Costumes From the Catalogue

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It's the spooky season again, and we have a bunch of guys that are looking for a quick fix to their problem of not having a costume. Luckily for them they managed to find a box with some very specific creatures... 

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It was Halloween, the magical time of the year when people could be anything they wanted to be. The one day where witches and werewolves ran about while ghouls and goblins haunted the streets. Creatures of all kinds made their way looking for tricks and treats, all of them ready to have fun. For a group of four that was making their way through the mall there was one thing they were that no one wanted to be, not even on Halloween...

...they were late.

"I told you that this was a stupid idea!" Matthias said in frustration as they stood in front of the one store that would potentially have costumes for them, which from the steel shutters that were in front of it was clear that there was no way that they were getting in.

"How was I supposed to know that the store closed early on Halloween?" Jake replied as he put his hands to his head. "You'd think that this would be the one day of the year that they were open late."

"Well this is great," Jerome said with a sigh. "Now we get to go to the party dressed as idiots this year. At least everyone will recognize us because it's the same costumes that we had on last year as well."

As the three began to bicker at one another the last member of their group whistled to them, Val getting their attention and telling them that he may have a solution. "Look, I know it's not a costume from a catalogue or anything like that," the guy said as the other three looked around to see that there were a number of plastic-wrapped outfits that were there. "But at this point beggars can't be choosers and they're free."

The others just shrugged and went to see what their dumpster diving would yield, but as they did they found that they were getting exactly what they paid for. As Matthias groaned that they were mostly kids outfits the ones that they found which were adult sized were clearly in the trash for the reason. As they debated on who wanted to be the sexy hot dog and who wanted to be the mailman however Jake found a cardboard box that was sitting in the back that hadn't been touched yet. As he opened it up he was greeted with a lot of black fur, which as he pulled it out he saw that it looked like a black-furred wolf costume with a green tattoo design on the back.

As the others started to complain that just because he found it doesn't mean he could claim it Jake nodded to the box and said that there were others in there as well. The three other guys hip-deep in the crappy knock-off costume pile quickly darted out and practically tackled the box to see what else was in there, and as Matthias came away with what looked like some sort of snake outfit the last two pulled out a much larger costume that after they pulled it out appeared to be a two-piece dragon costume. "Looks like you two get to fight over who is the ass," Matthias said with a chuckle as the two looked at the fact that it had a head and tail section that was clearly made for two people to wear it. "Although concerning you two that might be quite the even fight."

Once more the three began to bicker about the dragon and the snake costume, but as Jake snuck off towards the small back alley between the mall and the huge wall of the warehouse next to it he was going to make sure that no one would fight him over the one he found. While it wasn't quite a werewolf he could make it work, and the purple hair with white on the tips was a nice touch. He wondered why it would even be in the trash with all those other crappy costumes as he found that the furry body suit was a back entry. As he held the somewhat heavy item in his hands he realized that this was going to be hot at hell wearing it with clothes on, and considering that he wanted to make sure that they didn't try to demand it from him he decided to go completely commando.

Wouldn't be the first time he was naked out in public, Jake thought to himself as he quickly stripped off his shirt and pants and shivered as the cool air touched his bare skin, he just hoped it would go better than the last time. While he thought about maybe keeping his boxers on the last thing he needed was for them to ride up his crack while in costume. The more he looked inside the rubbery lining the more he also knew that it was probably for the best that he was naked, though he once more wondered why something like this was in the dumpster. Even though it was a weird furry costume with a strange lining he wasn't going to be embarrassed this year and as he peeked back around the corner he could see the three continuing to argue over the two-piece dragon costume the last thing he wanted was to be in the running for was the butt of a dragon.

With the other three still arguing he shuddered from the cold that was seeping into his bare skin and this time looked to the costume just for warmth as he took his feet and slid them into the leggings of the suit. While he feared that the cool rubber would cling to his skin it actually slipped in pretty easily, his feet eventually finding their way into the bigger lupine paws of the costume. When he got his feet inside he wiggled his toes to get them snug and as he did he saw the clawed toes move with them. It was surprisingly responsive and with the rubber that surrounded his feet it was almost a perfect fit as his body heat warmed the synthetic material.

