, Julian" the lion rumbled and the wolf felt his words through the cock in his mouth. a hand rested on the back of his head and guided him down further along the meat, not applying much pressure at all just guiding the wolf to continue. The wolf murred around the stiffening rod of flesh in his muzzle, aware that his mouth was full and his throat unable to take more and yet another inch or so was still in front of him. The lion didn't pull him any further though, like he knew the wolf's limit, and instead just gently stroked between the wolf's ears.

Julian felt inadequate, not because of the size difference that most people might expect. He'd had enough experience to know his length was perfectly fine and that the lion was going to leave him sore for days. No, he felt inadequate because of how well the lion had treated his cock and how badly he was in comparison. His muzzle bobbed back and forth on the thick length in his muzzle and his tongue moved along the underside. The lion gave soft rumbles of pleasure and the paw on his head indicated he was definitely enjoying himself but the wolf felt like he owed him more.

Just as he was about to speed up the lion pushed him back gently moved his thick cock away from the wolf's muzzle, away from the tongue still seeking to lap the pre now hanging precariously from his tip.

"All fours" The lion said, his words an indication of what was going to happen more than a command or a request. Julian nodded and moved back up on to the bed onto all fours. his rear hung over the edge of the bed and his tail lay across his back, his rear exposed and ready for the lion.

The wolf heard the lion moving around and there was a soft click and a liquid squelching noise. Cool fingers brushed his entrance and he felt the cool slickness stay behind. He glanced back to the left and to the right but the lion was in so close he couldn't see his massive swinging cock or exactly what was being done to him. He gasped out as a large finger, larger than one of his unfortunate ex's cock had been, spread him open slowly. The lion took his time, showing the same patience he had when down on his knee's between his thighs.

The finger inside him pushed further and further until he felt the lions knuckles pressing into his ass crack. The lion didn't do anything so crude as curl to press his prostate or hammer back and forth. Instead it moved back to the tip and then forward again, taking several agonisingly pleasurable slow moment to go from finger tip to the base. Just as Julian had adjusted the lion added a second finger and went at a glacial speed until the wolf was breathing normally again.

The wolf relaxed and prepared himself for the third finger and was surprised when four fingers were inserted instead. The wolf was no virgin, he'd been around the block a few times and had enjoyed every inch of it regardless of which position he ended up in but the four fingers stretching him out now made him remember just how stretched he had felt that first time, the pain and pleasure both intense. Julian shuddered and bit his bottom lip as the fingers slid back and forth slowly and carefully, the lion taking all the time in the world to get him ready for the monster that throbbed between his legs. His rock hard six inches shot a line of pre across the sheet and the wolf pressed back against the thick fingers which was all the sign the lion needed.

Julian found his hips thrusting back against air, his hole stretched out and now sorely empty as the lion cleaned his fingers with a handkerchief he had pulled from his discarded clothing. The wolf looked back and whimpered at the sight of the lion slowly cleaning his fingers while thick inches jutted forth from his groin, the image so crude compare to the dapper lion from before. The contrast in image was fucking hot though and Julian could feel himself whimpering in lust, he didn't just want this lion now he needed him like a junkie needed his next hit.

Large paws gripped his ass cheeks and pulled them apart and then pushed them back together again while the individual fingers massaged the nicely sized rump. The lion stood back and admired the wolf's grey furred orbs, a trail of white separating the two and highlighting the pink ring he had spread out moments before. His cock throbbed in anticipation but he held back his basic instinct just like he had when savouring the wolf's cock, the taste still remaining in his muzzle as he licked his lips. He bought his hips forward slowly until the tip of his glans rested against the wolf's loosened ring, although compared to the size of his glans it still seemed tight. He felt the purr grow in his chest as he rocked his hips from side to side, not wanting to thrust in just yet but instead savouring the feeling of the wolf against him.

Julian was panting like a bitch in heat now. He no longer just needed the lion inside him he Neede the lion with the capital N. He pressed back slowly and felt the lions thick head start to spread him only for the lion to ease his hips back and continue to tease the poor wolf. He whined, softly at first but increasingly louder, and pushed back again only for the lion to pull back as well and then use his paws to push him forward again. He opened his mouth to beg, to plead, with the lion but found himself unable to speak as the lion pushed forward. His eyes opened wide and he gasped like someone coming back from the verge of death as his ring was spread out over the lions broad head.

