Sibling X Girlfriend 9 - Truth-Or-Dare

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#11 of Three-Peaks

The night warms up with a little game as the couple of couples get to know each other even better.

Truth Or Dare

Once back at the cabin, Dane and Ares tested their skills at building an actual fire in the pit outside...and were pleased to discover they still remembered a thing or two from their high school days. Gemini and Johanna fetched the food and utensils from inside for a good old-fashion cook-out: hot dogs, apples, marshmallows, gram crackers, chocolate...a veritable smorgasbord on sticks. It had been a long time since any of them had enjoyed a proper camp-out, and they all found it brought back fond memories...except Johanna, who had never had a particularly positive experience with camping. Dane and Gemini agreed that they would have to remedy that problem, probably with very different ideas of how, either later this year or early next.

As the meal finished up and Dane packed away the rest of the food to take back inside, Gemini gave a sideways look to Johanna. "SOooo...should we go get changed?"

The female Dalmatian looked up from her phone, considering the sky. "Still pretty light out, isn't it? Are we going to stretch it out that long, or are you just being impatient?"

Ares, sitting on a log by the fire and poking what was left of it with a stick, looked at them dubiously...especially his sister. "What are you planning?"

"Some outdoor activities," Gemini smiled innocently, "It would be a travesty to waste all this open air privacy. And yes," she turned to Johanna, "We can make the pre-show last until after dark. We'll just take it slow and add a few more rounds. Now come on!" She began practically dragging the Dalmatian into the cabin, causing Dane to give them suspicious looks as he passed them on the porch.

"They're going to do something involving skin under sunlight, aren't they?" the male Dalmatian asked as he settled back in by the fire.

"Undoubtedly. And the moon, too, by the sound of it," Ares sighed, taking a swig from the bottle he had leaning against the log, "That girl..."

Dane chuckled. "I have to admit, I knew she wasn't exactly stingy with her boyfriends, but I never would have guessed she was so wild."

Ares shrugged. "I only hear the stories, and not even many details in those, so all I can say is that it's her chief way of 'rewarding' a boy. Inexpensive, doesn't collect dust, very popular with a wide crowd...I can't say it's bad reasoning on her part, but...I'm starting to be impressed that she can actually keep things so solidly PG around anyone she's not dating."

The girls returned a few minutes later. Johanna had put her flannel top back on, tied in a large knot below her breasts and with the unbuttoned neck spread wide and loose around her shoulders. From the lack of visible straps, it was probably the only top she had on. Her denim pants had been exchanged for a set of denim shorts cut into short-shorts. Very short-shorts, and snug around the hips. Dane wasn't sure if she'd deliberately left the button in front undone for effect, or if it couldn't be helped due to the tightness. Gemini was, surprisingly, the more modestly dressed...sort of. She had changed into a set of backless mock-overalls, the denim forming a skirt, rather than legs, that stopped above her knees. It technically revealed less, but it was plain to see around the edges of the front flap that she was definitely not wearing a bra behind the denim.

Gemini was also carrying a picnic blanket, which the girls spread out partly on the ground and partly over the longest of the logs set up as a seat by the fire, in the process giving the boys a splendid view of their backsides. The low back of the overalls left nothing of Gemini's back to imagination until the sides met just under her tail, and her supple breasts threatened to spill right out of the slack in front whenever she bent over. Johanna's shorts were cut so high in the back that her usual style of panties covered more...and there was no hint of those to be seen over the smooth fur of her posterior straining against what remained of the denim. Once they had the blanket spread out and smooth, they invited the boys to move to the ground on either end of it.

"You look sexy," Dane complimented Johanna as he sat down, "I didn't know you pulled the country-girl look off so well."

"Thanks," she answered absently, making a few last-minute gestures on her phone, "It's uncomfortably tight and the top is a little scratchy. Definitely something you only wear for your boyfriend's benefit." She slipped the phone into the "hammock" of one side of her shirt, against her breast, then leaned over, placing hands on the log to brace herself as she gave her brother a full, soft kiss on the lips. Gemini was trying to restrain her giggles as she planted little kisses on Ares' cheek and face, as he turned his head aside to avoid stuffing his face directly between her breasts. "Should I enjoy it?" came a quiet whisper in Dane's ear, pulling his attention back to Johanna. She was staring at him blankly, patiently waiting for his answer.

"Yes," he nodded firmly, "This will definitely be a night to enjoy."

She nodded, then stood up. The girls swapped sides as they took their seats between the boys, each cuddling up to their respective boyfriends and warming them up with little kisses on chins and lips and hands subtly but shamelessly sliding underneath shirts to feel the soft fur of the tummies underneath. "I thought we'd break the ice for Ares with some games tonight," Gemini smiled, making little circles on Dane's stomach with her fingertips, "Is that okay?"

"So you admit it was all your idea," Dane chuckled, giving her a wink. "It's not that 'Just Dares' game, is it?"

The Doberman giggled and shook her head, "No, I'd hate for a little breeze to wreck my set. Although, now you mention it, I'll look forward to a game of that in our new king-size bed after the move," she smiled, then reached behind her to pat Johanna's thigh. "Johanna has something a little more traditional on her phone. No dares until everyone has told at least one truth," she declared, tapping Dane's nose, as if he'd have some kind of difficulty abiding that rule, then added, "But I've got a personal rule I'm going to follow: if you tell a truth, I'll take a dare. If you take a dare, I'll tell a truth." She put her lips right up next to his ear, almost into it, her voice the closest imitation of a purr a Dog could make. "Do you like that? Would you enjoy controlling what I do like you do Johanna?"

Dane chuckled, pushing her shoulders back a bit (her nose tickled his ear). "I think you have the wrong idea. The only thing I want to control is when you talk and when you kiss," he told her, rolling to his side and planting a knee between her thighs, leaning her back against the log and then down into a deep, tongue-stretching kiss. Gemini sighed happily, practically melting under him, patting his arm as one hand slipped underneath her overalls to squeeze her breast firmly and their other hands knit fingers.

