The Dark Park: Chapter VII

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#306 of Commissions

Chapter VII

For Serami

Rosalva came to the park for one reason, and her shy friend is going to take her there. Someone is waiting for her in the dark. She's about to have a nightmare unlike any she's ever experienced. Maybe she'll meet someone new and special when she wakes up. If she ever does. 

Extreme content warning!

Features: femdom, cruelty, gore/violence, anal vore, digestion, disposal, hard vore, unbirthing, transformation, and more. 

When there were only three of them left pacing through the park, ostensibly in search of their lost friends, Oghden tugged her hand softly. She knew it was time. Ros knew it was a bit rude, but she wasn't about to miss such an opportunity. She'd been literally shaking just thinking about it. Mostly with excitement. When she looked over at the poor deer who they were leaving alone, Oghden just reached over and gently shushed her before she could call out.

"His fate is out of our hands. Someone else has claim to him tonight."

"Oh. Well, I hope he has fun."

With a further word, they slipped away, disappearing through the crowd to a part of the park that was less busy than the rest. There stood a miniature mansion, more like a prop than a real house, all grand and gothic looking. Not a single person was lined up to actually enter it, though there were plenty of people considering it out loud. Ros listened to a youthful group arguing about who should go first.

"Don't be a wuss, it can't be that bad."

"Well then why don't you go in?"

"Cause I want to know if it's a waste of time or not."

"You're just scared. Why are you even so scared? It's just ... it's just a bunch of stupid props and shit."

"Why aren't you?"

"I didn't say I wasn't ..."

They weren't wrong to be afraid. What looked on the outside like little more than some cheesy haunted mansion ride felt like so much more, on some instinctual level. It was watching her. Ros was pretty sure of it. That wouldn't have been the weirdest thing she'd ever experienced. Though she had to admit she was a little scared herself. She had been the whole time, knowing who she was going to meet that night. It was much easier with Oggy by her side, guiding her but not insisting. They could take it at her pace. The two of them ignored that group as they moved on towards the entrance.

"Oh shit, I think they're going in ..."

Thunder rumbled from a speaker. The windows flashed. What looked like toy bats fluttered towards the sky. It all put a big smile on her face. There were visibly plastic skeletons hanging from trees. Broadly smiling jack-o-lanterns came with extra eyes. It was a cartoonish, Halloween display so playful that it seemed out of place in the otherwise more sinister park. Maybe that was what made it feel so strangely ominous beneath the surface.

With so many gathered around, yet none brave enough to actually enter the building, Ros and Oghden were free to walk up the creaky stairs and throw open the heavy front door. It squeaked loudly with the effort, and swiftly slammed shut behind them as soon as they were through, sealing with an audible thunk of a solid lock. She looked back with a start, but couldn't help smiling at the little jumpscare. The two of them were stuck in there, and they were just going to have to explore.

"Welcome," came a sinister voice over a loudspeaker.

"Ooh! Is that her?" Rosalva brightly asked as she looked over at the disguised monster beside her.

Except, he wasn't actually disguised anymore. The moment he was out of sight of everyone else, Oghden went ahead and allowed himself to revert back to a more monstrous form. He was still holding her hand, in one much larger than before, crouched down so he could reach. Some part of him still resembled the pale deer as before, but where there had been a pretty face there was instead a skull fitted with harsh fangs. Those soft eyes were mere sockets, black to the very depths. His figure was taller, strong in places, thin in others, and his claws gentle indented her wrists where he still held onto her hand. If he hadn't been crouching down, his twisted, elaborate antlers would have scraped the ceiling.

He sighed his visible relief at being out of sight once more, not to mention entirely naked. She didn't know where his clothes had gone. Maybe they'd been part of the illusion.

"Oh, hi there!" she said, not at all frightened by the skull-faced giant standing right next to her. "Does that feel better? Was that hard?"

"It was. There were just ... so many people around. One slip, and they'd have all seen me, and then I don't think I would have been able to stop myself..." he murmured, but before she could look too concerned for him, he brightened up. "That was fun though. Maybe we can go out places again. For short durations, for now."

"I'd love that!" She was all but ready to hop up and down at that thought, but she couldn't forget why they were there.

The mansion's foyer led off into several other side rooms, with no apparent intended path. She was free to explore. Before she moved, she instead waited for her monstrous buddy to offer his introductions.

"Now, are you certain you are ready?" the monster asked her with a look of concern on his bony face. "The details of what happens to you in here may be intense. As well as personal."

She leapt at him all of a sudden, trying to get her hands over his fangy mouth. She couldn't reach.

"Woah, dude, hey! Spoilers!"

It was always such a sweet sight to see him laugh. While it may have been a raspy sound rattling through his skull, she was still proud to make it happen.

"Oh, right. I should know you don't like those."

"Anyway, you trust her, right? She's, like, special to you?" She couldn't help but tease him with a little wink.

"She is, ah." Oghden thought about it for a moment. He almost looked like he was blushing, though he showed no visible colour on his skull. "She is very special to me, yes. I wouldn't be able to be here with you if not for her."

"Good. Then I'm ready to let her go wild on me! Even if she fucks me right up!"

Oghden slowly nodded. "She will most assuredly fuck you up."

"I'm waiting for it! So do I just ... where do I go? Does it matter?" She looked around at all her options, including a whole upstairs area with presumably even more haunted rooms to poke her curious nose into.

"That's for you to find out for yourself. Like you said. No spoilers." He offered her his kindest smile of many fangs. "I will be there for you when you wake up."

"Wait, wake - " she began, but there was no one to talk to. As quickly as he'd transformed back into his true self, Oghden simply vanished. She blinked her eyes a few times but she couldn't make him come back. It was just her alone in that mansion, along with the sweet yet spooky voice that crackled over the unseen speaker.

"Enter, Rosalva. Your nightmare awaits."

She was just going to have to pick a direction. Those great big stairs looked spooky. She wanted to creak her way up them. They made groaned beneath her feet as she ascended, sounding almost sexual. She wouldn't have been surprised. Poking around the hall at the top, she passed some spooky statues and even a suit of armour holding a big sword. She half expected it to come slicing down on her the moment she got near. A regenerating feline like her would have been perfectly fine with a lethal blow like that. Maybe it would have even been fun.

When something dashed just out of sight in the distance, running seemingly through a wall, she giggled delightedly. Maybe Oghden was fussing over her for no reason. She was having fun! He was such a dad, she thought to herself. Though as she did, something dropped in the pit of her stomach. She wasn't sure what caused it. Maybe it was as simple as something she smelled for the briefest moment, something caustic, something burning. It was gone as quickly as she noticed.

Her search eventually led her down a decrepit hallway and into a big, dusty bedroom. It had one of those canopy beds she'd always wanted to try, surrounded by a curtain. There was someone on the other side. She could faintly see a shadow of a large figure. They were singing something to her. The song was as gentle as it was sad. She felt for a moment a great emptiness just to hear it, like she understood something on an intimate level from nothing more than a wordless, mournful tune. She wanted to reach out and tell the hidden singer it was going to be alright, but for whatever reason, she hesitated.

