Ashven Scarpaw: Part One

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Commissioned by Ashven Scarpaw.

A tale of Ashven, a pirate captain who finds his newest treasure, the noble daughter, Ana. The story follows their first meeting and the beginning of a new adventure for them. His thirst for power knows no bounds, a rival reappears, and a new world waits on the horizon. Take a dive into the world of Ashven and his dearest Ana.

The moon shined on the rippling waters of the bay. A single ship drifted across the surface, carrying precious cargo on board. Ashven and his band of pirates were inching closer to the vessel. Their eyes were blinded by the potential riches stored inside. The white wolf looked back at his crew and waved his sword in the air to signal them to be ready. Their boats were brought closer to the ship and they began to quietly climb up the sides. Ashven himself stopped hearing boo8ts stomping on the deck. His crew looked at him for guidance. He confidently nodded at them and clenched his sword in his teeth. They were infamous for a reason.

He continued to climb until his eyes peered over the railing. Identifying the crest on the guard's armor was child's play. It strengthened his greed, stoking bloodlust in his heart. Quietly, he climbed over the railing and set a path for the assault. Five guards were in front of him and two of them were sitting next to a lantern. One of them looked back at him and did a double-take before raising the alarm. He barely got out a syllable before Ashven's blade sliced his neck with the guard next to him. His crew charged forward hearing the guard, taking the perfect opportunity to claim the ship for themselves. Ashven stared at the crest again, fantasizing about the riches below until a guard tried to attack him behind. His ear flicked at the sounds of the guard's boots before he ducked under the blade and countered by swinging his blade upward, slicing the guard's handoff, and then stealing their blade and driving through their chest. Ashven's fur was covered in crimson as he dropped the corpse and continued his onslaught across the top deck. They haven't won yet.

He spotted the captain running to his quarters to grab the flare gun used to signal for help. Ashven already closed the vast distance between them by grabbing a dagger from his boot and throwing it to pin the captain's hand to the wall. He screamed and struggled to pull himself free while Ashven sprinted towards him with his sword shimmering red in the lunar beams piercing the clouds above. A sharpshooter appeared from the shadows and aimed at Ashven's head. Ashven felt insulted, grabbed a bucket of water, and threw it at them. While he was distracted, Ashven took his head off with little effort. The captain screamed pulling the dagger out but not fast enough to escape.

He saw the gleam of metal before Ashven's emotionless face moved into his line of sight. "Keys," he held out his hand. "Now."

The captain didn't budge. His eyes held a determination to oppose Ashven, even at a disadvantage. Ashven grinned, baring his fangs and seeing that flare in the captain's glare. He turned the edge towards his flesh. With a flick of his wrist, the edge carved a deep gash in the captain's throat. He grabbed his neck, stumbling against the wall and gasping for air but slowly succumbed to death; drowned in his own blood.

Ashven scoffed, licking the blood from the blade. "No matter the era, they always choose their pride."

"Captain!" He turned around, seeing his first mate walking towards him. "We've captured the survivors. What are your orders?" Ashven's gaze fell on the prisoners. Each of them was stripped of their armor and weapons.

"Put them in the brig. They'll fetch a good price if they're healthy. I'm going below deck to see what they're transporting." His first mate nodded and gave the order while Ashven collected the dead captain's keys and then headed into the captain's quarters to look around. His eyes scanned the room, observing every detail. He spent the better part of nine years learning all the tricks most sailors used to hide their most valuable cargo. There was a typical desk with papers piled in one corner, the captain's chair with leather cracking from old age, and the distinct scent of women's perfume drifting through the air. Ashven's nostrils danced as he closed his eyes and savored the scene of new prey. He looked at the bottom of the desk and found scrap marks sticking out in front of the desk. He scoffed and kicked the desk out of the way. Underneath was a large oak door. The alluring scent got stronger, enticing his instincts. He salivated at breaking in whoever was waiting below deck. He kneeled next to the door and knocked on it. There was a sudden crash on the other side. He grinned, holding the keys in his hand. (Perhaps I can lengthen the game.) He used one key at a time, turning it and grunting out loud to torment the person.

The game turned sour when Ashven didn't hear a sound for several minutes. He opened the door and descended the stairs below deck. The floral aroma lured him further in until his eyes fell on a young woman standing in the corner, a rapier in her hand.

Ana shook like a leaf but kept her weapon pointed at Ashven. "Not a step closer..." She said, trying to be intimidating but it just made Ashven laugh while he drew his sword.

