Winter Warmth

Story by FreezerBurn on SoFurry

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Hey guys, I'm back with another short! I've taken my two-year vacation and I'd like to get back to writing!


It was a dark, cold evening as Ethan walked across the parking lot at Westosha Prime Outlets. He had just gotten off of his day at work at Best Buy and wanted to go home and have a nice cup of hot cocoa, perhaps in joint operation with a movie or his Xbox. Even for a husky, he didn't like the cold much. It made him sore and it made his truck stall, no matter how easy he was on the clutch. He looked for the familiar red and white tailgate, but his name was called out from the entrance of the store behind him.

"Ethan!" He turned to see who it was, and was surprised when he saw Jordan, the store manager, approaching him. He was a doberman, and a real stud too.

"Yeah?" His manager didn't often speak to him, except when he was being spoken to as part of a group during meetings and like events.

"You've been doing a lot of great work lately. A lot of customers approach me to mention how great of an employee you are." Ethan raised his eyebrows. I wonder where he's going with this. "OK..." he responded shyly. He didn't really know how to talk to Jordan. He'd never really gotten too personal with him before.

"I'd like to offer you a raise." The statement came with a smile and a pat on the back, and wasn't one Ethan had ever heard before. "Uh... Wow, really? That'd be great!"

Jordan's smile broadened as he took Ethan's hand and shook it. "It's getting late though," He said, releasing Ethan's hand and pulling back his coat sleeve to glance at his wristwatch. "This is something that I'm happy to tell you."

Ethan smiled back and said, "Yeah, than you." He wondered how big of a raise it would be when Jordan said, "We'll talk first thing tomorrow when you arrive, alright?"

"Uh... Yes, absolutely," Ethan said, smiling again.

"Alright. See ya then, kiddo." Jordan turned and proceeded toward his own vehicle, leaving Ethan standing in front of the row of parked cars.

He turned to look for his truck again, feeling the bitter of the cold biting at his ears. He found that he was actually standing right in front of it, and proceeded to open the driver's door and take a seat. Pulling his keys out of his pocket, he started his engine and pulled the release on his parking brake before making his way out of the parking lot toward home.

Being a college kid, Ethan was never really one to spend a lot of money. He had his truck, his job, and his off-campus apartment. He loved going shopping, particularly on the internet. BestBuy was where he bought any video games he wanted, and there was a grocery store next-door to the outlet mall where he worked. But when it came to shopping, Ethan was mostly a window shopper.

He turned off of Main Street down 322nd Avenue.

His family hadn't really been a major part of his life after moving out. He went home for Christmas and for a week during the summer, but he was attending school in southern Wisconsin, mostly on scholarships. Most of his family came from Ohio, and that was a long drive; one he genuinely hated doing.

He took a right on Knoll Street.

Ethan had plenty of friends from school, but he never went to any parties or any types of social gatherings. He enjoyed keeping to himself, working on his music and playing Xbox.

As he pulled up beside his apartment building, Ethan thought of having a little celebration in lieu of the raise he would be getting the following day. He parked his truck in the spot he usually did and locked it before making his way up the sidewalk and to the front door.

Entering the building, he isolated a key on his keyring as he walked to the building's mailboxes. As he inserted the key and turned it, he wondered what he would do upon arriving at his room upstairs.

"Maybe a glass of wine... or a box of Oreos..." he pondered to himself until he opened his mailbox door and saw a small package taking up most of the space in the small cubby. His thoughts stopped right there. Could this really be it? He hadn't expected it to arrive so soon... He'd only placed the order a couple of days ago.

Ethan looked around. Seeing nobody, he pulled the package and a few other bits of mail from the mailbox, closed and locked it, and headed to the stairs. He walked with a quick fervor, as though there was some sort of radioactive chemical spill and radiation was slowly seeping toward him. He reached the top of the stairs and turned left. He could see his door at the end of the short hallway. It had a distinct misshapedness to it: it was level with the floor, but the frame definitely was not. It reminded him of one of those tipsy-turvy houses one would always associated with Dr. Seuss. He reached it and unlocked it clumsily, holding the mail and the package in one hand and trying to find his key with the other.

Upon opening the door, he closed and locked it again. He deposited all the mail on the side table by the door and continued into the kitchen with the package. He reached over his stove and pulled a pair of scissors out of the basket that he kept all the utilities in. He spun back around and walked to the table and set the package down, his heart racing. He slowly raised the scissors and pressed down onto the packaging tape and cut the box open.

This was it: the Basix vibrator he'd order was here. Ethan couldn't help but smile and not know what to do. He pulled it out of the box and examined it for a minute: it was blue, six inches long, and very sleek. It definitely was a little more intimidating than the tiny picture on the website.

Ethan was a virgin. He'd known he wasn't attracted to women early on as he entered high school, but he'd never really brought up sexuality or dating with any of his friends. Of course, he knew a little bit about sex. When time and late-night boredom permitted, he would go online and look up tips and panels about what gay sex was like and how to prepare for it. Which was why Ethan took another peek into the box and saw a small tube of Astroglide laying on the bubble wrap inside. He pulled it out of the box and set it on the table while he undid the packaging on the vibrator.

