Alternative Lessons: Chapter Five

Story by The Roz Wolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Alternative Lessons

Chapter Five:

Fawn jerked her head up, ears standing up tall as she looked around. The room was darker now, the light streaming through the small barred window given only by the moon now, a pale shaft hitting the cement floor. The little white feline had no idea how late it was, she hadn't realized she had fallen asleep in her sobbing earlier in the day. If it had been the same day.

Something snapped her out of that thought, that being her arms no longer held up in the air. Paws touched her wrists, rubbing softly over them, finding the shackles gone. They next felt down her legs, touching her ankles, finding their shackles gone as well.

As she took a breath, she found her new shackle, this one a metal collar attached around the base of her neck. There was a D-ring attached by a metal joint on the front of the collar, to which, she found, was a mildly thick chain. Her fingers followed the cold links downwards, leading to a large metal O attached to the cement floor.

In her shifting, Fawn finally noticed the last change. Her shoes had been removed, leaving her paws just covered by the knee-high socks of her uniform. A chill running through her brought her arms around herself in a hug, trying to warm up when she found her jacket absent as well.

The footsteps that had awoken Fawn paused outside the door; bringing her head back up, a fearful look on her face before impulsively shouting, "Help me!"

A few seconds ticked past before a definitely female giggle came from behind the door. The sound of the lock opening accompanied the laughter, the door creaking as it swung open, light flooding in around the being standing in the opening. Fawn recognized the silhouette quickly, a quiet gasp coming from the white feline as she pulled herself back towards the wall, paws fumbling, prying at the collar around her neck.

The dark, bushy tail swished back and forth behind the fur in the doorway as her giggle faded away, watching the little feline shiver as she strode into the room, reaching out a paw to close the door behind. The same dual sound of her paw step was there, a faint stray into the moonlight shown off those crimson high-heeled boots.

Fawn squirmed against the wall, her terror growing once again as she found herself trapped by this fur once more. Her knees drew almost instinctively against her chest, arms squeezing them there, hiding her face down into them. Her shaking jangled her collar's chain softly, sending the links wobbling in the air, the sound of metal scraping metal emanating from the O-ring.

Those same fingers slide into her white locks, pulling Fawn's head back, exposing the tears trailing down her cheeks to a hidden smile. As the feline sniffled softly, the fur leaned forwards, leaving the feline stunned as she felt her lips touched in a firm kiss, pushing her head back against the wall with a dull thud. It was a fiery, possessive touch from her lips, leaving the little feline cringing, shamed in the feeling but afraid to break it. Seconds passed as the fur murred softly into Fawn's lips, a brush of a tongue following along them before their lips finally parted. Fawn's head quickly turned, burying her muzzle against her shoulder, sobbing muffled in the position.

A touch along her muzzle brought Fawn's eyes back open, the darkness faintly clarified as she found her glasses back on. It didn't stop her crying, but she did manage to look back up to the female fur standing over her, fear disappearing a moment into puzzlement.

"What's wrong Fawn?"

Fawn's muzzle dropped open, ears perked up to that voice. A few more tears dribbled down the fur of her cheeks, muzzle moving, trying to form words, and only making faint squeaks.

Athena giggled softly as her fingers stroked along Fawn's cheek, smearing the wet fur with her tears "I thought you'd be happy to see me." She whispered, her other paw stroking delicately along the feline's white locks, brushing across her ears occasionally "Isn't my pet happy to see me?"

"...P-p-pet?" Fawn found her voice finally in a pale whisper.

"That's right," Athena spoke softly, stroking her paws slowly through Fawn's coat "My beautiful little pet..." Her lips touched in a soft kiss this time, taking a few seconds before Fawn turned her head to the side, letting out a faint "No..."

"No?" The response sounded like Athena was surprised, tilting her head down, trying to find the feline's hidden gaze "Wrong answer slave..." A slap landed harshly across Fawn's cheek, the sound echoing within the room as the feline tumbled down to her side on the floor with a howl, sobbing quickly resuming "W-why..." She sniffled out as tears dripped through her white fur.

"Because we both need you to be." Athena spoke up finally, standing up fully and taking a few paces away "I've been watching you for so long, Fawn. Waiting for the time when I could make you mine." The canine's paw steps led her around behind the feline, heels echoing in each double tap the boots made "So beautiful, so innocent, absolutely adorable. I needed to have you."

Fawn let out a cry as Athena pulled her up by the hair "And I know you need me," Came her growl into Fawn's ear as she sniffled deeply, trying, and failing, to contain her tears "I've seen you be pushed around, intimidated and insulted. And I've made it my business to beat some sense into those girls, and boys, afterwards. Think about it," The canine paused, her tongue sliding out, tracing the curve of Fawn's ear before she whispered, "They never would bother you again, did they?" As she felt Athena's hot breath seep into her ear, Fawn shivered letting out a sob "N-no...they...they didn't..."

"Exactly. I've always been there protecting my beautiful little kitten. But now," Athena stood back up, her paw held tight in Fawn's white hair, pulling the kitten up to her knees, as far as the chain would allow her up "Now it's time for more." Fawn let out another howl as she was pulled about by her hair, resulting in another firm slap across her cheek, the feline's head ringing momentarily "Stop crying." Athena demanded, landing another sharp slap even as she spoke, only bringing more sobs from the feline as Fawn's cheek grew red under her coat.

"It's time that I train you to see your real position, slave." As Athena finished, Fawn felt a wet cloth clamp back over her muzzle, softening her sobs, her nostrils filling with a heavy metallic scent. She recognized it only a moment before the smell overwhelmed her once more.

Alternative Lessons: Chapter Six

Chapter Six: Heat washed over the white feline, Fawn snapping back to consciousness as she dipped slowly beneath the bubbly surface. Her gaze was blurry, picking out the faint details, the white walls, the matching colored tub she was submerging...

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Alternative Lessons: Chapter Four

Chapter Four: A dank scent met Fawn's senses as she gradually waded from her unconsciousness, gaze blurry as her eyes slide open, taking a few blinks to clear the sleepiness away. She was met with darkness, a beam of light the only thing to...

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Alternative Lessons: Chapter Three

Chapter Three: The brakes of the bus squeal softly as it rolled to a halt at the bus stop, the hiss of air accompanying the door as it folded open. A group of furs climbed out from the bus at that point, the last two of that group being Athena and...

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