Mary's School Pt. 2

Story by ninth experiment on SoFurry

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Mary got out of bed and walked to the shower. As she got in she remembered yesterday. The thought of what could happen today flashed through her mind. She dismissed it quickly and turned on the shower. She took her shower then got out, dried off, and got dressed. She put on loose jeans and a dark blue shirt. While she was getting dressed the thought of today entered her mind again. "I'll do it." she said to herself in a defeated tone.

When she got to school she headed straight for the construction zone. Once she got there she picked up a familiar scent and followed it into a side room. Jessi was sitting on a desk, her legs crossed. "Oh hi." Jessi said in a sweet tone. "Why don't you have a seat." she pointed to the chair directly in front of her. Mary sat down in it as Jessi stood up and walked behind her. She lifted Mary's shirt up and off before Mary could react. She then placed her hands on Mary's boobs and began to tease her. Mary tensed up as she was stripped of her shirt then relaxed as she felt Jessi's touch. "That's a good girl." Jessi said as she stopped and sat back on the desk. "Now," she said as she spread her legs. " I want to be pleased." Mary got a good view of Jessi's shaven pussy and reached a paw out. She gently touched Jessi's pussy then slid a finger along her lips. Jessi let out a small moan as she felt her clit being teased. Mary pushed a finger into her pussy and began to slowly move it in and out. She heard another moan from Jessi and decided that she had already gotten this far why not go farther. She leaned in and licked Jessi's pussy. Jessi gasped as she felt Mary's tounge against her lower lips and reached a hand out and put it on Mary's head. Mary flicked Jessi's clit with her tounge and was rewarded with another moan from Jessi. As she continued her licking Jessi felt close to her orgasm. "M-more." Jessi whispered. Mary pushed another finger into Jessi and began to feel around. Jessi pushed Mary away as she felt her orgasm rocket through her. She sat there breathing heavily as Mary licked her fingers. "That was really good for a first timer." Jessi said as she stood up and patted Mary on the head. "We'll be late for class if we don't hurry up." With that said Mary put on her shirt and walked out towards her class with Jessi following.