"You have some bark, girl. Do have some bite as well?"

Ana couldn't stop shaking, though her face was as expressionless as the wind on a calm evening. Ashven turned his sword in his hand, staring her down and calculating the best way to take her down without killing her. A small wound should be enough to shatter her resolve. Or so he thought before charging the woman and learning about her skills. The glint of her rapier tipped him off and gave him enough time to shift his head to the side. Her weapon took the tip of his ear off and had the captain scrambling back a bit, looking at her surprised. The smell of his blood was rare for him to experience but it made the prize that much sweeter for him.

Ana couldn't deny he' was right; swimming would spell her death in the cold. She growled, tightened her grip, and charged at the pirate skillfully prodding his defenses for any weaknesses. One miscalculation left her open to get the flat side of the sword across the cheek and again hit her hand. Ana stumbled across the floor before standing up and pointing her rapier at him. She looked at her hand to see a length of chain drawn on the back of her hand. A moment that Ashven didn't waste a second to take advantage of. His sword struck her arm, leaving behind another length of chain where the sword struck her. Ana ground her fangs, snarling.

"What is this!"

"A curse. One that I proudly stole in my youth." A piece of Ashven's history no one would believe with all the time in the world, but it was the truth regardless. "Now we're down to eight." He grinned at Ana as she stared at him wide-eyed.

"You're with Ashven's crew?" She guessed based on the stories about the merciless crew. Ashven couldn't contain his laughter.

"Maybe I am." He teased before she charged him again. He deflected her attacks easily and displayed the gap between their skill levels. "You're a strong-willed woman. You would give the captain some strong heirs."

"Fuck you and that twisted captain of yours! I'd sooner slit my throat!"

Ana raised the blade, but the curse froze her hand in place. Regardless of how much willpower she exerted, she couldn't move. Yelling in frustration she glared at Ashven. "Is this your doing?"

"Of course, not. I didn't write the rules. You know what you have to do. Now, are you ready to keep playing or should I call my crew down here and let them break you in? The captain wouldn't be so eager to care for a used-up harlot carrying the infants of some rowdy pirates." He shook his head, clicking his teeth like a disappointed parent. "I wonder what your parents would say?" Ana stayed silent. She had a falling out with her father and needed to leave. His voice was at the back of her mind, saying what a fool she was for going out on the water against his orders. Neither she nor the crew deserved this fate. Closing her eyes, Ana took a deep breath and looked Ashven in the eye.

"I wish to parley with your captain." She tried to stand up proud like her parents, but Ashven knew better. Her legs were still shaking under the nightgown.

"Parley? Is this your idea of a lame joke?"

"No, I want to speak to him this second." She stabbed her weapon into the floor and tried to let go. The curse forced her to tighten her grip on the hilt, fueling her frustration more. Ashven chuckled before he charged and slapped Ana three more times. She went rolling back hitting the wall and the back of her head on the hardwood. She screamed, grabbing her head and rolling on the floor. Cursing and swearing while Ashven kindly waited for her to stand up and rush him with her rapier pointed at his heart. He decided to be a gentleman for a brief second and let her cut him across the chest while he dodged and struck her on the ass. The yelp that escaped her lips had a slight tone of enjoyment to it. She stumbled away and covered her mouth with her free hand while her face turned a bright shade of pink and red. Ashven picked up the scent of her arousal. The toothy grin on his maw sent chills down Ana's spine. The moonlight was obscured by the clouds above. The darkness covered his face.

"I am Ashven." He admitted, taking incredible delight in the sudden realization and fear that came over the woman's face. "We're even now. It's time to get serious."

Ana's eyes widened, spinning around and trying to find him before he could strike again. Six marks decorated her body, more than half needed to bend her to his will. SLAP! Seven marks now. Ashven's sword struck her ass again, turning her face red with embarrassment and rage. She snarled, swinging her weapon through the air and hitting nothing. He had white fur, she thought to herself, how can he disappear so easily!? Slap! Ana was blindsided by a blow to her cheek, sending her rolling across the floor and screaming in pain while the eighth mark appeared.

"I'm so close now. Just a little more." Ashven teased. Ana jumped up and ran for the oil lamp next to her bed. A rope appeared from the shadows, coiling around Ana's feet before she was dragged back and received the eighth mark on her thigh. She screamed and swung her rapier giving Ashven a small cut on his hand. The woman shambled away and stared at him as he moved between her in the bed. Her eyes darted between the three cuts. The marks on her hadn't changed, adding to her rage.

