Jason and Speedy - Chapter Fifteen - Calm before the storm

Story by Dasher Cheetah on SoFurry

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#15 of Jason and Speedy

Jason and Speedy - Chapter Fifteen - Calm Before the Storm

Back at the house once more, Speedy was told what had happened in the forest between Jason and Doris. He was riveted by hearing how his uncle had convinced Doris to let him have sex with her and how very much Jason enjoyed it. Even more impressed was he that Jason had got her to enjoy it too!

Jason said,"She was great, Speedy! You should have seen how brave she was. Her fawn means a lot to her, just as you do to your father and I. She let me, a predator, handle her and mate with her in order to save Doreen from me." Jason chuckled softly and continued,"I was gentle with her, Speedy and took my time. She was scared and not in season for it either. She was incredibly tight but stood firmly as I pressed myself in. I fucked her gently and made her orgasm before cumming myself. She came again and her pussy milked my cock when it was at it's most sensitive and I actually passed out! I hope she comes back and I have the chance to do it again sometime. It was real sweet."

Speedy was very turned on by the story, a fact that Jason could see and decided he would both help out with and take advantage of. Jason jumped on Speedy, who gave a yell in surprise and the two cheetahs wrestled happily for a few minutes. Jason finally got Speedy in an arm lock and bent over the back of the sofa he had been sitting on.

Speedy panted breathlessly and laughed as he said,"Alright! I give! Uncle! Uncle!"

Jason laughed at the double meaning, then growled playfully,"Since I won, you will now have to submit to me for a prize of my choosing!" He reached down and began tugging Speedy's shorts down, quickly followed by his own. Speedy didn't fight it as he was more than ready for some play time too. He did however play struggle a little and yell out,"Huh! What are you - ..*gasp!* Wait! S-stop! We were just fooling around!"

Jason grinned, spat on his paw and rubbed the saliva on to his ready penis as he said," Yeah... and now I am going to fool around with you in a different way. Get your tail up!"

Speedy raised his tail and struggled lightly, then said,"What are you going to do, uncle? I don't want a spanking. Let me go! I don't - *gasp!* Oh no! S-stop! Uncle Jason, what are, Uhhh! Oh gods!, uhh, don't! Uhhharrrghh!"

Jason could tell by the sparkle in Speedy's eyes and the way he fought to keep a grin from surfacing that he was playing too. He had rubbed the saliva slickened head over the wrinkled surface of Speedy's tail hole. Speedy clenched it tight to try and keep it out, so Jason shoved forcefully and drove past the tight sphincter, into the hot interior. Jason kept jabbing until he was all the way in, while Speedy struggled lightly and squalled as tho hurt.

As soon as he no longer needed his hand to guide him in, he grabbed the skin and fur at the nape of Speedy's neck. Speedy went limp reflexively in surrender and Jason said."That's better, my helpless young male. Cooperate or I will have to really hurt you!"

Jason bent over Speedy and took hold of his hips, then began to fuck his nephew hard! Speedy braced his hands on the couch, spread his legs further apart and panted as he groaned and cried out as if it was hurting him. Really, Speedy was enjoying playing the innocent victim to Jason's uncle rapist. His young cock got harder and dripped pre-cum as the 'rape' proceeded.

Jason used some of the aggression he had held back while mating Doris and soon was fucking Speedy so hard, the sofa was starting to inch across the floor! Speedy's grunts grew real as the force Jason was putting in to fucking his ass overcame any need to pretend.

Jason growled louder and slammed his cock into his nephew's ass, spurting the first jet of semen into the hot bowels. He roared out,"Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! Uhahhh! *pant* Oh yeah, ahhh, *pant-pant* oh yeah. Gods, that was good! Whew! Thanks Speedy, I really needed that. *pant* It wasn't too bad for you, was it?"

Speedy panted and blinked back the tears his eyes had watered with as Jason fucked him harder than he ever had before. When Jason had stopped and held himself deep, the warmth of the cum pumping into his insides felt good and Speedy was able to pant and catch his breath. Speedy swallowed, then answered," N-no uncle Jason but it was real hard. You never did it like that before."