Ares tried not to watch, but kept sneaking glances over Johanna's head. "I'm getting turned on by my sister getting fondled," he confessed to the female Dalmatian kissing his jawline, "Does that make me a bad brother?"

"You're asking the wrong girl," she reminded him softly, "I want to swap places with her. Does that make you angry?"

He arched a brow at her, then smiled reassuringly and patted her cheek. "No."

"Good," the Dalmatian nodded, then stretched a leg over his thighs and rolled up to straddle his hips. "For what it's worth, I think you're a very good brother. Now," she said, cupping his face in her hands gently and looking unblinkingly into his eyes, "I'm going to make her want to swap places with me...and you want to refuse," she warned him sweetly but firmly. Her hands let go of his cheeks to slide down his warms, taking his hands and placing them invitingly on her mostly-exposed bottom. When he gave an appreciative squeeze, she smiled and leaned down to kiss his lips in very similar fashion to her brother.

The Dalmatians spent a good few minutes gently dominating their Doberman partners. Dane was the first to break, as he felt his pants beginning to turn uncomfortable. "I think you said something about a game," he said aloud, taking his hand out of Gemini's overalls and claiming her other hand with it, halting any and all feeling-up on her part for the moment. "We'd better start playing while I can still concentrate."

The female Doberman under him gave him one more kiss on the chin, then giggled. "You'll have to pry them apart first," she glanced in the direction of their siblings, "Johanna's got the app." The female Dalmatian was subtly rocking her hips from side to side, not so much thrusting as rolling over her boyfriend's hips...and the very obvious bulge beneath. The breath in their nostrils was becoming more forced as they kept their lips firmly sealed together.

Dane felt his face grow hot, and kind of wanted to just keep watching...but reluctantly interrupted by leaning over and planting a light kiss on Johanna's cheek. "We're going to start the game now." His sister nodded slightly, and fished the phone out of her shirt to hand to him, without ever breaking the kiss or even opening her eyes.

"Oh wuff," Gemini laughed, squirming out from under Dane, "Now I want to kiss her! Come down here, you!" Johanna squeaked as Gemini grabbed her around the waist and physically hauled her out of the kiss and into a seat in Gemini's lap. The Doberman laughed, then planted a quick kiss on her lips. "Enjoying my brother?" Gemi noticed the slightly damp spot around the zipper of Johanna's shorts, "You're wet already."

Johanna answered by pulling the Doberman's head back down for a longer kiss, and pulling one of her hands up to slide underneath her flannel shirt, inviting Gemini to feel her pert nipples. Gemini looked a little surprised when they broke a moment later. "You okay? You're really into it today."

"I'm enjoying this," Johanna nodded with a smile, patting her friend's cheek and idly rocking her knees from side to side contentedly. When Gemini continued to stare at her, Johanna stopped, and her face went curiously blank. "Brother said I should. Am I worrying you?"

"I just don't know how to handle you when you act as excited as I am for anyone but your brother," Gemini explained, caressing her cheek softly. "It's okay. You do what Dane told you. I'm gonna do the same today, okay?"

Johanna nodded, and resumed smiling. The Dalmatian in question cleared his throat, feeling his shorts grow even tighter, and handed Johanna's phone to her. "You forgot to unlock it. I can't search for the app even if I knew what I was looking for."

His sister nodded and took back the phone. "It's yesterday's date, no year," she reminded him as she tapped the numbers into the lock screen, "Anniversary of our first wuff. You should remember it."

Her brother's cheeks turned red. "I kind of remember that being tomorrow," he admitted.

Johanna just shrugged, flipping over to the screen holding the game she was looking for. "I count the tonging. You climaxed." He covered his face with his hand at the memory, as Johanna and Gemini sorted themselves out and resumed their seats next to their boyfriends. "Alright. One truth each before anyone takes a dare, no short-answers. The stories are the fun part. We'll start with Gemi, since I'm reading. What's the most awkward sexual dream you've ever had?" she read the prompt from the screen.

"Ooh, uh...," the Doberman thought about it for just a minute, leaning against Dane and turned slightly toward Johanna. "First boyfriend after we broke up," she wagged a finger between Johanna and herself, "First night I stayed at his house, too. I had a very...sweet dream...about you being unusually aggressive and actually wanting some. Apparently I woke up Riel talking in my sleep...and he thought I was muttering about him. I never said your name, I guess. He was all flattered until my hand started moving and found his bone. Then I asked when, in my dream_..._grew a dick..." She couldn't restrain the giggles, and actually had to cover her face in genuine embarrassment for a moment. "Oh, that was a talk in the morning! It took him days to forgive me," she finally concluded, "Does it count if the dream itself wasn't the awkward part?"

Johanna nodded, while the boys continued their terrible attempts to hide their grins, "Works fine for me. Brother...have you ever thought about doing it in public?"

Dane chuckled. "Actually, the very first time Gemi and I--!"

The Doberman on his arm pinched it lightly to interrupt him. "That was in no way your idea, and you would have loved nothing better than if we'd stumbled on a little shack or even a tent. Same for the amusement park. And that time at minigolf. Have you ever fantasized about doing it public?" she clarified for him.

"Well...then no, I don't think so," Dane shrugged, "Threat of discovery isn't exactly a turn-on for me. I didn't even like the thought of sneaking a peek into the girls' locker room back in high school."

Gemi patted his arm. "Oh, my honest and upright sweetheart, I've still got a lot of work to do with you," she said with a sly smile.