"You said if I cut you three times, I'd be free. You lied to me!" She yelled at him furiously. He merely looked at her.

"I never lied." He pointed at his bloody. "This one doesn't count. You already gave it to me before I laid out the rules."

Ana was shaking more by the second. Two more strikes and the cursed magic would have her kneeling to him. Her weapon was unsteady, trembling in her hand while Ashven slipped back into the shadows. A slight chuckle from the door caught her ear. 'Have his goons been watching this whole time,' She thought to herself. It distracted her for a moment until the boards behind her creaked and spurred the woman to roll forward. Ashven's sword swished through the air, creating a draft and missing Ana by inches.

She rolled to her feet and snarled charging at the pirate. If it was her fate to fall prey to the megalomaniac, then she'd fall fighting until the end. The sudden bravery followed by the sparks from their weapons takes Ashven to a height of euphoria he hadn't felt in so long. To see this woman, muster the will in her last moments of freedom was sweeter than sugar and infinitely more addicting.

The crew watched as they dueled it out. Ana had one chance to make her escape and the deep recesses of her mind were spelling out how pointless it was becoming. He's stronger, superior in skill, and was only playing around with her. She's doomed and she knew it. Why continue fighting?

Ana jumped back, standing a good distance away from Ashven, panting and wheezing. She watched him twirling his weapon in his hand. Dread gripped her heart. The links of chains crawled from where they first appeared, inching closer to the woman's heart. She began accepting her fate, growing tired of fighting it. She looked down at the floor, then at her rapier, a gift from her teacher meantto keep her safe. The elegant design and attention to detail were admired by Ana, her family, and so many others. Her daydream ended after Ashven slapped her again. The ninth chain appeared and moved with the others.

"Is this all you have?" Ashven growled, grabbing her by the dress and pushing her into a support beam. "I will not accept your defeat like this. Fight with the same spirit you showed me before." He demanded of her, seething at the woman forfeiting before he could claim her. Ana did not respond or move. She hung from his grip, limp as a rag doll. She just looked at him. His eyes widened a bit seeing the flames of resistance from her eyes. He scoffed, throwing the girl to the floor. "I told you to fight." Ana chose to submit, and it wasn't enough. She just laid there, drained of every bit of energy to move. "I said," Ana felt a twinge of pain coming from the marks. "Fight." He growled out as the pain grew more intense, wrapping her body in agony and torturous pain. She rolled onto her hands and knees, screaming at Ashven.

"Just end it, you soulless devil"

"Get up and fight. Otherwise," he slowly gazed back at her. "You'll die." Ana snarled at him, struggling to stand. Her body refused to move from the pain.

Ashven watched her, dragging his claws along the edge of his sword. The crew stayed outside, murmuring, and watching like moths drawn to a flame. Ana panted heavily and her heart drummed against her ribs. To think a pirate would be the one to take away from her freedom. She tightened her grip on her weapon and stared him down.

"Tell me," she raised it, pointing the tip at Ashven's neck. "What more do you intend to do with me?"

"Why bother asking when you and I are even?" He licked the flat side of his blade and grinned at her. "One more hit and you'll be free to go. My men can have a lifeboat on standby with a simple command."

Ana couldn't believe her position: either she lives as his slave or risk having to face his crew should they be the type to avenge their captain's honor? With a deep breath, she made her choice and took a chance. She stepped forward, slowly moving and gaining speed. Her shimmering blade aimed at the wolf's neck. With a spirited scream, she swings and misses. Ashven smiled, displaying a bit of the power he saved for the finale. A burst of speed no one has ever evaded in their first encounter. Gracefully, he appeared behind her and gently tapped her cheek with his sword. Giving her the ten and final mark. The marks all glowed simultaneously, moving across her body, and growing closer to her heart.

The chains burrowed under the skin, coiling around her beating heart. The final phase of his curse was now in effect. Ashven moved around to the front and took Ana's chin in his fist, smiling at her. Her eyes were fogged over, seeing only a handsome devil before her. "My..." She tried to fight the words, her body refusing to listen as she melted at his touch. "... My love." Ashven smiled and brought her closer for a kiss. The moment their lips met Ana forgot every bit of reasoning to run away. Her mind, body, and soul now had his name on them. She was his, now and always.