Jason panted and laughed softly saying,"I know! *chuckle* I was thinking about Doris and how I wanted to do her, instead of as gentle as I was. I got carried away I guess. Come upstairs and I will show you a game I think you will like better and give you the chance to get me back for it."

Jason slipped his softening penis out of Speedy's tail hole, getting a slight hiss of pain in response. He squatted down and saw the normally pink flesh was red from friction. Jason said,"Hold still a minute, please. I will clean you up and then we will get some medicine to make it feel better. I didn't mean to fuck you raw like that, Speedy."

Jason licked gently but still felt Speedy tense up when he licked across the sore anus. Leading Speedy upstairs, Jason put a generous amount of antiseptic ointment with anesthetic on and into his nephew's tail hole. That relieved much of the pain and Speedy relaxed as it felt better. There was still a slight ache that the young male found himself enjoying As Speedy told Jason this, Jason laughed softly and said,"I know exactly what you mean. That ache after a good fucking is something I like too. Now, it is your turn to give me one."

He led Speedy to the bedroom, opened a drawer and pulled out 4 sets of handcuffs. Turning around, he handed them to Speedy and said,"I will let you use these on me! The only question is, where do you want to restrain me and in what position? This one is up to you, Speedy. How do you want to do me, stud?"

Unprepared, the young male thought about it for a moment or two before a wicked smile and a gleam in his eye grew as an idea dawned. He could tease and fuck his uncle in all sorts of ways after he had him restrained.

Jason caught the look and resisted smiling himself, knowing some sort of deviltry was brewing in his nephew's mind. Speedy said lightly,"Alright, uncle Jason. Let's go downstairs to your den." Leading the way, Speedy went to the den and said,"Pull your desk away from the wall and lay across it, please?"

Jason gave Speedy a grin and got into position, his legs spread over the opening for the chair. Speedy fastened Jason's ankles to the desk legs and then his wrists to the ones on the other side. This held Jason down firmly in a way he could barely move or struggle effectively. Satisfied with his work, Speedy grinned and looked over his uncle's helplessly bound body. He was getting hard already in anticipation of what was to come.

Jason told him,"This is a pretty good idea, Speedster. I am held down pretty effectively like this."

Speedy grinned and said,"I know! Thad tricked me into letting him tie me up like this, the first time he fucked me. We were alone at his house, playing super hero's. He had captured me and said he needed to tie me up to make the pretend better. I let him and his real plan went into effect. I didn't know anything was going on until he started fiddling with my belt and the clasp over my tail on my pants. He pulled them down and . . . Hey! Why don't I show you instead of just telling you?" Since Jason had no pants on to remove, Speedy cupped his uncle's balls and fondled them. Taking Thad's role he said,"What's the matter, Speedy? Relax and I'll make you feel real good! My older brother showed me some neat games that I am going to teach you now. . . Come on. Stop yelling because no one can hear you anyway. . . No, I won't let you loose until I have shown you about sex!" Speedy moved his hand down and grasped Jason's sheath. He played with it, getting Jason's cock to emerge and grow hard.

Speedy then said,"Come on, admit it. It feels good, doesn't it? You have a bigger cock than I do, Speed! It's going to feel real good in me but only after I have had you first. Now I's going to show you the best part!"

Speedy came around in front of Jason and waved his cock in front of him as he said,"See? I'm hard too! This is going to be so much fun!" He got down on his hands and knees, crawled under Jason into the leg space of the desk and Jason heard for within,"I'm gonna touch your cock, Speeds but I will be careful to not hurt you." Delicately he began to give Jason's swollen cock head short light licks, all over it's surface.

Jason wondered how he was supposed to react but Speedy acted like he was doing what he had done so Jason Jason let it go on. Jason imagined Speedy on the desk, being molested by a young mink. The mental image had Jason panting and pulling at the cuffs.