Once he had got the legs of the costume completely up his own he looked down at the black fur and found that they looked rather muscular while the paws made him look more animalistic. It wasn't quite the werewolf he was looking for but at this point he was already halfway up and to his surprise it was actually rather comfortable. When he got it up to his waist however he saw something that hadn't been there before, at least not what he had seen as he saw the green cock flopping around. While he guessed that he would slip his own member into it he wondered just what sort of costume had a sheath attached to it.

As he hesitated in doing it though he suddenly felt a hand press against the furred hip of his body, and though he thought that one of the other guys had just touched him he turned around to see that there was no one there. With his upper body still shivering from being exposed to the cold he felt another touch against his bare skin, and as he continued to look around he found that once more there was no one around... but why did he feel like there was someone with him? "I hope you don't mind my taking over from here," a voice said that caused Jake to jump as he felt the brush of fur against his back. "I was going to pounce you later but you're taking all night about this."

Before Jake could say anything to respond to the strange voice he suddenly felt a furry hand press against his mouth, his eyes widening when he looked down and saw the black fur and green claws pressed against his face. The words that he attempted to say just came out completely muffled and as he felt the fingers continue to hold his mouth shut he realized that somehow his arm had slipped into the sleeve without even noticing, or had the suit done it? Either way whatever this entity was seemed to have control of it as it felt like his own fingers were silencing him and he could practically feel the fur and claws as his legs were in the same condition. The fursuit was essentially holding him there and all Jake could do was wiggle about, though as he did he could feel the cool rubber of the inner lining start to slide against his back while clawed fingers wrapped around his hand.

Though the empty sleeve didn't seem to have much strength and was mostly wrapping around his still human arm the fact that his other three limbs were completely under control of this strange costume made it easier. As the hand slipped about the voice that Jake realized was coming from the head that hung limply down against the furry chest that was slowly sliding up his own told him to make it easier on them both and just give in. While the human wasn't going down without a fight as he felt the suit get pulled up to his neck the hand let go of his mouth and went down to shove his other arm inside. He immediately attempted to call out to try and get his friend's attention but as he did he found that nothing came out of his mouth.

As he looked down at the suit in shock his eyes widened even more as he could see the rubber inside beginning to move about as it also shifted on his body. With both hands secured within the costume they moved down and shifted his cock so that it was inside the sheath, and as soon as it was Jake was greeted with a pleasure that was somewhat similar to a blowjob. He could hear the voice once more whisper that was it, to just let it happen and be a good boy about it. With the head of the costume creeping up towards his face Jake realized that the voice wasn't coming from it, which meant that it was inside his own head as he began to feel the rubber shifting around his rear.

The tail of the suit suddenly began to move and if Jake could still talk he would have groaned as he felt something start to push up between the cheeks of his butt. It caused his body to push forward slightly and with one of the hands still stroking the cock that sheathed around his he began to feel the rush of pleasure growing more and more. As his hands moved out of his control and squeezed the thick shaft it began to feel like the fingers were stroking his own maleness, a sensation that was growing more prevalent by the second as the human found himself panting. Even with the pleasure mounting it wasn't just his cock that was feeling that way either as he could start to feel everything like it was his own, except that it wasn't his as he could see the slit in the back of the furry head start to creep up against his own.

This body belonged to Lorkos.

The name sprung into Jake's mind the second that the hands of the costume reached up and pushed it over his head. Without even realizing a phallic gag similar to the one that was pushing inside of his rear stretched his lips open as well. For a few seconds the head of the costume was pressed against his own face and as the rubber filled in the gaps the muffled groans and grunts of the one inside the suit ceased, though mentally he would continue to moan in pleasure as the rubber cock inside him stimulated his prostate. For a few seconds the entire body of the wolf-suited creature shuddered and stumbled a bit but when the hands of the suit left the lupine muzzle the lips slowly curled into a grin as the once fabric eyes blinked and revealed gleaming green eyes that looked about.

