A Tale of Two Lovers Chapter 2

Story by DJ Wolf on SoFurry

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hello every one thank you for readng first off i would like to say that any criticism is greatly appreciated more than people telling me how great i am also this is my first time writeing yiff so i tried my best and i may have goten to tired near the end and hurried it up a bit but dont worry i think it will still be a great story and sorry for the length as well so enough rambeling and enjoy!

It's the next day and howls and Jamie is riding to school with Howl. Jamie was leaning on Howls shoulder and Howl then wrapped his arms around his waist. See Howl convinced him to spend the night and he agreed then they stayed up late and told Jamie. How he felt and Jamie accepted his love and they fell into each other's arms and cuddled the night away.

Howl asks "you ready for school love" trying to make small talk "no I would rather stay home with you. School is so boring it's not that I am not interested it's just the way they teach it. They just ramble on about this and that, then they just give you an assignment it's not very exciting. "I know Jamie but we got to go to school so we can learn stuff and not be homeless and get good jobs and live" Jamie sighed "yes I know."

They arrived at school shortly after and met with the gang at their usual place in front of my library before the bell for first period. They talked for a while then went to class; Jamie barely made it through his first class with the help of Howl. Now, Jamie was in second period economics and everyone was taking some sort of test so there was hardly any one besides him, the teacher, and a few other people. So he just finished his Spanish homework and sat there writing the second part of his story called Two Lovers in Love. Then he passed out due to narcolepsy. By now everyone knew he was narcoleptic so they let him sleep and he managed to wake up when the bell rang. So he went to lunch. He didn't feel like eating today so he just went to the usual spot where Howl and the others were waiting. He felt super tired and just waved hello, he lied down in Howls lap and gave him a long wet kiss then buried his muzzle into his belly fur it was soft and silky smooth, and then took in his masculine sent which smelled of his intoxicating sent and soon sent him adrift into a peaceful sleep. He always felt at peace when he was with him.

Howl had to take the test thingy which sucked because Jamie must be bored out of his mind and he kind of missed him. He couldn't wait to be with him again his love was especially cute when he was sleeping; he wishes school was over soon. Finally the test was over and it was time for lunch. Everyone was there waiting and talking amongst themselves except Jamie. He sat down and wolfed down his lunch and joined in the conversation then sat on the bench.

"Can you believe that test I am so exhausted and my brain hurts I can't wait till the weekend so I don't he have to think about school!" "I just want to go home and sleep" Nikkei said while lying down on the ground. Then Jamie walked over and waved hello. Howl was excited to see his lover again but was surprised when he lied down on his lap and pulled him close and gave him a long and wet kiss he could feel Jamie's hot and succulent lips press against his. Next he pulled away only to buy his face into his soft belly fur and drifted into a peaceful sleep Howl started to rub his head fur and gently scratch behind his ears and he heard Jamie let out a small moan in pleasure. A smirk quickly swept across his face as he looked up and saw Jack and Talon grinning and Nikkei looking in shock. "I guess you're not the only one" Howl jested. Nikkei asked "when did you two start dating" "last night" he replied "what about you two" he said as he noticed Talon was clinging to Jack like a shy little pup. Jack sat down because he was tired of standing up and Talon followed. Next, he grabbed Talon and pulled him in between his legs and put his arms around him then gave him a quick lick on his cheek "yesterday as well but believe it or not Talon told me he loved me." Talon thought about when they kissed in the classroom and blushed. "Awesome I can't believe he was the one to confess." Said Howl "me either" he replied Jack pulled him closer and started making small thrusts into Talon small enough so only Talon could feel the bulge in his pants and only they would notice. Then Talon's cheeks grew deep red enough for other furs to see it through his as he felt what was going on. Jack always loved messing around with Talon he looked so cute and innocent and it made him want Talon's perfectly rounded ass even more. Jack lived with his grandparents and since they were out on a trip in Egypt he figured he'd ask Talon to stay the night. Soon after the bell rang so they parted ways and soon school was over.

"Hey Jamie wait up" Talon turned to find his love running toward him so he stopped and waited, Jack caught up with him. "Hey babe do you want to stay at my place tonight I'm so bored after school it would be nice if you could keep me company" Jack said panting "uhhh .... umm ... I w-w-would love to uhh let me text my mum ok?" Talon got really nervous, thoughts racing through his head about what might happen. It took awhile but he managed to tell his mum that he was going to spend the night at a friend's house to study and do homework. His mum said it was ok so they got in Jack's car and drove off to his house.

