Mere Acquaintances

Story by Razor Blitz on SoFurry

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Mere Acquaintances

A sharply dressed cyan werewolf stood patiently by the lamppost stationed on Oxford Street and Palmer Lane. He wore a white collared shirt with a red vest, wearing a matching tie to accommodate his attire. His tan pants snuggled around his waist with the length extending to his ankles. He wore black Oxford leather shoes. He wore a monocle over his right eye, observing London in its beauty. Furs walked along the sidewalks and tilted their hats in greeting. A bear with a black suit and blue tie calmly approached the wolf. He tilted his hat towards the canine who bowed curtly towards him.

The bear spoke serenely after the werewolf closed the lid on his pocket-watch held in his right hand. "Hello there, Trivol. You're waiting on someone?"

Trivol glanced calmly into the bear's eyes. "Aye, I've been wanting to meet this particular wolf who we've exchanged letters. We get along so well that we decided to meet in person."

"Ah, I see you've found someone," the bear nudged him lightly with his elbow before glancing at the time on the clock tower. "Well, I must be off. Hope you have a good time with this fellow."

The bear left Trivol to his waiting. His eyes glanced around frantically, hoping that he would find the wolf he wished to meet. The werewolf surveyed the area for any sign of the wolf with the top hat in a red waistcoat. Each minute passed with no sign of his companion. He started losing his calm and frantically glanced around his environment. He kept his nerves under control before the meeting by slowly conducting breathing exercises.

Ten minutes elapsed and the gray wolf came approached him, wearing a black top hat and a white scarf worn around his neck. His blue vest covered his white colored shirt with a crisp red waist coat. In his right hand he held a wolf cane with gold inlays placed around the bottom. He wore tight tan pants and long leather boots. He certainly was dressed sharply and he certainly was handsome. His blue eyes gazed serenely into his golden orbs. He tipped his top hat towards him and queried him regarding his day. "How do you do, Trivol? Sorry for being late. I was shining my boots for our visitation today. Hopefully you weren't waiting too long."

Trivol pulled out his pocket-watch and noticed the time, shaking his head before tucking it away into his coat. "No, I was thinking about my working situations with the clients that are trying to get their stories published."

"I see," said the gray wolf and smiled, bowing curtly. "My name is Axel Wolf. Pleasure to meet you, Trivol." He extended his paw towards the blue werewolf, and he firmly shook his paw. Axel glanced at Trivol's form and wrapped his arm around the wolf's shoulder with his wolf cane held in hand. "Let's go to my residence. We'll talk more there."

Trivol obliged and walked alongside him during their stroll on the sidewalk. They conversed pleasantly to one another. With Trivol's golden spectacle, he smiled at Axel's fine ass hidden behind the pants' tan fabric. Meanwhile, Axel glanced at Trivol's Oxford leather shoes and lost his footing a couple times, causing himself to stumble. He wondered if those shoes would fit perfect around his foot.

Following Axel's lead, Trivol matched his steps. They walked steadily towards their destination while happily conversing about their lives and their interest in gentlemen-like qualities found in males. Axel motioned his companion to follow him. "This way," he said tersely while walking into a higher-class neighborhood with numerous second-story Victorian houses lined up the sidewalks with metal gates placed in front of each house.

"Let's see here," Axel softly spoke, adverting his attention towards the houses. "241... 251... Ah, here we are. 261 Daniston Street. My father would be most pleased to see you. Please, come this way," Axel opened the gate and welcomed Trivol into his vicinity. The sapphire werewolf thanked him after Axel closed the door. Once he stepped into the garden, he was amazed of what was placed in the garden. A fountain with a couple wolf statues squirting out water from their muzzles into the pond. There was a lawn table placed near the fountain with metal chairs surrounding the circular statue.

The house appeared larger than Trivol's and was kept in an orderly fashion. Axel called out after opening the door while the blue werewolf followed behind him. "Father, I have arrived." He said while footsteps were heard coming from his left and came in wearing a brown waist-coat with a yellow vest and white scarf around his neck. He wore maple-colored pants to go along with his maple-red hunting boots. His auburn eyes glanced at the younger wolf and smiled. "Welcome back, my son. Who is this you brought home?"

