Full metal lingerie: chpt 3: the general isn't such a bad bloke.

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry

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The general isn't such a bad bloke

He walked up to me and looked me in the eyes. I quickly averted my gaze. "please don't hurt me sir! I'm sorry! It was an accident! Honestly!"

I flinched as he raised his hand, I was expecting him to slap me. Instead he reached for the box and turned the vibrator off and pulled it from me. "I know. I don't really like to blow up like that but I've got an image to uphold. You know?"

"yes sir." I replied

"please... call me Jeff... but only when the others aren't around."

"okay then... Jeff... i-" a loud explosion cut me off. "what the hell was that?"

at that point oonkahkoo and Caesar burst through the door brandishing weapons. Oonkahkoo a FN minimi machine gun and Caesar had his H&K mp5sd "come on! We've got to get the fuck out of here!" oonkahkoo shouted over explosions, gunfire and god knows what else. "stop standing there like a lemon and get out! Somehow those humans have found out about our base and they're here to put us down."

He then chucked a knife to me and told me "I hope you know how to use it... you're going to have to." I looked at the sharpened piece of metal. It was inevitable that I would have to kill someone eventually. Kill or be killed... I don't feel like dying today. I screamed as one of the fleshy monsters ran through the door. I threw the knife as hard as I could at the masked human and looked away.

I felt someone pat me on the back. I looked up at Jeff "Good job Jen." I walked over to the dead human and pulled my knife out of it's throat and took off it's mask. I looked away as his face was revealed.

"oh my god! Oh my fucking god!" I screamed and burst into tears. And covered my face with my hands. Dropping the knife at the human's feet.

"what's wrong jen?" jeff walked upto me and immediately saw what had distressed me "holy shit."

soon the sergeant and the lieutenant where looking at the corpse "that's fucking disgusting. How the fuck could they do that?"

"is that... is that... is that a child?"

Jeff shook his head in disgust "Well... he certainly ain't eighteen... hell... I don't think he's even sixteen. He's a fourteen year old boy. Is he armed?"

I looked at the body and nodded "yep he's got a pistol.... taped to his hands? What the fuck is going on?!" I truly felt sick at the sight. And the humans call us animals.

The sergeant's ears perked up all of a sudden "someone's barking? Crap... I think the humans have ferals with them."

"Well... isn't that peachy?" the lieutenant muttered "So Jeff... what's the plan of action... GTFO... I know that... but how?"

"well... I was thinking getting to the vehicle bay and driving somewhere... anywhere... away from the humans..."

"yeah... that works... but I was thinking-" he stopped and looked at his feet as a little remote control car drove into him. "what the fuck? Hey... What's that written on the side?" he picked it up and looked at the little car "good night?" I heard the rushing sound of gas escaping. He started moaning before falling to the floor and curling up into a ball.

I didn't have time to rush to his aid as soon I was on the floor too. I looked up at a bunch of humans who had walked into the room with gas masks strapped to their faces. "well what do you know? The source was right. We have a sergeant, a lieutenant and a general"

I whimpered as I felt one of the humans put a gun against my head "and a bitch."

"hey frank... I know we are supposed to paint the walls red with them... but she's cute... and besides... we could use some company on the way back."

"yeah... I guess... we could do with a tight hole to fuck... unless one of the dogs got to her first... which is more likely... bloody animals..." that was the last thing I heard as I lost my consciousness