It was more than just a ride by then. She didn't know what exactly she was dealing with. Was Senka someone like Oghden, or something else? The Eater of Dreams. That was certainly a hell of a title. Rosalva didn't even know if she was awake or not anymore. Nothing felt different. When she slowly walked towards the bed, cautiously reaching out to draw the curtain and say hello, the pounding of her heart was as real as anything. She was really, truly scared in a way she so rarely actually felt. Oggy would have been proud of her for going on like that, she told herself.

A grab and yank of the curtain revealed nothing more than neatly made bedclothes covered in a layer of dust. Rosalva felt like she should have expected that, but she stood staring for several seconds anyway. Only the sound of someone weeping just behind her could get her to turn around. It was coming from somewhere, but she couldn't place it. It was everywhere at once, and it wasn't the same voice that had been singing to her. It sounded much more like her own.

Hearing someone who shared her voice in such despair left her with an increasingly unsettled feeling for reasons she couldn't quite explain. She couldn't remember the last time she'd actually made those sounds. All she wanted was to be away from that place, and so she pushed on, clumsily tripping over something on the floor as she moved. She ended up kicking it clear across the room and scrambling after it as it clinked and rattled. A great big old skeleton key sat there just waiting for her to pick it up. It came conveniently labelled.

Basement. :)

She wasn't sure where that was, but that was where she was going to try to go. Her heart was still fluttering a little. She scanned the corners of the halls for any sign of movement, expecting another of those silly jumpscares. That nothing happened at all while she softly padded her way back down the hall towards the stairs was what felt the most unsettling of all. She was almost thankful when the voice came back on, though she still jumped out of her skin anyway.

"Congrats, honey. You're making progress. Don't you want to find me? I'm waiting below. Just take the third door on the left when you get downstairs."

It wasn't crackling like it was before. That voice wasn't coming from a speaker. She quickly turned around to see if there was someone standing nearby, but she was still alone. It looked like she had no choice but to descend and try that new key she found. After stumbling and nearly pitching herself down the stairs, she poked around until she found a series of fairly nondescript doors in a hallway decorated with bookshelves and paintings. The titles on the shelves seemed to be mostly science-oriented. She'd seen some of the names before. The painting meanwhile was mostly abstract, looking like some sort of skeletal figure she couldn't place. She didn't like looking at it.

She was focused on everything around her until she found herself at an impasse. The key didn't fit the lock. She poked it at the hole over and over, but no matter how much force she applied, or which way she twisted it, nothing happened. She took the key back to look closer at it, wondering if maybe she'd bent it out of shape. Or maybe the door was already open and it was some kind of trick. She tried the handle but it wouldn't turn. No amount of rattling it or even throwing her shoulder against the door in frustration could change things, either. She was getting more and more worried that she'd screwed up the fun somehow until she heard the voice again.

"That's the fourth door, sweetie."


A look to her left and a quick count confirmed it. Oops. She hoped that didn't mess up any of Senka's plans. Being embarrassed allowed her to forget briefly about how scared she was, confident clicking the key into place and trying the door. Only when she swung it open and found herself staring down a set of featureless steps did she remember where she was. It was more like a tunnel than a basement, like some great underground passage that had been carved out beneath the house, beneath the carnival itself. It was too dark to see the bottom.

Of course she went anyway. She was just going to have to be very careful on the way down, knowing herself. If she took a tumble, she wasn't sure if she'd ever stop falling. One step echoed down the dark, damp passageway. It was cool down there. She descended further, inching along the uneven steps, making sure she found her footing before proceeding. It took a long time, but it was worth the effort. She didn't want to embarrass herself in front of the nightmare again.

It looked mostly like any other basement. There were shelves of nondescript old things, forgotten in the depths. Everything was wet. She should hear water dripping from the ceiling. Every step she took splashed along. It made her feel like cuddling up to someone warm. She even glanced around to see if there was a blanket somewhere, but there were only bits and pieces of lives she didn't recognize, old memories that weren't hers to relive. Nobody was waiting for her there, in the subconscious of the mansion. There was only the voice.

"Keep going. There's always a lower place."

She didn't see how that was possible. There were no more doors in sight. At least until her splooshing around in the puddles on the cold floor resulted in a hollow clunk. She looked down and found herself staring at a trapdoor of some sort. There was some sort of deep humming coming from the other side. It vibrated her toes. She bent down to inspect it and eventually found a handle. Tugging it didn't do much until she realized she had to step off of the hatch itself first. Then the whole thing groaned open with a puff of surprisingly warm, dry air in contrast to the rest of the basement. It smelled a bit like a campfire down there, but she couldn't see the bottom, nor any sort of ladder or rope. It was as good as a bottomless pit.

Even she had to consider it before just jumping in. Of course, she didn't have to worry about any sort of injury she couldn't recover from, but there was the question of where she'd actually end up, and whether there'd be any getting out. Or at least those concerns would have been important if she wasn't supposedly dreaming. As she contemplated the strangely entrancing void before her, she failed to sense someone creeping up on her. A hand firmly shoved her in the back, and down she went, tumbling straight into the pit that seemed to almost call her name.

She didn't scream. Even scraping against the harsh walls around her on the way down, skipping between them like a pinball, getting shredded up by their jagged surfaces, she simply fell in silence, stunned by the experience. It just kept going. She felt as if she was descending into the planet itself, to explore beneath the crust, to plunge straight down into the magma at the core. For whatever reason, she kept her eyes open while she got the skin roughly peeled from her body, smearing blood down the walls until she finally hit the bottom. The crunching squelch of flesh hitting solid floor at terminal velocity echoed throughout that subterranean chamber.

Rosalva was of course an utter mess on impact. She splattered off in every direction, bones splintering, body resembling little more than fine goop for at least a time. Somehow, she never lost her awareness, despite being little more than a puddle. As it always did, her body began to pull itself back together at her command. She regenerated on the spot, covered in her own gore once she started resembling a cat again. It took time. More than usual, she found. Maybe it was just how disoriented she felt by the whole experience.

When she managed to get a good look again, she was surprised to see how well-lit her surroundings were. All the light in the room seemed to come from only one single source. A bare lightbulb on a string slowly swayed back and forth, casting a bright beam to one side of the shadowy place and then the other. She stared at it. There was a buzzing sound like it was being overtaxed, overcharged. She bit her lip at the thought of it breaking, and then yelped out loud when it did indeed shatter, scattering shards of glass all over. It was dark once more.

There she remained, bloodied but intact once more, awaiting the next big scare. She could hear someone breathing in the dark. Other than herself anyway, and she was panting hard. Eventually a pair of eyes in the shadows. They glowed a haunting white. Another pair joined them, and then another, followed by a smile. It gave off enough light to faintly illuminate the entire room, giving Rosalva her first look at the nightmare herself. Senka had finally decided to show herself.