Julian took in a deep breath of air, ready to adjust to the size but wasn't given the opportunity as the lion continued forward, his paws holding the wolf in place while his strong hips pushed each lubricated inch forward. It wasn't that the lion was thrusting deep and hard like the wolf did when he rutted it was more like a freight train into a tunnel at slow speeds, the strength of the engine meaning nothing could stop it's path.

Julian shuddered and gave a soft gasp as the lion came to the end of his journey. He could feel the solid mass of the lion pressed against him. He had never been a size queen before, a cock was a cock in his opinion, but now that he was balls deep on the lion he could see the attraction. Without any effort the entire thrust had pressed wonderfully against his prostate. Now every pulse of the lions meat, every slight movement made him gasp and shudder in pleasure.

"Comfortable?" Alistair said softly as he lowered himself towards the wolf's ear. Julian shivered and gasped as the lion moved, the cock within him moving and making him shudder in pleasure at the same time. The lion lowered himself until his back was pressed against the wolf's and his arms were wrapped around him. The wolf nodded his reply and then felt the lion slowly ease his hips back just by an inch or so and then back in. The next time he eased back slightly more and back in again, the wolf panting and shivering in pleasure under the lion.

Alistair continued like this until he was using almost his entire length, stopping just short of his glans and thrusting in all the way so his balls lay against the wolf. Julian just gasped and shuddered the entire time, the sensation of being filled by this lion and the actually jolts of pleasure as a thick cock moved past his prostate just made him the lions complete and willing bitch. The lion gave a grunt and thrust in right to the hilt and held there while the wolf beneath him panted.

There were no words exchanged but the wolf's lack of protest gave the lion a blank cheque to do as he pleased to the now completely submissive wolf. Alistair shifted his arms so instead of holding him around the chest and the waist they reached under and gripped the wolf's shoulders from below. His teeth brush against the collar and then bit down gently between the wolf's neck and shoulder. The wolf may have been lost in a sea of sensations and pleasure but the few remaining brain cells he had still looking out for him knew what was coming and braced himself.

The first thrust came as a shock, like a slap to the face with an icecube, as within the space of a second the lion had pulled back half way and thrust forward balls deep again. The next one was less surprising but still a shock to the system as the lion pulled back even further and then rammed in again, his hips pushing the wolf slightly forward only for strong arms to pull the wolf back onto his cock. The lion gave a deep growl as he switched from a thrust then a pause to a series of three thrusts then a pause. He loved the way the wolf gasped each time, the way his ring squeezed down ineffectually at stopping him, the way his balls slapped against the all too willing wolf. Most of all though he loved the way his cock felt while he was thrusting.

Julian shuddered and gasped as the lion jack hammered into him in short burst and then relaxed. He could feel the mating bite on his shoulder and the paws pulling him back whenever those strong hips pushed him away. Before he had been the lions bitch now he was his property, to be used to help get the lion off. The way his cock throbbed, the way his knot was harder now than it had ever been when tied inside someone, let him know that being the lions property was fine by him. Another series of thrusts, five this time, and he was gasping in pleasure, the lion had dropped his hips lower and now each thrust was hammering his prostate. Another six and the sheets beneath him got a spurt of his pre.

The lion took in a deep breath of air through his nose, the scent of his and the wolf's arousal making him growl deeply, and then started jack hammering for real, his experimental thrusts just the warm up. He thrust back and forth again and again, as hard and as fast and as deep as he good, each time using all of his length to his advantage. Julian cried out in undiluted pleasure and thrust his hips back as best he could. Both fur's made grunts and cries of pleasure as the lion continued to thrust harder and deeper, the sounds of flesh meeting flesh muffled by fur filling the room.

Julian whimpered as he felt the lions long thick meat invade and then retreat from him again and again. Each solid thrust, each fluid movement, battered his already tortured prostate as well as a dozen other sweet spots inside him. The lion grunted and the wolf gasped as the mating bite got deeper. Julian's eyes squeezed shut and then with a full body grunt that tarted in his throat and ended up in his toes, he came.

