A Not So Typical Male - (Trade for Fayne)

Story by Samantha Vixen on SoFurry

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[This story was made for my friend Fayne in trade for artwork of my fursona ^^]

Fayne wasn't too different from other teenage girls her age. She despised how strict her parents were, particularly on her sex life. She was far to attractive to ignore the desire for sex, a beautiful blue furred renamon. She was endowed with large D cup breasts, of course totally natural. She was also quite slender and curvy, but still had enough meat on her to look very healthy. To top it all off she had a tight, perky rump that was just begging to be filled.

And yet her parents expected her to avoid sex - even more than that, they expected she should only have sex when she was ready to reproduce. This was obviously not an option for her, she had a wonderful body and she just wouldn't stand for it not to be used. If not by her own choice, she was also worried that denying men all the time would eventually get her raped, and of course she didn't want that.

So the 16 year old beauty did what came naturally, disobey her parents. Not only did she take on a boyfriend, she took on as many sexual partners as she could - men and women. She wasn't a total slut though, her standards were quite high and she knew with her body she had every right to be so picky. Her biggest problem though was at school she only had the 5 minutes between classes to have her fun, although enough time for a male, it wasn't enough for her, even harder to pull off if she had another female partner.

This week at school a foreign exchange student had arrived. He was an incredibly handsome male, half gray wolf, half red fox. He had the large strong body of his wolf half, but had the looks of a red fox - and god his personality. He was kind and polite, but he had a sly devilish side he let slip out with secretive little winks he would give her in class. His name was Malcom Wider.

They agreed that at midnight tonight, they would sneak out of their houses, it was the only way they could have any length of time to themselves. Fayne was giddy with excitement so when she had to go to bed at ten she just couldn't sleep for those two hours, it felt like an eternity to her. Finally it was time to go, and she had to figure out how she was going to get out.

Going through the house wasn't an option, too much opportunity to make a sound. Only other option was the window, unfortunately their was no way to just climb out, she'd just have to jump. What I do for love , She thought to herself as she opened her window a climbed out till she was hanging out the window, only holding on by her paws to try to minimize the distance. She she let go to drop the rest of the way.

She was happy to see that it wasn't too far and it didn't hurt when she landed. She wanted to shout in her delight, but didn't dare. She immediately ran off towards their agreed meeting place, the park- her heart was pounding so hard she could hardly stand it.

She made her way to the middle of the park and found a empty park bench under a lonely street lamp, she sat down. She soon started to get cold, she crossed her legs and folded her arms under her heavy breasts. She was glad that she had thick fur, but wished she had worn something warmer than a t-shirt and pajama pants. Where was Malcom?

Not long after that thought came to her when she saw a strong figure walking toward her, it had to be Malcom. She wanted to get up and hug him tightly, or to slap him for making her wait, but instead she decided to sit and wait for him to come to her. By the time he sat down next to her she was completely sick of waiting.

She pounced on him and tackled him down onto the bench, squealing happily at him while he was smiling with surprise, he dropped something on the ground. Fayne grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt, glaring at him. "Why did you make me wait so long?" She said in a sudden swing of mood.

He blushed at her as she accosted him, "Fayne hun, it's 12:05!" He exclaimed, lifting his left arm up so she could see his watch, which showed he was correct. Then he put his arms around her back, pulling her body close to his to share their body heat.

It was her turn to blush now as she saw the time, "But it felt like hours... I'm so cold." She explained to him, nibbling at his neck in a cute manner. "Mmm you feel warm though..." She snuggled tightly to him, till she could feel his heart beating - by it's pace she could tell he was just as excited as she was.

Malcom smirked at her, moving one paw to rub the back of her head lovingly, "Cold huh? I can think of ways we can really warm up." He growled softly and moved the paw on her head to her pert rump, giving it a tight squeeze and a gentle slap.

The blue renamon arched up and moaned when her butt was slapped, shivering a little from the feeling. "Ohhh! Such an evil boy! You already want in my pants, and here I was thinking you were a proper gentleman!" She growled back at him, bearing her teeth a little.

The big male gasped a bit as if in terror at the sight of her teeth, "Wait!" He pleaded with her, leaning over the edge of the bench and grabbing the object that had been knocked out of his hands and offered it to her. A box in the shape of a heart, "I brought you chocolates... Canine safe." He added.