Ros wasn't expecting her to be so hot. The living nightmare stood in soft, matronly form, glistening all over with a layer of slippery slime that only made her curves stand out all the more. She was broad and she was ample, thick in every place, juicy enough that the fallen cat wanted little more than to touch her, to squeeze her, to squish her. Yet such sultry looks weren't without their menace. It was more than just the many glowing eyes, the fangs, the tentacles that served for hair. She carried with her a sense of menace beyond anything Rosalva had ever felt before. Not even Oggy at his fiercest made her feel that way.

"Rosalva. My sweet cat. Have you fallen down? Let mama kiss it better."

She didn't move her mouth when she spoke. She only smiled. From slowly making her approach, Senka suddenly rushed, existing for a moment as seemingly nothing more than a blur as she descended upon the fallen feline. Ros couldn't move in time before she was plucked up from the floor, clutched in those clawed hands, feeling them dig into her renewing flesh. For as gently as she spoke, Senka held on harshly, giving Ros a good shake while she dangled there, in awe of the eldritch beauty before her.

Senka's idea of a kiss involved her tongue much more so than her lips. She slathered and ravaged Rosalva's face with it, snaking out that slobbery thing to bend and twist it in all manner of unnatural ways. Ros was dripping in moments, drenched in nightmare spit, soaked to the core. Her clothing just seemed to slowly melt off of her body once it was covered in enough drool. It slithered down her skin, slopping to the floor, peeling from her like goo. She was naked before the monster, allowing that tongue to dance over her fur in every place, touching everything. There was no hiding anything from mama Senka.

That tongue found its way around her throat in time. Then Ros felt a squeeze. She faintly reached up to grasp it, but she didn't even try to pry it free while it strangled her. She knew there was no stopping it. Senka used that grip to tug the cat closer, shoving Rosalva's face right up between her breasts, where she kept her smothered for a time. The nightmare's skin was so smooth and glossy, covered in that slippery slime. It made rubbing up against her oddly cool body something Ros simply couldn't stop doing. She nuzzled and she buried herself between those tits,

"See? Isn't that better? You're my horny little kitty. I'll take such good care of you."

Ros didn't have a reply when she was so busy slopping up the monster's breasts with her deep, intense licks. She ended up lapping up plenty of that slime in the process, swallowing it directly. It tasted a little like fresh rain. She worshipped that motherly body with all her heart, getting frightfully hard in the process. It wasn't just her lust that motivated her though. That gloomy, threatening presence never quite left her sensations. She knew she had to please the nightmare or something bad might happen.

Such thoughts kept her going as she slipped slowly down along the round shape of Senka's belly. Such a soft tum it was, just as worthy of Ros' smooching and licking as her breasts. She worked hard to please the monster at the bottom of the pit, even as she felt a certain rising fear thumping through her body. It was invigorating in a way. She hadn't felt danger like that since she met Oggy, but Senka was a total unknown. She radiated mystery and she tasted like the night. It was an honour to find herself on her knees before her, contemplating the depths of the wettest pussy she'd ever seen.

It was absolutely slathered in slime and lustful juices alike, dripping in her face as she knelt between two thick, dark thighs. Ros was already thoroughly soaked, but somehow she got wetter as she loomed there, basking in Senka's humid desire. Eventually one of Senka's hands latched onto her head, digging those claws deep into her skull to force her to immerse herself in those slippery folds, to dip down under the juices and all but drown there. Senka rubbed Ros' face in her cunt until the cat was guzzling the sweet fluids of a nightmare's need, muzzle caught in the clenching grip of those dark folds. She wasn't letting go.

Smeared to the very skin and wearing a cloak of dripping wetness, Ros felt herself growing faint already. That didn't suit Senka at all. More and more, the nightmare took over her, descending upon her like a dark cloud. For a moment Ros thought she might end up directly inside that pussy, nothing more than a living dildo squirming away in those juicy depths. Instead, she found herself pushed down to the floor, slowly but firmly pinned by Senka's massive curves. The monster sat her ass right down on Ros' chest and middle alike, completely flattening her to the harsh, cold floor, pushing that plump pussy directly into the feline's face. That was precisely where the two of them were going to remain until Senka said otherwise.

Being squashed beneath all that softness would have been more pleasant if not for the harshness of the surface below her. Ros could already feel her body getting slightly mangled from all the pressure atop her. She didn't let that stop her. Delving in, she supped upon that ample sex, eating out the monster like her very life depended on it. For all she knew, it did. That kept her working her tongue along those lips, wriggling, stroking, kissing, making sure to tend to every single detail she could possibly reach. Her reward was to get set on all the harder, squished and smothered down, gripped tightly between thighs big and powerful enough to crush her head if Senka so desired.

The roughness and the trace of fear beneath it all was just the kind of thing to give her one hell of a hard-on. Ros was aching. She felt like she might explode, and not in the good way. Maybe it was the gradual suffocating, or maybe more of an outright drowning in all the juices she helped produce. Senka was only getting wetter. It was all thanks to her diligent attention, to her squelching, suckling worship as she laid there, trapped beneath a big fat nightmare pussy. Every rub and grind on her face Senka gave her brought her closer to simply slipping right inside, to getting swallowed up whole by the sex that pulsed against her tongue and lips, dousing her in the dampest of all scents.

It was an alarmingly mortal feeling to be suffocating like that. It didn't usually affect her much. Yet there she was, feeling as if she might truly pass out if she remained pinned there any longer. Senka didn't relent. She slipped her long fingers behind Rosalva's head, shoving and plunging the cat's face inside her again and again. It came along with a haunting, echoing mouth from somewhere deep within her throat. The sound of it was like someone else was trapped inside her, their voice echoing out from the depths of the monster's belly.

That rising crescendo of ghostly pleasure came to a climactic chorus. All the voices inside Senka spilled out at once to form a harmonious cry of orgasm while Ros swam in the resulting mess. Senka squirted right in the cat's face, leaving her to guzzle down all those juices just to keep from drowning in them. Ros choked on them as she struggled to swallow more femcum than she usually got from giving a blowjob. She was stuffed and sloshing with it while that slick pussy erupted against her lips. Yet even in the strain, there was pride in knowing she made something so unknowable cum that hard.

"See? You have a purpose after all," Senka said with a sigh. "Yet still so hard. Do you think you deserve to let it out?"

She reached a finger down to Rosalva's cock, extending the time she spent atop the suffocating cat's face in the afterglow. Toying and touching at that shaft made Ros sharply squirm, kicking out a let with a huff of breath that blew over the heated petals of Senka's pussy. Only after giving her a slow, gentle handjob for those fleeting, fading moments did the nightmare finally rise. She slowly slurped her slick sex from Rosalva's face with a squelch and a pop, stretching strands of heavy juices from her features. For a while, Ros forgot to even gasp, so stunned by nightmare pussy as she was.

While she wheezed and coughed her way back to life, coming up from the depths in which she'd been submerged, Senka shifted over to shadow the cat's dick with her heavy rear. She came down slowly, yet ever so firmly, shoving Ros inside her all at once. There was no teasing, no easing her into it, just the ultra-slick schlurck of sliding that firm shaft into the absolutely drenched depths of the cunt that clenched around her. For their size difference, Senka felt shockingly tight, sealing up around Rosalva's inches until the feline simply whimpered beneath the monster riding her cock. She couldn't even mewl.