Speedy continued the licks down the shaft but kept them light and small to further tease his uncle. It was working too! Speedy licked a drop of pre from the tip, then backed out of the desk to grin up at his sweating uncle. He laughed and said,"Now tell me you want me to stop, Speeds!"

Jason panted and said,"I-I, *pant* I don't . . ."

Speedy laughed again and continued,"Thad sucked me off, then stuck his penis in my mouth while I was panting for air and made me do him. He made me swallow it, then went around back and yanked my tail up. I was scared and tried to hold it down but he kept it up and started licking my tail hole. I fought a little while longer but it felt so good I couldn't keep it up. I got hard again before he stood up and said,"Now, for your next lesson!"

He touched the tip against my tail hole and shoved it half way in before the pain hit and I clenched up while I yelled. He was wet from leaking pre so it wasn't too rough but it still hurt. Thad stroked my back and began to fuck me slowly as he tried to calm me down. *chuckle* Thad kept screwing me for an hour and came many times in me before he pulled out and let me loose. By that time, I kinda was liking it but I was sore as hell. He put some anesthetic cream on me and then had me do his ass. He told me to do him real hard to make up for his having tricked me into it. I did and it was great so we did it a lot after that. Now that I have told you how I lost my cherry with Thad, I'm going to change the script. I don't think you are strong enough get free, Jason . . . Since you like being dominated, this seems like the perfect time to try some ideas that I have had for a while. Will you agree to let me play with you, uncle?"

Jason was very excited by the story and being in this position. He likely would have agreed to almost anything at this point, so he said,"I will Speedy, if you agree to stop right away if I say Thad. Thad will be my safe word with you. Otherwise, I trust you, my dear nephew. If I didn't, I would not have given you the handcuffs or let you get me in this position."

Speedy got up on his knees and kissed Jason, then said with a smile,"Thanks, uncle Jason. I hope you will enjoy this at least half as much as I will." Speedy stood and put his hand under Jason's jaw, lifting until his uncle's mouth was in line with with his crotch. He scratched pleasantly under the jaw and Jason began to purr. Speedy then said,"your first assignment is to lick my balls real good, then lick my cock before you suck me off!"

That sounded good to Jason, who said,"That will be my pleasure, oh captor and imprison-er of mine. Direct my efforts to better please you, please?" Jason stuck his tongue out and cradled the golden fur covered orbs holding Speedy's sperm, then licked their underside. Speedy moved closer and Jason slowly drew his head back, luring Speedy closer. Jason opened his mouth and took one of the round balls into it. He licked it gently and sucked on it in a way he figured Speedy would like and was rewarded with moans and pants from the young male. After a moment of this, he released it and treated the other testicle in the same fashion.

Now soaked with spit, he licked them once more before shifting up to lick along Speedy's sheath. When he reached the base of the exposed, hard cock, he paused to ask,"Pull your sheath back, Speedy. I want to lick every possible bit I can of your young prick!"

Speedy's fingers pulled back on the sheath until it was almost inside out and Jason covered every part of the exposed pink flesh, Speedy was leaking pre as new parts of his cock were licked for the very first time!

Jason got the heavier, muskier scents and flavors that even the cleanest of sheaths always developed in even the cleanest sheaths, relishing Speedy's developing adolescence. By the time he had worked his way back up the shaft, Speedy trembled with barely contained excitement. He pulled back and said quickly,"Open up!"

Speedy pushed forward as Jason's mouth opened, stuffing it halfway in and growling out,"Suck it!" Jason gave it his full attention, tasting the leaking pre-cum as he spit polished the swollen head. Speedy groaned and began to fuck lightly, in and out of Jason's mouth as he got closer to orgasm. Speedy then growled out,"That is good but not good enough. I want to see you take it all! All the way down to my sheath!"

Jason glanced up, blinked, then sucked harder to draw Speedy's cock further in. With Speedy's assistance, the head slide into Jason's throat Speedy's belly. Speedy leaned back a little to get a good look. He groaned and shivered slightly as Jason took it all the way down.

