First Dream in a New School

Story by Nightcoal on SoFurry

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This is my first attempt at writting anything and posting it up. Comments are appreciated and encouraged, but please be gentle. I'm fragile in confidence.

As Fred stepped off of the bus carrying his large suitcase, his gaze was drawn to the dorm building that would serve as his home for the next two years. For the most part, the building looked pleasant on the outside. It had a nice clean sign and fresh cut grass. There were no visible graffiti marks of any kind. To the casual observer, this place would seem to radiate a great and peaceful atmosphere. That view was soon shattered as he entered through the front doors. He was greeted with loud shouting between the other dorm patrons, and was unceremoniously pushed out of the way more than once as the other furs hurried to do their own tasks.

"I knew it was too good to be true," Fred sighs. "I better find my room before I get trampled in this hallway."

Heaving his overweight suitcase with him, he makes his way upstairs to reach his assigned room. As he climbs the staircase, he notices the many looks directed at him by other passing furs. Fred never did consider himself much of a looker, but others seem to disagree with that idea. He's a tomcat with black fur covering most of his body aside from the random blotches of white located on his the tip of his tail, his right ear, and his left eye. He stands at about 5'9" tall and has a slender though slightly muscular body. Probably the feature about him the gets the most attention is his eyes. His slit-like eyes have a type of golden orange mixture that seems to glow eerily at times.

After some effort, he finally reaches the door of his room. After he turns the doorknob and walks inside, he quickly closes the door behind him and begins to scan the decent sized room. In it he sees a computer hub, two beds, two desks, two closets, and an oversized dresser. He also spots a small refrigerator in the far corner. Glancing around, he sees no other bags or cases around.

"I guess my roommate hasn't made it in yet," he says. "Well, that means I get first dibs on everything."

Fred drags his bag over to the far bed and sets it on top. He then proceeds to unpack and put away his clothes. He gets about half-way through when he hears the door opening behind him. Turning around, he faces a slick looking ferret.

"Hello, you must be my roommate," Fred says as he holds out a friendly paw. "It's good to meet you."

The ferret walks over and shakes the offered paw after dropping his bags on top of the other bed. "It's nice to meet you to. The name is Evan Fisher."

Fred smiles as he shakes the paw, letting go after a moment. "I'm Fredrick

Maltz, or just Fred for short."

Evan grins brightly before turning around to begin his unpacking "It's good to meet you, Fred. I guess you'll be stuck with me for the next couple of months. I hope you can handle it."

"I'm suddenly filled with a sense of dread at you saying that, but I think I can handle you without too much trouble. You don't seem like a crazy guy at first glance."

Even laughs at that. "Hardly anyone seems crazy at first glance. If they did, the police would be a lot more efficient than they are now."

Fred joins in on the laughter "Touché"

After the brief greetings, both furs get back to unpacking their bags. Fred, already more than half-way finished, takes this chance to check out Evan. The ferret looks to be slightly shorter than him in height. The ferret's fur is a light grey color all around except for the darker shade covering the eyes like a raccoon's mask. Under the ferret's shirt sleeve, Fred can also see a fur dye tattoo of a type of flower on the right arm. It's obvious as well that Evan plays some kind of sport. The ferret's fur does little to conceal the muscles covering his short body.

Momentarily forgetting himself, Fred openly stares at the ferret for a while longer. He silently admires the way his roommate moves and looks. Felines are usually the only furs out there that can move gracefully without trying, so it's a treat to see the ferret in front of him be able to do the same without knowing. He quickly snaps out of his daydream though when the ferret turn back around.

"I'm almost through over here," says Evan. "How about we go explore and get something to eat afterwards.

"Sure. It will give both of us time to get aquatinted with each other. You're my first roommate ever."

"Well, you're not my first, but I agree, we should get to know each other a little better."

And with that, the ferret finishes up his side of the room and both of them head out the door and onto the campus.

"Got any place in mind of where we should get something to eat?" asked Evan as they began to walk down the main campus road.

"Truthfully, I want to try eating at a restaurant I saw on the way in here. It's off campus, but still near."

"As long as it's within a mile from here, my stomach is growling and demands food, now."

"Well let's hurry up then," laughs Fred. "I don't want you falling out on me before we get there. We're still strangers mostly, so that means I'll leave you where you drop and keep going."

"You mean you would leave me down in the gutter as a stranger without a second thought? That's cold. You seemed like a more understanding and caring type of cat."

Fred shoots a playful grin over at the ferret, "In the words of someone great, 'Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand'."