As if to ensure she wouldn't struggle, Senka seized Ros by the shoulders once she started to move her hips. The absolute slickness of the sounds that emanated from their fucking in the dark was enough to hurt the cat's ears. Even the slightest movements produced some truly excess slurping and suckling noises, echoing out through the darkness of that unknown place. Her lower lip was twitching within moments. It was as pleasurable as it was emotionally overwhelming, staring into the darkness of Senka's brightly shining eyes, being overtaken by the motherly shape of that slimy nightmare. She wanted to cum so very hard for mama Senka.

If she wanted to say anything, she wasn't going to get the opportunity. Senka's tongue descended like a tentacle, prying Rosalva's jaws open to roughly jam inside. Ros found herself swallowing it in an instant, choking it down until it bulged her throat while she got her hips plapped by that massive ass coming down on her thighs. Senka was soft, but she could be ever so rough. It wasn't long before all that weight bouncing atop her started to bend and break Rosalva. She heard the crunching, felt herself getting twisted into all manner of unnatural angles, but she couldn't deny how good it felt to be the motherly horror's sex toy. It was even better when she heard the praise.

"Good girl. You're good for something after all. Now don't disappoint me. You're going to have to give me everything, or I'll be forced to punish you."

Ros could feel herself getting quite literally splattered into the hard concrete below her by the power of those hips. Her hips were giving way to the point her entire lower body was being crushed flat. She bled hard but she still arched her back to press herself deeper into the thick pussy pumping up and down atop her. She wanted so badly to cum inside the monster. Everything was coursing through her at once, every sensation, every spark of pure pleasure that overpowered the pain. She didn't moan so much as she simply opened her mouth to scream around the tongue fucking in and out of her throat. Witnessing the ever-smiling visage of Senka above her, worn like a mask, gave her the strength to somehow get that sound out no matter how muffled she might have been.

Her wail of fear, of shock, of every emotion all at once came with her cumming as hard as she possibly could. She didn't squirt so much as she gushed, as if she was trying to equal Senka's own messy release. That was so much more cum than she was used to giving. It was flowing out of her in a stream, spraying into the motherly nightmare, filling up that dark womb with shot after shot of hot cat seed. Ros was flexing and twitching violently between Senka's thighs, hyperventilating, broken nearly in half by those hips coming down on her again and again. It was all so worth it.

When she finished, with a lower body that barely existed in anything but pulp, she was left to shudder on the floor, waiting for her healing to kick in. She'd been so caught up in the pleasure she forgot to regenerate. It seemed to come more slowly than usual even when she was trying. Senka was staring at her. The monster slowly withdrew her tongue from the cat, only to replace it with an entire hand, shoved straight into the feline's open mouth, and then down her throat, choking her with the forceful insertion.

Senka clasped onto something inside Rosalva while the cat gagged on that slimy arm. She tugged, and then pulled firmly, snapping something off, pulling something out. Yet when she withdrew her arm from Rosalva's strained jaws, she didn't appear to be holding anything in particular. Yet when she tightened her fingers into a fist and crushed the invisible something, Ros knew just what it was. Her legs weren't healing anymore. They were crushed and they were going to stay that way with her power so forcibly torn from her.

"That's better. What right does a pathetic thing like you have to a power you don't understand?"

Rosalva bled from the mouth as she pooled there, her crushed legs bleeding. Not only that - she could feel the blood loss actually getting to her for once. She was struggling to stay conscious. Senka slowly slipped her pussy off that softened cock, dripping plentifully, overflowing with cum. As she did, there was a sound of glass rattling, then scraping along the floor. In the light offered by Senka's inner glow, Rosalva saw the shattered bulb pick itself up off the floor, and float up to reassemble itself once more. Only when it clicked back into place and turned back on did she see all the details of the room.

It was a familiar place. She didn't like seeing it. The shadows of flames danced upon the walls of the laboratory, but the place itself wasn't visibly burning. She could smell it. The smoke, most of all. All that life's work, going up in moments. She was too wounded to crawl away, to get away from the encroaching, yet seemingly invisible blaze. The heat was rising. Her heart was pounding painfully. Her legs were broken to the point of nearly snapped off of her body, shattered by the ride beneath the nightmare, and Senka simply stood above her, observing her restless state with a constant, unfeeling smile.

"Do you regret being the one who survived that day? Do you feel like you should have died too?" Senka's tone was soft, even sing-song, but there was distinct malice to every word.

"N-no ..." Rosalva whimpered, trying to use her elbows to drag her mangled body away.

"Perhaps I should simply leave you down here. Don't you sometimes wish this was where it had all ended? Burnt away like a memory, forgotten before long."

"Please ..." Ros felt her eyes misting, felt the ache in her throat overwhelming her more than even the pain of her ruined legs.

"Please? Will you beg for your life? I can offer you only one refuge." Senka still smiled, even as she sounded like she was scowling. She turned slowly, raising her great big tail. "Crawl into the place you belong if you wish to save yourself from the flames."

To make that more possible, Senka snapped her fingers and instantly healed the damage that had been done to Rosalva's twisted body. It was a rough, violent regenerative process, forcing the bones back into place, shoving the flesh back where it belonged, slurping the blood into her open veins. Yet it worked. She was able to slowly force herself to rise, sitting up, then attempting to stand. Her legs gave out beneath her when she did, forcing her to crawl towards the nightmare, and the offering of her rump.

She knew what she had to do. It was the only thing to save her from that terrible fate. A fitting end for her, hopefully less painful than burning to death. Senka didn't force her to do anything. She rose up and ascended that backside, clinging to the monster's thighs for support until she could get her face directly up against that smooth, dark rim. A kiss of tribute was a simple offering before she began to slip inside, pushing her face past the initial resistance so she could get swallowed by Senka's grand, shapely ass.

The nightmare offered some slight assistance in the form of the occasional flex or clench, but she mostly murmured and hummed to herself at the pleasure of having the broken feline feeding herself to her. Senka was cool on the outside, but ever so warm within. Dark, too. It wasn't just that Rosalva couldn't see anything once she got her head neatly stuffed up that slippery, shiny butt. She felt herself diving deeper and deeper into the void, into a place of utter hunger and infinite depth. Even knowing she was going to be utterly consumed didn't stop her.

She had to stand up on the tips of her toes to keep stuffing herself away where she belonged by the time she got to her chest. That was good enough for Senka. She wrapped that massive, serpent-like tail around the cat's body and gave a powerful constriction that cracked a few bones. From there it was a matter of shoving Ros inside, pumping her back and forth here and there just to let her know she was as good as a dildo for the horror in the dark. Senka fucked herself with Rosalva's body until the clenches grew more and more powerful, squeezing the air out of the feline's lungs, then the life slowly out of her body.

By the time she was halfway engulfed, Ros felt herself starting to break under the pressure. That deep, dark hole wasn't just squeezing on her with the contractions of pleasure. It felt like it was outright chewing on her, mashing her a little more with each intense, powerful clench up around her body. Without her ability to heal, she was going to get snuffed out in such a crude, embarrassing way. It was going to hurt like hell until all went numb. Yet she couldn't help but feel it was precisely what she deserved. Her fate had been waiting for her all that time. It wasn't a dream, it wasn't an illusion, it was the real thing, in that world and any other.