His cock thickened even more and if anyone had touched it they would have sworn it couldn't have gotten any more full. his tip shot thick wads of his seed across the blanket covers underneath him while he moaned loudly. the lion didn't slow or alter his course and kept thrusting harder and harder while the wolf whimpered beneath him and the scent of his seed filled his nose. What felt like minutes or possibly hours to the wolf was merely seconds in the boring mundane reality of real life.

The lion gave a satisfied grunt and gave a final thrust and stayed deep inside the wolf. Julian moaned and rolled his head against the covers as his arms gave way and he collapsed against the bed. He could feel the lion swelling and guessed he was filling him with his seed and sighed contentedly. The lions slowly eased himself back and the wolf barked softly at the sudden absence of that long hot lion's length.

The lion untangled their bodies with the grace he had shown before he had turned into a furious sexual jack hammer. Strong hands gripped the wolf and moved his still recovering body beneath the sheets and between the layers of silk now dressing his bed. He was turning onto his back and was greeted to the sight of the lion smiling above him and the feel of his thick cock pressing against his own spent one.

"Uno Memento" The lion said in a perfect accent and then he moved beneath the covers and out of the wolf's vision. He felt the lion grasp his spent, limp yet still exposed organ and then the same soft tongue stroked over it as before in the dining room. At the same time two fingers, he guessed anyway all he knew was it was far smaller than the cock that had been inside him, pressed open his well spread ring. He gasped for breath and shuddered as they curved and pressed against just the right spot while at the same time his cock was engulfed by the talented lion's muzzle.

There was no grace or dignity behind the lions actions this time, no care to ensure the wolf would get painfully hard but not cum. Instead there was the crude animal instincts he had shown before while hammering the wolf into a hands free delight he had only felt very occasionally before. Julian gasped and lets his fingers drag along the smooth silky sheets beneath him as he watched the blankets move up and down with the lions muzzle movements. Before he knew it his cock was hard again and that never happened, he shot once and then needed hours to recharge and yet this lion knew exactly what to do.

There was a pop from under the blankets as the lion pulled off the wolf's cock and then strong paws gripped Julian's hips and he was lifted up. a warm tongue brushed through his crack quickly and passionately. Julian could heard the saliva and the quickness of the lions tongue, to say nothing of the way his already spent cock jerked on his stomach as the tongue teased his ring. Just as suddendly the paws guided him back while the lion moved up. Soft kisses along his thigh, his cock, stomach, chest, nipples, neck and then finally on the lips made the wolf blush at the intimacy. He could barely believe that less than an hour ago he'd been ready to escape from this exact situation.

He felt the lions cock line up against his still upheld rump and then with the slightest thrust it was in him again. The wolf wondered for a moment if the lion had cum and just was ready to go again or if he hadn't finished and had just had decided to change positions. The thought didn't matter the next second though when, with a grunt, the lion was balls deep again. Julian's cock throbbed even harder now, sandwiched between his stomach and the lions solid bulk it was almost like pawing himself.

Alistair moved himself slowly, making sure to stay hip to hip with his wolf, as he adjusted their positions. He kissed the wolf on the lips deeply, their tongues pressing against one others briefly, before he straightened up to enjoy the sight of the wolf's body. He lifted the wolf's legs easily over his shoulders and held onto the hips as he started long slow thrusts.

Apart from the fact that the lion was working his entire length the strokes couldn't have been more different to the ramming rod like thrusts he had used before. He took his time and explored, his thrusts so slow that the wolf wasn't sure the lion was moving sometimes until Alistair gave a mighty thrust with the last inch. Each time he shifted the angle and each time the pleasure was different for the wolf but the one constant was the sight of this sexy lion looking over him like a treasured item, a possession so important he would lock it behind vault doors.

the lions purr deepened as he looked over the wolf, loving the view he had. The grey muzzle open and his tongue lolling out panting, the thick cock on his stomach jumping with every thrust and the pool of pre below it getting larger all the time. Mostly though he liked the view of his thick cock spreading out that tight ring again on a different angle, the way it spread out around his thicker base and then shrank back to his tip again. He could last like this for hours but was growing impatient with need, the wolf having cum in the first position before he could.