Evan blinks a few times as he takes in the cat's response before laughing. "That's a good one. Who said that?"

"Some guy named Matt Groening on tv."

Keeping up their humorous conversation, they soon arrive at the restaurant. Making their way in the front entrance, they quickly notice that the place isn't very crowded.

"I wonder why a place this close to campus isn't more crowded," says Fred. "I would have figured it would be packed since it's the middle of the day, and classes don't start till tomorrow."

"It's because most furs are don't know about this place yet. We've only just opened up our kitchen today in response to the returning students," replied a voice.

Turning around, Fred and Evan are greeted with the sight of a red fox.

"Welcome to my establishment. My name is Michael, but everyone here calls me Mike. I'm the owner and head chef."

"Nice to meet you," replied Evan and Fred.

"You two should take a seat and I'll send someone over to take your order."


After Fred and Evan found a great place to sit, a waiter quickly came over and began to take their orders. The waiter was a tall wolf with light bluish fur. He smiled at the two, and offered to answer any questions about the food on the menus. After a few minutes of laughing and mispronounced words, the cat and ferret both managed to find something that appealed to them. The waiter then walked off, to relay the orders to the kitchen.

"That was interesting. I've never heard of even half of those dishes." chuckles Fred.

"I know what you mean," laughs Evan. "But as long as it's spicy and edible, I'll love it.

They continued to talk and get acquainted with one another until the blue wolf returned, this time carrying plates of steaming food. The wolf placed the plates in front of their owners and walked away as the two began digging into their food. Starting slow since the food was still very hot, they were soon munching down like there was no tomorrow. They even both took turns sampling each other's orders. Much too early for the ferret and cat, the meal was finished, and their plates were empty of food.

Mike then came out to ask them how they liked the meal.

"That was the best food I've had in a long time," replied Evan with a smile.

"I agree. We'll have to come back here at least once a week," said Fred.

"I would be honored to serve you two again. Come back anytime."

They all shook paws and Fred offered to pick up the tab. On the way out, he paid the bill, which was surprisingly cheap considering how good the food was. They stepped out of the restaurant with full stomachs and began to walk off the food by going around the campus.

The two of them ended up staying out all day as they explored everything of interest and chatted about their individual pasts. They even took the time to scout ahead and find out where all of their classes would be, only one of which happened to be the same. Finally, after being on their feet all day, the two stumble back into their dorm and collapsed on their individual beds.

"I'm wiped out." cried Evan. "Today was a great day though."

Fred nods in agreement as his gaze soon turns back to the ferret. All day, he's been silently finding himself admiring and liking the ferret more and more.

"You're an alright cat to hang out with, Fred. I can see we'll get along fine."

"I think so too. Who knew I would be lucky enough to have a great fur such as you as my first roommate? My luck usually is nonexistent."

Even turns his head to look at the cat "Why do you say that?"

"Well when you lived where I did, being outed as a bisexual cat pretty much kills any luck you might have possibly claimed for yourself," Fred blurts out.

The ferret blinks "You're gay?"

"Not gay, bi. I like both females and males." Fred chuckles a bit. "It's funny how others automatically see being bi as gay. They see us as the most confused out of everyone when simply it's just that we love the most and don't believe in normal restrictions.

A brief moment of silence follows before the cat lets out a sigh and glances over at the ferret still blinking at him.

"I hope I didn't just wreck our relationship here just now."

The words seem to break the Evan out of his stupor. "Umm... No. It's just a surprise that's all. I never knew any bi or gay furs before."

Fred smiles, "Well now you do. You sure you're okay with sharing a room with me though?

"Sure," the ferret smiles a bit more genially. "It'll take some getting used to, but I don't mind that you take it up the ass."

Fred bursts out laughing at the ferret's words. "You'll be surprise to know that I give it up the ass more than take it."

After the two share a few more laughs, Evan lets out a long yawn. "I think I'm going to call it a night now."

"What? Already?" smirks the cat. "The night is still young."

"I'm not as nocturnal as you are. I'm beat."

As the ferret closes his eyes, Fred sits up and calls out. "Before you slip off, you should at least undress for bed. You'll be more comfortable that way."

Evan blinks open his eyes after a moment and groans as he gets up to strip. "If I wasn't so tired, I'd think that was just an excuse for you to see me out of my clothes."

"At least I'm not offering to take them off for you, to which I would happily do so," says Fred with a smirk.