"Well this is certainly something interesting," Lorkos said to himself as he ran his hands down his furry chest and abs, his lean build bulked out slightly by the man that had decided to put him on when he was a living suit. When his attention went back down to his throbbing member he found himself stroking it again and to his surprise could still feel the human within, though the boundry between him and what he thought was a costume were quickly blurring as the entry of the suit sealed up. "Oh, don't worry Jake, we're going to be having some fun... once I get your friends to become my friends..."

Meanwhile the three remaining humans continued to bicker over the remaining costumes, completely unaware that their friend had just been taken over by one of them as Matthias continued to clutch the naga costume away from the other two. "Just hurry up and get in it already!" Matthias stated as he rolled out the rest of the rubbery outfit, which looked like it had a lot of tail to drag and made him wonder if this was going to be an issue before remembering what the alternatives were. "Listen, I'm sure people are going to think that it's really cool that you two are a dragon, you're going to be a hit at the party."

"Says the guy with a one-person costume," Jerome replied before he looked around. "Hey, speaking of, where did Jake run off too?"

"Jake is right here," a voice said, the three turning to see the black furred wolf standing there, the man turning about with the makeshift skirt from his shirt he used to cover himself while he showed off his body. "What do you think?"

"Damn man," Matthias said. "I mean, you look more like one of those furries then a werewolf but if we take some of these clothes and shred them it would make you look the part. Now can you tell Jerome and Val to stop being a bunch of wusses and just put on the damn costume so that we can leave?"

"Alright, we'll put it on!" Val said as he looked over at Jerome, who clutched the head section of the dragon costume possessively before he looked down at his own piece. "Man, this thing is thick, we're going to be sweating our balls of in these."

"Just go commando," the wolf said as he nodded over towards the back area he had just left. "That area is pretty good for changing and you can just toss your clothes into the pile. Meanwhile I'll help Prestnos here get into proper form and we can leave for this party."

Though the two still seemed to be a bit reluctant to be having to share a costume naked the glare that they got from Matthias was enough to cause them to go over and get ready. When the two disappeared behind the store he just grabbed the rubber hood of the costume and looked it over along with the main body section. "So you named this one Prestnos, huh?" Matthias said with a chuckled as he looked at the inside of the suit and saw that there was a padded rubber lining of some sort inside. "What would that make you."

"Lorkos," Lorkos said simply, standing behind the human to avoid him seeing just how well the muzzle of this costume moved as he grabbed onto the hood and pulled it away from the other man. "Here, let me help with that, it can take some finesse." Before Matthias could say anything he suddenly found himself in blackness as he could feel the rubber being slid over his head, his long hair being tucked into the hood as it was pulled down over him. It didn't take long before he could see again through the eye holes and with the store having a window that was slightly reflective he looked at himself and saw that he kind of looked badass with the shiny snake head on his otherwise human body.

As he was about to ask to get some help with suit next though Matthias began to feel something strange happening to his face, like the flesh was sticking to the rubber lining and was starting to pull it outwards as he could feel the material heating up. He brought his hands to try and pull it away but as he stretched the rubber it felt like he was pulling on his own face, his eyes widening in shock before he felt the mask contracting around them. It was like the rubber was tightening around him while his head was swelling and when he tried to ask Lorkos to help the wolf just went up and stroked the serpentine snout that was starting to move of its own accord. Matthias quickly felt the rubber pushing into his ears and maw and as the wolf looked down he saw the human mouth having tendrils of the shiny substance flowing into it before the muzzle of the mask closed, then opened again to reveal a snake tongue and sharp set of fangs.

Matthias felt his eyes blinking without his doing so and before he could stop it his head was turning about to examine his surroundings. "Where are we?" the snake asked, Matthias feeling the mask's muzzle moving as though it was his own mouth even though he didn't have control of that either. "Lorkos, what happened?"

"Still trying to figure that part out," Lorkos replied. "I've taken over a human named Jake and you're currently wiggling around the body of his friend Matthias, though if you look down at yourself you can see that you're not quite all the way there yet." As the one that the wolf had called Prestnos looked down Matthias could also see that his body was still completely human, though when he felt his hands lift up and move around his neck the seal between the mask and his flesh was completely gone.