"Axel turned away, parting the way for Trivol to formally greet his father. "Greetings, my name is Trivol McKenley. Editor of my own publishing house. I'm delighted to meet you."

"Well," said the father, clearing his throat before giving his introduction. "My name is Edmund Wolf, Axel's father. He has been going on and on about you and saying how much he needs to see you. His mind has been occupied with that for a few days, perhaps weeks."

"Father!" shouted Axel, blushing on his gray cheeks. "It hasn't been that long and I don't go overboard with meeting with a sophisticated gentleman. I just am really excited to meet him in person."

"All right, son. Take it easy." Edmund replied, smiling towards Trivol. "My son can get quite excited at times when he finds a particular noble wolf. I have to say that you possess some of those qualities as well."

"Why thank you," Trivol smiled, bowing his body towards him in respect. "I have to say that your son is really quite admirable in his clothing." He said while seeing Axel put his cane against the wall in the living room. "Axel, why don't you show Trivol the house while I get the chefs prepared for dinner tonight?"

"Sure, father," Axel respected his father's wishes while motioning Trivol to come with him. "This way, Trivol and you can put your coat on the coatrack next to the door." He did so and followed the gray wolf around the house. First, he revealed the large kitchen where a raccoon chef chopped vegetables on the center table. Then, he showed the living room with elegantly placed lamps stationed on coffee tables. There was a picture done in acrylic painting of father and son standing side by side. Trivol saw the picture carefully and adjusted his monocle to get a clearer view. The sapphire werewolf noticed the two holding paws, glancing at each other. He wondered if his eyes were gone bad or his age had taken its toll. He asked his companion regarding the picture. "Excuse me, is this the picture with your father and you holding hands together?"

Axel turned his attention towards the picture that Trivol was referring to and sighed, blushing a bit. "Yes, that's a picture of me and my father, happily being together and enjoy each other's company. I love him and he loves me. Hope the idea doesn't bother you."

Trivol was lost in words while gazing at the picture, but after careful observation, he saw the happiness revealed in their smiles and their hands holding each other. The sapphire wolf placed his paw on Axel's shoulder. "It's all right. I mean, it's your life and you certainly are enjoying a life that is far beyond understanding." He said, smiling. "I want you to do what's best for yourself."

Axel was moved with compassion, being deeply moved by the wolf's words that he hugged him before speaking to him serenely. "Thank you, Trivol. Most furs that I bring home get repulsed by the pic that they leave without wanting to meet with me again. However, you are one who doesn't judge a person based on the situation. You're one who clearly understands things that the world is."

Trivol grinned and softly caressed the wolf's back before pulling him into a kiss with his arms wrapped around his red waist-coat. Axel grew surprised by the sudden action before moaning pleasurably with his arms wrapping around his guest. This made their intimate kiss more enticing for they started engaging more pleasurably in their interaction. The sapphire canine led him over to the couch and plopped Axel gently on the cushions. Trivol smothered his host with his hands wrapped around the red waistcoat while Axel wrapped his arms around Trivol's form.

Their muzzles slowly parted for their tongues danced and intertwined on top of each other. Their intercourse ended when Edmund came in from another entrance. Both wolves' ears perked to Edmund's clearing throat and slowly tapped his son's shoulder and smiled with his eyes gleaming towards the wolves. "You two having fun?"

Axel blushed harder and clarified regarding the instance. "Well, you see. It happened as we were looking at the painting on the wall. Trivol was taken by surprise that I was mated to you. However, he is not appalled by our relationship, father. He seems to be open-minded about us and he and I started doing our thing."

Edmund gazed at the two, winking towards the guest and his son. "I will like to have you two over to my private quarters later tonight. Now, though. We will have dinner shortly but before we do, let's have some tea and discuss matters."

Trivol parted muzzles and thanked his host by bowing his head curtly. "Thank you so much, sir for having me over for dinner. Though, I wouldn't want to intrude."