They didn't talk much during the car ride but Talon clung to Jack's side the whole way. After awhile they arrived at Jack's place and they went inside and then they set their stuff down. "So what do you want to do first love" said Talon "hmmm how bout we watch a movie?" "Sounds good" Jack walked up to Talon and gave him a deep kiss their maws intertwining. He pulled away to catch his breath and Talon closed the gap between them clinging to Jack as if he were going some far away. "So what should we watch first?" said Jack "hmmm how bout Iron Man 2" said Talon looking through a stash of DVDs "fine with me" says Jack. Talon pops in the DVD and cuddles next to Jack on the couch and Jack pulls him close to his heart and scratches him behind his ears. Talon let out a murr of pleasure, he could hear Jacks heart beat it was beating quickly. Soon Talon fell into a trance to the sound of his heart beat then he fell into a peaceful sleep. They didn't talk much throughout the movie there was no need their love for each other was beyond words and they could tell what the other was feeling.

The movie was over and Jack noticed Talon was in a peaceful sleep he grinned at the sight of the cute fox sleeping he gently whispered in his ear "wakey wakey my cute little fox we still have the rest of the day for fun" the little fox stirred and his eyes slowly began to open the fox gave him a peck on the cheek he felt so happy with Jack he never wanted him to leave "h...hey Jack" "yes love" "I love you more than anything or anyone" "same here love" Talon pressed his maw into his chest and took in Jacks sent he smelled of sweat and a hint of arousal. He giggled and gave a lick on Jacks cheek and whispered "hey I have an idea wanna have some sex" Jack sat there socked he came back to reality as Talon got up and moved to Jack's Bedroom swaying his hips as he moved.

Jack moved into the bedroom and saw Talon sitting on the edge of the bed with a lustful look in his eyes "are you really sure about this?" said Jack "never been more sure in my entire life" with that Jack quickly strode over to Talon and gave him a passionate and succulent kiss their tongues twisting and turning exploring each other's maw. Jack squeezed his ass and slowly removed Talons shirt braking away now and then to catch their breath soon Talon was stripped down to nothing and Talon was now hard. He reached up Jacks shirt and gently played with his nipples. Jack was really aroused now he tore of his clothes and pressed Talon down against the bed. Talon slowly reached down and wrapped his paw around Jacks 9 inch shaft slowly stroking it up and down Jack moaned and shuddered with pleasure Jack reached down and began to paw him off as well they both started to leak pre.

The sexy wolf gently and swiftly moved down to the little foxes 8 inch cock and gave it a lick lapping up the pre which had a salty sweet taste. The foxes moan's echoed as he felt the wolf's hot and moist maw bob up and down while his tongue skillfully danced around his shaft. Jack was now bobbing deeper and deeper his nose catching a whiff of his musk as it was buried in is pubic fur. The cock in his mouth was pulsating letting him know that he was about to reach his climax, Talon grabbed the wolf's head trying to push it even deeper while also scratching his ears as a reward. "OH Jack I'm going to cum" this gave Jack the incentive he needed to finish him off so he sucked harder and faster the fox moaning louder and louder until he finally reaches his climax.

The hot and sticky seed filling his mouth as he takes it all not letting one drop spill and even milking him for more thick ropes of the salty jizz. "ooohhhh Jack" "looks like it's my turn" Talon tossed jack onto the bed and kissed him passionately before moving over his body and lay pressed against him and his tail whole against his big hard cock. He gently placed his tail whole on the pulsing member below just on the tip. "mmm I love you so much take me Jack" Jack placed his paws around the foxes hips and gently pushes into his tight hole. They both moaned out in pleasure as Jack slowly fucked Talon his member feeling the velvety insides as it went back and forth rubbing against his prostate causing Talon to convulse and moan in pleasure and begun to mach Jacks thrust hungrily wanting more Talon quickened his pace and went down harder and faster "OH GODS Talon" said Jack as Talon kept going. Jack began to feel his climax getting close he kept hitting Talons prostate causing Talon to moan louder than ever, wanting to feel Jack cum inside him he worked the sexy wolfs cock even more. "OH GODS Talon I'm Gonnna CUM" "tie with me Jack" Jack need no invitation as he gave one final thrust deep into Talons sweet ass his knot making a pop noise as it entered, also sending pleasure throughout his body as he released several shots of hot sticky cum into his lovers ass. Talon collapsed from exhaustion onto Jacks chest panting "oh Jack I love you so much I never want you to leave" "I never will Talon I never will"