"What an odd sensation to have legs," Prestnos said as he lifted one of them up, shaking slightly before Matthias felt the forked tongue they shared flick out past his lips. "I don't like it... I think it's time that we become a little more serpentine. But... I can smell the arousal on you and that covering is a poor obfuscator of that, perhaps we can kill two birds with one stone though."

Matthias would have let out a shocked gasp if he still had control of his mouth, and as the wolf just grinned and began to pull the shirt off of his body it was clear what intentions the snake had with his body. Even though his form was still mostly human it seemed that the snake's mind was rather domineering in nature and it didn't take long before he was standing at the side of the shop completely naked with just the snake mask that was fused to his head. He could still see the reflection in the store window and as he saw his bizarre naked body he at least took comfort in the fact that no one would recognize him if he got caught. The wolf and snake possessing him weren't going to leave him out in the cold for too long though as they took the neck entry of the suit and brought it up to his feet.

At the same time something else was brought up to the human's body, Lorkos sliding the thin garment that used to be Jake's shirt aside to expose his half-hard cock. These creatures were quite... amorous, Matthias thought to himself, and with no way to stop it he found himself getting a surge of pleasure as it began to stretch open his hole. That was combined with the sensation of the rubber slowly being lifted up his body by his own hands, once again finding himself unable to stop the cascade of the shiny material slowly being pulled up his legs into the singular tube that would encase them. As his feet were engulfed he found himself getting lifted up by the surprisingly strong wolf to allow Prestnos the ease of sliding it up, though it also helped to get the lupine cock pushed deeper inside of him.

A loud hiss escaped from the snake-headed naga and as Presnos squirmed it caused the cock of the wolf that had taken over Matthias' friend to spread him open even deeper. This was bigger than any dildo he had taken before but even though he wasn't in the naga's body it seemed that his hole had a bit more stretch to it. As much as he wanted to stretch his legs apart though they were trapped in the purple and green rubber that was practically crawling up his body, and once it had gotten to his thighs they were in for a bit of a conundrum. In order to get it up the rest of the way Lorkos would have to pull out, but then he wouldn't be able to get back into the one he had started to thrust into until the costume was completely on.

It seemed that while Lorkos was enjoying humping up into the body of the other man he had a solution for that, at least a temporary one. The wolf let out a huff and a growl as he began to pull up the rest of the costume until he got to what he was looking for, the thick cock of the naga dangling out from the slit of the synthetic scales. With the edge of the rubber pressed up against the bottom of the human's butt being split open by the green lupine cock it took a bit of work but eventually Matthias felt the sheath of the snake did slide over his own. Almost immediately it seemed to suction around it and as Lorkos humped forward he wrapped his hands around the thick shaft and pumped into it with the same speed as his humping.

Prestnos groaned and hissed loudly as he reached back with his still human arms, a bizarre sight to see considering that the legs of the one he was possessing seemed to already start to merge as the tip of the tail was pressed against his feet. As the rubber compressed around it Matthias was shocked to feel the limbs stretching and growing, or was it the lining inflating around it that he could feel? He had no idea how this costume creature that had taken over his body was doing it but as he watched the serpentine lower body of the naga inflating it was taking the sensations of his form with it while the wolf continued to hold his human chest to pound into him. By the time Matthias felt his body being able to stand on its own once more both he and Lorkos had reached their orgasm, feeling his stomach getting filled with wolf costume jizz while his own rubbery member splattered what he thought might still be human cum onto the ground.

With their lusts slaked Lorkos pulled out and pulled the folded rubber up, and as Matthias felt the naga start to slither about with his new body it made the human wonder what was going on with the dragon costume they had found...

Meanwhile in the back of the alley the two men had stripped down to their boxers and were looking at the best way to put the costume on, Jerome looking into the head while Val stared into the rear quarters of the feral dragon. "I guess I'll go in first?" Jerome said as he took the large opening and faced it so the head was away from them. "Unless you just want to slip in the hindlegs."