Once she got her legs slurped inside and her feet soundly disappeared behind the sealing hole beneath Senka's tail, Ros fully curled up within that dark passage, feeling the walls clinging to her, grasping at her, pinching her as they absorbed her directly into the monster's body. There was no need to digest her first. All it took was crushing her and breaking her, then siphoning her away into those nightmarish intestines. She was claimed by Senka's body a little more with each crunchy squeeze around her, with each pulse and thrum of those hungry walls. The death she'd dodged those years ago was only so she could end like this, digested by a monster who knew all her flaws, all her failings, all the reasons she didn't deserve the power she'd been accidentally given.

"Die, die, darling cat. You will be part of me for eternity, never spoken of again. I'm going to shit you out in the darkness of your worst memory, and that's all you'll ever be."

To hear that kind, pleasant voice speaking such harsh words just felt wrong entirely. Yet even so, Rosalva accepted her fate. Or at least she thought she did. When her body began to break and fail her, when she truly felt death starting to overtake her powerless, fragile mortal form, she felt something she hadn't in so very long. She panicked. The full weight of what was happening to her struck her then. She was never going to think again. It wasn't slumber, it wasn't rest, it was a nosedive straight into horrifying oblivion, never to emerge. The thought made her scream right to the very end.

Even as her neck snapped within Senka's body under all the pressure and her body fell to mere twitching, the shroud of death didn't fully overtake her mind. She softened all the more with each moment, dragged away and pulled apart by the monster's innards, added to the thick padding on that enormous ass that had consumed her. Yet even then, she remained trapped there, somewhere within Senka, mostly absorbed and dissolved into something much less desirable than her former self. It faintly glowed. A load of nightmare waste seemed a suitable fate for her, she found herself thinking as the pressure around her built once more, pushing her back out the way she came.

Senka squatted in the middle of that phantom lab, in the place that held such terrible memories for Rosalva. At least those would go away, she found herself thinking as she felt her new self being crudely birthed into the world, squeezed out from under the nightmare's huge tail. She felt herself thud down to the cold floor, warm and steaming, coiling and piling up beneath the ass she'd helped thicken. Splinters of her broken bones and tiny tufts or shreds of her hair and fur were enough to say that the mess being made there had once indeed been Rosalva. She was a mound of shit in a forgotten place, and a big one at that.

Ready to die at last, she tried to empty her mind while she steamed there, cooling in the darkness. Senka paid her no more mind. She left the scene and there Ros remained, wondering when the thoughts would fade, when the memories would finally leave her. Which was precisely when it occurred to her that they wouldn't. She wasn't going to get to die. Her mind was going to remain, lingering for one reason or another. Perhaps simply because Senka willed it. She was surrounded by her most painful memories, transformed into her new form as something no one would ever want to look at, humiliated and destroyed but left to go on knowing precisely what had happened to her. It was dark and deathly quiet. She was never going to escape.

The horror only rose as the seconds ticked on. Then they were minutes. Then they were hours. There was so much she wished she could undo, so much she wished she could make up for. All those regrets were just going to stick with her forever, without a proper body to do a single thing about them. No one would find her. Maybe no one would miss her either. Maybe she was never meant to be anything more than nightmare shit, she thought to herself as the hours transformed into other days. Maybe someday, at the very least, her mind would finally go blank instead of enduring the anguish of her forgotten existence.

It had been a long time since she'd woken up screaming. Such was her life that finding herself in the arms of a faceless, towering monster when she awoke was the most comforting thing she could think of. Oghden was there for her as soon as she jolted from the nightmare that felt like it had gone on for years. She had to reconnect the dots and remember exactly where she was, and everything in her life that had led up to getting there. She wasn't sure how she got into that bed, though. It was that same canopy bed she'd so admired proved to be just as comfortable as it looked in her dream.

That didn't mean she wasn't shaking. Some lingering piece of the terror she'd felt down there in the dark of her subconscious was still in her blood, sending trembles through her that she simply couldn't stop. Only through the presence and the loving care of the very wendigo who'd once torn her to pieces a hundred different ways did she manage to start calming down. His voice helped with that.

"Hey. It's all over now," Oghden told her, stroking his claws through her hair. "I'm here."

Ros welled up with emotion just to hear him speaking so tenderly to her. Though such relief turned briefly back to horror when her vision cleared and looked past the drawn curtain to see Senka herself sitting there across the room. She was relaxing in one of the large old armchairs, offering that permanent smile. Except, she was different. Entirely the same by immediate appearance, but her whole aura was different. Dangerous, most certainly. Yet subdued, soft, gentle. It was how Rosalva knew she was awake.

"Hi honey," came Senka's soothing voice. "You did very well."

"O-oh ..." was the best Ros could provide. She had to admit she flinched a little when the living nightmare stood up, just thinking of those memories of her cruelty, even if it hadn't been real.

"If it's okay with you, I'm going to come a little closer. May I?"

Ros had to think about it. She snuggled back into Oghden's chest just to feel the warm fluff of her beloved cryptid. Having him there meant everything would be okay. She finally nodded.

Senka smiled a little brighter as she approached the bed. She reached out her hand and let Rosalva take her time in accepting it, feeling the gentle, slippery squeeze.

"I want you to know that nothing I said or made you feel was true," Senka assured. "You are a beautiful cat who needs not the burden of guilt."

"I ..." Ros began, then sucked a breath.

Hearing it spoken to her like that by someone who knew so much about her was so much more powerful than a thousand self-assurances. Confronting all those ugly thoughts directly deep down in the depths of that basement dream left her feeling liberated, lighter, as if she could just float away.

"Thank you," she finally said.

"And thank you as well. I am sorry I was so harsh with you. But I am very satisfied now."

Ros brightened up at that. "Oh, you two sound so similar when you say that! I think I get it. You're not like us, but you're doing your best! I think that's really nice."

Senka eventually climbed into bed with her. It made Ros feel so very small, cuddled up in the middle of the enormous mattress between two towering monsters. But she was perhaps the safest she'd ever been. She snuggled into a Senka boob, she fluffed herself in Oghden's chest, and most of all she started purring as she got herself settled in, stroked from all sides by the two caring horrors. Between the two of them, they'd torn so very much out of her. Yet she was so much better after going through the frightful experiences they granted.

"You are very kind to us," Senka fondly told her.

Oghden gave her a little lick on the cheek. "How are you feeling?"

"A little dizzy," Ros admitted. "But very very snug."

"Good," Senka said. "You are welcome to stay here with us for as long as you like. Or, if you might be up for it, I have something in mind."

Of course Rosalva perked up that. She wiggled up from between a slippery bust and a lean but strong chest so she could get a better look at Senka. She spoke with more conviction than she even knew she was capable of expressing.

"Tell me."