Jason swallowed, sucking and licking as his throat milked at the head. It took only a few seconds of this and Speedy Came hard! Jason took the whole load down his throat before pulling back to suckle the drooping end of his nephew's penis.

Speedy pulled out and he patted Jason's head as he said,"You really can suck cock, uncle Jason! You are the best! Now, I am going to play a little. He walked around behind Jason and asked,"Will you lift your tail, uncle?" Jason did so and Speedy got down on his knees. Leaning in, he began licking and sucking Jason's balls, as Jason had his.

It was very good, causing Jason to moan and gasp, growing hard as his balls were orally worshiped. After a couple minutes of this, Speedy switched targets, moving upwards and licking Jason's tail hole. Speedy listened to Jason gasp and groan with erotic agony, unable to cum and needing to badly.

Speedy continued to lick for a couple more minutes before he stood up to walk around back in front of Jason. He waved his cock just out of reach and teased,"Should I let you lick me and get my cock all wet? I would love to fuck your ass off, uncle. . . It is so pink and glistening with my spit. It looks like it is just begging for a good screwing, isn't it? Or maybe I should suck your off first, hmm? Are your balls full enough to feed me a hot delicious load of my uncle's semen? Lick me uncle but no sucking! Ahhh, that is good. . . And now, I am going to mount you and fuck your sweet butt, uncle."

Speedy went back around his uncle and the desk, moving up to where he could rub the tip of his cock against Jason's tail star to tease him further. He said,"Shall I really rape you, like you did me earlier? That would be fun, wouldn't it?" Speedy pushed and slid right into Jason's tail hole.

Jason was ready and eager for it. He wanted it more than he wanted to empty his own balls into Speedy! Once Speedy rested against Jason's furry bunns, Jason clenched down tight around it! He held it, making his ass as tight as he could, so when Speedy pulled back, he had to really pull! Speedy laughed softly at feeling Jason's sphincter squeeze and he laid down over Jason's back. Laying on the strong, warm back of his uncle, Speedy licked his shoulders and between them. He began moving slowly in and out as he said softly,"I love laying on top of you, Jason. You are so solid and warm and your butt is so soft for me to push into. I want you to help me keep you from cumming, uncle. I am going to play with you for a long time before I suck you off at last. Help me build it up so that when you do com, it fills my mouth up. Will you do that for me, uncle Jason?"

Jason groaned and said,"My balls ache already, Speedy! But yes, I will try and do as you ask. You really know how to torture a male, my beloved nephew."

Speedy chuckled and said,"I know. Thad has taught me a lot about how to make a male sweat. The reason I want this is that I read how holding back an orgasm for a long time, will make it more intense when you finally do cum. Tan-, err, tantric sex it is called! Meanwhile, I get to do anything I want to you..."

Speedy licked the back of Jason's neck, nipping the skin lightly to heighten the pleasure while his hands fondled and scritched lightly along Jason's sides and chest. In only moments of this, Jason was forced to reluctantly say,"Speedy? Stop, please! I am too close to cumming."

Speedy stopped and asked,"Should I pull out?"

Jason panted rapidly and said,"NO, no Speedy. Stay in but don't move. Gods, Speeds... my cock hurts from holding back so long!"

Speedy pushed up ans slid out of Jason's tail hole, then stood looking his uncle's rear over. Jason's tail was laying curled over his right hip. His anus glistened still and a little of the surrounding fur was wet. It looked like Jason's balls were a bit larger this time. His swollen cock, dark red and purple hung below them with a long string of pre-cum hanging from it's tip to a small puddle on the floor. Speedy knelt and wiped up the puddle with his fingers, took a sniff and then grinned. Speedy stood and walked around front where he presented his fingers and said,"See what you have already leaked? Lick my fingers clean and recycle it, uncle Jason."

