[Cure] Welcome to the Pack

Story by Th3Shadow on SoFurry

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#16 of Cure

In a forest a man is running, blood running down his neck from a cut on his cheek. It's getting dark and howls come from the forest all around him. Whatever was making the sounds had been following him since he crashed. He didn't know where he had come down, he was however sure of something: he was inside the containment wall.

A wolf-woman lands on the path before him and he turns towards the river he had seen through a break in the trees, only to have his progress halted by another feminine form landing on him. Golden yellow eyes framed by silver hair stare into his as, by the second, more of the pack appears from the foliage. Breaking the hypnotizing stare and looking around the man realizes each and every one of them is female. They're also all fairly buff, many standing two or three heads taller than him. Every myth about werewolves ever told comes to mind. He slowly begins to panic and as the one sitting on him leans forward, he freezes. She passes her muzzle over his face and then whimpers at him before turning to the largest of the assemblage.

"Hunt Leader, he is bleeding!"

"Clean his wounds quickly, Little Sister. Then let us return home."

She reaches behind her, out of his view, and rummages in a pack he had somehow missed noticing. He blamed it on her thick fur, though he admitted it could've been because his eyes he fixed on her fairly huge breasts.

A bottle of peroxide in one paw, a cotton ball in the other she descends on his face as she turns back to him, dabbing the shallow cut with the stinging liquid. Her breasts brush against his chest. The soft flesh, wrapped in even softer fur, feels wonderful as she rubs them against him while cleaning his cut. In the close proximity has can't help but notice she smells like lavender, the smell slowly becoming intoxicating.

"Wait, I don't...understand...How are you-why are you like this?"

"It is alright if you do not understand, all will made clear to you by Alpha." She murmurs, her musical voice almost a purr. She sticks a band-aid to his face and then ruffles his hair, before standing up.

Freed, he tries to sit up, only to find himself quickly draped over the shoulder of another one of his captors.

The silver wolf looks up at him. "We would not want you to escape, now. You are very important to us and our way of life."

Today just wasn't his day it seemed, as he was whisked away into the foliage. Around, him trees and brush rush by as the pack zooms through the forest. Every so often they stop and he is handed off, After what felt like an hour of this, he can feel the pack slow to a halt before he is dropped to the ground by the brown furred wolf that had been carrying him for the last leg of the trip. Her paw steps on his leg, not allowing him to turn around or stand.

"We are here." The wolf who first landed on him says as she leans down next to him "What you are about to see is our home, Wings Out of Ash. Take solace in the knowledge that it will be your home too."

The brown wolf steps off of him and the silver wolf picks him up, putting her hands over his eyes. Steering him around, she giggles before taking her paws away from his face. Spread before him is a vast valley, clear of trees. Nestled within the hills sparkles a small city. All of the buildings and and streets are manufactured, like things right out of Chicago or New York and yet, they looked natural, like their construction was supposed to have happened there.

The silver wolf offers her arm as he stands there dumbfounded. "Shall we go?"

Not seeing any other option the man placed his arm around hers and together they walked down into the valley, the rest of the pack scattering off in different directions. All around lights and sounds of the city wash over him. It was almost like NYC during rush hour, only there weren't cars, only wolves moving around on the elevated roadways.

"How is it that something like this could be built by wolves? Even with the infection, to think that a place like this could be established in such a short amount of time..."

"All will become clear, in time. Soon, in fact. For Alpha will explain everything to you when we meet with her." His captor responds as she pulls him through a door and up some stairs. At the top of the flight she pauses before turning left and knocking on the painted wood of the first door they come to,

A white furred wolf-woman answers the door. Her build is immense, the man guessing she is almost seven feet tall. Her breasts, each the size of his head, hang distractingly at eye level and jiggle with each breath she takes. "What is it, Little Sister?"

"Alpha, I have returned from an excursion. The hunt was successful." she answers, motioning towards her captive. "He was the only survivor."

The white wolf grunts before stepping back, obviously inviting the mis-matched pair inside. The apartment opened plain but fairly huge square area. A collection of pillows strewn about the large room, the only furniture. A hall runs off to the left, a pair of closed doors framed on the inner wall of the apartment visible from the doorway. The huge wolf closes the door behind them with a soft clap and then crosses the room to recline on a pile of pillows against the windowed far wall. She motions for them to be seated.

"I am sure you have many questions, but know that they will all be answered,"

"How did-" he started to ask.

"-In due time that is." she finished, her voice tinged with a growl. "For now though there are more important matters. As you have no doubt noticed all of our people are female. I am sure you can guess this causes problems with new members of our growing race being born. That is where you, and others like you, become important."

Suddenly, the oddities came together, striking him much the way a baseball bat to the gut would. He began to feel very ill and his pulse pounded in his head. A soft touch on his shoulder pushes the feeling back but he recoils in revulsion from the silver wolf's paw.

"I can see you have figured out my statements intent. Well, that is perhaps for the best. Though I fear your mind has exaggerated your situation. I assure you, your balls will not be milked, like a cow, for your seed. Only myself and Little Sister will mate with you, that alone is enough to ensure a litter of healthy puppies in the spring."

Dumbfounded the man offers no resistance as the silver wolf pushes him onto his back and strips him bare. The wolf extracts a simple metal ring from her bag before taking it off and setting it aside. Gingerly she slides it over his limp dick before beginning to work his shaft with her paws. Quickly the blood flows into his member until the ring presses against the expanding flesh with a gentle pressure. She speeds her strokes up, pushing his cock to grow thicker and harder as the ring holds the base of his penis in an ever tightening embrace. A small stream of pre cum runs down his shaft and over her fingers. Seemingly surprised she stops and licks the liquid before making an excited yip and wrapping his member in her expanse of cleavage. At first she simply presses the globes of flesh together, enveloping his cock in her furry breasts. Slowly though she begins to massage them, kneading the still slowly expanding dick contained within. With a groan that echoes throughout his entire body he bucks his hips into her quivering tit-flesh as he comes, coating her silver fur in white spunk. Licking her lips, the silver wolf turns to the white one.

