Winter Warmth

Hey guys, I'm back with another short! I've taken my two-year vacation and I'd like to get back to writing! Enjoy. It was a dark, cold evening as Ethan walked across the parking lot at Westosha Prime Outlets. He had just gotten off of his day...

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School's Out!

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School's Almost Out

This story opens on June 15th in classroom 021 of Westosha Central High School. It was Monday on the last week of school and Alex wanted summer to arrive. You know how it is. Alex Totman was a red fox who enjoyed not being at school. He loved to...

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The End of Ages

Alright, this is the end. The Seventh Year. The Revelation. Chapter 19. The Alpha and Omega. This is the End of Ages. Catherine's Freedom. This is where I Finish the Fight. I must warn you... This story has a very sad ending. The contents of this final...

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A Guys' Night

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Dr. Hetrick looked at his wristwatch. 7:49. He sighed a long sigh, closing his eyes and removing his glasses. It had been a long day at the Kenosha Family Medical Center. Not many patients, which meant slow. It was only a family doctor's office, after...

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