Hello! Hello! Chapter 7 - The Finale Part 1

Story by Torren on SoFurry

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#7 of Hello! Hello!

Author's Note: It's like I just single-handedly annihilated, you know, every rap bitch in the building! Sorry if the last chapter was kind of sloppy I'll make up for it in this one!

Now, if you see an itty bitty piggy in the market, give that bitch a quarter and a car, tell her park it, I don't fuck with pigs like asalamalakum! I put em in the field and let Oscar Mayer bake em!


I must say, things couldn't have worked out better if they tried to. Mrs. Baker got my phone again, but this time RJ didn't check me out. I was reading a very dirty text from Kaiden and now I have detention. I think detention was created by teachers to make them feel like they're accomplishing something, but all I had to do was read. I was actually more concerned with Kaiden's reaction. I would know just how pissed he was in a few minutes.

"Husky, you can go," the coach growled. He didn't know my name. Actually, I don't think he knew anyone's name. I scooped my books off the table and strode towards the exit. I finally reached the parking lot, where the black Titan was waiting. It was the only car in this parking lot. I opened the door and Kaiden was sitting in the driver seat. I could tell he wasn't very happy and after I climbed in, he sped off down the highway. I tried not look at him, but I could feel the heat of his anger filling the atmosphere.

"You don't have an excuse or anything?" he snarled.

"I do, but you'd still hit me anyway. Why bother?" I said plainly. He slung the truck into the driveway.

"Get in the fucking house." I followed his directions and found him close behind me. Once we were in the living room, World War Three erupted. "Do you know how long I was sitting in that fucking parking lot!?"

"I got detention because you texted me!"

"Detention doesn't last two hours!"

"Well, don't ask me! I wouldn't know!"

"Shut the fuck up! You're the stupidest husky I've ever met. You're just trying to piss me off." Kaiden was fuming. I felt a knot of fear in my stomach. My breathing progressively got shorter. "Did you fucking cheat on me?" he whispered against my muzzle.

"What?!" Yes. "No!" I could see the look in his eyes. His paw gripped my throat, but he didn't apply any pressure.

"Let me smell your breath," Kaiden commanded.

"Kaiden, I was at school-"

"I'm not talking about today. Did you cheat on me with anyone? Ever?"

"N-n-no," I stuttered. How could he tell if I was lying? My heart was throbbing in my chest.

"Then let me smell it," he ordered. I opened my muzzle slightly and breathed out. Suddenly, his eyes changed from dangerous to deadly. "You fucking liar," he growled quietly. His grip tightened around my throat as he threw me to the floor. I tried to crawl away, but there was a sharp pain in my side as he kicked my ribs. I cried out in pain.

"I didn't! I swear!" His paws connected to my muzzle in a flurry of strikes. I tried to fight him back, but he was far too strong. There was a loud crack as he threw another swift kick into my ribs. I yelped as the bone snapped inside me.

"I can fucking smell it! You fucking liar!" I had never seen him this angry. I was afraid that he could actually kill me this time. I had to say something to get myself out of this trouble. Suddenly, he brought his foot down heavily on my knee and the bone shattered against the external pressure. Tears flowed freely down my cheeks and soaked my fur. I could feel the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I spit it on the pristine white carpet. He continued to snap various bones in my body. I yelped at every blow.

"It was RJ's idea!" I screamed in desperation. Kaiden stopped attacking for a moment. He rolled me onto my back and pulled my face up to his.

"Do you think I'm an idiot?"


"Do you think I'm fucking stupid?"

"N-no!" I sobbed.

"I know what RJ smells like! That's not him. So, who is it?"

"I promise-"

"Your promises don't mean shit, Nickster. RJ wouldn't dare cross me like that. He knows the consequences. He knows if I can't have you, no one can." He threw me back against the bloodstained carpet and walked away. I cried in pain and relief. My whole body was aching and broken, but maybe it was over. I tried to take deep breaths and calm myself, but the pain was too great to stop the adrenaline that was acting as a pain-killer.

Suddenly, Kaiden reappeared beside me and my heart stopped beating. My lungs stopped breathing. I didn't move. I didn't even think. I was paralyzed with fear as my eyes fell to the long shiny blade he was holding. He couldn't actually do it. He wouldn't do it. I kept trying to convince myself of this as he lifted me off the floor and pushed me against the wall. "Kaiden," I whispered, "Please, please don't do this."

"Why shouldn't I? You stabbed me in the heart. You don't think I should return the favor?" His eyes were glistening with tears. My heart fluttered as he brought the blade next to my face. The tears poured from my eyes and the greatest fear I'd ever felt plagued every cell of my body.