Tho it was cold and thick, Jason licked Speedy's fingers clean as ordered. In as sensual a manner as he could. Speedy was still hard and he said while scritching lovingly behind his uncle's ears,"I am very pleased you had me stop and not make you cum, Jason. Why don't you lick my cock a little and keep it interested while we wait for you to cool down a little? Ahh, good! Lick gently so I can stay hard and ready to put it back in under your long tail. Yessss, that's real nice. . . Lick my balls too, uncle."

After a couple minutes, Speedy pulled back, turned around and bent over as his tail raised. He backed up but said nothing, nor did he need to. Jason licked Speedy's pucker for about ten minutes before Speedy stood up and turned to face him"Even tho it is a little sore, your tongue made my tail hole tingle and want to be fucked again. Now, wet my cock and I will get back to giving your ass a good fucking!"

Jason applied his tongue and saliva to the teens' ready cock as ordered but only briefly as Speedy pulled back and trotted around behind his uncle once more. Moving quickly, Speedy fumbled as he tried to get back into Jason's tail hole and said,"I am going to fuck you so hard!"

He shoved, pushing almost all the way in at once. Then went to immediately fucking in and out hard. Jason went,"Uhhh! Ohh, *gasp*Uhh, oh fuck!"

Speedy laughed and said as he pounded into Jason,"Remember not to cum, uncle!" Speedy grasped the front edge of the desk with his paws, using it to increase the force of his thrusts into Jason's ass. Jason was taken by surprise at the furious way Speedy was riding him. It was not particularly enjoyable but Jason knew Speedy was liking it if this aggressive buggering was what he wanted to do. Jason had given him permission after all so he kept quiet and let Speedy do what he wanted.

Jason also knew he deserved it, if anyone did so he grunted encouragement to Speedy, giving permission to fuck the shit out of him. Jason said,"Uhh, gods! Uhh! You little, Uhhh, *gasp*, Uhohh, b-bite me! *pant* Help uhh, me to submit! Uhhh! Oh, ahh, *pant-pant-pant* ohhh. *pant-pant*

Speedy bit at the junction of Jason's neck and shoulder, bruising the skin but also triggering Jason to relax and not resist any longer. Speedy grunted and panted as he drove towards orgasm, seeing nothing, hearing nothing. He tasted and smelled Jason, feeling the hard muscled body beneath him and around his pistoning penis. At the magic moment, he shoved in as hard as he could with the considerable strength of his young legs and pulled on the desk to force every bit he could into the warm receptive body under him. Spurt after spurt, his seed seared its way thru his cock into Jason's ass. His neck jerked, pulling even harder on the skin in his teeth and enforcing Jason's freeze. Speedy came hard and as it ended, he crashed equally hard. Speedy let go of his bite, laying drained and panting, too weak to move but moaning as after shocks of pleasure echoed thru his body. Speedy slipped into sleep, which suited Jason just fine. He liked the feeling of Speedy laying on top of him afterwards but his thighs hurt where they had hit against the desk edge. That was added to the pain of his abused tail hole. He hadn't hurt like this for a long time and he rather enjoyed it in the way he liked the pain of being dominated. It was not a healthy thing to enjoy but Jason couldn't help it and again he wondered way it was so.

Moisture could be felt on his bunns, balls and thighs, cooling rapidly. Jason hoped it was cum but wasn't really sure and hoped it was not blood. If Speedy had managed to hurt him that badly, it would upset his nephew very much and Jason didn't want to do that. There was little danger of him cumming during that ride, once the pain had gone high enough. He wasn't even erect any longer, tho his balls still ached.

Speedy began stirring on top of him. Jason waited until he spoke, giving Speedy the chance to wake up more fully before asking,"I would like to be released now, Speedy." The young male felt so tired and the warm body of his uncle was so comfortable. As what he had been doing came to him, Speedy smiled and said,"Goddess! That was one hell of a fuck! Are you alright, uncle Jason?" Hearing Jason's response, Speedy grinned and said,"Oh, I am sure you would Jason but I don't recall saying I was thru with you. Nor have I heard the safe word yet, so unless you say it, the play will continue. . . Are you ready to cry uncle, uncle?"