The father stared down at the Oxford black leather shoes and licked his chops before returning to his speaker's words. "No no, it's not a problem. There is always a need of more guests in our manor. So," he cleared his throat and pressed lightly towards the werewolf with his paw caressing his cheek. "You like the gentlemen folk, don't you?"

Trivol blushed, nodding before he let the wolf speaker. "No harm in that. Besides, I always find the males to be quite handsome in their attire." Edmund gave him a brief kiss before motioning them into the kitchen. "Please, let's have a seat and drink tea until dinner."

All agreed and gathered around the table for tea and light delicacies catered such as chocolate-covered strawberries. The two relatives got to know Trivol on an intimate level and vice-versa through various conversations carried out until the evening approached. The chefs all prepared them meals with each chef standing beside each person. Each carefully placed the plate down covered with a metal dome, used to keep the flavor contained.

In unison, all lifted the lids and a gush of aroma charged at the wolves at once. They all received lean sirloin steak with a side of green beans off to the side and a plop of mashed potatoes with thinly sliced butter. The chefs left, and the three wolves enjoyed their succulent supper while conversing openly.

Laughter and stories were exchanged between the three before dessert arrived, having a small portion of creme brulee. Trivol was overwhelmed with the meal that he kindly denied the offer, but Edmund insisted on the dessert. The sapphire werewolf couldn't help but thank them for the meal and for Axel for allowing him to enter his home. Axel took a spoonful of his dessert before conversing with his father about Trivol. "Trivol is an editor at a publishing house here in London. He's quite sophisticated and has the proper look."

Trivol shook his head, showing his modesty towards the two. "I wouldn't say that," he finished the last bite of his dessert before placing it on the table. "But I will say that I've had my fair share of dealing with publishing houses rejecting my work. That's life, I suppose. So I'm not too worried about that since I can easily turn down those who are looking for their stories to be published. Also, we can't just publish anything. We have to carefully choose which ones have skills of a professional writer. For over five years, I have to say that I'm greatly disappointed in the writing world."

Axel kept looking down towards Trivol's shoes and moaned pleasurably to himself before nudging his mate, wanting him to see his shoes. Edmund also moaned pleasurably at the sight. The father spoke kindly with his legs crossed over while his eyes gazed calmly into Trivol's. "So, if you don't mind me asking, how long have you enjoyed the male anatomy? I saw the incident with my own eyes and was amazed."

"Well, for some time at least," replied Trivol, moaning to himself regarding their attire they wore for the occasion. "I'd say about 2-3 years. Why do you ask?"

Edmund and Axel smirked at each other before gazing at the werewolf, confused by exchanging glances. Axel was the one who spoke while Edmund rose from his seat as well, signaling Trivol to stand up as well. "Come with us to our room." Trivol obeyed. The wolves led their guest up a spiral staircase, leading up to their carpeted second floor.

As equal to the first floor, the second floor was furnished with mirrors and paintings of relatives that lived before these two canines came into existence. Trivol glanced at the paintings and studied them briefly before Edmund opened the door to their room.

They were all inside, and the room consisted a King size mattress with ultra-thick quilts made from the rarest materials, not found in England or in Europe. Red velvet drapes were being tied with golden ropes along the corners. Opposite of them they had their one dresser stationed in front of the bed and a grand mirror behind it overlooking the bed. Off to the west side was a mirror with velvet drapes and were drawn closed. Trivol had a clue as to what will be going on for the rest of the night.

"Oh my," Trivol said while he started taking off his pants only partially to reveal his sheath while wearing his clothes. Edmund licked his chops, noticing the wolf's larger sheath and pulled his pants halfway to reveal his package.

Axel conducted the same action as his father had done. "I always wanted someone with a pair of Oxford style shoes." He said while beckoning Trivol to come over and show his package. Trivol licked his chops before stepping closer, raising his foot to caress his package. Axel emitted a moan and felt the smooth texture of the shoe running across his tender ballsac.