Ashven whistled for his first mate and handed Ava over to him. "Take her to my quarters and if I find anyone's scent on her; there will be hell to pay." His first mate took Ava away, leaving Ashven to look around. His mind was spinning all sorts of ideas of what else he could take from this.

His eyes drifted over to the vanity, and he spotted a gold locket sitting on the corner. He walked over and picked it up. His gaze widened at the family crest etched into the back. The family that stood in his way for years and still managed to be a thorn in his side. He started laughing, the amusement he felt at that moment was almost unholy.

"They're still alive! After all these centuries!" he grinned, putting the locket in his pocket. "Now, I can settle the score before I'm discovered again." He turned and left, giving the order to burn the ship. "I want to see the smoke from the horizon."

"AYE, AYE!" The crew went to work, clearing what was left of the cargo and whatever wasn't nailed down. Ashven searched through Ava's wardrobe and found a crimson gown that caught his eye. He nodded with approval and took it with him back to the ship.

The following morning, News of the attack spread across the colonies and forced the crown to place another bounty on the pirate. Ashven paid no attention to the news. He is more interested in sealing Ava's fate as his new toy.

His crew worked around the clock to prepare a succulent feast, no different than anything Ava's family threw to impress the other deep-pocketed elites.

Glistening silverware, goblets made of gold, and steaming platters of food fit for a queen. Ava stared at the spread. Her stomach growled and her maw drooling. She hadn't eaten since she came on board their ship. Ashven told her he wanted her to be as hungry as possible.

She stood by, dolled up in a gown of Ashven's choice. Dark red that complimented her bright coat and eyes. She fidgeted with her fingers, growing more nervous about what was to come after dinner. Her mind still screamed at her to try and run, but her heart knew there was no point. He wouldn't need to bother searching for her. Her core heated up at the idea of them together in bed.

The raw interaction between them would bring incredible pleasure but a condemning mark on Ana. Her family would shame her for it. She turned to the vanity next to his bed. Ana wore the gown naturally as if things hadn't changed in the slightest. She knew how to stand while wearing it, walk, speak, and behave as was expected of her. Fathers' countless banquets to grease up the greedy palms of their neighbors. Mother's grooming to be a submissive and dutiful wife for her chosen husband. It felt the same as any other night for her.

"Any discomfort at all?" Ashven asked, gently stroking her cheek which added to the blaze at her core. Ana knew these weren't her true feelings and yet something pulled her heart towards this vile man.

"N-no," She shook her head and shyly pressed her back against the support beam. She tried to hide it but they knew she couldn't hide the scent. It called Ashven to her like a hunter growing closer to his prized kill.

"Please," She fought to avoid his gaze. Any amount of time strengthened the curse, forcing her to see not a criminal but a being of primal force. An alpha to claim her body for his plans as he did with her heart. It beat loudly in her chest, drowning out every thought of resistance, and filled her head with the images of her naked and getting bred like a bitch in heat. This could be the case if things played out in his favor. He grabbed her chin and forced her to look him in the eye. He smiled, tilting his head to the side and leaned in for a tender kiss. Ana moaned against his lips, trying to pull away but her hands reached out touching his chest.

"What would you ask of me?" His voice had a low growl to it. It echoed in her ears, leaving the fox whimpering and quivering in his touch, unable to answer. Her legs wobbled, resting all her weight in his palm. Ashven licked his lips, taking her to the table and pulling out a chair for her. He carried himself with etiquette unexpected from a pirate. His movements, mannerisms, and the way he used the silverware. Ana was lost in this enigma across from her. She was well into her meal before she noticed the wine being poured into her glass and the music playing for them. She turned around to see a trio playing a soft melody for their meal. "Do you have a request?"

Ana couldn't bring herself to speak. Her voice was caught in her throat, gripped with fear and yet a small hint of love mixed in. She knew the curse had its claws in her heart and these weren't her true emotions. "Ana?" She gasped, grabbing the front of her dress. Every kind word warped how she saw the world around her. "Are you unwell?" Ashven was genuinely concerned for her. The curse often takes a lot out of the target and Ana was oddly silent. He reached over and takes her by the hand. She snatched it away and jumped up from the table shakingly pointing a butter knife at him.