The smug tone made Jason reconsider and he said,"You haven't hit my limit yet, nephew. I can take it but in the interest of honesty, I hope you don't get much rougher than that with me. If I weren't used to it and virgin still, you would have torn me up, Speedy. As it is, my tail hole hurts."

Speedy sighed happily and said as he got up,"Very good, uncle Jason. I knew you wouldn't give up! Let me look . . . ahh . . . no blood uncle but you are a real mess! Your tail hole is still open a bit and it is leaking my cum. Phew! I really fucked the hell out of you! *chuckle* I will get towel from upstairs. No reason not to clean you up before I continue. Be right back."

Speedy left and returned in a couple minutes with the items. He used the wet cloth to clean up all the semen from Jason's fur and to gently wash the abused tail hole. Saying as he worked,"I know I was hard on you, uncle Jason and I am sorry if it hurt a bit too much. I wanted to see what it would be like and you did say you wanted that after ache from a good fucking. *chuckle* After last weekend, I figured you wouldn't let it get rougher than you could handle and you had the safe word. There we are, all clean now. After I dry you, I will put some of the medicine on it to help the soreness and make sure nothing happens. So...how was it? I think I would have yelled the safe word if you had done my nearly this hard."

Jason was a trifle unsettled by the rapid change in Speedy's behavior, from rapist to solicitous nephew. He listened to to Speedy talk and had to agree with his nephew's reasoning. Jason said,"You surprised me, Speedy. I didn't think you had it in you to be so rough on someone else. I'm a little sore but it is alright. Be careful not to do that to one of your friends or it will hurt them for real and you would get into trouble. Maybe even charged with rape for real! Oh! And don't develop a taste for it either because I don't think I will let you do this again for a long time. I like a little pain nephew but you came near to the limit for me. It is alright, I didn't say the word but I will if you try that again."

Speedy went around front and sat down cross legged. With the washcloth, he cleaned his own fur of the leaked semen and other mess of tail sex where Jason could watch and more importantly, smell it. Jason was only a couple feet away so he had a good view. Speedy let his penis out of it's sheath and slowly cleaned it to deliberately tease his uncle. It swelled as he handled himself and the relaxed smile on his face had the desired effect.

Jason watched closely, licking his lip and swallowing as Speedy said,"Some mess, huh? It is good it cleans up so easily. . . You should have seen your ass after I got off of you, uncle Jason. I think I could have fisted you without stretching you much further but I am too scared to try doing that. See how thinking about your ass has gotten me hard already? What should I do to you now, hmm? I could fuck you again but more gently this time . . . I know!" Speedy stood and grinned down at the bondaged Jason before moving around behind him once again.

Jason wasn't sure what Speedy had in mind and he wasn't so sure he trusted that grin any longer. Speedy moved up and laid his erection between his uncle's bunns, pressing against the warm furry butt.

Jason gasped and stiffened, expecting to be entered again, without even spit this time.

Speedy laughed and crowed out,"Got ya! You flinched! Ha, ha, ha! I knew you would! Take it easy, uncle Jason. I am done with the rough stuff for today and maybe for a long time to come. I just want to rubb my cock and balls against your wonderfully sexy rear end. . . It still excites me as much as the first day I saw it down by the lake. How would you have reacted if I had mounted you and tried to fuck you like I wanted to that day? I am very happy you did let me know you were interested in me too. My poor cock would be all sore from me pawing off while imagining I was doing it with you. Now, I have control of you for a little while longer and I have had you like I wanted, all hard and dominating of you while you where hard and helpless. Ahhh, wait a second...Uh, ahh, there! How does that feel, uncle?"

Speedy had stopped rubbing and grinding sexily against Jason's rear, moved back a bit and aimed his cock down lower before moving up close again. Now, it rubbed against Jason's balls and sheath, teasing the already hard and very needy adult further. With just a slight downward shift, he was able to also rubb himself against Jason's aching prick!