Her snarl changed into a gleeful smile as she grabbed the box. "Ohh thank you! You keep foiling my plans to tease you about things though, first I said you were late and you weren't and now I said you're not a gentleman but you brought me chocolates!"

He chuckled deeply, wrapping his arms back around her waist. "Oh so you're just teasing me huh? So do you want me then?" He leaned in and kissed her lips gentle, whispering to her "I can warm you up baby... And I'm not here for my pleasure, I'm here for yours. I bet I can make you cum first."

She raised an eyebrow at him, "My pleasure huh? Make me cum first? I doubt that, no man has done that for me." She sighed at memories of bad experiences.

He frowned a little and rubbed his muzzle against hers, "Oh I'm sorry to here that baby. I promise I can do better..." He moves a paw under her chin and lifts it up, peering into her eyes with his brilliant blue oceans. "Will you trust me babe?" He asked her.

Fayne couldn't look in those eyes long, wanting to turn her head, but she soon nodded and gasped out, "Yes..." She moved a trembling paw down his chest, "I'm ready to get warmed up now."

Malcom grinned as she gave in finally, he nibbled on one of her big ears. "Mmmm you won't regret this..." He moves his paws to the base of her shirt and grasps it firmly, pulling it up her body. "Now let me see those big breasts of yours." He had been fantasizing all day about what they were like out of clothing, he pulled her shirt all the way off.

She lifted herself up off his chest once her took her shirt off so he could see her breasts. The large blue D cup orbs jiggled a little when she lifted herself up, her hard nipples barely poking out of her thick fur. "You a fan of breasts?" She asks him.

He nodded excitedly, reaching out with his paws to massaging the heavy orbs in his paws, tail wagging aggressively under him as he found they were completely natural. "God their nice, and your fur is so soft!" He exclaimed, obviously entranced and he continued to grope them in his paws, pinching the stiff nipples between his fingers. "Fuck..." He groaned.

She giggled at how cute he was, seeming completely obsessed with her tits. She didn't get it herself, but she did love all the attention and compliments about them, feeling extremely proud. "Having fun?" She comments after he had been massaging them for about five minutes straight.

He blinked a little and shook his head as if waking up from a trace, "I"m sorry, I just <i>really</i> like boobs... You know if you massage them enough you can increase your breast size?" He crawled lower under her so his face was under the handing orbs, rubbing his muzzle in-between them, closing his eyes in his own bliss. Then he shifted to \her left breast in particular and opened his maw, running his tongue over her sweet nipple.

Cocks her head, "Really? Well if that's true I should have F cup breasts by the end of the week thanks to you!" She laughed a little but then gasped in pleasure as her nipple was liked by his rough canine tongue, the pinching and massaging from earlier had made them so sensitive! That was his game, "Oh god that feels great!" She moaned out to him.

He snickered a little, "Caught you off guard did I?" He locked his lips around the nipple now, sucking on it lovingly as he lapped his tongue against it aggressively, feeling all the smooth, stiff flesh with his rough canine tongue. His paw rubbing on the rest of the heavy breast as if ti milk her into his mouth.

Fayne gasped deeply again as the assault of pleasure continued, the suction felt so wonderful, she almost wished she could lactate to reward him for his work. She whimpered softly as he seemed unstoppable in his lust. She was getting aroused quickly from his work, and indeed she was impressed by his performance so far. "That feels great hun, but shall we move on?"

He whimpered a little but nodded, "Alright fine." He grabs her tightly by the sides and lifts her up, crawling out from under her, then sat her back down on the bench, he stood there and admired the veiw for a moment, "Damn you're sexy... Time to find you what else about you tastes good." He grabs the top of her pajama pants and pulls them down, smirking as he fond they were hard to get around her perky ass.

Fayne giggled at him as she complimented, oh how she loved being the center of attention. She arched her back up so he could pull off her pants. She had no panties on so the removal of her pants rendered her totally nude now, her entire shapely renamon body of display for him now. Knowing he would be checking her out, she stretched out on the bench the arch of her torso showed off her curves a big breasts. "Mmm, like what you see do you?" She asked.