The sapphire werewolf locked his muzzle with his, so that their moans would be silent and intimate. Meanwhile, Edmund groped Trivol's chest and brought his foot down to feel his Oxford shoe while his muzzle was brought closer to his son's. The three engaged in this romantic interaction while their bodies rubbed against each other through their clothing. This was Trivol's first experience of doing this kind of sexual intercourse, but certainly, he won't forget it. The intense heat emitting from the clothes and the relationship of both father and son rekindling their love.

Trivol caressed Axel's sheath with the pleasure slowly rising from his mind, channeling his pleasure into his crotch and slowly erected his cock. Edmund closed his eyes and tilted his head for him to make contact with his son's muzzle. Trivol felt Edmund's sheath slowly becoming aroused that the father's cock would slowly crawl its way out. The werewolf's shoe was being coated with a layer of pre dripping from the tip. The father rubbed his crotch against Trivol's ass before the member would be erected from its slumber. Edmund slowly emitted a moan while rubbing Trivol's jacket with his paws. "Mmm, nylon teal jacket, makes me so delighted to see you wear one of those." He said while his words triggered his member to pulse and started inserting it into the noble werewolf's hole.

The werewolf in the middle murred pleasurably as he engaged in the kiss with Axel, stifling him while he felt Edmund's cock penetrate his tender hole. Trivol's shoe was being coated with an extra layer of pre dripping from his tip. The sapphire werewolf's monocle was fogged from Axel's breathing. This proved delightful in Trivol's mind that he wanted to become Axel's mate in an instant, but considered Edmund and his relationship with him. He didn't want to jeopardize that. The father's cock pounded away at his prostate while Axel's package swelled up and begged the werewolf to release its cock.

Simultaneously, all three howled from their ecstasy, releasing their loads into their respective places. Alex's seed hit Trivol's pants while his hit his pants. Edmund's seed filled his hole with a lot of his seed, staining his pants. "Ugh..." Trivol as he released his own semen onto his own clothes as he was filled from behind. The werewolf panted heavily as he released his load into Trivol's hole. The sapphire werewolf moaned after releasing his own load in his pants. "That was truly splendid," he said with a smile, drawn on his face. "Nothing like two of the most handsome werewolves around." Axel blushed and gently kissed Trivol's cheek before licking his chops to taste the cum off the shoe. "May I do one last thing?"

Without a second thought, Trivol opened himself to allow Axel to lick the seed off his shoe. His tongue lathered over every curve around the Oxford shoe and couldn't help but lick the seed off his footwear. Axel's tongue gently caressed the groove and dip of the shoe before licking every ounce of semen stained on his shoe. Edmund pulled out his member slowly from Trivol's hole and rubbed Trivol's vest, stroking it lovingly while taking notice of the clothes. Both wolves gave their attention to the single wolf, and Trivol smiled after being pleasured and cleaned simultaneously.

Axel finished licking the last ounce of semen before glancing at the wolf and Edmund stopped and walked beside his son and wrapped his paw around his waist. He spoke for his son and himself, while his eyes gazed at Trivol with semen staining his pants from the intercourse. "It's been a pleasure knowing you and we would like for you to come by again whenever you are available. You know where our house is."

Trivol pulled up his pants and straightened out his attire before complimenting the two. "Well, thank you so much for dinner and this wonderful time. I'll be sure to keep in touch with Axel and have many meetings together."

The werewolves nodded before Axel stepped forward to say his farewell. "Well, I'm sure you'll find someone as loving as me." He caressed the wolf's head before licking his nose. "I will definitely contact you and we will meet again in person at a cafe to talk about such things. Until then, may you journey home safely and we'll keep in touch, sir McKenley."

"Trivol will do," he said before heading downstairs to retrieve his coat off the coat hanger before heading out the door. With one last look at the two, he smiled and waved them good-bye with their paws waving towards him. Trivol gave a curtly smile before closing the door and enjoyed the cool evening along the lone London streets. He felt more confident about himself after that session. He kept his dreams alive of finding a mate he will love and cherish every moment in his life.

Twin Wolves, Segment 1-Troubling Circumstances.

Chapter 1: On the planet Srethilis, two species lived peacefully for some time. The Caninians and the Felinicians always argued with each other and had some primal wars going on between them. They did not agree and always felt superior...

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