"Unwell?" She ground her fangs, growling at him. "Am I unwell? Do you understand what you're asking me?" She started screaming at him. Tears streamed down her cheeks, she life was being ripped away by this barbarian and now.... A new thought wormed its way into her brain. Ashven wanted her and it was obvious there was a greater plan involved. Ana dropped the knife on the floor and slowly reached behind her, pulling the strings that held her gown in place. "Ashven, you're known for your brutality on the open seas. Maybe it can be said that he also hears a maiden's plea?" Ashven cocked his brow at her.


"Yes, a plea if he agreed to let her remain in control and in return, she'd hand over her father on a platter?" she held the gown over her breasts. She needed to see how he would react. To her surprise, Ashven broke into a hearty laugh.

"On a platter?" He grabbed a glass of wine from the table and downed it. "You'd turn on your family to save your skin. It seems like we have something in common then."

"A taste for freedom," Ana replied, slowly letting her dress down until her nipples were showing. Ashven's lip quivered, feeling a slight thirst for milk. "My father arranged for me to marry some bloated banker from the mainland." The dress fell to the floor as she stepped over to the table, picking up her glass. She stared him in the eye, drinking from it.

"Father will do whatever it takes to protect our fortune. My marriage would earn us some prestige. Enough to earn proper support." She pressed her body against his, her hands gliding along the hem of his shirt.

"Build ourselves a better navy."

Ashven listened to her and swept her up in his arms. She screamed and grabbed onto his neck, whimpering. He carried her over to the bed and tossed her on it. She rolled to the other side before sitting up and growling at him. "I'm not a ragdoll, you brute!" she yelped and clammed up when she saw his grinning fangs, undoing his pants, letting them drop to the floor.

Ana's face turned bright pink seeing his member sticking out his sheath before he grabbed her chin with a tight grip. "No, you have more of a spark than I thought. You're becoming the perfect mother for my cubs. I deserve nothing but the strongest heirs." he pulled her into a deep kiss. He stopped caring for the details. Ana's actions had him wanting her body more. To sow his seed in her and see a beautiful pregnant belly with his first heir inside.

He pushed her back on the bed and climbed on top, kissing and moaning while he teased her womanhood with the tip of his cock.

"Tonight, you become my wife." he stared her in the eye. She saw the primal urges driving him through his gaze. "Will you object?"

Ana paused for a moment. She considered her choice up until now and answered by taking the sheet below them and tying one part around her muzzle. She reached for the headboard and grabbed it where Ashven could tie them down.

Ashven watched her curiously until he caught on to what she was trying to say and smiled. He got up and walked over to a small chest hidden in the corner. He opened it up and Ana was surprised by a rapid skittering that erupted out on the floor.

Before she knew it, a leather strap sprang from under the bed and bound her hands to the headboard. Coiling and tightening around her tender flesh to leave bruises when she moved. A living muzzle yanked the sheet off her face and placed itself around her mouth.

Ana was panting and whining as the pain became more and more profound yet her womanhood glistened with arousal. Her secret was exposed, and Ashven knew what would get her riled up.


Ana screamed into the muzzle and looked up at Ashven holding a nine tails in his hand. Her breast stung, and her sensitive nipple sent lightning across her soft flesh. Ashven whipped her again, sending her into a plane of pleasure she didn't think existed. Drifting between pleasure and pain. They came together like honey butter and yeast rolls. A single bite had her rolling, riding the electricity as he struck her breast again

He reared back for another strike before he froze, seeing Ana rolling over and sticking her plump ass in the air, staring at him and shaking it to entice the brute. He drooled, eyeing the glistening arousal and getting a strong whiff of her heat scent.

*Snap* Ana screamed into the muzzle, writhing on the bed and pulling on her restraints.

*Snap* Her screams were accompanied by tears, not of pain but frustration. She was begging for him to breed her and he was more focused on tanning her ass with the nine tails.

*snap* She admitted to herself it was foolish to not accept this lit a flame of desire at her core. This pirate succeeded in bringing out her darker side, abandoning all caution and throwing it to the wind. She braced herself for the next strike. She could feel it. The young wolf grabbed the muzzle and fought to pull it off.

Ashven was confused and concerned he pushed her too far. He couldn't afford to lose his prize. He reached down to help her. When she could speak her next words brought him back to his primal state.

"Whip me again, Beloved! Ruin me and take this womb as yours!"

(Ashven Com)

Ashven licked his lips with delight, extending her pleasurable torture with every strike. Her delicate tush turned redder and stung like a swarm of hornet stings. Her heart danced with such vigor that she never wanted to come down from this high. Then, she saw a shadow on the bed and looked back to see him hovering over her.