Jason had loved being rubbed along his ass cleft by Speedy. When the teen had shifted to rub against his cock, it excited the cheetah even more! He was leaking pre once more and panting. With a shiver, Jason called out tensely,"Speeds? That feels really good but it is getting too good!"

Speedy pulled back and said as he patted and squeezed Jason's butt,"Good Jason, very good! Let me see . . . ahh, you are hard and leaking again! Excellent! Hold on a little longer and I will give you the Muzzle job of your dreams but first . . ." Speedy moved back around to the front and stood there stroking his own cock slowly as he added,"I want you to lick my cock again, uncle. Lick it real nice...Yeah, that's it!"

He held it at the end of Jason's reach, denying him the chance to suck upon it while he continued to stroke it at the base. Soon he sped up and went for the point of orgasm. Speedy stepped back a little and commanded tensely,"Keep your face up!"

Speedy gave a little cry and began shooting jets of his semen all over Jason's face! "Ohh! Ahh! Ahh! *gasp* Ahhh, ahh, ahh, oh gods! *pant-pant* "I really painted your face, *pant* Jason! Did you *pant* watch when I came?"

Jason laughed softly and licked a drop from his nose before saying,"Every spurt, Speedy. That was fun and I liked watching you shoot off on my face, even if I couldn't catch it in my mouth."

Speedy laughed and stepped close as he said,"You can have the left overs before I clean you up. *Gasp!* Take it easy! I am still sensitive!"

Jason mumbled,"Sorry.", and continued to suckle more gently, coaxing out the last bits of Speedy's cum from him.

Speedy soon pulled out and knelt down in front of his uncle. Putting his hand under Jason's jaw, he looked deep into his uncle's eyes for a moment before leaning in and licking his spend from Jason's face. Speedy licked lovingly, his gratitude showing for all the things his uncle had done for him. It was very good for Jason and his heart ached with the love he had for Speedy. He resisted crying with the emotions he was feeling but his eyes stung none the less. The tender contact and love made his heart swell in his chest. Speedy pulled back a little and his fingers rubbed behind Jason's whiskers, then scritched under his jaws, making Jason's eyes shut and his head stretch out as his whiskers stuck out further. He was the very picture of a contented cat and Speedy leaned in to kiss Jason's mouth. He licked the black lips once then sat back with a smile and said,"I am going to suck on you now, Jason. I want you to try and keep from cumming for a little bit longer. Resist it and warn me again if it gets near. I promise I won't come out from under you until you have cum but I want to choose the moment for it. Do well and I will release you afterwards. Hold on a little longer, favorite uncle of mine."

Jason swallowed and said,"I'll do my best, Speedy but take it easy or you will set me off before I can warm you. My balls feel so full already that I am really going to blow a big load when I do, young master."

Speedy grinned and said,"That is what I'm hoping for!" Without another word, he knelt and went to his hands and knees, crawling under Jason and the desk. Speedy looked at the swollen head, purple and read and as swollen as he had ever seen it yet!

Speedy licked at the head slowly and very gently, gathering the pre that had already leaked out. He licked down the shaft and Jason had to stop him twice. It was sweet agony for the cheetah to obey Speedy and not just let his orgasm be triggered. Speedy crouched on his knees watching the penis throb and waiting for Jason to cool down a little. He said,"Your cock is so big and hard and hot, Jason! You must want to cum pretty bad by now. Yummy! More pre! *slurp* Mmmm, it is good! I think I am almost ready to suck you off, uncle. Do you want me to?"

Jason whined out,"Goddess, YES! I want to flood your muzzle Speedy! Suck me off, please! I need to cum so bad!"

Speedy chuckled softly. Having his uncle at his mercy and teasing him like this was a heady experience for the young teen and he was enjoying every minute of it. Speedy teased his uncle further by saying,"Too eager! Now you will have to wait a while longer! Hold back now while I lick your balls a little."

