Illian: Wings of Blood

Story by Markus Snow on SoFurry

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#4 of Illian: A world born anew

Note: The following tale is based around a rape, but this said this does not mean I support, or even like, rape in any shape or form. This tale is in the persepective of the Races of Darkness, so I found it appropriate to display their sex in this fashion. If rape causes mental distraught (agitation, grief), then please do not read this tale for my sake and yours. I plan on sending out another tale this weekend so that those who skip this one will at least get something from me. Also, just so you all know now, I will be trying to send these tales out on a weekly basis, but I won't make any promises i can't keep, so please stay with me until i send out another tale.

Tonight was the perfect night to be a Millar. The night was almost pitch black, the woods repelled all moonlight, and the prey was nervious and filled with doubt. Kye was positioned in the woods that bordered the small town of Brimble, forced to scout out the area by the new Vampire King. As of late, the Vampire King had been on edge, especially when he heard news that his own brother was leading the Werewolf forces, and the King knew how serious of an opponent that made the _Evizil. _ For you see, the Vampire King's brother was none other than Markus Snow, the first human-based werewolf to ever be allowed to become the leader of the Alpha Pack.

Before the tale goes any farther, a few things must be explained. First, there are two types of werewolves, the human-based, and the natural born. Human-based werewolves are the most supersticiously common form of werewolf, and as their name tells, they are created when a Evizil bites a human, spreading the genes that cause the wolf like shape to form. The other form, natural born, are decendents of the very first Evizil birthed by Izilan. These type of werewolf are really the most common form of werewolf, and are most prejudice against most non Greater Races.

Also, the way that Markus Snow and the Vampire King, also known as Felix Lightbane, are related. When both of them were around the age of 16, one vampire was given the special task of turning both of the teenagers into_ Malar_; which is an order very seldomly given. When the vampire came upon Felix, he was alone, and as time was growing short, the vampire decided to take one child instead of none. So he quickly bit Felix on the neck, enjoyed himself for a while on the pure blood, and carried the child away back to the vampire city of Bilamarsh. When Markus had arrived at the place where he and Felix were suppose to meet, he noticed two things, Felix wasn't there, and an odd figure was sitting in the allyway attacking a boy about his age. Without any hesistation, Markus ran up to the figure, which he decided looked like a wolf, and tried removing the beast from the poor child. As fate would have it, the wolf-creature turned on Markus and bit him out of anger, and with this action, his transformation began, and slowly he had become the werewolf known as Markus Snow.

As the tale continues, Kye had been told by Felix Lightbane to track his brother and bring him back to Bilamarsh for conversion to the Races of Dark. By now, it had been months since Markus had his way with Kia in the small tavern, and Kye knew searching the town was going to be a fruitless search. With his mind made up, he began gathering his belongings to search farther west, hoping to find the young Evizil closer to werewolf territory. As he began packing, Kye heard the sound of a horse comming closer to his position. At that moment, he laid against the branch he was camping on, directed his ears towards the ground, and waited until the horse was under him. When the time finally arrived, he sprang down on the horse, killed it by stabbing its side with a small dagger, and pushed the rider off of the beast in a matter of seconds. Kye cleaned off his blade, turned around and got very close to the fallen rider. With his poor eyesight, Kye could only make out that the rider was a fox, and that the fox was a female, and that was really all that mattered to Kye.

As he picked up the unconcious rider, he was able to get a much better look at her. She had a petite body, a red coat that looked like cherries, and almost full hips, signaling to Kye that the girl was past hitting womanhood, not that that really mattered to the bat. The bat brought the fox back to his campsite, placed her near the campfire, and began undressing her. He knew what sins he was going to be committing tonight, but he just gave an inward laugh and smiled at the attractive body of the rider. When the fox was fully undressed, Kye began taking off his vestments, which caused the girl to suddenly jump back. Well, Kye thought to himself, the little fox was playing dead was she, all the more fun when she tries to defend herself against me. Kye quickly shredded the rest of his clothing, pushed out his wings and caught the fleeing fox. To make sure she wouldn't run anymore, Kye flew up in the air and prepared the girl for penetration.

Kye knew full well that rape was the ultimate sin to the Races of Light, giving him all the more pleasure as he inserted himself into the fox's ass. Kye quickly did this, giving the fox no time to defend herself, causing her to give a loud scream, one that was muffled by Kye's wings. Moments after insertion Kye knew that he was too big for the petite fox, but this didn't bother him much, and when she began to bleed, he reveled in her pain all the more. Being airborn and being raped is one experience, but being pummled harder and harder by a cock that was way too big for the girl's body is a whole new thing. Louder and louder the girl screamed, and knowing that she was finding no pleasure in the sex gave Kye an even bigger rush. Over and over again the bat rammed the girl inside the airborn "wing cocoon" that he had made by enclosing himself and the fox, until finally he gave a low moan of pleasure and had an orgasim.

After roughly pulling himself out, the bat cleaned himself of the blood, gently brought the both of them to the ground and turned the fox over. With the total darkness that the forest was providing, the fox woman could not see her rapist at all except for the fact that he was tall and muscular. Gathering her bravado, she prepared herself for the night to come, and remembered that in times of war, there was a high chance her rapist would be slaughtered like the animal she figured he was.

Fully prepared, Kye once again entered the fox quickly and roughly, but found little pleasure at the fact that the fox was no longer screaming or crying. To fix this, he began to twist the girl's nipples roughly, until finally she let out a low moan of pain. Finding his composure with the scream, Kye pumped his cock inside of the girl fiercely and full of detemination. Even as the poor girl began to bleed again, Kye felt something was not right, the woman had stopped screaming and crying all together; in fact, she began to moan with pleasure. At this Kye almost stopped entirely, but continued when the fox began to whimper, begging for him to continue. Now, with almost all of his concentration lost, Kye started again, this time much softer than before. Each pump was slow, yet soft, causing the fox to truly squeal with delight. Also, as he had his way with her in this fashion, he found that he was actually enjoying sex both physically and mentally. Slowly, Kye unwrapped his wings, grabbed the girl's legs with both arms, and began ramming her with all of his might. At this point, the girl had started whispering incoherint phrases that Kye guessed were in her native tongue. Soon after, both Kye and the fox moaned as the pleasure had become to great, and hit climax.

Not being finished with her partner, the fox wrapped her arms around Kye's neck and began ramming his cock into her pussy once more. With the surges of pleasure he was feeling with his cock being encased in the fox's tight pussy, Kye barely minded that the girl had become the leader in this partnership. Soon, the fox locked her legs around Kye's hips and told the bat to go faster. Following her orders, Kye began pushing himself into the fox faster, and a little harder, causing the pleasure to double. With each pump came another unknown phrase from the fox's lips, until finally she just buried her head in his neck and cried with delight, not pain. Each stroke became a fountain of delight, until it had become so great that the fox lifter her head and screamed as she hit her climax once again.

Once they were finished, the girl told Kye to stay inside her, letting him know how complete she felt at that moment. At this point, Kye was so lost in the events that had transpired that he didn't bother to argue with the girl, and so he stayed in that standing position until he knew it was time to go. Quickly, he pulled the girl off of him, threw her the clothing she had worn, and told her that if she told anyone what had happened, he would come back, and this time he would be the only one enjoying the sex. At this the girl threw her head back and laughed, but then became silent as she began to grasp fully what had all happened. With a sudden fury, she tried jumping at her rapist, but failed, swearing that no matter how delightful the night had been near the end, that beast commited the ultimate crime, and would be punished, even if she had to follow him to the darkest pits of Rea.