"I'm sorry! I'm so so so sorry! Kaiden, please! I'm scared!" I begged at the top of lungs.

"You should be scared, Nick! You're about to die. That's a pretty logical reaction." He slid the blade across my cheek and I couldn't even feel it. I couldn't feel anything, but overwhelmed with fear, I still screamed. "Nicki, relax. Remember, it doesn't hurt if you relax." He slid the knife deep into my stomach. The knife glided through my flesh like it was butter. I'm not sure if I screamed because it hurt or because of the fear that I thought it would hurt. Once he pulled the knife out, he cut my shirt off. "Aw, look at this. All your white fur is red now. I kind of like it."

"Kaiden! Please, stop! I'm sorry! I'll never do it again, I swear!"

"Oh, I know you won't." The blade continued to slice and stab at my flesh. I'm not sure how many times the blade hit me, but I never stopped screaming. I blacked out at some point. When my memory came back, I was naked in front of Kaiden and my body was shaking uncontrollably. "You're not screaming anymore, Nicki. What's wrong?"

"Pl-pl," my muzzle couldn't even form the words. My lips quivered and my teeth chattered. I was struggling to breathe now. I didn't think there was any blood left in my body.

"Well, say something. I've got to know if you're still alive or not." I didn't say anything. I couldn't. I couldn't see. I couldn't taste. I couldn't feel. My body was empty. I wanted to just lay down and go to sleep. "I know you're sleepy, but if you fall asleep you will die." I let out a small whimper and tried to go to sleep. I wanted to die. I wanted to get away from this monster. If that meant dying, so be it. "Trent's on his way. He's going to fix you up. Maybe you'll get lucky with him again." Kaiden sounded so menacing. I didn't want to be saved. I knew I was going to die though. I was way too far gone.

"See you in hell, Kaiden..." I breathed. He laughed as I passed out. My vision went black and I lost all feeling as my body went cold and limp.

Alright, stop.

Kaiden, please stop.

I'm sorry, just stop.




I woke up.

Alright, stop. I don't have any rules to put here except run. As soon as you regain consciousness, whether you're on Earth, Heaven, or Hell, get up and run. Rarely is it ever a good idea to stay in one spot after being stabbed by a psychopath, unless you are in a hospital and armed guards are protecting you with like rocket launchers and shit. Play.

It wasn't a groggy wake up. I felt like I'd been sleeping for years. I bolted up out of the bed. I was in Kaiden's room and I was attached to a machine that tracked my heart rate. No one else was in the room. It was a very eerie feeling. Except for the beeping of the machine, the house was silent. Until the doorknob rotated. Kaiden appeared on the other side holding a tray of breakfast food. I retracted away from him in fear.

"Are you not hungry?" Kaiden asked in a gentle voice. His eyes were completely normal at this point.

"Stop," I whispered, "just stop. Don't come any closer. Please, stay away."

"You need to eat," he recommended as he sat on the bed next to me.

"STOP! Why are you doing this?" I screamed with drums pounding furiously in my chest.

"Nick, you did this to yourself. Some of your bones are still broken, but they will heal. I can call Trent back if you want me to." Still calm.

"I don't want you to do anything. I want you to go away. I wish I'd never met you. I wish you were dead. I wish I was dead."

"Don't talk like that," he whined, "it really just scared you more than it hurt you."


"Stop screaming," he commanded with a small amount of malice. I didn't dare speak again. I flinched as he reached out to stroke the fur of my cheek. "You look very cute when you're sleeping."

"Thanks," I growled. He placed the tray on my lap. In a fit of rage, I threw the tray off the bed.

"Now, why'd you do that?" Kaiden asked with a sigh. "I guess when you get hungry enough you'll clean it up." Kaiden grinned and left. I tried to hold back the tears that were begging to be released. Fear still pumped wildly through my veins. I took in deep gulps of air to calm myself. What the fuck was wrong with him? More importantly, what the fuck was wrong with me? Why was I still here? My phone was next to the bed. I snatched up the phone and dialed RJ's number. Why didn't I call 911? Why didn't I call my parents?

"Hello?" RJ answered.

"Help me," I whispered.

"What happened?" he sighed.

"He fucking stabbed me! I was about to die. Please, you have to get me out of here."

"Oh, I knew that. What did you do?" What? Did he seriously just say what I think he said?

"What? You knew? What the fuck, RJ?"

"Well, I mean he told me before he picked you up from school. What did you want me to do?"