Tossing the plastic aside, he ran his fingers along the phallus, feeling the textures of the veins that had been modeled into it. Attached to it was a cord and a small controller with a dial on it: This was obviously where the batteries were installed and where one would adjust the vibration strength. He took the vibrator and Astroglide with him on his way back into the kitchen to get some batteries out of his junk drawer. He fiddled with them and installed them on the way to his bedroom, completely forgetting about the hot chocolate, the wine, the Oreos, and his Xbox.

He close the bedroom door behind him. He didn't know why; he lived alone and his apartment door was locked. It still provided a sense of security for him: when he lived with his parents, he masturbated pretty frequently, and he didn't want them walking in on him.

He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants on the way to the bed and put down the vibrator and lube before stripping the pants and shirt off, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. He sat down and scooted so he was laying in the center of his bed and put his head down on the pillow. He lowered his paws to his waistline and pulled down on his elastic waistband. He hoisted his midsection up to make the process easier and slid them down his legs, pulling his knees up toward his chest and relieving himself of his underwear, leaving him completely naked, his sheath already showing where his mind was going.

He placed his feet flat on the blanket, his knees pointing up. Then, he reached over to the vibrator and took it in his hand, bringing it to his face. He ran his nose along it, smelling the fresh rubber and wondering what a real one would smell like this close. He lowered it to his lips and licked the tip, taking the head into his mouth. He pushed it in a little deeper, suckling on it. He played with it in his mouth for a little while, feeling his erection grow to its full size.

After learning it's ridges and textures with his tongue, Ethan lowered the vibrator and flipped open the cap on the tube of Astroglide. He squeezed some into his hand and wrapped his hand around the blue erection and stroked it until it was completely wet and lubricated. He then drizzled some over his fingertips and lowered his hand to his tailhole and rubbed around, feeling and warming himself up. Slowly, he pushed his first digit past the clenching muscles, feeling them loosen up and squeeze around the foreign entry more than clench around it. He added a second finger and slowly worked himself up.

He then removed his fingers and lowered the vibrator to his groin. He turned the little potentiometer control and the DC motor inside the blue phallus hummed to life, buzzing in his fingers. He pressed it against his own erection, and began stroking them together. The sensation was a new one, and it was one he liked. He stroked the two members together for a moment before lowering the blue one down one more time and pressing the tip of it against his tailhole. Ethan inhaled sharply. He'd never felt anything touch him like this. It was a very foreign feeling; he decided to take it slower than he'd thought.

Very gently, he massaged his tailhole with the tip of the vibrator, applying gentle pressure and then relieving it, on and off, on and off. He moaned a long, low moan. It felt like someone was sucking all the pressure and stress of the day out of him, feeling the vibrating of the dildo against him. He continued, pressing the tip of it into him, feeling his now relaxed butt-muscles hugging the vibrator as it entered him

This is really not that bad, he told himself. If it felt good for the other person, he couldn't understand why this wasn't an activity everyone tried. Hell, what was the point of giving a blowjob?

He pushed a little more of it in until he was at what he expected half way. He pulled it out and pushed it back in that far again, a little more quickly. He continued to slow fuck himself like this until he decided to push it in a little further. He pushed it in another inch or so, feeling it as it was pushed deeper into him. He pulled it out and finally pushed it all the way in, making him feel a wave of pleasure. He arched his back and moaned even louder, knowing he had hit his prostate. He didn't know what it was about the prostate, but everything he read was that if a male wants to try receiving anal sex, the prostate is always what you want to aim for.

Ethan pulled the vibrator out a little more, and pushed it back in to the same spot it was before, giving him the same wave he'd felt before. He pulled back out and he slowly started a rhythm. He was pushing and pulling the vibrator in and out, in and out, in and out. He was getting faster, every thrust building the flood of euphoria he was bathing in.

As his hand began mechanically doing it's work, he closed his eyes and basked in the overwhelming feelings he'd never felt before, and his mind wandered back to Jordan. Imagining Jordan kneeling here in his bed, Ethan wrapped his paw around his hard shaft and began stroking. In his mind, he could see Jordan's muscular arms lifting his legs up to rest on his shoulders, while his hot, powerful erection moved itself in and out of him. He could see the doberman's hand reaching down to rub his white chest fur, massaging it's way down to his groin where he helped Ethan paw off his raging erection. He felt Jordan's erection pumping in and out of him, thrusting in and out and in and out and in and out until Ethan came, clenching every muscle in his body as he felt the warm semen shoot out and land on his belly and chest.

He was panting hard. He could feel the vibrator running inside him. He relaxed and reached over to the small controller and turned the dial to "OFF." He simply lay there, basking in the heat of his orgasm, the image of Jordan still fresh in his mind. He clasped his hand around the base of the vibrator and, feeling the extreme sensitivity after his orgasm, pulled very slowly and very gently until he felt it leave him. He pulled it up to his chest, and grabbed the box of Kleenex from his night stand and began to clean it and himself off.

One pile of dirty Kleenex later, he placed the vibrator and the tissue box on his night stand and closed his eyes. There was street light seeping in through the shade over his window, but that didn't stop him from pulling the blanket over himself and drifting off to a warm, dreamy sleep.