Johanna tapped the button for the next prompt. "Alright, chocolate-bar..." She glanced over at Ares, looking him up and down briefly while he gave her a quizzical look. " It makes a certain sense, but I don't like it. I'll keep thinking. Anyway, what could happen that would be an instant turn-off during sex?" The Dalmatian blinked a couple of times at the prompt. "Well, that's remarkably relevant and direct."

"Like I have enough experience to make a list?" the big Doberman rolled his eyes, resting his chin on his thumb while he tried to think of something he strongly imagined would be a turn-off. Most of what came to mind were bodily functions...which he didn't imagine anyone in this group was in to, so wouldn't be any surprise and a weak answer. "Tickles," he decided at last, "Like actual make-you-twitch-and-laugh tickles. They annoy me almost any time, but it'd be especially distracting in bed and spoil the mood completely. I'd have to start working back into it almost from scratch."

Johanna tilted her head. "So no tickle-fights. Not too surprising, though I honestly didn't expect that. I'll be careful when I handle you."

"You'd better. He's actually really ticklish," Gemini giggled, "That's why he doesn't like it."

"Noted," the female Dalmatian agreed, while Ares frowned at his sister for betraying his weakness. Johanna held her phone up to Ares, then. "Tap 'Truth'. It's not fair for me to read my own prompt."

"...Okay," Ares said with a shrug, pushing the little icon and reading the next line of text to appear, "'If your boy or girlfriend said it was okay, would you have sex with someone else?'" Everyone in the group looked at each other...and laughed. "Sorry, sweetcakes, you get another one," the big Doberman declared, pulling her hand back up to where he could read and push the button, "That would be a freebie for any of us. Let's see...tell us about a first date that ended in sex. Sounds like it had already prepared this one for Gemi."

"Hey! I've only gone that far on the first date twice, and one of those boys is sitting here," she declared in mock offense, patting Dane's leg.

Her boyfriend quirked an amused brow behind her. "Who was the other one?"

"Not her turn," Johanna came to her friend's rescue, placing a finger over the other girl's lips before she dropped a name. The Dalmatian leaned in against Ares and shrugged. "I never had one. I dated exactly one boy before Gemi, and never went that far with either of them. Dane and I don't go out much, and when we do it seems to lead to a night of wholesome snuggles. That's not a complaint," she added quickly to reassure the other Dalmatian. She put her finger to her chin then, looking thoughtfully at the sky as something occurred to her. "Well, I guess that counts. Dane's birthday last year. He took Gemi and me out on a date at the mall, then the three of us had sex after you left."

"Mmm, if I could have seen the future I would have told you to stay," Gemi grinned.

"It was an exhausting night. I don't know if we could have handled eight more turns," Johanna noted.

Ares smirked. "I never got the details on that night, and never needed them...but now I'm curious. You'll have to tell me what happened sometime."

She tilted her head back to look up at him, expression blank and unblinking. "Do you want it in writing, or whispered to you while we wuff?" Her boyfriend...clearly did not know how to answer that, apparently stunned by the sudden mental picture of her riding him under the sheets while describing all the awfully erotic things she'd done with his sister and her brother. By the lusty look in her eyes, Gemini was imagining something similar.

Johanna shrugged at his lack of answer, apparently confident he'd give it to her later, and broke the spell over Gemini by reminding her it was her turn. "Well, you told a truth," she grinned up at Dane, "So dare it is."

Dane arched a brow. "That hardly counts as choosing. We made a rule for starting the game."

His sister shrugged as she tapped the button. "Rules or no, her taking the first dare is no surprise. So here we go: put on another player's bra, stuffed with socks if needed, and model it for the group for one minute." The girls blinked at each other...then Johanna shrugged and began untying the knot in her shirt.

"You actually have one on?" Dane chuckled, "I thought--"

The cloth opened to reveal bare fur between her breasts, which soon bobbed fully into sight as she slid the shirt off her arms and handed it to Gemini. "It is my bra for now," the Dalmatian explained, leaning back against Ares again with her arms crossed loosely and her hands cupped over her breasts, hiding her nipples.

"Heh...bit late to be self-conscious, don't you think?" Ares chided her, adding his own arm around her to help further conceal her. But his girlfriend just looked up at him like she wasn't sure what he was saying...then smiled, as if suddenly remembering her brother had wanted her to enjoy this evening.

"I'm not," she said quietly, tipping a hand back and her breast up enough to flash him a view of her pink nipple, "The bugs will be out soon, and I'm not a fan of bites around these. You can help me, if you like."

"Oo, you cheaters," Gemini grinned as she finished shrugging off the shoulder-straps of her overalls and tying the shirt over her breasts like Johanna had had it. Ares gave his sister a triumphant look and cupped his much larger hands protectively over the Dalmatian's breasts, shielding her sensitive skin from sunburn, bug bites, and lusty eyes. They were warm and soft in his palms...and he still slightly regretted how he'd mistreated one the previous night. Gemini then got up and stood between them and the fire, posing and preening and adjusting the fit of the garment as it bounced with her breasts. They didn't bother to set a timer, and Gemini simply untied the shirt when she felt she'd posed enough, giving all of their eyes a feast as she handed it back to Johanna before pulling the straps of her overalls back up into place with a wink.

Johanna didn't bother to retie the knot. She just buttoned the third button down, situated at about the same place, and picked her phone back up. "Alright, brother: truth or dare?"

"Well, I'd like to hear more stories from Gemi, so I'll have to take the dare this time," he nudged the Doberman's back with a smile. "So...?"

"It says to take off your shorts and choose someone to wear them on their head for five rounds," Johanna read off, "Hmm...we might lose track by then. Let's just go until it's your turn again."

"Aww, that one's quick and easy," Gemini teased him.

"Hey, don't complain unless it's boring," he chided back, unzipping his shorts and pulling them off without even having to stand up, "I try to wear your favorite underpants during our get-togethers, you know." He was, in fact, wearing absolutely no underpants.