Jason groaned out with frustration, amusing Speedy as he began licking the swollen furry orbs from underneath. Speedy knew he couldn't do this for long so he pulled back and opened his mouth. Taking the top third of his uncle's cock into his mouth, he began sucking and licking gently. Jason panted and gritted his teeth as he fought to hold back. He cried out,"Stop! I'm close!"

Speedy pulled off and said,"Good! Hold back, Jason." Speedy put his mouth back around the head of Jason's cock and brought his paws up. One grasped the shaft and began stroking fast while the other cupped and fondled the furry balls.

Jason tried to hold back. He grunted and whined but before he could say to stop, his orgasm triggered and he began spraying thick hot jets of the semen he had been building up, into Speedy's mouth. All Jason's muscles locked up, except for the ones pumping his cheetah cream out into the hungry maw of his nephew.

Speedy was ready for it. He had planned to make Jason cum for him this time and he swallowed the first heavy spurt, feeling it slide down his throat. The next spurt almost over flowed his mouth but Speedy gulped it down as the next one replaced what he was swallowing.

Jason collapsed onto the desk, unconscious and Speedy continued to lick and suck as the flow slowed from Jason's still hard penis! When it stopped, Speedy pulled off and gave a further couple licks to it before crawling out from under the desk. Speedy stood and laid on Jason's back, hugging the bigger male and licking his ears lovingly as he purred happily.

It took a full minute for Jason to come around and gather his wits. Felling Speedy on top of him, licking his ears, Jason said groggily," D-did I die? It felt like my insides melted and you were sucking them out of me!"

Speedy laughed and said,"Alright! The book said it would be good but I have never tried it before. Ready for me to let you loose now, uncle Jason?"

Jason smiled a little and answered,"If you are done, I am."

Speedy laughed and said,"Oh, I have other ideas I want to try out but not the accessories needed for them. Got to save some things for a future time, right?" He got off of his uncle and knelt down to remove the cuffs from his uncle's legs and desk, then went around front to undo his wrists as he said,"There we go. You are freed now, Jason. Stand up slowly. . . Ah-ah, wait. Let me help you. You have gotten still after being tied down so long. Now come upstairs slowly. . . Come on . . . When we get you into bed, I will massage you and help you feel better."

They got upstairs and Jason laid on his back, arms and legs spread out. Speedy joined him and began at Jason's calves, massaging the tenseness and knots out of them. It hurt a bit at first but as the muscles relaxed, Jason felt relief spread thru out his whole body.

Speedy patted Jason's belly and told him to turn over, then sat on his lower back and began massaging Jason's shoulders. As he worked his way down Jason's back, the bigger cheetah fell asleep and began to snore softly. Speedy grinned and continued tho his hands were getting tired. He knew it was the least he could do for this wonderful and loving male who had gone thru so much for him.

Speedy curled up on the bed beside Jason. Tired but quite satisfied with this day, he thought to himself that raping someone as he had done with Jason was something best left as a fantasy. He liked making others feel good, not hurting them. Now, he could leave it as a fantasy and not hurt someone less capable than his uncle Jason was. Speedy got up and took a shower, then crawled back into bed with the sleeping Jason, snuggling up happily against his big, strong and very loving uncle. Speedy soon joined his uncle in slumber and the day slowly turned to late evening.

Hope you enjoyed my latest chapter of Jason and Speedy. This was a fun little romp between the two and I enjoyed writing it. Now for the warning. I truely don't want my readers upset if they read the next chapter and don't look at the tags first. Next chapter is going to be dark and violent. I don't like writing such things but the story just absolutely called for it and I had to put it in to balance what has already happened. If rape and abuse with violence offend you, do not read the next chapter when I have it ready and posted. There are good reasons for it but I don't want anyone who can't handle it to read it and be upset. Until then, I hope you will have enjoyed this chapter and will comment on it to me. Hearing that you like it, what you like and any thoughts on how you think it might be better are my reward for hours at the keyboard creating this story. *smiles* Till next time!