Alternative Lessons: Chapter Four

Story by The Roz Wolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Alternative Lessons

Chapter Four:

A dank scent met Fawn's senses as she gradually waded from her unconsciousness, gaze blurry as her eyes slide open, taking a few blinks to clear the sleepiness away. She was met with darkness, a beam of light the only thing to illuminate the room, coming from a window near the ceiling, bars set into the cement block walls a few inches before the window's glass. It cast a rectangular patch on the gray cement of the floor, giving only a hint of the room the little white feline was in.

Taking several moments, she realized her arms were up above her head, glancing up, but finding nothing there but darkness. Glancing back down, she found herself sitting on the floor, back resting to what felt like another cement wall behind her. As she shifted to stand, a soft clinking sounded against the wall behind her, and she felt a pull around her wrists, the cool feel of melt pressing to her skin through her fur. She found her way to her hind paws though, feeling her school uniform still on her, her shoes, her skirt, even her sweatshirt jacket's wrists pushing up to the cuffs on her own wrists.

Turning herself around as she stood, Fawn pulled softly on the chains that cuffed her wrists, what she assumed was to the wall. She clinked softly, an extra sound within the motion making it seem like they connected to something metal within the wall. While she shuffled her hind paws, she felt a similar feeling encircling her ankles through her knee-high socks. Moving one of her legs up, bending her knee as she lifted the hind paw, she made perhaps a foot off the floor before the chain drew tight again.

Fawn paused with her faint struggles after a few moments, ears perked up as she heard paw steps echoing in a hallway, gradually coming closer. As they approached, she sank down against the wall once more, lifting her knees up tight to her, fear gripping her as the sounds grew closer.

The sound of a lock opening echoed in the room before the door creaked, swinging open swiftly, light falling in through the opening, leaving the figure in the doorway silhouetted for the second they stood there before stepping inside, swinging the door back shut behind. A few steps echoed on the floor, each measured, two sounds for each step, the reason shown as a paw passed into that window's beam of light encased in a slender, dark crimson high-heeled boot, both ball and heel of the boot striking the cement in each stride.

Fawn squeezed tighter against the wall, her head dropping down, hiding her face against her knees, shaking as the sound of each step reached her ears. The white length of her tail wound across her waist, hugging her body tightly, body quaking as the creature paused finally.

Fingers slid into her white locks, tightening their grasp, jerking Fawn's head back, the feline crying out at the pain it brought. Her eyes opened slowly, gathering in the light and trying to find whom it was that held her. They leaned in closer, muzzle nearly Fawn's in an apparent examination, lasting several seconds before the digits released her hair, the creature standing back up.

A few steps echoed, backing off from the feline, leaving Fawn cowered there against the wall. Their next move surprised her though, a faint scuffle from the cement before the steps echoed through the room once more, this time moving back away. The boot passed through the light once again, pausing after several more to the sound of the door creaking back open, silhouetting their body once more with bright light, a bushy tail swishing up to one side before the door swung back shut, the lock clicking back into place.

With that sound, Fawn lurched forwards in her chains, the bindings jerking both her wrists and ankles roughly with the futile motion, leaving her arms held once more above her head, placed into a impromptu kneel on the cold cement floor "Come back!" She cried out finally, ears perked up, listening as those paw steps disappeared from her hearing in a few seconds more. She fell back against the wall, knees pulled back up, hiding her face in them once again as her sobbing echoed through the room.

Alternative Lessons: Chapter Five

Chapter Five: Fawn jerked her head up, ears standing up tall as she looked around. The room was darker now, the light streaming through the small barred window given only by the moon now, a pale shaft hitting the cement floor. The little white...

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Alternative Lessons: Chapter Three

Chapter Three: The brakes of the bus squeal softly as it rolled to a halt at the bus stop, the hiss of air accompanying the door as it folded open. A group of furs climbed out from the bus at that point, the last two of that group being Athena and...

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Alternative Lessons: Chapter Two

Chapter Two: The bus slowed down as it reached the stop, the three furs congregating there all standing as they caught sight of it. Shuffling around to the front, the trio waited quietly until the hiss of the door folding open. Each climbed up the...

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