Ending 1

"Well. I know a very good boy who's been holding you close all this time, not even thinking about himself." Senka offered a smile to Oghden, who Rosalva could feel was blushing without even needing to look back at him. "He won't ask it himself, but he would absolutely love to devour you."

Oghden floundered. "Well I, I mean, it's not that I need it. I am perfectly content just to hold you, Rosalva. Always."

"Ogggggy," Ros fussed. "Don't be silly. You're a hungry boy! I'd love nothing more than to be inside of you for Halloween."

Senka slowly rose from her spot beside Ros, giving the cat a little kiss as she parted. "I do hope you'll visit us again, dear. I would love to have a friend like you."

"I will!" Ros practically shouted in response. That she wouldn't ever want to see her new scary friend again was simply unfathomable to her.

The nightmare took her spot again, comfortably seated in her chair so she could watch the whole thing. Rosalva took one more look at her before her full attention to the hungry monster who got on top of him. She looked deep into the empty sockets of his eyes and offered him her most affectionate words.

"Do it. Do iiiiit. Eat me so good," she told him, almost daring him.

His response was a deep, guttural growl and moan all in one. She could hear the sound rattling through his skull just as much as she could feel it in her own. Soon, she was underneath him. He completely overtook her, shrouding her with his size, pinning her to the bed. He took her by the wrists and drooled in her face a little. She could feel him trembling. The poor boy wanted her so badly. He'd been holding back ever since he first arrived at the park in disguise, surrounded by so many tasty morsels. One slip of his willpower could have turned it into a massacre, but he was just so good.

She wanted to kiss him but he lunged first. All his restraints were gone, cast off for the pleasure of indulging that intense need inside of him. He pulled her arms to the root and until they popped out of their sockets while he went for his face. Silly thing couldn't wait to get to the good part. But then, she liked to think every part of her was the good part. He munched right into her features, digging his teeth right through her flesh and bone alike, and simply started tearing.

She heard his snarls and his rumbles as he indulged himself in her meat, stripping her to the bone in messy, ravenous chomps and gnashes of his teeth. His fangs pierced her eyes. He latched onto her lower jaw and simply pulled it right off with a solid snap of bone, leaving her tongue flopping out. Then he ate that too, snipping it off in a single bite. He was going to make a great big mess of that nice bed, she found herself thinking even as she got her face ripped off like a mask.

He got a great big mouthful of all that precious flesh and gnawed it into nothing, gulping it down to leave her nearly unrecognizable already. He was pulling at her wrists so hard he ended up ripping one of her arms right off, and it was hardly a clean tear. There was a gaping wound at the end that he went for with his teeth, chewing his way up that severed limb. She heard him crunching directly through her bones, feasting his way up to her fingers until there was simply nothing left of her arm. He moved with frightful speed, devouring her even faster than she could regenerate, ripping swiftly into her left breast as soon as he'd sent her arm into his belly.

That pristine white fur was getting all messy, just like the bedsheets. She couldn't really see him after all he'd done to her face, but she could still tell somehow. When she tried to moan, she just gurgled, but she refused to die just yet. Not when there was so much delightful feasting to enjoy. She loved how much Oghden enjoyed her body. His enthusiasm just flattered her more than anything, even when he ripped her tit off so hard he exposed her heart beneath. After chewing up that mouthful of meat, he dug his tongue into the hole he made, piercing through the precious organ as if stabbing a stake straight into it.

Most people would have been extremely dead by then, but Ros wasn't most people. She choked a little, wheezing through her jawless mouth as Oghden made her heart stop beating. It gushed with blood as he hooked his tongue around it like a frog might snatch its prey, yanking it right out of her open chest so he could chew its squelching meat. It gushed all over her, squirting in every direction while he ate it. Apparently he enjoyed it so much that he simply needed more of her insides, snatching at that wound, spreading it wider with his monstrous strength.

Breaking her ribs in the process, he dug his face straight into her chest cavity to start gnawing on her still-pumping lungs. Puncturing them with ease, he took mouthfuls of their meat to swallow, shredding them to bits with the violence of his eating. The rest of her organs got all ground up too as he just kept devouring her, kept swallowing great big gulps of fresh cat. She was filling up his belly and making him feel nice, and that was really all that mattered to her even as her blood poured out of her so heavily it was cascading over the side of the bed.

When she felt him snatch her by the shoulders, she knew he needed even more. Everything so far was his idea of sampling and savouring her, even if he was eating her so messily he was soaked in her blood from skull to hooves. He dragged her towards his jaws and stuffed her in like the piece of meat she was to him in that moment. She knew he loved her, but his hunger was in control foremost. Faceless, jawless, and with her chest ripped open, her shredded organs dangling from that wound, she found herself between his teeth as he bit down hard. The satisfyingly spectacular scrurrrnch of him going right through her neck and skull all at once was thrilling.

From there things got a little blurrier. He just crushed most of her brain in a single bite after all. She had her limits. Another deep chomp and he took her head right off, sending it down his throat with a bulging swallow before he even had time to chew on it. That meant she was still alive, sort of, by the time she smacked down into his gut, listening to him bite off more and more chunks of her body to swallow down, like she was nothing more than a chocolate bar. Her body came apart in crunchy segments, snapped off by the power of those world-devouring jaws. There were so many people he could eat, but that night, he wanted only her.

Soon he was snapping her legs into three separate pieces to swallow down whole. He was too hungry to bother chewing on her any longer, as tasty as she was. A toss of his head and down went those paws, to pile up with the rest of the cat meat in his stomach. She was buried in her own blood, surrounded by gore and gurgles, and she felt so very loved. There was no need for a hunt, for a nightmare, for an elaborate confrontation of her fears and trauma. It was just her and her spooky friend, doing what made him feel better. She didn't want him to be ashamed of it in the slightest.

Once he started digesting her, still technically alive, he didn't stop. She was slorshed up in the sizzling acids of his endless hunger, dipped down in the darkness of his belly, feeling her flesh melting down to the shattered bones. Those too were swift to melt to goo in the bubbling cauldron that was his belly. He absorbed her. She became him, at least in some way. Knowing she was feeding the good boy made her happy even as she got melted in a puddle of liquefied cat. She should have been dead, and she was largely blank, but somehow she kept on going even while she sank to the bottom of his digestives, siphoned away into his intestines, or however his digestive system worked.

Her healing wasn't entirely useless even while she was being melted in that acid. She slowly pieced herself back together just enough to keep thinking once his belly finally settled down. Which wasn't to say it was dormant, but it churned less aggressively than before as Oghden grew less famished, all thanks to her. She floated there in pieces, regenerating then melting down again, a constant battle against the tide that she knew she couldn't win. It made her wonder. Just how long could she keep it up, and if she kept on growing back while actively being digested by him, was he going to keep getting satisfaction out of it?

She felt him rub at his belly, stroking fondly over a vaguely catlike shape. It was less like being a meal for him and more like a captive, a slave to his appetite, constantly contributing to his contentment while she endured that messy, burning digestive process. It hurt a little, but not in a way she couldn't handle. Besides, she could sense how soothed she was making him feel to the point it felt like her own sensations. Maybe she could just stay there a while. Maybe he didn't have to revive her from nothing like he normally did, at least not yet. She had no way of communicating the thought in her head, but he went ahead and voiced it for her.