Gemini ran her tongue over her lips, fondly gazing at the pink bits emerging from their sheath as he plopped his shorts onto her head. "Mmm, yeah...definitely my favorites," she cooed absently before reaching up to adjust her new headgear, rolling down the short legs and pulling her ears through them to make it almost a proper hat.

Ares and Johanna both chuckled at them, though the Dalmatian was giving her brother almost the same looks as his girlfriend. "Okay," she tipped her head back to nuzzle Ares with a smile, "What do you want?"

"I'll share once more before any dares," he told her, looking at the sun not even halfway behind the horizon, "Or we'll never manage to stretch this all the way to dark."

"Oh, this is just the pre-show," Gemi promised with a big grin, "We have something separate in mind after the sun goes down, so don't worry."

Her brother gave her a dubious look. "Now I am extra worried."

"Would you like to film yourself while you're having sex?" Johanna read off the question for him. Her boyfriend shrugged.

"If I could be certain of it staying off the internet at large...sure, I wouldn't mind. Might be kind of interesting to see how it looks to you guys on the side-lines. The question is: would you like to film yourself having sex?" he chuckled to Johanna, "It takes two to make a movie like that, you know."

"I earned my certification in network design and security through independent study during your senior year. I can say with some confidence that I could keep our home-porno off the net," she answered a little too casually, tapping out of the game and checking some other things on her phone briefly. "Want to do it tonight?"

"...You are scary, girl," he muttered, kissing the back of her head, "Now hand that here and tell me your pick."

"Okay," she handed him the phone, then laid her head back against him again, "First, open the menu on the left, and turn the heat up to three. Then pick 'truth'."

His brow furrowed as he followed her instructions. "Three out of five...we've been on two so far?"

"I didn't want to start too heavy," she nodded, "Or it'll feel long while actually being pretty short. That game we played for his birthday nearly killed us. Now what does it want you to know about me?"

"Which is your favorite kind of sex," Ares read aloud, "Soft and sweet, or aggressive and feisty?"

"The second," she answered with hardly a thought, "I enjoy both kinds, really, but it's the second one that I always fantasize about, and Gemi pretty well confirmed it on our first two-tailed date. I know I looked rough the next morning, sugarcube, but I really had a great time." She tapped her chin as a thought occurred to her. "Oh yeah...I guess that would be the first time I had a date end in sex."

Gemi giggled with a slight blush. "Maybe more into girls than you thought?"

"I won't deny that as a possibility, but I don't think it's a gender thing," Johanna mused, "Again, it's what I imagine when I'm indulging myself, and I keep hoping Dane will come on to me like that sometimes, when he's comfortable enough. That one time you tried to 'nail me to the headboard' started pretty well," she remarked, hoping to encourage him. Her brother smiled sheepishly, remembering how concerned he'd been with hurting her. He was always a little scared about that. Fortunately, she was patient.

"I'll bear that in mind," Ares promised with a toothy smile as he handed her phone back to her.

She accepted it gratefully, and tapped the button for the next prompt without needing to ask. "Okay, Gemi: Have you ever gone skinny-dipping? If so, where?"

The female Doberman grinned unapologeticly. "Oh, I might have snuck out to the community center's pool more than once with a boyfriend. One time another couple even joined us. More like walked in on us, actually."

"What happened?" chuckled Dane, eager to hear this...but she put her finger over his lips.

"Huh-uh. Nobody says a word unless something bad happened, that was the rule. And nothing even remotely bad happened. I did get a boy to go to Weeping Pond once, but it's harder to find a spot like that vacant. Funny fact: when people think 'skinny-dipping', they think of lakes and ponds and woods, so that's where they go. Nobody thinks 'community pool', because it's not private enough...which makes it much more private." She gave Dane a hopeful grin over her shoulder. "Want me to take you?"

" thanks. Not too comfortable with chances of getting caught, remember?" he shook his head.

"See?" the Doberman beamed, having made her point, if not having got her way. She pulled his shorts off of her head and laid them in his lap, covering his boy-bits, to declare it was his turn.

"Hmmm...I'll take 'truth' this time, so she can have a chance at some of the action she craves," the Dalmatian reasoned, pulling his shorts back on. Gemini looked almost disappointed...almost...but seemed content with the knowledge she'd have him out of them again well before the night was through.

Johanna tapped the button and read aloud, "What's something dirty you've always been too shy to say to your partner in bed?"

"Hmmhmm, which partner?" Gemi grinned, resting her chin on her palm as she waited to hear this one.

Johanna shrugged. "Either, or both," she reached up to pat Ares' cheek softly, "He hasn't had opportunity to miss an opportunity with this one yet."

Something came immediately to mind, judging by the way Dane's face turned red as soon as the question was asked. But seeing as it was something he was reluctant to say in bed, it was no surprise he was reluctant to say it now, too. "Come on," Gemini coaxed with a smile, nudging him with her shoulder, "Spill it. I'll give you a kiss afterward, regardless of what you say to who." She turned around and got on her knees, arms around his neck and lips close to his, giving him her sweetest and most comforting "begging look".

Dane winced slightly. "Uh...'Please lick my tail...'," he all but whispered, not even having the heart to look Gemini in those sweet, adoring eyes.

She nuzzled his chin. "I do have to be able to understand what you said," she prompted, giving him just a light peck on the nose.

Her boyfriend swallowed, and closed his eyes. "Please. Lick. My. Tail," he said each word individually, forcing each syllable.

