Forbidden Blood 13

Story by Isinia on SoFurry

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Page 13

Blackness surrounded her consciousness as it felt an eternity being trapped in it. Had they finally killed her? Did she die? Was this how death would be? These questions couldn't be answered so easily. She tried speaking through the darkness but nothing was there to answer back. Nothing could've prepared her to expect this and yet on her first trip too.

Unknowing to her for the time being, her items were not only taken away but she was taken to a village that was somewhat nearby just a mile away and tied to a post with her arms away from her body that was in the middle of the village. A few rummaged through her things to see what valuables she had but many of the foxes grunted in disappointed to see there was nothing of value except for a saber sword with its black sheath. After being satisfied of not seeing anything else of use in the backpack she carried, they simply set it aside to discard for later. One of the foxes, named Kurai, decided to make a rude awakening for the white canine in distress.

"Wake up filthy shit," he shouted as he drenched her with a bucket full of cold water. Isinia gasped the instant she felt the cold temperature strike her nerves like needles being pierced into her. She shook her head for a moment to get some of the water away from her eyes before being able to open them. Seeing the many foxes staring at her simply made her heart almost stop. "So what have you got to say for yourself for spying bitch!?" Isinia had no words to say other than to be confused as to what he was talking about.

"I... I don't kn... AH," she screamed in pain when she was slapped on the face. Kurai growled in anger towards the response she made, closing his fist tightly as shouted to her up close, "Tell me the truth you shit!" Her mind was dazed from the slap she took. In an instant her mind went back to that dark night when she was caught by that gang. Her body shook with fear for a good while until anger started to grow within, remembering how her grandfather died, trying to protect her. Kurai, losing his patience already, shouted, "Stupid bitch is guilty anyway... strip her!"

Her mind was snapped back to reality as she felt hands from the others starting to pull and tear some of her clothes away from the back. She screamed and begged at them to stop and let her go many times but they did not listen to her. Suddenly, without warning, her rage was beginning to surface as she screamed loudly towards them, "STOP IT!" Her voice seemed to echo and drove fear right into them. It wasn't her voice that made them start to back away, but the white glowing eyes that stared back at them with a loud raging growl. Some even witnessed strange markings that adorned her arms and down her right leg which almost seemed to glow with a gold color. Most of the people felt a strong force going through them like strong winds for a moment.

Kurai was also struck with fear and took a few steps back before pointing his finger towards her, "She's... some sort of demon!" Even though shaking in fear, he grabbed his spear, and as he was about to throw it, an older sounding voice entered, "That is ENOUGH!" Everyone, including Isinia, became quiet and turned to look at the Elder Leader of the tribe. Her energies instantly faded away as her rage had diminished, not having been aware of them at all. The Elder seemed to be dressed in old robes of sorts that only a leader of a village would have.

The leader seemed to have a rather surprised look on his face the instant he saw who they had tied to the post. With a sharp turn he looked towards Kurai, "Kurai! What is the meaning of this?!" Kurai simply stood there silent for a moment before he growled back at him, "We caught her spying! You know the penalty for that and besides, she's some sort of demon!" The Elder frowned towards his attitude and turned to the rest of the people, spotting the sword that one of them had, "Since you have her property, you release her and return that sword back to her."

"Elder! Have you gone mad?! I said we caught her spying!"

"You know very well she is no spy and don't think I haven't been watching you Kurai," he said as he hit the ground with his staff, becoming frustrated with Kurai's arrogance.

"You're a fool to trust her and so far for the past years you've been turning us into weaklings!"

"That is enough Kurai! For the rest of the day you will be working in the grain fields for the rest of day as your punishment, as for the rest of you, as you were!"

"This is not the end old man," he growled lowly as he walked off towards the field.

After Isinia was finally let down from the post, she mostly kept quiet while trying to hold onto whatever that was left of her clothes on herself, shaking a little from the cold if not from fear of what might happen next. The Elder saw this and took off one of his robes and place it around her, "Here... wear this for now." Isinia was surprised to see the Elder, being a fox, treating her kindly. "Uhm... Thank you," she said lightly as she wrapped it around herself while holding the sword on her right hand. "Get your things and follow me."

Isinia was definitely surprised by the sudden change, always hearing stories from her grandparents how all the fox kind were trying to kill her. She got her backpack as a few stared at her while returning to follow the Elder back to his home. Most of them were unsure what to think of the newcomer as most still had fear stuck in their eyes. Once being inside the Elder closed the door, "Once again I apologize for the harsh treatment they placed on you. I am trying hard to get my people to step out of our dark ways and to live more at peace rather than constant wars and battles between other people. Sadly there are those who don't want to change just like Kurai."

"H-How did you know I wasn't spying though," she asked as she sat on an empty chair while the Elder did the same, moving their tails out of the way.

"I happened to be in the same area at the same time and I saw what Kurai did. I'm afraid I might not be able to control him much longer and he might rise against me. Though I am curious to know what you were doing in the area."

"I was just trying to get to the town of Nintaka. I heard that there was a martial arts teacher there."

"Ah, I understand. Oh... forgive my rudeness... My name is Jin Tao, but everyone here calls me Elder."

"My name is Isinia Mosienko."

"You may stay as long as you wish Isinia. I will try to keep an eye on anyone who disrespects our honored guest."

"I... I... Th-thank you Elder," she said as she bowed her head a little in respect to him, still surprised to be called an honored guest to his village.

Unbeknownst to them, an ear was hearing their conversation near a window that was behind the Elder. A low growl came from the shadows as he left the scene back towards the fields.

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Forbidden Blood 12

CHAPTER 3 Page 12 Four more years have passed and Isinia is now at the age of eighteen and has decided to leave in search for her own life. Though her main reason for doing so is so Wulffrith would not come into danger like what happened to her...

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