"Try again when I'm more drunk than tired," The ferret responds after removing all his clothes aside from his boxers and crawling back into the bed sheets. "You might actually have a chance then despite your lack of tits."

Fred chuckles at the thought as he dresses down for bed as well. By the time the cat crawls in under his own bed sheets after stripping down, the light snores of the ferret can be heard by his ears. Forcing his own eyes closed, the cat wills himself to relax and soon slips off into a slumber as well.

Fred suddenly wakes up to the sensation of a pair of lips upon his own. Surprised at first to find the one kissing him to be Evan, Fred quickly recovers by instinct and opens his jaw slightly, letting their muzzles lock into a deep kiss. Fred places his paws firmly on Evan's shoulders, and probes his tongue in deeper as they continue to kiss with growing passion. Soft chirring rumbles in the back of Evan's throat, as he starts to slid his paws up over Fred's hips.

At the same time, Fred moves a paw from the ferret's shoulders, and runs it up the inside of Evan's thigh. He then cups his paw over the ferret's sheath and very hard arousal. The ferret lets out a surprised, but happy moan into Fred's muzzle and breaks the kiss. The cat grins when he sees Evan's pleased expression and continues to rub his paw on the ferret's shaft a little harder.

"What's gotten into you?" Fred asked in a slight, but happy daze.

Evan says nothing as he pulls Fred into another passionate kiss, silencing the cat before reaching down to take the cat's own arousal in paw. After breaking their kiss, Evan gives Fred's shaft a firm squeeze, causing a single droplet of pre to form at the tip. The ferret then shifts downward and draws the very tip of his tongue across Fred's slit, lapping the small drop from him. Not stopping there, the ferret reaches his paws around to grab at the cat's rear and pulls Fred's hips forward. Parting his muzzle, Evan slides Fred's tip inside before giving it a gentle suck. The cat mews happily at the feeling as the ferret continues to slowly take the rest of the length into his muzzle.

Fred shudders and moans as Evan moves his tongue around, coating his shaft with saliva as it throbs within the ferret's warm muzzle. Reaching down, the cat starts to finger one of Evan's ears absent-mindedly before the ferret begins to bob along his shaft. The ferret's tongue presses along the underside of the cat's shaft with each bob.

As Fred watches on in enjoyment, Evan pulls his muzzle off the cat's member and swirls his tongue around the throbbing tip for a moment before pulling back completely.

Still without speaking, Evan smiles as he quickly lifts the Fred's legs slightly to reveal the cat's tailhole. The ferret then slides his paws up along Fred's sides and rests them on the bed next to the cat's shoulders. Without even making sure that his shaft is lined up where it needs to be, Evan leans down to kiss Fred again, as he slowly pushes himself inside the cat.

Fred whimpers and lies completely still as he tries to relax and open up enough for the ferret to slide in. After pausing every so inch, Evan finally sinks his entire length inside the cat. Fred soon lets out a groan of pleasure as Evan begins to take him.

Slowly, Evan pulls back to slide out of the cat's warm, tight passage. He keeps going until only his tip still remains inside the cat. He then pushes forward to let himself slide back until he is once again hilted within. Before long, Fred starts to pant as the ferret picks up a gentle, easy, thrusting motion.

Fred can feel a deep pleasure building up inside of him as the ferret moves back and forth inside him. As time goes by, Evan steadily begins to increase the pace and strength of his thrusts.

Fred gasps and tilts his head upward as the trusts become harder and longer. His tongue lolls partway out of the side of his muzzle while he pants from the incredible sensations running through his body.

Using one paw on the bed to keep balance, Evan moves his other one down to the cat's dripping, and quivering shaft and starts to pump it to match the rhythm of his trusts. Fred cries out softly from this new pleasure and bucks, causing him to simultaneously pump himself in and out of the Evan's paw, while also throwing him back onto the thrusts into his rear.

All track of time was lost as the two continued to pleasure themselves, fighting inwardly to keep this moment going for as long as they could. However, under such mind-numbing pleasure, Fred gradually begins to feel himself reach his edge. The sensation of his impending climax is unlike any other. Just one last thrust and then...

Fred jerks awake with a gasp. Panting heavily, he looks around blearily. The room is dark and the clock shows the time as early morning. Looking towards Evan's bed, he can see the ferret there sleeping under the sheets. Blinking rapidly, the cat comes to understand that he was just dreaming and with a glace downwards to his messy and stained sheets, it was a good dream he had as well. Sighing heavily, he falls back onto his pillow and groans.

"Things are going to get awkward now."