A day at the gym.


#3 of Bursts of imagination.

This is something that came to me piece by piece and that I put together a little while ago. I thought I'd post it here as an opener to the likely hood of more short one-shot stories to come seeing as my days have been getting less busy and I now have the time to go full some days on at my writing.

Light clangs rang out every now and then around the main area of the local gym as a fair few patrons went about their workout routines. However everyone seemed to be avoiding a small area more to the left side of the room where free weight bench press set ups were, a single person there using the equipment. It was a female tiger that seemed like she would be about six-foot-seven, well defined muscled rippling her fur as she was bench pressing about 400 pounds with what seemed like relative ease, setting the barbell up on its place before shuffling toward the end of the bench and sitting up. It was at this time that a lone person decided to approach: A wolf of pitch black fur who stood in at about six-foot-four with a build and muscles that made him seem like a professional boxer or possibly a wrestler though he bore no signs of such lifestyles, wearing a pair of shorts and a loos tank top. "Hello there. Do you mind if I use the equipment beside you?" He asked as he stood beside the tiger who just finished taking a swig of water from her bottle.

"Khrabryy malen'kiy volk." She replied.


"You are brave little wolf." She chuckled. "Other men do not approach big tiger with claws. They keep distance from me."

"Ah, yeah. Well I guess they're just afraid of a woman who can handle herself."

"By that you mean throw them around like little dolls?"

"That's certainly one way to word it but yeah, I'd say that's pretty much it." The black wolf moved to take a seat on the end of another bench so he could face the muscled tiger.

At this point she let out a small laugh. "I like you. You are interesting to me. May I know little wolf's name?"

"My name is Nathan. May I know yours as well?"

"Well Nathan, I am Katya. You are more than welcome to 'workout' beside me if you would like."

Miharra's Battle

A lone female figure stood amidst a field of dead bodies, wrapped in a bloodstained cloak with hood drawn up and covering their face from view, left hand gripping tight a long handle glaive with blade painted red. Over a small hill from the west came...


A Battle To Be Sung.

Fires crackling about the field, corpses strewn all over, swords and shields and all sorts of weapons scattered and stuck in dead bodies. One man stood as he pulled his falchion blade out of the fresh corpse of an opponent, blood spurting with the...

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One Memorable Journey Pg.9

"Well damn. I was right. It is a new race." Patrick commented as he, Julie, Nolan, Robert and Alex all left the assembly hall and started to head back to their squad barracks. "That just makes me hope even more that we don't end up with an enemy...