Ares arched a brow, and started to open his mouth...only to find Johanna's hand suddenly clamped firmly around it. As far as he could tell, she hadn't actually looked at him, just reacted to the sound of his jaw moving while she stared wide-eyed at her brother. Gemini giggled, giving her boyfriend a sweet smile, and agreed with Johanna's thoughts. "Reward first, then explanations." She kissed him, sliding her tongue between his teeth, tipping his head back and pouring the sense of gratitude and adoration right down his throat and into his heart. How, exactly, she could do that was a mystery to him...but he received it gratefully, as it changed the nature of the burn in his cheeks to a more tolerable kind. The Doberman held him there for several long breaths, treating him well for his little burst of courage. That was the sort of challenge that made this game both endearing and intolerable all at the same time. She wanted him to keep playing like that...even when it wasn't part of a game.

"Now," she said breathlessly as they finally broke, easing back down on her bottom beside him and still smiling, "Explain."

"," he cleared his throat at the false start and tried again, looking Johanna in the eye...for most of it, anyway. "Giving and receiving are two very different things when it comes to...that. I do not like giving it, and I can't imagine why anyone would, and you have even admitted you actually don' I feel a little guilty that I do, apparently, like receiving it. To be honest, those two times were...kind of scary good. I've even considered...once or twice...asking you to do it...just for fun. But I feel guilty, to say nothing of embarrassed, and I kind of don't want to return that particular favor, so I don't ask." By now he was looking at the campfire more than his sister, obviously still a little bothered by it.

She jerked his attention back to her with a single word: "Don't." His sister locked eyes with him, wide and unblinking...though her tail was slowly and steadily wagging behind her. "Don't ask me for that," she continued when she had his attention, "Tell me. That's not something I want to hear as a request. I want you to demand it. _Com_mand it." She had shifted forward now, no longer leaning against Ares but crawling toward her brother, the tempo of her tail picking up as she went. On her knees, leaning over (a slightly startled) Gemini, she put her arms around Dane's neck, practically touching his nose with hers, still looking him straight in the eyes. "Say it. Now."

Taken a little off-guard by her sudden aggression, Dane swallowed even harder than he had before, trying to clear a path in his throat for his voice. "Uh...please--"

She hook her head. "Don't ask. Tell."

He grit his teeth, tried hard to make his nerves behave like he was angry rather than scared right now, and said more loudly than he meant to, " tail."

"One more time," she urged, pressing her nose against his.

"Lick my tail!" He said it even louder, pushing back against her nose, and she nodded in approval...then leaned into him and nuzzled his cheek.

"Remember how that feels. The next time you want it, say it just like that. I will like it, then," she promised, giving him a brief kiss on the cheek before letting him go and crawling back over to her spot beside Ares. "Wuff, now I am wet," she sighed as she curled up against the Doberman's side, hiding her face in his strong chest and hugging herself for a moment. For his part, Ares put his arms around her in what he hoped was a comforting gesture...though mostly he was shooting quizzical looks at his sister and her boyfriend, having no honest idea what had just happened.

"It's...kind of symbolic to them. To her, anyway," his sister explained slowly, "I think she mentioned that yesterday, while you were wuffing her. Don't worry: she's just super happy right now...and probably horny," the Doberman added, hiding her own grin behind her hand. It wasn't right to giggle at something like this, but she was terribly amused at her bestie and also tempted to drag her back into the cabin to relieve her of those obviously-dampened shorts.

Johanna nodded agreement to all of the above against his chest. Gemini picked up her phone to take over as reader while she recovered herself. "So, brother, truth or dare?"

"I'm not sure I can handle anymore truth at the moment," he remarked, patting Johanna's back, "Give me a dare, I guess. That was intense."

Gemini nodded as she tapped the button. "Always a few surprises in these little games. That's why I love them!" the Doberman grinned, her tail wagging double-time against Dane's thigh. "It should gently trace your fingernails across your partner's inner thigh from her knee to where her legs meet her pelvis. Do this on both thighs. Oh, honeypot, I'm sorry," Gemi couldn't help giggling, knowing this was not going to help the Dalmatian's composure right now.

Johanna simply nodded her understanding, wiping her face against Ares' shirt and taking a deep breath before pushing away from him and leaning back against the log, sitting with her knees spread and ankles crossed. He could fairly easily reach everything required for his challenge from this position, while she contemplated the back of her eyelids meditatively. Ares leaned over and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek before reaching for her leg. This was one of those things that could easily turn from sexy to ticklish in a heartbeat, if he wasn't careful, and he was the last person who would want that sort of thing. Especially following that touching moment.

The Doberman laid a hand on her knee, giving it a gentle squeeze before turning to lay his hand along her inner thigh. Trying to be mindful of the pressure, he slowly started drawing his hand up her leg, letting his fingernails comb through the fur of her inner thigh, lightly scratching the skin beneath. Her leg twitched involuntarily, and he quickly lifted his hand. Johanna peeked an eye open at him, then closed it again. "It's okay. I twitch, but it's hard to get me to laugh. Gemi tries it on my feet all the time." To her left, the other female nodded with a grin, and raked a fingertip across the pads turned in her direction as proof, causing Johanna's toes to twitch.

A little reassured, Ares returned his hand to her thigh, roughly where it had been, and resumed tracing his way up her leg. Her thigh tensed and relaxed several times, but her breathing remained steady all the way until he was nearly at her pelvis. The female Dalmatian sucked air through her teeth as his fingers drew near to the crease that was his goal, then sighed and spread her legs a little wider. She hummed approvingly as his fingertips lightly ran along the goal, teasing the edge of her muffin as they went. Ares chuckled and gifted her another kiss before reaching across her to repeat the process on the other thigh. She was wonderfully still and patient, though he was sure it was still something of a chore enduring all the twitches he caused.

Johanna caught him with a kiss as he finished his task, then patted Gemi's leg. "I guess it's my turn to do something. Dare me, sugarcube."

"Oo," the Doberman cooed on reading the prompt, "It says you have to lick your partner's below-the-belt area five times, then blow gently on the spot you just dampened."

"Heh, which 'partner'?" Ares chuckled, "Boyfriend or sibling?"

"Or partner-in-crime?" Gemi put in with a giggle.