"Oh, I don't know, call the fucking police? Help me?" I was fuming with anger and betrayal. I trusted him and he didn't come through.

"Nick, it wouldn't have helped anything. I knew he wouldn't kill you. He's done it to me. Now tell me what you did to deserve it."

"Deserve it? I didn't do anything!"

"He doesn't just attack you with out a reason, Nick."

"Yes, he fucking did!"

"No, he didn't. What did you do?"

"I-I, I don't know! I mean, I fucked Seth at your house, but there's no way he could know. Unless... you told him."

"Shut the fuck up. I didn't tell him anything. He smelled it on your breath, didn't he?"

"Bullshit, RJ! You're a fucking liar! I hate you."

"Nick, listen. I told you that we could not sleep together until you were done with Kaiden. Believe it or not, I had my reasons for saying that and if you really care about Seth, you'll stop saying his name out loud or Kaiden will kill him." I wanted to believe him. I wanted to believe him more than anything, but how could I trust him? What if he did tell Kaiden and he was on Kaiden's side?

"I don't trust you," I whispered as a lump of sadness formed in my throat. It was hard to speak or even breathe.

"You're not the first," he said and I heard his phone click off. I kept my fingers over the keypad. I considered calling the police, but I knew someone had tried this before me. Kaiden wasn't an idiot. I wouldn't be surprised if the feminine poodle doubled as a police officer. Or maybe it was Lori or Ashley. I didn't know anything about those people really. Suddenly, the door flew back open.

"Hey, we're having another party tonight."

"Fuck you, I'm not going," I growled.

"I don't remember asking a question."

"I still don't feel good, Kaiden."

"You don't have to do anything, but sit there."

"You said that last time."

"Yeah, but your friend isn't coming this time."


"Get ready. They're on their way." Kaiden started to rush out of the room.



"Take this damn sticky stuff off of me." I pulled at the wires gently. Kaiden strode over to me and ripped them all off in one sweeping motion. I screamed at the quick jab of pain.

"Hurry up," he said as he rushed out.

Alright, stop. If you didn't have fun at the first party your abusive boyfriend threw, the chances of you having fun at the next one are very slim. But then again if you have an abusive boyfriend the chances of you skipping the party are even more slim. Play.

I'd just climbed out of the shower when the door flew open. RJ rushed into the room and closed the door behind him. "What's your problem?" he whispered harshly.

"You're a fucking liar!"

"No, I'm not!"

"You knew about what was going to happen," I whined. Tears formed in my eyes and I hit him in the chest. He tried to move closer and I kept hitting him. "You fucking knew and you didn't tell me!" Betrayal and pain encompassed my heart. He threw his arms around me and pulled me against his sculpted chest.

"It would have only scared you more," he whispered, "but you're ok. I wouldn't have let it happen if I thought you would be hurt."

"I was fucking stabbed! Yes, I'm fucking hurt. I see it in my goddamn dreams, RJ. My bones are still broken! It hurts to move. I don't even know how I managed a shower!"

"You're still alive, Nicki! Most of them are already dead at this point." I started to say something else, but he shoved his muzzle against mine and forced his tongue deep into my throat. I kissed him back. It was the most intense kiss I'd ever had. I hated him. I loved him. I wanted to kill him. I needed to fuck him. I couldn't decide where to start. He finally pulled away. "Are you still mad?"

"I haven't decided yet."

"Well, while you're deciding, baby, I should get back to the party."

"Daddy, did you just call me baby?" I grinned and played along.

"I like it when you call me daddy. It's hot."

"You want me to get you something daddy?" I slid the towel off my waist and leaned against him for another kiss.

"Not yet," he grinned and left me naked in the bathroom. I sighed in disappointment and continued to style myself in the mirror. I picked a thin red shirt and a pair of blue jeans to wear. I didn't put on any underwear because the chances of me getting laid were very high. I limped out of the bathroom and into the living room. I knew I had several broken bones, but my left knee and my ribs hurt the most. It hurt to move at all. I plopped on the couch between Kaiden and Ashley.

"What's wrong with the Nickster?" Tyler asked. Everyone was in their usual positions.

"He had a few problems yesterday," Kaiden answered as he stroked the area between my ears. It sent shivers down my spine to be so close to him. The living room didn't show a drop of blood. Kaiden was good at covering his tracks.

"Dude, I'm sorry about the other day at school, but you know how it is," Tyson apologized.

"It's cool," I answered quietly.

"No, really, I could've talked to you at least for a little while."

"You do know I'm the coolest kid in school, right? By hanging out with me, you'd be instantly popular."