"Let's just do it together," Val replied. "We don't have much time until the party and we still have to figure out how to join the two pieces together once we're done." Jerome nodded and as he began to slide his feet into what would be the forepaws of the dragon Val put his into the back. With how big the dragon's body was it flopped around him and he found himself more than once having to push the tail backwards.

At least he still had the use of his hands, Val thought to himself as he saw the other man disappear into the confines of the rubber suit with the head slipping over his own. As he pulled up the costume around his midsection he tried to move the larger hindlegs and found that they were surprisingly easy to manipulate, even lifting up his leg and seeing the dragon one behind him do the same. There was a lot of padding in it and as he took a second to get used to it he looked over to see how his partner was doing. He couldn't help but snicker when he saw that the guy seemed to have his head trapped in the neck of the suit and as held onto his costume he went over to help them by pulling it down.

As he started to do so though he saw Jerome shaking his head but didn't know why, and with his hands still holding onto the material the legs that would become their forelimbs buckled down and slid it even further up until the head of the human disappeared into that of the dragon. The other man was still shaking though and as he saw something happening to the muzzle that looked strange Val felt a rush of intense sensation go through his own body. It was like someone had grabbed onto his spine and yanked it and as he found himself bending forward he looked back and saw that the tail was actually moving. At first he thought that it might have been a trick of the light but the more the dragon costume shifted about one another the stranger things were getting.

"It seems that our dear Karksin is having a little trouble pulling himself together," a voice said, prompting Val to turn and gasp as he saw a large naga creature slithering towards them with the wolf costume that Jake had taken right behind. It was clear that they were not just outfits though but as he was about to try and turn to run he felt his feet frozen to the ground and something happening to his torso. "Lorkos, why don't we help these two become the dragon they're supposed to be."

Lorkos just nodded and came up to Val with a grin, and as he did the neck and forelimbs of the front half of the dragon suddenly began to elongate. At first the outline of the human could be vaguely seen in the costume but as his own body disappeared in the swelling flanks of the creature the outline of the arms that had been by Jerome's side were no longer there. He could also see that the dragon's muzzle was starting to move, something that given the size of it could definitely not be actually happening, but his attention was suddenly turned to the naga that had come up behind him. The creature was extremely deft with his new body and as Lorkos guided the head and shoulders of the exposed human to the other half Prestnos began to push his cock into the tailhole of the costume, which also slid into val as his own cock felt like it was swelling and growing while the huge draconic dick that had been hidden flopped out.

As the naga coiled his long body around Val the creature reached out to the other half of the dragon as well, which caused the two to get even closer together even as the human could see something happening to Jerome both inside and out. The dragon mask that he had put over the face of the other man became much more animated and it began to gasp while asking what was going on Val realized too late that this was much more than a costume. Before he could say or do anything though his head and arms were shoved into the front half of the dragon and as soon as he disappeared inside the two seams began to stretch rubber tendrils out to connect to one another. As the dragon continued to pant it was clear that despite being two separate entities he could still feel Prestnos thrusting into him, though as the coils continued to tighten it drew the two humans together to merge them into one.

For a few brief moments Lorkos could see the hands of the one that was thrusted into the already converted dragon half stretch out the scales in front of their chest, but as Karksin shuddered and said that it felt very strange with the two humans inside. "I have to say that you're looking much better now Karksin," Lorkos said as he patted the side of the dragon as the last of the human disappeared between the knit-together rubber that turned to scale. "If they're anything like the one inside me then they're having quite the time of their lives."

"Yeah, they'll settle down after a bit I'm sure," Prestnos replied as he slithered up the neck of the dragon and hugged around it while still coiled around him. "The real question is what we're going to do now that we're here. This appears to be a land of humans and we're a bunch of creatures that took several of them over."

"Well..." Lorkos said as Karksin shifted his feet about to get used to them. "They did mention something about a party and it seemed they put us on to be costumes."

The wolf and naga looked at one another before they both shrugged. "I could party," Lorkos said as he grabbed onto one the cheap costumes to cover himself before going out into the streets. "Happy Halloween everyone!"