Executive Stress Relief

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During a particularly frustrating day at the office, an executive takes the opportunity to make use of one of his favourite methods of on-the-job stress relief. :3

This story was written for Shakal as part of my Patreon request days for January 2020. It contains rough M/M sex between consenting adults. <3

Executive Stress Relief

Salgrus put down the phone with a sigh, and sagged back in his chair, placing his hands over his face. He wanted to scream. He knew he was in a hugely privileged position to have the job he had, and that for all the struggles and strains in his life that didn't change how lucky he was to have a job like this, the CFO of a corporation which literally made this world what it was thanks to the divine hand guiding it. But no matter the extent of Anubis' involvement, Valhalla did require the same oversight and daily running as any other major corporation, and that meant dealing with financial bullshit way more than the snow leopard could comfortably bear.

For the last four hours he'd spent time frantically scouring the quarterly budget so that he didn't have to put a hold on two projects he knew that Shakal, his dearest friend within the company structure, had been so excited to start development on with some of Valhalla's subsidiaries. And after four hours of stressful negotiations and calls to so many revenue sources, trying to scrounge together any and every last dollar possible... the money just hadn't been there, and he'd had to put the projects on the back-burner until the next financial quarter when they could be allocated as part of the budget. He was mentally exhausted. He was so angry; at himself for not being able to find a way to make it work, at Shakal for putting him in this position, at Anubis for creating this world to so many of his and Shakal's specifications but still making it a goddamned capitalist society, even if some of the more horrendous aspects of capitalism had been offset by the fact that in this world the divine creator of it all wasn't some distant and non-confrontational figure who just let things run, but rather someone who could and would get involved to ensure that the kind prospered, and the cruel faced the consequences of their actions.

With another deep sigh, Salgrus removed his head from his hands and stared out across his office. He took a breath, and tried to remind himself that things were better here. There weren't going to be dozens of lay-offs or anything because of his actions, because of the choices he'd had to make on others' behalf. The frustration came from a lack of forward momentum. An absence of progress in a world that was all about looking forward and working towards the next wonderful, impossible goal. It was frustrating. It was anger-inducing. But, it wasn't going to ruin any lives. It wasn't going to destroy families or friendships and leave people out on the streets. He had to take that perspective into account, and let it go.

Allowing his latest breath to escape him in a ragged huff, the snow leopard tapped the intercom attached to the phone resting on his desk once more.

"Hi, Keith. Just checking up on my schedule, how's it looking for the rest of the afternoon?"

For a moment there was silence, but then a deeper, soft but heavily masculine voice responded.

"All clear, boss. Want me to update it with something for you?"

Instinctively despite the lack of visual communication between them, Salgrus shook his head. A slight pinkness crossed his cheeks as he did so, and the hand not resting close to the intercom itself fell between his legs, groping at the crotch of his crisp black suit.

"Nothing external. But, if you could mark me down as not to be disturbed for a couple of hours... and come on in here for a personal meeting?"

He heard a snort; a satisfied, excited snort from his assistant, and couldn't help but smile softly despite his lingering stress and frustrations.

"Sure thing, boss. I'll be right there."

Salgrus heard the line go dead a moment later as Keith terminated the call himself, and after leaning back in his chair and fondling his crotch a moment longer, feeling his arousal starting to stir both thanks to the physical stimulation and the anticipation of what he had just set in motion, Salgrus pushed his chair back and rose to his feet. Calmly, one item at a time, the snow leopard began to remove his clothes. He folded them each neatly and placed them upon his chair, removing jacket, tie, shirt, pants, and underwear until he was entirely naked and well on the way to being fully erect. His lean figure trembled even in the warmth of his office, and his cock throbbed as he bent down, pulled open a drawer of his desk, and withdrew from within a collar attached by a golden ring to a long, thin leash. By the time he pulled himself back upright the leather collar was already wrapped around his neck, and just as Salgrus padded around and knelt in front of his desk on all fours facing the office door, it swung open without any knocking to reveal the snow leopard's assistant in all his glory.

All six and a half feet of Keith, antlers not included and adding well over another foot and a half to that total, strode through the door every bit as naked as his boss. The buff deer's eyes fell upon Salgrus, and as he snorted in desire a soft, almost broken whimper of desperation and hunger escaped the snow leopard. Salgrus' eyes devoured the still swelling but already well over a foot long length of Keith's cock hanging heavy between his legs in front of huge and pendulous balls, but he remained still, frozen in his kneeling position before his desk right up until Keith approached him, bent down, and took the end of the leash into one of his big, strong hands.

A subtle tug was all it took, not a word, not a sound required from the deer to get them started; both men utterly certain in their roles. Keith pulled on the leash, tugged at the collar around Salgrus' neck, and in an instant the snow leopard was shuffling forward and burying his face in the deer's crotch. Lips, tongue, hands, everything at Salgrus' disposal was immediately fixated on lavishing attention and pleasure upon the deer's still growing erection. He kissed it all over. He rubbed and squeezed it with his hands. The snow leopard's soft cheeks nuzzled up against the colossal and sensitive shaft, and he even buried his face right at its base, inhaling deeply the rich, musky scent locked into the fur of Keith's crotch and soon enough allowing his face to nuzzle its way down to rub and tease and inhale the rich, intoxicating aroma of the deer's balls themselves.