He nodded rapidly at what she said, eating her body up with his eyes, already he was rockhard in is pants - he wasn't sure how much longer he could keep up foreplay. "Fuck." He groaned as he jumped back upon her, pinning her down on the bench. "You're too hot for your own good, I'm having trouble living up to my bet." He explained as he began to kiss down her face, neck, and along her chest.

Soon he had trailed down her fit body till he had gotten to her pelvic area. He took in a deep sniff through his nose, the strong musk of her arousal filling her powerful canine nose. Shivers ran through his body as the hormones tried to dominate him, begging him to pounce on her and fuck her hard as she could. But he resisted, fighting the adrenaline by pulling his shirt off his muscled body. Then, almost asking for his instincts to overpower him, he presses his cold nose against her tight folds and takes a sniff right from the source. "You smell so good..." He whimpered to her.

She watched him pull his shirt off, her heart almost skipping a beat as she saw how ripped he was, she could only imagine how much force he could put behind his dick with those muscles... She suddenly gasped as a cold wet nose was pressed against her sensitive folds, jerking a little in surprise, "Eeek! Don't do that! It's already so cold out here! Your nose is freezing!" She complained.

He blushed a little, "I'm so sorry baby I wasn't thinking." He pulled back a little and let his tongue slip out of his mouth, giving one long lick over the length of her slit, feeling the flesh shift on his rough tongue, then he asked "Better? My tongue should be nice and hot." He murred happily and dug his tongue against her folds again, finding she was indeed quite tasty.

Fayne closed her eyes and squealed in pleasure as his hot tongue lapped at her tight cunt, her folds had been getting cold exposed to the cold air so the hot tongue pressed to her sex felt that much more amazing to her. "Oh Malcom!" She moaned out loudly, her paws going to her breasts and rubbing them in her paws pinching her nipples between her fingers to add to the pleasure.

"I can't do this much longer Fayne hun, I'm getting really horny." He admitted as he pushed his tongue inside of her now, swirling it around on her tight inner walls, making sure to leave a lot of saliva in there as lubricant for what was to come. He was able to continue his oral assault for a couple more minutes, but soon the hormones he kept breathing in overwhelmed him and he pulled away. Malcom stood off to the side and pulled off his own pajama pants roughly, as if they were on fire and threatened his life to wear them. A massive throbbing canine cock popped out into the air, it had to be at least ten inches long and had all the typical canine features: a forming knot, pointed tip... By the way he stood, she could tell he was proud of his malehood.

Fayne herself was quite impressed, she almost wondered if he was part horse. She shifted a little on the bench, feeling a little bit of saliva running out of her slit. "Oh fuck Malcom. You're big!" she whimpered a little, though she wanted to take that huge cock so bad, but she couldn't help but think she couldn't handle it. "J- Just start slow ok?" She asked worriedly.

He snickered a little, "Oh babe don't worry. On the internet I've seen girls take things that are just impossible, you can handle this lil' old hunk of fox meat can't you?" So modest was he? He climbed on top of her and looked deep into her eyes, "Trust me hun, I'm going to do you right. I'm not going to roughly fuck you, I'm going to..." He thought for a while, not sure what the proper vocabulary was, finally he thought of what to say, "Make love to you." He frowned a little as he thought it sounded cheesy.

She giggled at him again, "Oh you are so cute! Mmm, yes impress me." She said, putting her paws behind her head so he could get a good view of those breasts he liked so much. She was excited again, this time to see if he really could fuck her in a skilled manner, rather than just blindly like all the males she had had before. "I'm ready..." She whispered.

Malcom grinned and shifted a paw down to guide his stiff meat into her folds, carefully pushing a inch of the pointed cock into her folds, groaning as her hot, tight insides gripped strongly around her cock. "Shit you're tight!" He moaned as he pushed himself deeper, now able to take his paw away and move it back to her side as he pressed the rest of the way in with his hips, feeding the massive cock in one inch at a time so she could adjust to it's size. Finally he was pressed to her cervix, but his knot was up against her entrance, "Ah man, I can't hilt you, fuck." Sometimes being well hung could be just as much a curse as a blessing.