Johanna took her phone back, flipped to another app, and gave it a little shake. "Boyfriend," she declared, handing the phone back to Gemi. A little digital dice on the screen showed "2". "Roll a dice, divide by 2, count from right to left because I'm right-handed. It's as fair as I can make it," the Dalmatian explained as she tugged Ares' knee to coax him into spreading his legs. Then she crawled between them, laying herself down on her tummy with her feet curled over her tail to keep them out of the fire...and spent a moment just gazing appreciatively at the tight bulge in the front of his shorts. "It looks like I'm going to have to let this big guy out soon," she mused, running a finger along the line of his zipper. With her nose down close to him, she looked up to his face and asked, "Bone, or balls?"

"Can you even reach the balls?" Ares chuckled, already feeling the blood rising in his cheeks.

"I can if you help with the work," she answered, sliding her hands under his bottom and lifting...or trying to, anyway. Ares obliged by getting his feet under his knees, bracing his elbows on the log, and lifting his hips, letting her support him from underneath. Lifted and tilted back slightly, Johanna reached low with her tongue, keeping her eyes fixed on his while she counted the licks aloud after each one.

"Mmm...I hope my dare's as good as this one," Gemini remarked quietly to Dane with her tongue peeking out of her lips. Both of them were resisting the urge to rub themselves in time to her licks.

His shorts were pretty damp by the time she got to five...and not just where she was licking. Taking a deep breath, she blew a long, cool breath against the spot, eliciting an appreciative hum from Ares. "You do look hot down there," the Doberman admitted as he lowered his tush back to the ground firmly. Johanna remained where she was, staring fondly at the little wet spot she'd created as if daydreaming about what was hiding underneath, and held out her hand to Gemini to retrieve her phone.

"A dare next, wasn't it, Gemi?" she asked idly, already pushing the button, "Grab a partner, shove them up against the wall, and kiss them hard."

"Oh, yes!" Gemi laughed, grabbing Dane by the shirt before she'd even gotten fully to her own feet. Hauling him a little awkwardly behind her, the Doberman pulled him over to the cabin, turned his back to the porch rail, and shoved him up against it...maybe a little harder than she meant, but she was on a roll and not letting anything stop it. Taking two fist-fulls of his shirt like she was going to tear it in two, she leaned against him with her full body-weight and kissed him like she wanted to eat his tongue, rocking her head from side to side to even grind her lips against his. Dane looked a little surprised, but also entranced, playing the part of the "trapped damsel" perfectly.

"That," Gemini gasped when she finally pulled back a moment later, "Is how she wants you to kiss her," his girlfriend advised him quietly. "Though I won't complain if you practice on me."

"Uh-huh," Dane smiled, looking a little smooch-drunk, "And how do you want to be kissed?"

Gemini giggled. "I like your soft, cuddly kisses. Keep giving me those. With the occasional bit of tongue," she winked.

"I'm adjusting the temperature up one more," Johanna warned them as the pair returned to the fireside, "Which do you want, brother?"

"We're at four out of five now?" he quirked a brow. Things were likely to start getting heated soon...and he didn't mind that, he just wasn't quite sure he wanted to be the first to test the waters in this new game. "Hmm...if my sweetheart won't kill me, I'll tell one more truth with a promise to take a dare on my next turn," he smiled at her sheepishly, "You are definitely more exciting with dares than I am."

"Because all you've had to do so far is take off your pants!" she giggled, leaning against him, "But I won't kill you. Just wuff you," she grinned.

"Right," Johanna pushed the button, "What's your favorite kind of porn?"

"Do...I...have to admit I watch some?" he cringed a little, causing Gemini to laugh.

"Remember our very first two-tailed date? I watched some with you," she nodded, "And I didn't mind a whit, so don't go acting like I'll get mad."

"He's probably more worried about me," Johanna smirked, "Which is even sillier, for similar reasons."

Dane rubbed his forehead. "Okay, fine, you got me. So...I like watching lesbians make out. And play with toys."

"Mmm...strapons?" Gemi tried to look devious, but couldn't stop herself bursting into giggles.

Her boyfriend rolled his eyes. "Sometimes. I'm a guy, after all, and another guy in the frame just isn't attractive. Apparently every male in porn is either ugly or a trap, but that's probably just my tastes talking. So I like just girls. They...make me think of you two...and what you might have been doing in your room that one night."

Gemini gave him a sly look over her shoulder...then rolled onto her knees and started to crawl onto Johanna, apparently intent on teasing him with a little girl-on-girl lip-lock right here and now. She stopped and arched a brow when Johanna didn't react at all, and realized the Dalmatian was scrolling through something else on her phone. Craning her neck over the top, Gemini tried to sneak a peek. "Whatcha' lookin' up?"

"All the pages returned from WuffHub to his machine," the Dalmatian answered nonchalantly.

Dane blinked. "You can see that? From here?"

"I log all the traffic that passes through any server or router I control," she explained, tipping the screen back a bit so Gemini could see the results, while Ares just kind of looked wide-eyed, "In case anyone breaches me."

The Doberman giggled. "I swear, if you had said 'penetrates'..." She glanced at a few of the results, which Johanna had oh-so-thoughtfully reverse-searched to get the exact pages returned by WuffHub for each connection. "Wow. Well...he was definitely telling the truth!" his girlfriend beamed, as if taking pride in his perverted honesty.

Ares just pointed at the phone, looking at Dane...who was covering his eyes with one hand. "You're okay with this?"

The Dalmatian shrugged. "I wouldn't know how to stop her if I wasn't. And if anybody is not going to hold this against me, it's these two. So, yeah, but I'm a little surprised she can do all that remotely with just her phone."

"Use your phone and remember to disconnect from the wifi," Johanna advised him, "I don't have access to the cellular data yet. But don't watch too much, or we'll get charged for the data usage."