His cock fully erect with a perfect knot. It gave her goosebumps to look at it. Ashven was a breeder, no doubt about it. He pressed the tip into her pussy, the flash of pain followed had Ana's head dancing in the clouds while he started to move his hips. His aggression and demeanor told Ana everything she needed to know in this moment. She belonged to him from the start, only now she accepted it with grace and shamelessly pushed back against him. This little wolf was now his to toy with. To be used and left on the bed to recover. Slowly, she stopped caring about the result. She merely begged him to punish her more.

(Ashven com)

His body moved on its own, throwing his knot against her abused cunt. Ana started to cry, clutching the bedsheets. Tears of pure bliss stained the fabric, her emotions swirling around in her head. All of this was melting her soul, allowing Ashven to remake her in the shape of his choice but she knew what he wanted.

A piece of meat to fuck and seed his progeny into her if he decided; which she suspected is a very likely outcome at some point. A sudden shock of pain brought Ana out of the fog, a shrilling scream aimed at the bed before looking back at the reason why; her suspension was proven true. Ashven was tied inside of her. She sighed, feeling the heat of his seed clinging to her walls and leaving them both floating in the afterglow.

He rolled to the side and wrapped his arms around Ana, pulling her in closer. She gasped and whimpered, getting a closer look at the muscles of the man who marked her. Every inch of him brimming with strength and yet a gentle touch as he kissed her neck, playfully nibbling on her ear.

She giggled and tried to fight him off. The spell he used was there but the effect was gone. This was a genuine moment for them.

Ana's heartbeat for Ashven, for the pirate king himself. She pushed back on him, embracing his warm fur. "I heard rumors you want to overcome the gods." she looked at him, with brimming curiosity. "Is that true?"

Ashven smiled at Ana's question, wrapping his arms around her petite body and holding her close. He took small delight in hearing her soft moans when his cock pumped more of his seed into her.

"You'll need to earn that answer." Ana blushed, feeling his warmth on her back and his cock throbbing so close to her core. A smile appeared on her lips. After years of being weighed on hand and foot, now she needed to earn the truth. She pressed up against him more.

"Very well, Beloved." They enjoyed the evening more as time went on. Ana had never felt so free before this moment.

Meanwhile, over the place where her ship was burned and sank to the abyss below; a figure hovered in the sky, holding a spear with a crystal tip. It's shimmering beauty would make the moon itself blush. Dressed in black armor that flawlessly mirrored the night sky, stars danced along the metal and a tattered grey scarf clung to his neck.

He takes the spear and pierced the air, drawing runes of light until a magic circle was formed. He raised it into the air and slammed the but of his weapon in the center. The circle roared to life, turning back time. The ruined vessel began to rise from the depths and reshape itself in perfect condition. The figure hovered down to the ship while the final pieces came together. Ana's personal cruiser was restored, undamaged, and retained every detail before Ashven's attack. "He was here." This stranger said, without a doubt in his suspicions.

He stabbed the spear into the deck and removed his helmet. The scared visage of a grizzly revealed by the somber moonlight. His eyes were black and hollow, deep as the void of the sea. He scanned the deck of the ship, looking for something. His helmet vanished in a puff of smoke before he grabbed his spear and made his way down to the cargo hold. Suddenly the wood railing splintered, as if getting crushed under a tremendous weight. He looked at the damage and groaned. "So soon? The ship was worse off than I assumed." he continued forward. Everything around him descends into chaos, like earlier events; When Ashven's crew put the ship to the torch.

He paid no attention to it. All that mattered was finding his prey. "Brother, how far have you fallen?" his words were heavy with guilt, an unspoken past that still lingered on his soul.

He stopped outside of Ana's room. The door opening without him touching him. Mere objects coming to life and reenacting that fateful night.

A growl rumbled in his chest. He reached in his pocket and fetched a small orange crystal, holding it up to his eye. Through it there was Ashven's silhouette. His twisted, fanged grin and Ana, terrified with a rapier in her hands. "Bastard. I told them he wouldn't stay dead." he put the crystal away and made his way out. The ship beginning to burn away from the flames that consumed it.

"Tradition, honor, what value do they have when your eternal?" he fled the ship as the ocean claimed it again, jumping on pockets of air to traverse the skies. "Ashven, Why won't you stay in hell? Now I have no choice!"