Fayne arched her back and moaned out hard as her tight cunt was stuffed to it's limit by the huge canine cock. She had never been with a man this big before, and it felt wonderful to be stuffed with so much malehood, able to feel every strong throb his painfully erect cock gave. She gasped out even louder when she felt his pointed tip hit her cervix, shivering a little from the feeling. "Malcom... When it comes time for you to come... You can penetrate it..." She was worried about the pain, but knew he wanted to hilt her.

He smiled happily, wagging his tail a little "Oh thank you Fayne! Are you sure though? It'll hurt bad..." He didn't stop to talk though, puling his cock out of her slowly till just his tip was inside before ramming it all into her at once, stopped at his forming knot. He sighed in bliss as her tight walls gripped around his rock hard penis. Her body contracted around him from the suddenness of the penetration, milking him as he was squeezed by her hot, wet insides. "Oh fuck Fayne you have a great cunt!" He began to pull in and out of her at a steady pace, slow pulls out with sudden thrusts in, every thrust made her contract around him, enveloping his cock in pure bliss. He started to get close so slowed down, he didn't dare cum yet. So instead he shifted his body so he was thrusting in her at an upward angle, it wasn't as much pleasure for him, but this way his cock trusted against her g-spot every time.

Fayne moaned every time he trusted into her, the feeling of being stuffed so much fulfilled her. She delighted in the feeling of her tight insides being thrust apart by the shapely canine cock, but then he slowed down. She was about to whine and beg him to go faster again when he shifted angles. Her eyes light up in pure ecstasy as his rock hard meat smashed against her g-spot, making her literally squeal in pure delight, "Oh fuck Malcom!! That feels incredible!" She hadn't even known men could angle themselves this way, and it was simply heaven for her. In fact she felt herself tightening around him already, would she really cum first for once?

Malcom was proud of the way she responded to his new method, "Oh yeah? You like that?" He moves his paws closer to her sides so he could hold her in his paws. He felt her tightening around him and realized she was getting close herself, he best give her a grand finale. He growled as he began to thrust into her as hard and as fast as he could muster, putting his muscles into it as he pummeled her g-spot aggressively with his stiff cock, tearing into her with his massive meat. Each time he trusted his knot smacked against her now soaking wet entrance, making mushy, lewd noises that filled the air - mixed of course with their moans of deep pleasure, and the scent of their love-filled sex.

The blue renamon began to actually cry from the pleasure being shoved into her with every thrust her delivered into her g-spot. Then he began to buck into with unstoppable force, and she was lost for words. She began to scream and howl in pure bliss as he g-spot was ravaged by his meat so hard and fast. Her breasts bounced on her chest like jello on a shake plate, but even Malcom who had been so obsessed with them before, his eyes were closed tight as he focused on filling her with pleasure. Suddenly it just became to much for her to bear. She howled into the night air, her tight cunny contracted around him and coated his stiff meat with her fem juices, making a perfect lubricant for Malcom.

Malcom himself had his senses overwhelmed as she hit her climax: his ears ringing with her howl, his nose filled with the smell of her musky fem juice, he opened his eyes and was delighted to see her body in the throws of her orgasm, now was it was his turn. He gripped her hips tight as possible and trusted into her with all his strength, using all his muscles to force his meat into her. His tip penetrated through her tight cervix, his knot stretching out her small entrance, stuffing an orange sized ball of meat into her. He joined her howl as he hit his own climax, blowing hot loads of his seed into her womb, he seemed to cum for minutes on end till he finally collapsed on top of her in exhaustion.

She had been in so much bliss that she hardly notice the penetration of her cervix or the forcing in of his knot, she was just happy to have managed to take him all in. She was panting hard, but manged to lift her head up and nuzzle him lovingly, "That was just awesome... Thank you Malcom." She was still basking in her afterglow, she had never felt so good in her life.

He managed to chuckle past his own pants, "Thanks babe, I tried my best." He nuzzled back against her, "I'm so tired though. You alright just sleeping here under me like this? It's going to be a while till I deflate..." He laughed a bit.

She really wanted to get home before someone noticed she was gone, nor did she want to be laying here nude. However, she wasn't sure how she could get back inside quietly, and Malcom was here to protect her from any trouble, plus she was totally exhausted from the rough fuck they just finished. "Yeah, that'll work..." But when she looked down to see him, she saw he was already alseep, his face buried between her breasts. She rolled her eyes and mumbled, "Typical male..."