Dane quirked a brow. "I like how you snuck 'yet' into that."

His sister just shrugged, still scrolling, though thankfully (to Dane) not watching anything. "I can locate your phone, and activate or deactivate a few things if you need me to, but I haven't had a reason to implement monitoring your browser." Gemi had curled up at Johanna's side now, as the two perused his history to glean ideas for what he liked, when the female Dalmatian tipped her head back to look at Ares. "May I pick yours, if I let you pick mine?"

Ares shrugged. "Sure. What am I doing?"

"Truth," she declared, closing her browser and pulling the game back up. "I feel like I'm actually learning new things about both of you from this, and I really like that. So...what gets you the most excited in bed?"

Gemini grinned. "Oo, you got lucky."

Her brother rolled his eyes. "Could it be more pointed?" He gave the back of his head a scratch and frowned at himself slightly. "Guess it's no good complaining about being embarrassed after everything else that's been confessed tonight. I mentioned before that I'm big and aggressive and find it pretty easy to intimidate people, right?" There was a general chorus of nods, as nobody could really disagree with that, including his sister. "Well, I like it when someone pushes back against that. Tells me where to stuff it...literally, even." He scratched his chin nervously, and Johanna pushed his hand away and took over the task for him, much more effectively. "'Course, I've never had anyone to actually do that in the bedroom...but as you put it, it's what I imagine when I'm fantasizing. I like the thought of cuffs, and leashes, and being told what to do. Heh...also means I don't have to decide where to take it or how far, so maybe I'm just lazy."

"Is that why you went down for brother so easily yesterday?" Johanna asked, and smiled when Ares nodded, "Thank you. I don't think he would have been so agreeable if you'd resisted at all."

Ares shrugged. "I don't want to force anyone. But I could do with some more of that treatment, myself. Wearing the hogtie for you was actually pretty fun," he grinned, and his girlfriend nodded a silent promise to play with him more in that fashion.

"Alright...which do you want me to do, then?" Johanna asked, holder her phone out to him.

Her boyfriend started to reach for a button, then arched an eyebrow at something. "You upped the heat again? Already?"

Johanna pointed at the sky, where the first of the stars could now be seen winking into existence. "It's dark finally. And the fire's burning low. We won't be keeping this up much longer, so I figured we should take at least a couple of turns on max level. I'll start, since I made the decision. So hit me."

Ares looked at her and hesitated a little, as if reconsidering his decision...then tapped a button. "Dare," he warned her, reading the prompt that came up aloud, "If you're a girl, every boy gets to slap...your..." He grimaced and tried to tap the button again, but Johanna pulled it away before he could hit the mark, reading the prompt herself.

"Every boy gets to slap your boobs. If you're a boy, every girl gets to slap your penis," she finished for him, causing Dane's jaw to fall slack and Gemi to cover her mouth with a hand.

"Try the next one, Johanna," Ares growled, "That's too far. None of us here is into that." Again there was a chorus of nods all around...except from Johanna, who simply unbuttoned her shirt again and spread it wide, leaning back against the log with her arms hooked over it.

"...I kind of am," she told them quietly. If this kept up, Dane and Ares were going to have to have surgery to be able to close their mouths again.

Even Gemini looked about the opposite of thrilled. "I think...I need to hear why, honeypot. This seems in poor taste, given...well, how you and Dane grew up. And I still have pangs of guilt over that spanking."

Johanna blinked and tilted her head as if she didn't understand the language Gemi was speaking. "I told you not to. I had fun. If this happens every time we play, it will still be fun." She leaned forward to rub noses with her bestie, and touch lips with her in a quick kiss. Then she leaned back again, leaving herself exposed while she tried to explain her thoughts. "Let's see...I'm not a masochist...I don't think. I don't like pain and I don't like being hit. But I do kind of like doing thing that I don't like doing...if that makes sense," she shrugged, "Maybe I am a little masochist. Honestly, I don't actually like a lot of the activities we do, in their own right. But I like doing them with you, because you like doing them, and I think I might be part of what you like about doing them. Even things like this," she caressed her proffered breasts, and shook her head, a slight blush rising in her cheeks. "Actually, I may like doing this the most of all the things I don't like doing...because it's these moments, when everyone gets a little uncomfortable because they think I'll be a little uncomfortable, that I know it's clear even to you that I'm doing it for you. So I will do this, and lots more, to make you happy and keep you happy."

The Dalmatian leaned forward again, touching her nose to Gemini's with her eyes closed. "No one here is mean, or violent. I trust you. So keep doing things with me, okay? Even things that make us uncomfortable, so I can keep showing you how much I love you."

They rubbed noses, and Gemini crawled over the log and moved around behind her to hug her around the neck, and nuzzle her cheek, and cover her breasts protectively with her hands. " make this even more awful and adorable at the same time. I don't know how you expect us to go through with it..."

"Firmly," the Dalmatian answered, eyes still closed as she rubbed cheeks with her best friend, "Don't be gentle. It cheapens the gesture."

Gemini looked close to tears, but nodded, gently patting the soft mounds under her palms. "Okay. Well...who's first, then?" she asked, sliding hands around to cup and support the prime targets of the dare, trying her best to look her usual, bubbly self for the boys.

Neither of them looked keen to take up the challenge, and Johanna spared them the struggle of deciding on their own. "Dane," she called, pushing her breasts forward and giving him the most sultry look she could manage, "Time to practice being more aggressive. Ready?"

Her brother grit his teeth, then firmed his jaw and looked her in the eyes. "Fine," he declared, crawling forward to loom over her on all fours, "How's this for you?" he asked, pressing her head back and a little down with a kiss, keeping her nose turned toward the night sky. She sighed into his mouth happily...and winced only slightly as a loud slap broke through the night air. Blushing partly in lust and partly in shame, Dane broke the kiss and started to move aside...