"Oh, I'm sure, but I like my friends." I nodded at his statement. I noticed RJ was talking to Trent and Lori. He didn't even acknowledge me, but neither did Trent. I decided they didn't want to say anything Kaiden could misconstrue. Kaiden was throwing back another shot.

"How many is that?" I asked quietly.

"This is thirty-two," he grinned. I noticed he was swaying in his drunken stupor. Maybe he would pass out and then it'd be a real party. "Hey, I have to ask you something," he slurred.


"Trent wants to, um, ride you tonight, but only him."

"Kaiden!" I yelled. He signaled for me to lower my voice, but I was defiant. "You just fucking stabbed me for cheating on you!" The room went very quiet. Everyone was gaping at me with shocked expressions.

"Actually, I stabbed you because you lied. You wouldn't have been in trouble if you just said yes." Now, I was livid.

"Fuck you! I'm not doing it!" He suddenly wrenched a handful of fur and snatched me closer to him.

"You will do whatever I say, when I say it, got it?" Everyone stared, but no one helped. I glanced at RJ. "Don't look at him, look at me!" I stared into the wolf's furious amber eyes. "Get in that fucking bedroom and wait," he growled quietly. I glared at him until he let me go. I limped into the dark bedroom by myself. I closed the door and waited for Trent.

It must have been hours later. I was about to fall asleep when the door opened. The Doberman quickly entered the room. "Please don't be too rough," I whispered.

"Shut up, I'm not here to do that," The Doberman sat next to me on the bed. I was astounded at his words. "I mean, you do have to let me cum so Kaiden will smell it, but I really just needed to talk to you. RJ couldn't ask Kaiden for alone time with you. Just listen and pay close attention. You are so close to getting away from Kaiden. After tonight, you need to make a huge scene about how you would rather be with me for whatever reason," he whispered.

"What reason?"

"I don't know make one up! Ok, then he is really going to snap. I can't tell you for sure what he is going to do, but it's going to be really bad."

"Worse than being stabbed?"

"I'm not sure, but it's going to be bad. You really have to play the part though. I mean, completely just over the top kind of thing."

"What's the worst he could do?"

"Kill you."

"What's the point of leaving him if I'm dead?"

"Well, you only have two options. Stay here until he dies, which probably isn't anytime soon. Or die while trying to leave."

"I don't want to die though!" I cried. Tears began to form at the corners of my eyes.

"Nick, it's now or never." I nodded. Who else was trying to help me?

"Is Tyson in on this?"

"No! Do not mention this to anyone beyond myself or RJ. Got it?"


"Here," he pulled a small phone from his pocket and handed it to me. "He will probably take your phone. Hide this one and call RJ."

"Hide it how?"

"That's totally up to you. Now we need to hurry up before someone realizes what we are doing." He quickly unzipped his jeans and freed his long, thick member.

Alright, stop. It is so awkward to give head to someone who just told you you're going to die. There are no rules for giving head though. Just lick, suck, and move. Play.

He placed a paw behind my ears and guided my muzzle over the thick member. I sucked and lapped at the flesh as quickly as I could. He moaned with every splash of pre-cum that I slurped. Kaiden knocked on the door to check on us and Trent answered him quickly. His hips bucked from time to time and my airway was cut off with the large member. "Damn, you really are so good at this," he whispered. I flicked my tongue over the sensitive tip before taking the soaked flesh back into muzzle. Trent's breathing became much heavier. "Take your pants off." I continued to suck and removed my jeans. I whimpered as they fell past my injured knee. He bounced my head up and down with his paw. I lapped at the thick knot bulging near his crotch. "I'm just going to put it in and cum, ok?" I nodded and prepared my butt to be ripped open. "I'm almost there," he whispered. He let out a few moans before he pulled my head off and turned me quickly. I whimpered as the tip pressed against my hole and warm sticky fluid filled my passages. He immediately removed the member and we rested on the bed. That was probably the fastest sex I'd ever had. When Trent regained his composure, he winked at me and left. Kaiden came in as I was pulling my pants up.

"How was it?" he slurred.

"It was amazing!" I laughed. Maybe that could get under his skin.

"Really, then let me smell."


"Are you listening?" I breathed onto his muzzle. "That's not what I'm looking for. Hands on the bed and spread your legs." I sighed and followed his instructions. It was awkward to have his knows prodding around my tail hole.

"Well?" I asked impatiently. My bones were killing me.

"Go back to the party," he sighed.

"You aren't coming?"

"No, I'm tired. Clean up after everyone leaves and then get to bed."

"Whatever." Fuck him. I just had a brilliant idea. Bad husky.