"Alpha, he is ready."

The giant wolf makes a moaning growl as she crawls from her reclined position to hover just over his throbbing member. Spreading the lips of her sex open she slowly lowers herself onto his shaft until it and his balls are enveloped by her slit. With her legs spread wide, the man notices she has an enormous clit, almost the size of her thumb. Which thinking about it, made it almost as big as his cock.

The smaller wolf looked at her superior with pleading eyes, her ears and tail drooping.

"You may take your position, Little Sister." Alpha said with a smile.

Tail wagging, the silver wolf positioned her hips over the man's face and then quickly pressed her own slit and over sized button to his face. The smell of her sex wafts into the man's nostrils and bidden by the scent he can't help but lap at her entrance, his tongue soon plunging deep within her. The pair of wolf amazons slowly alternate pumping each end of their captive, working him until his muscles began to tighten like a twisted rubber band. He balls clench and, with a gasp stifled by the silver wolf's sex, he can feel himself come. Shooting wad after wad of sperm into the white wolf. Quickly Alpha dismounts, giving all a glimpse of her heavily engorged cock. It was almost twice as big as it should have been and all over it's surface, veins pulsed, begging for release from the metal rings strangle hold. The silver wolf takes her place, mercilessly sliding her much tighter and much smaller vagina over the man's wanting cock. The pressure of the smaller wolf's walls on his hyper-sensitive member quickly push him into a second, even more concussive orgasm, his cock throbbing over and over until his cum begins to dribble down his hips.

Both content, the two wolves curl up on either side on him. The silver wolf settling onto his chest, while Alpha nestles her muzzle into his neck, softly nipping at his skin. Each conspicuously lays on both of his outstretched arms. Pinned to the floor by more woman than he had ever thought possible he stares at the ceiling, wondering what will happen next. Slowly, he becomes aware of a tingling in his toes and fingers. Rationally he assumes the weight on him is the cause and attempts to rouse the pile of wolf-woman laying on him.

As he opens his mouth to speak there is an awful crack in his jaw, followed by a staccato of smaller ones. Suddenly his nose takes up a third of his vision, until he can feel his face shifting to account for it. The tingling slides down his limbs, the intensity slowly building. He looks down at the slumbering wolf sleeping on his chest, to ask for some reassurance but the words stick in his throat as he watches tufts of rust red fur sprout from his chest. The tingling comes to a head as it centers in his gut, the feeling growing warmer and warmer until, with an impact like he fell from high up it rushed outwards over his body again.

It felt as if every fiber of his body had been doused in gasoline and lit on fire! Unable to move, unable to escape he can only whimper, as by the seconds the pain grew further unbearable. Finally, it ended. The heat vanishing in an instant, making it feel like he had been dunked into ice. He let out a sigh, what ever that had been it was o-

A stabbing pain shoots from between his legs through him, followed by the weirdest sensation thus far. He felt his cock retracting, like someone inside was simply winding it up. Unable to lay there any longer he struggled again, this time managing to push the silver wolf off of him. He bent over himself, realizing there was oddly much more of him than before, in time to watch the head of his still huge penis come to a halt in the silver ring's embrace, just at the top of what appeared to be a fully functioning vagina. The once colossal member now resembled the rather large clit each of the wolf's had. Suddenly he felt drowsy, then warm. Blinking he shook his head to keep from falling asleep, but to no avail.

Alpha watches the man fall asleep. She counts to five before rousing her new sister, waiting for the mind to catch up to the body. Already the rustic wolf rivaled many of her elder sisters, her muscles worthy of Hunt Leader or Battlemaster. The white wolf smiles as she rubs he belly, the hunt had been successful indeed and hopefully so would spring. Laying back down she begins to softly nibble on the new wolf's ears.

Roused by the nibbling, the rustic wolf yawns. Standing, she stretches her arms over her head. She could feel the skin on her chest tightening with each breath. Grasping at her chest her paws were met by soft, tawny tit-flesh. Groping her new, and still growing assets with a fervor she's had never though possible she falls to the pillow strewn floor. One hand breaks free of her new breasts, sliding down her ripped torso and then pulling at her swelling button. She can feel a foreign but wonderful pressure building within her and moans rise out of her body. Unable to resist any longer, she plunges her paw into her wanting sex with a yip that wakes Alpha and the silver wolf The amazon's meet eyes and nod. Each takes a breast, slipping the newly converted captive's nipples in their mouths. Eagerly they suck at her, encouraging their new Sister's exploration of her new body.

As their new sister moans increase the other two wolves grow more and more emphatic in their ministrations. Rapidly the attention spreads from the rustic wolf to include the other two. Six paws grope everything they can grasp as sexual frenzy washes over the trio. Then, as the moon rises moans rise to howls as simultaneously all three come, leaving them gasping in the warm glow of each other's embrace.

Alpha looks between the rustic wolf and the silver one before petting both. "The ring you wear, NewBorn was given to Little Sister when she became of mating age so that she could choose her mate. In our eyes, you two are now one. Go with my blessing my Sisters, and enjoy all that life has to offer for you."


Request for dragoonhowl over on FA

Still perhaps my favorite episode that i've written for someone else

Wrapping the silver wolf's in her arms the rustic wolf could only smile. Perhaps today was her day after all.