"Both," Johanna demanded softly, causing him to gnash his teeth and smack her other breast, then cup both her cheeks affectionately in his hands for another kiss. "Mmm...that was good," she cooed, letting him crawl aside this time and turning her eyes to Ares.

The big Doberman was already at her side, in position, massaging the sting out of her left breast. "You're going to pay me back for this, right?" he growled.

Johanna grinned and licked his cheek. "Yes, I promise."

"Good," her boyfriend grunted, pressing his forehead to hers as he gave a firm smack to one and then the other mound, setting them to jiggling pleasantly. Johanna grit her teeth, but kept smiling for him.

As Ares backed away, the female Dalmation tipped her head back and took a deep breath. "Okay, sugarcube: your turn," she told the Doberman as she kissed her cheek, "I don't care that you're not a boy. Everyone gets in on this. My rule." Gemini squeezed her eyes shut, nodded, and gifted two less-than-gentle smacks to either side of Johanna's breasts. The Dalmatian licked her cheek reassuringly after each one. When everyone had had their turn, she cupped her hands over herself, massaging the ache away with a sigh and a soft smile. "Now, I hate to do this, but I'm going to give Gemini her last dare, then ask that we move this inside. The bugs are starting to get to me, and I want to start phase two of this night."

Gemi pressed her cheek against the Dalmatian's. "That's fine with me. Give me a good one."

Johanna pressed the little button. "Stimulate two places on a player of your choice. Use your hands for one place, and your mouth for the other."

Gemini immediately turned and gave Dane a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry, honeybear, but I want to show her some appreciation for everything she just said."

"Heh, you got nothing to apologize for," Dane agreed, sitting back to enjoy what he could see of the show in the dim glow of the dying fire.

Crawling back over the log, Gemini seated herself astride Johanna's waist, hands resting lightly on the other female's shoulders as she contemplated her options. "You know, Dane may have figured this out too, but I know the most sensitive place on your whole body," the Dalmatian warned, rocking back and forth across her hips suggestively. "And it's not these sexy bits. It's not your tummy, or your thighs, or your ears either. Not even those pretty lips," she leaned in and kissed them, "Though that's where I'm going to start...with my hands...," she decided, bringing one hand up to her lips and suggestively sucking two of the fingertips. She then transferred them like a kiss to Johanna's lips, tapping them lightly and tracing around the edges of the Dalmatian's entire mouth. Johanna let her jaw relax, falling open just a little, and the Doberman didn't hesitate to slide two fingers inside, playfully skipping across the tops of the sharp teeth and across the surface of the tongue behind them. Johanna closed her lips, sucking lightly as Gemini massaged her tongue, then turned her hand to tease the underside and coax Johanna into sticking just the tip of it out. Gemi pinched it loosely between finger and thumb, and leaned down to kiss it with her own lips before letting it go.

"Teehee...that might have been breaking the rules just a little," the Doberman giggled, then pushed herself back and scooted as close to the fire as she dared. "And now...with my mouth...." She closed her eyes as she lifted one of Johanna's bare feet to her lips, planting a soft, adoring kiss on the pad behind the toes.

"You know where that's been, right?" Johanna asked, just to be sure, though she made no effort to retract her foot.

"Mmhmm," the Doberman hummed, kissing the other pad and then the arch of her foot, "In the dirt and the grass, and on the hardwood floor of the cabin," she described, "None of which are going to hurt me." Her nose twitching happily as she pressed it to the crease between the ball of the foot and the toes, "And it still smells like that waffle lotion I made for you. I'm so glad you like it." She quieted herself then, pressing her lips softly, lovingly, to the pad of each individual toe, partly kissing and partly sucking affectionately on each one. She ran the flat of her tongue along the whole of the underside of the foot, then turned it down to sprinkle kisses along the top, and lick the soft, ticklish places between the toes.

Johanna sighed, her hands having gone from massaging to kneading her own breasts, her breathing starting to turn heavy and aroused. Gemini noticed...and swapped to the other foot, to give it the same lavish treatment. The boys sitting to either of Johanna's sides weren't in much better shape, judging from the way their mouths hung loosely open with their eyes half lidded, though both were doing a marvelous job of keeping their hands away from their pants. "See? I know they're sensitive. They tickle easily," she kissed the tips of Johanna's toes, demonstrating her care by not tickling them at all, "But you love to have them touched, and stretched, and played with."

" fair sharing all my secrets," Johanna chided her, rubbing her toes over the top of Gemi's nose. The Doberman just grinned and kissed the foot once more before it withdrew. "Alright. Are you ready?"

"What exactly is phase two?" Ares asked slowly, trying hard not to let his arousal get too thick in his voice.

Gemini crawled up to straddle his hips like she had Johanna's, wrapping arms around his neck and wagging her stubby tail excitedly as she rubbed noses with him. "Sibling appreciation hour. And a bath," she announced. She tipped her head up and arched her back, balancing herself with her grip around his neck...which had the overall effect of stuffing his nose down her overalls and giving him an eyeful of her breasts while she gaze up at the night sky. "I had hoped to get honest-to-goodness naked under the stars before we left, but I suppose that can wait for another trip."

"Why?" Johanna asked, letting her already-open shirt fall off her shoulders and reaching down to unzip her very snug shorts. "We're going to the bath next. What's the difference getting ready out here? Well...besides the bugs."

Gemini's tail doubled its tempo as she flashed a wide, open-mouthed smile at the Dalmatian and began pulling the "skirt" of her overalls up to her head. "I love you!" the Doberman cheered as she tossed the shed garment in the air, exposing her full body to the moon...and barely caught it before it landed in what was left of the fire. With a chuckle, their brothers obligingly followed suit, and everyone strolled back toward the cabin with their clothes bundled in their arms and showing four moons to the one in the sky.