Salgrus gurgled happily, already forgetting all about his stresses and troubles as his lips wrapped around the tip of the deer's glorious cock and after peppering it with a flurry of kisses, began to more actively suckle upon its length. He felt a tug at the leash, and hungrily, hurriedly slurped a good five inches of the shaft into his muzzle, lashing its base with his tongue. He felt another tug and gurgled in joy, knowing that right here and right now he had no obligations, no duties to fulfil to anyone but the one holding the leash. He didn't have to worry about money or his employees' personal happiness or anything in that moment, because none of that existed for him right now. All that existed was the collar, the leash, and the hulking stallion of a stag holding it, and guiding his actions with it.

A bellowing cry escaped the stag as with a strained but giddy cry Salgrus responded to the latest commanding tug, and with practised ease slipped that huge cock down the back of his throat, taking a good foot of its total length and feeling his own cock throb, his eyes roll back as the stag began to hump at him, and to fuck the inside of his muzzle and the depths of his throat with that obscenely huge erection, getting it ever more slick with Salgrus' saliva in preparation for what was soon to follow.

"Ah. Aaah, fuck... your muzzle, god... I could fuck it for days..."

Keith grunted as he humped at Salgrus' wide open maw, saliva dribbling down the snow leopard's chin as with his eyes wide and glazed over blissfully, he let himself be face-fucked by the hulking stag. The deer meant what he said too. If given the time he could imagine slowly and steadily fucking Salgrus' muzzle all day long. While working with Salgrus under his desk. At lunch. On the way home. Lying in bed at night, all the while slowly, steadily pumping his cock down Salgrus' throat. But while he could have revelled in that slow and glorious build to a truly almighty orgasm days of oral edging later, Keith knew that Salgrus needed something more urgently than that. A fact clear not just from the hungry expression written all over his face, but also from the pre-cum he could feel spurting out across his ankles and dribbling down over his hooves in obscene quantities as Salgrus caressed and milked his own straining erection with the hand not fondling the deer's heavy balls.

Another tug, but from a slightly different angle this time, was all it took to get Salgrus to pull off the vast erection in his maw. He whined and gasped in continued desire, seemingly eager to devour and suckle upon it all over again, but a cry of blissful anticipation escaped the snow leopard as soon as Keith used the leash to tease him up to his feet, then turned him around and bent the handsome twink down over his own desk. Salgrus' tail rocketed skyward without any further prompting being required, and a strangled, pleading roar of relief erupted from his muzzle the very moment that he felt the saliva-slickened and pre-cum drooling tip of Keith's own vast cock prodding at the pucker of his backside.

This was it. This was what Salgrus needed to get over the awful day he'd had so far. And yet in the moment, that fact was so true and the deer's actions so successful in that regard that Salgrus didn't give a single thought to that fact. He wasn't getting fucked because it was going to take his mind off the stresses of his job. He wasn't getting fucked because it was hard to think about financial matters when your prostate was being ploughed by one of the most skilled and sizeable cocks available. As it happened, Salgrus could only comprehend that he was getting fucked because... well, why wouldn't he be getting fucked? Why would he ever choose to be doing anything, ever, that wasn't getting hammered by a colossal and perfect cock belonging to a sweet and handsome and oh so horny guy like Keith?

Put simply, his assistant was already doing his job to perfection. So well that as Salgrus clawed new, deep gouges in the wood of his desk alongside several other similar streaks from prior occasions; as he roared and begged and wailed to the heavens while Keith pressed his huge cock inward and prepared himself to give the snow leopard the fucking of a lifetime, Salgrus totally forgot that this was part of Keith's job description. In fact, before long they both did, just as was always the case when the deer got going inside the much smaller, deliciously tight-assed feline.

Keith bellowed as he began to plough into Salgrus, his balls slapping heavily against the snow leopard's own and his hips impacting roughly against the other man's ass, cock totally hilted inside of Salgrus with each and every thrust. Salgrus roared in return, thrashing, shuddering beneath the almighty strength of his lover, feeling that cock stretching him obscenely wide and filling him to breaking point, but deliciously so as it sent thick ribbons of pre pouring into him, and left his desk painted with equally potent strands of his own rapidly rising arousal. This act might have started as it always did, as a simple tool for executive stress relief. But the harder they fucked, the louder they cried out to one another and the more all consuming the pleasure between them grew, the more their fucking became quite simply that.

Fucking for its own sake. For its own reward. And of course, fucking that they both knew would go on and on and on far beyond the first orgasms racing towards each of them already. Fucking that would continue until either they were too exhausted to push one another to a single orgasm more, or, more likely, until their work-day came to an end and they decided to continue with some overtime in a much more intimate venue.

By Jeeves

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