"Is it okay if I just ... keep you for a while, Rosalva? You feel so good in there. I could keep my gut going just fast enough that you won't fully melt away. I'd get to feel you adding a little more to me every moment."

Yes! Or so she wanted to scream. She didn't really have a mouth. Yet he seemed to understand. She felt him squeeze her in both hands where she made a bulge in his normally gaunt belly. Her powers remained, rapidly working against the slow, yet constant simmer of his supernaturally powerful stomach acids, caught in a constant back and forth battle that felt calmer and calmer the longer it went on. She could get used to that. He could keep her there for as long as she wanted, holding her in that private sauna, as close to him as she could possibly be, she decided.

"Thank you. I love you, Rosalva," he told her, gently touching the bulge that was sort of her.

She couldn't say it, but she loved him too. Getting to stay inside him for a while, making him feel nice every single moment she spent in that sloppy, acidic chamber, stewing in her own liquefied flesh, listening to herself getting slurped down lower in his body and claimed, that was the most romantic way to spend Halloween she could think of. She was going to have so much fun feeding him and her new friend. Senka returned to the bed to cuddle up close to Oghden while the wendigo endlessly digested Rosalva. Despite the gory nature of the moment, part of Ros wished she could remain in it forever, close, content, and making a monster she adored feel good.

"You are a very good girl, Rosalva. We will always take care of you," Senka told her, and for a moment she wondered if she'd just been adopted by the eldritch creatures. Maybe that was exactly what she'd always wanted.

Ending 2

"Well. There are all these lovely stages just ready for us in this park. The guests here, they tend to be quite open minded to people like us."

Rosalva's eyes opened wider as she started to clue into what Senka was suggesting.

"How do you feel about putting on a little show, sweetie?""

The cat could only wildly nod at such a suggestion. A show with them? She had no idea what to even think of that, nor what to expect. All she knew was she was happy to be scooped up and carried by her fluffy skull buddy when he picked her up. And then truly caught off guard when she found herself encircled by a mass of chains that suddenly lashed out of nowhere, binding her, shackling her wrists and ankles, even gagging her with a metal muzzle drawn tight across her lips. All of a sudden, she was their prisoner, and she liked it.

"Hmmf!" she cried, not out of shock, but more pleasant surprise.

"You'll forgive the theatrics," Senka mused. "We have an audience to impress, after all."

Oh, they were quite forgiven. Rosalva was a little embarrassed at just how instantly she got horny over the whole thing. She was their throbbing kitty to carry off and kidnap into places unknown. The only thing that gave her pause - more so than the eldritch horror and the forest cryptid - was the sound of a crowd. Well, something of one anyway. There were a dozen different shows at that carnival, and only a few people had gathered before this particular stage, set up in front of the same haunted mansion where she'd gone through her slimy nightmare. Or at least where the nightmare had been set. She was still uncertain on how real one of Senka's dreams really was.

The crowd slowly grew when there was something to see. Ros found herself shackled there, on display before more and more eyes while she squirmed in the bindings that simply would not offer even the slightest give. The monsters who had her captive didn't give any sort of introductions. That didn't surprise her. She didn't exactly know them as performers. Senka at least seemed comfortable in front of an audience. Oghden was hunched down a little, looking a little shy. Ros wished she could reassure him that everyone would love him, but she couldn't get a word out.

The audience was the definition of captive. They were visibly awed, staring agape at the creatures on display in front of them. Ros wondered if they could have moved even if they wanted to. It was time for the show to begin. She always liked feeling Oghden clutching her, and he grasped her tightly by the shoulders to drag her out of her bindings as easily as if he was removing her top. She dangled there, naked and horny, shown off to all while she faintly kicked her legs in excitement. A glance revealed the skully monster was just as turned on as she was. She knew how much he desired her, at all times, but it was all the sweeter to be reminded.

He was upon her in an instant. She got slammed down to the stage by his pounce. People gasped. She wanted to assure them all it was normal for him to get a little aggressive and that she'd be perfectly fine, but she couldn't know that. For the moment, he was simply mounting her. She mewled and mrawled as he got on top of her, forcing her down on her face, clutching her skull in his longer fingers while he humped her butt. His aim wasn't quite accurate on the first few thrusts, but the enthusiasm was certainly there.

Soon she felt herself getting stroked and smeared in a smooth glaze of the thick juices leaking from that monster cock. He got her nice and wet, spurting on her fur, and between her cheeks while she writhed beneath him. That grip was tight. He was really holding her down, being forceful in the way he knew she loved. When he finally found his mark and sank deep inside her, all she could do was whimper for him, losing herself in the moment. It was easy to forget all about the audience when she was getting penetrated by such a good friend.

Naturally, he wasn't about to make gentle love to her when he was so pent up. Poor boy had probably been waiting all throughout her extended nap! He had urges to get out. Against all conventions of momentum and rhythm, he launched instantly into full-speed pounding, plapping rut. She was numb with pleasure in seconds, arching her back into something near and orgasm already, clenching, aching, quivering. He was terrifying when he really got going like that, and she loved it so much.

He kept on like that, jamming his sleek cock in her butt, slamming her down on the stage with those lunging, driving thrusts, until she was leaking all over herself. She couldn't even mewl. Her eyes were rolling back in her head, her tongue was hanging out of her mouth. She looked like she was getting fucked to death by the sheer power of horny wendigo atop her. Thankfully, or perhaps unfortunately, he stopped before he could break her back or pound her into mush. Instead, with her on the cusp of orgasm, he wrenched back with her still very much impaled on his dick, clutching her by the hips to let her dangle there a moment. That's when Senka made her approach.

"We've been thinking, sweet Rosalva. Oghden does so love spending time with you. And I have cherished every moment of this first meeting. You are sweet and yet so lost. Would you perhaps be happier if we were to adopt you? To keep you as our own, to be loved and protected? It is a lot to ask, I know. You will not hurt us if you say no."

As the slippery nightmare spoke such kind words, she took Ros gently by the head and guided her towards that glistening pussy. It was sopping wet, pouring juices down the inside of those great, thick thighs. Oghden urged her closer until her muzzle kissed against those tender lips, spreading them out so she could gasp and pant inside them. She was so very close, teetering on the cusp of orgasm, but she stayed right there as she got closer and closer to getting fucked right inside of Senka. All the while, she had to try to consider such an offer, and to even come close to summarizing how she felt about it.

"Mmmff ... I'd love that so much ..." she answered, briefly choking either on emotion or on pussy juice. It was hard to say.

"Sink inside mama Senka and let us leave our mark on you. Let's see how it feels," spoke that gentle horror, helping to guide Rosalva into the warmth of that divinely wet monster cunt.

Every time Oghden gave her a thrust to the rump, she sank a little deeper. Parting those lips with her muzzle caused a juicy schlip of face against pussy, soaking warmly in all those flowing juices. She ended up swallowing some of them, and she didn't mind one bit. Like lusty rain and liquid slumber, they soothed her senses as surely as they turned her on. She was so hard, so wet, shaking with desire while her head vanished into the confines of the living nightmare. Senka gripped and squeezed on her the whole time, showing her she was enjoying herself just as much as Ros was.