The lion grinned the same arrogant grin that now made the wolf's cock jump as well as his spine tingle, as he lowered the legs down to wrap around his waist. He gripped the wolf by the waist and pulled him deeper onto his cock as he lowered his body down and pressed his muzzle against the wolves. Their lips met and their muzzles twisted automatically so that they could press together into a deep kiss. The wolf moaned while the lion pressed his tongue in and both organs showed how versatile they could be.

The lions cock swelled even more, the act of intimacy with the wolf lighting a fire that pure physical passion, no matter how hot and nasty it might be, could never match. His hips start short hard thrusts, just an inch or two back and forth again and again. There was nothing fancy about these thrusts, no trick angles, no extra fast speed or blindingly fast speed, just plain boring thrusting. Yet to the lion and wolf it may as well have been the forth of July as both the feline and the canines bodies thrust back against each other.

The lion came first with a roar into their combined muzzles. Then, the kiss broken, he growled and slammed his hips hard and fast to get every last drop of his cum inside the wolf. these last few desperate thrusts sent the wolf grunting over the edge and the wolf and lions stomachs were coated in his seed as he bucked back and forth in passion on that lions still rock hard cock. both furs laid there beneath the sheet panting, no need for words or any expressions. they kissed softly and then dozed off to sleep.

It was later and the lion woke up and smacked his muzzle a few times, the exertion and the rich meal having left him with a slightly sticky muzzle. He also had a sticky groin and a matted bunch of stomach fur but he didn't mind those so much. He yawn and stretched and then heard ac cough of someone attracting attention, not actually sick. He opened his eyes to see the wolf he had seduced last night sitting in a chair completely naked, even from the collar, and holding the remote he had kept in his pocket.

"Morning" Julian said and grinned widely as the lion's paw went to his neck t find the collar wasn't there, it hadn't been big enough for there but...

The lions face turned to horror as his paw slipped under the sheets and discovered that the collar was now acting as a cock ring around his impressive flaccid cock and ample balls.

"I don't believe there is a need for that!" The lion spluttered to explain and was silenced as the wolf burst into laughter.

"Well then you better answer some questions for me." The wolf stated as he walked towards the bed and sat down next to the lion. His paw slipped under the covers and gently teased just the tip of the lions length that had so delighted him last night. "First, just how long have you been planning this?"

"About a month, ever since..." the lion started, his posh accent and authoritative way of speaking gone now that he had his nuts on the line.

"Second question" the wolf interrupted "How exactly did you get such delicious food?"

"Oh well Huxtable cooked all of that up while you were still asleep. The main trick was keeping it warm." The lion continued as he felt his cock stirring. It didn't take much, the collar cock ring trapping the blood and making firm up in the wolf's paw.

"Last question. How much did this cost?"

"Less than a hundred dollars just to cover the food and... ohhh" The lions gasped as the wolf started to paw him slowly. He could see the wolf was enjoying this shift in power by the pink tip now protruding from his sheath.

"Mmmm, worth every last penny hun" The wolf smiled as he slipped under the covers and lifted up the lions legs and positioned himself between them. He lent down and kisses the lion slowly, lovingly. He had complained to his mate a month ago about their relationship getting stale, especially the sex getting dull and repetitive. He had expected the lion to buy some toys or surprise him with some new positions, this little affair had been more than his wildest dreams had ever permitted him to believe. Both men gasped in unison as he slipped just his head into the lion, his smaller size and the lions love of large toys meaning he could do it just with his own pre easily.

"So, this shock collar?" The wolf whispered into the lions ear as he slide in to the hilt, his knot unformed and giving him an extra inch or so of length to thrust with for the time being.

"Just a collar with some odds and ends glued on sexy. The remote's for my projector at work." the lion purred back, his paws stroking down the wolfs back gently as he relaxed around the wolf's growing knot.

"And Huxtable?" The wolf said as he started to thrust gently, his paws stroking through the lions chest fur slowly.

"Ah, now that is a story for another time" Alistair replied with the same smug grin he had last night but it was soon wiped off his muzzle with a sharp thrust from the wolf's hips and then a deep kiss of two lovers entwined entirely.