A sudden vicious lunge by the cryptid fucking her ass jolted her forward, pushing her in past her shoulders, past her breasts. She was immersed in Senka's scent, shaking in Oghden's grasp, going all tight on him as every muscle in her body twitched and tightened for him. She couldn't hold back any longer. He made her cum, and hard. She squirted for him, jizzing right down Senka's thighs and on her feet while the monster swallowed her whole with that sweet, juicy pussy. She was immersed to the point of nearly drowning, swimming in sensations, tingling all over, cumming and cumming without any end in sight. The pleasure of having Oghden pressing on her prostate like that was enough to milk her absolutely dry, until she was little more than a writhing, shuddering mess getting slurped away like a living, purring dildo.

That slick sex wrapped around her seemed almost to gulp at her with those deep, powerful squeezes. Senka was feeling good as she dragged the cat deeper inside. Ros could hear her moaning in that sing-song voice. Knowing she was making the eldritch horror feel so good brought her such joy. Though curling up in the darkness of a nightmare's womb was all the more pleasant. She tucked herself in, curling up in more and more of a ball as Oghden pulled from her to instead fuck Senka directly. He plunged his cock between Rosalva's outstretched thighs while the slippery monster lifted one of her thick legs up to wrap around the cryptid. They locked in a monstrous kiss of tongues and fangs, lovingly gnawing and gnashing as Ros disappeared entirely within the slit that so swiftly swallowed her.

She slurped away inside Senka, curled up tight, feeling ever so comfortable. The walls of that womb pulled around her, hugging, gripping, squeezing. No doubt the audience had never seen anything like it. She didn't hear their reactions. Maybe they were stunned into silence. Or horrified by what they were seeing, that was an option too. As for her, she was surrounded by nightmare flesh, getting kneaded into quiet submission, sinking down more and more with each passing moment. She felt as if the moment was coming, that she was just going to sink down and go to sleep, but Oghden had different plans.

He fucked Senka hard enough to make all her assets jiggle generously with every plap of his balls to her cunt. She was perhaps the only one in the entire universe who could take the full force of his lust without breaking. Though she certainly didn't keep quiet about it. Ros listened to her musical voice singing her way into louder and louder moans until she was simply crying out. There was something like a scream beneath her every sound, like a hidden, haunted side of her coming out in the growing pleasure. Oghden meanwhile was rasping and growling with that great, powerful voice of the legion he had. A thousand tormented souls were calling out at once as he drove himself into his beloved nightmare.

When they reached their eldritch climaxes together, Ros found herself surrounded by their frightful sounds, even tucked away in the safety of Senka's womb. For a moment, she almost wanted to cover her ears from the sound. She was just a simple cat, and such terrible things weren't meant for her ears. That proved unnecessary when the squelch of Oghden's big fat cumshot overtook all else. She was immediately immersed, all but drowned in his spunk as he filled Senka up with a massive dose of thick cryptid cream. Ros was swimming in it, getting coated in it, sinking down lower and lower as she felt herself weakening just to have her every single inch covered in it. It was changing her.

Calling it acidic wasn't quite accurate, because it wasn't so much melting her flesh off as she was simply turning into goo. It was overtaking her very essence, mixing his wintry musk in with Senka's lovely scent. She gargled it as she gurgled in it, softening all over, liquefying the more and more he came all over her. Senka hugged him close and squeezed his cock, making sure to milk those pumping nuts, making sure Rosalva was utterly drenched and submerged. She didn't feel like she was drowning. Instead, she was content to simply let go, to submit to the changes her body was undergoing, even if it meant feeling the gooey pieces of her former body falling right off her bones.

Not even those were safe. They didn't melt down with the rest of her, but instead took on that same gooey coating as the cum all around her. She couldn't regenerate from a full-body transformation. A soft and squishy cat skeleton lurked there within Senka's womb as Oghden finally finished his peak inside her. Rosalva felt so very different, yet oddly the same despite it all. She stirred, she sloshed, she squirmed a little, still able to move, despite the lack of muscles. Only when Oghden pulled out with a truly messy pop and gush of cum did Ros start to move again. It was hard not to squirm at the sensation of being rebirthed into the world.

It was a little cold, but otherwise pleasant. The succulent slurping around her was titillating. She wasn't sure how she could feel horny as a skeleton, but she did anyway. Pushing from the pussy lips that had consumed her, she found her senses worked just as well despite being nothing more than a gooey cat skeleton stained black as if dipped in ink. She squished down to the stage as she got pushed out by the same powerful muscles that had dragged her inside. Her grand debut as her new self was there for everyone to see. At first she fell to her knees, but she soon rose up to show herself off to everyone who had gathered to witness the goopy sight. She wasn't sure how to read their blank expressions, but she was pretty sure their eyes were filled with more wonder than horror.

Holding her arms out, she presented her new self as much as she inspected it for herself. She was nothing more than bones, held together by whatever eldritch magic they'd inflicted on her. Perpetually dripping, soaked with black cryptid cum, her eyes glowed from within just like Senka's, projecting that pale white gloom. She felt so cool. A bony grin and then a lash of the long black tongue they'd given her just excited her. Oh, she could do so much with that! It was just like Oggy's. After a brief stay inside Senka, after being part of their monstrous coupling, she looked just like something that could have been their offspring.

"We can always adjust you to look however you like, of course," Senka assured her, patting her on the shoulder. "We simply thought it fitting to make you look a little more like us, if you're going to be our little monster."

"Maybe a little more flesh," Oghden mused, looking her up and down. He needed his favourite dinner after all.

Ros just giggled at that. She hugged him, and soon found herself wrapped up from behind by the great soft form of Senka too. The audience burst suddenly from stupor into applause. Maybe they'd been mentally compelled to, or maybe they really did enjoy the show, and all it signified. What did it signify, though? Rosalva found herself wondering. She was going to belong to them, be cared for by them, be loved by them. It was everything she'd ever wanted.

"What do I call you now?" she quietly asked.

Senka answered as gently as could be. "Whatever you like, sweetie. You can call me mama if you like."

There was just a little hope in that suggestion. Ros could tell Senka would quite like it if she called her that, and thought of her like that. She'd never really had a mom before. To think that the living horror wanted to be hers, that she was going to take care of her, love her. Oh dear, Ros was getting a little weepy. Or something was running from those empty sockets anyway. Oghden stroked her head with his claws, producing the sound of scratching bone, and gave her a gentle hum.

"You don't have to call me dad. I know that might be difficult. Oggy is perfectly fine."

She smiled and nuzzled into his fluffy chest, content just to be close to him. Maybe she would. In time. She liked to imagine it would make him smile in that spooky way of his. As long as he was with her, she was happy. It looked like they were going to spend a lot more time together. Nothing could have made her happier. She'd found herself a loving family, and everyone who looked upon the sight knew it was a good thing. Her new life began with her snuggled between two monsters, showered in thunderous applause.