Yskrian Breeding Solstice

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#25 of Adult

A plan is made and nearly foiled, and a lot of improvising later leaves chief Yskra having to make a holiday in his tribe to save face.

Yskra belongs to FA: BalefirePhoenix , Asogorath to FA: PrismatDragoon , Robyn to FA: Hydrawave , and Solar to meself.Previous | First

Feathers fall and fill the air as I half hold up my lover below me, the bigger male cooing and letting out soft trills as I repeatedly ram my orange, glowing length into a particular bump inside his firm ass. His tail feathers are a mess at this point, one I'll meticulously fix later as I nuzzle down the back of his neck and wrap myself tighter around him as the familiar pressure builds behind the base of my dick.

"You love this, don't you?" I chuckle in his ear. "Nothing wrong with a big strong man that doesn't let their pride keep them from a good dicking."

"Y-yes," He chirps for me, crooning as I lightly bite down on his shoulder and slam my knot through his taut hole. "Ohhh~"

With a satisfied purr, I knot fuck my captured bird doggystyle until his legs are shuddering so badly, they give out. Pulling him into my lap and hugging his back to my chest, he's now forced to take every bit of my dragonhood as I hammer up into him. There are a few almost indiscernible words like "I can't take it!" or "S-slow down!", but he melts in my arms to the point he's holding onto my lambent horns and dependent on me to hold him up.

Clapping a final slap of my hips against his glutes, I ram my shaft home and he lets out a girlish yelp of my name, "Aso!". Cum bubbles up from his long, avian dick as mine surges before blowing its load directly inside him. There's a jolt and a sudden increase in his own leaking flow as he feels my cum blast against his inner walls, painting them thickly with several heavy pumps as he covers his legs and bedding with an ample load of bird cream. I hump reflexively into his wonderfully tight ass, draining the last few dregs of my orgasm as I milk more pre and seed from his.

With that done, I roll us onto our sides and snuggle into him from behind, whispering a few sweet nothings into his ears and scratching along his head and neck. It is a very easy matter to get him to fall asleep in my arms, and I resist the urge to continue breeding his hole like I do with Solar. Honestly, that gremlin of an alchemist is a horrible influence on my sexuality, and I will never make him stop.

Now that this acolyte is asleep, it is easy enough for me to simply pop the top off a basket nearby and dig around in it with my tail until it finds something hard and smooth. Pulling out the amber orb, I look it over and deem it usable, placing the basket lid back on. Now comes the hard part... I have another one stashed away where no one will find it, buuut this is hard to hide in just a loincloth until I get to that point. I really only have one option. Coating the orb in my bird lover's cum, I rub some up against my tailhole as lube and then take a deep breath.

Curling my toes, I try to stay relaxed as possible as I slowly force it to part my ass cheeks and grind against its entry. Luckily, I had the foresight to coerce a few warriors to already stretch it out on their dicks, two at a time, making my ring much more easily encompass the girth of this thing. It's still the size of a large egg and I struggle on it a bit before my forcefulness makes it suddenly pop inside. It's cold, hard, and ferociously presses my prostate tightly as it delves its way inside, wrenching a sudden, shocking orgasm out of the sensitive organ.

It looks like this acolyte is getting a second railing after all as I roll him on top of me and begin pounding into him as the orb collides with my prostate with each thrust. Panting for breath and letting out a hot breath of steam, I couldn't stop myself if I wanted to and continue pumping into him as wave after wave of hot, thick seed is deposited into the man. He wakes up in a flustered state, letting out moans and squawks as I rail him without restraint even as I explode inside his tight gripping butt and bring the overstimulated man to another climax. He paints his chest and belly with more avian ivory and there is no quarter as I smash my knot against his prostate again and again until his balls are emptied and there's nothing left but pre to gush out.

It all becomes too much for the tribal scholar who has lived a soft life up to this point and he gradually goes limp in my arms before passing out entirely.

"F-fuck!" I grunt, finally throwing my hips back into the bedding instead of forward and pushing the orb deeper inside of me.

I let out a gasp, covered in a cold sweat as it puts a small bump in my belly when it finds a place to rest. Getting this thing back out is going to be a nightmare, I can tell, but it'll be worth it. Hopefully, I won't cover myself in my own jizz in the process of doing that. Rolling back onto my side, I join the acolyte in sleep and try to not twitch my legs too much.


Relaxing within my home next to Orka, I allow the big albatross-esk woman to preen my neck and face. She is surprisingly dexterous for having such a large, curved beak, and it's one of the finer groomings I've experienced. On par with my size and build, she's a part of my harem as one of the few besides Robyn who can take my dick unrestrained and come back for more, but has enough dominance to fight for the position on top. With a curvy, thick build, she has a firm flat chest and muscular thighs. Her plumage is white and black, thick enough she goes without a loincloth most of the time, and the feathers along her head grow slicked back with a few occasionally bending and leaning over her eyes in a rather cute fringe.

The rest of the harem is gathered in the other room, all save for Aso who is cloistered somewhere among the tribe. I await the arrival of Basalt. He's son of the chief of the Stonekin tribe that live along the canyons to the north, but for all intents and purposes he fills in his father's role. Chief Slatehound is lost to cap syrup liquor, or so I've heard. Basalt didn't say why he's coming, but if he is having any contact with me at all after the tribal schism created by my usurpation of the last chief, it's important.

I feel the heavy footsteps of him and his men before he even gets inside, Ferrih welcoming him into the common room. Stroking Orka's neck, I bid her to wait as I stand and enter as well.

"Basalt," I greet him with a nod. "Like the mountains, I see you've grown."

A little under seven feet tall with stormy grey scales the color of his namesake, he's a prime example of his tribe with a broad-shouldered and lean build bearing thick arms and legs. His heavy scales cover up any musculature, forming plates along his neck, chest, forearms, and forelegs and the underside of his heavy, thick tail. The rest are smaller, finer scales with a somewhat darker tone but still plenty solid enough to deflect most weapons. Thin, shiny feathers grow along the back of his head, growing into a heavy, rich mane that falls down his neck and shoulders. A thick brow still cannot hide his eyes in shadow, the sclera black with red irises and slitted pupils that deliver a chilling glare.

Much like our tribe, the Stonekin do not wear much, and he has settled for an ornate loincloth made of tanned leather.

"And I see not much has changed for you," The warrior notes in a deep, soft voice. "Living life to the fullest?"

"I like to think so. So," I reply. "What brings you?"

He eyes Ferrih's presence for a moment and I gesture with my head in the direction of the small, adjoining house the harem lives in. She gets the message and quickly leaves.

I motion to a large pillow set out in front of my table, sitting down on one opposite of him. He nods to the two guards that accompanied him, smaller axemen with blue scales that step outside. Sitting down heavily, he crosses his digitigrade legs and lets out a huff before the big lizardman brings his eyes to meet mine and then flicks them away. He's an imposing man, but cruel fate cursed him with a shy, sensitive disposition. But if he's anything like his father, his wrath could be a volatile thing, best left to slumber somewhere locked away inside him.

"I won't try to speak in tongues, so I'll just get to the point. We're running out of food. We have some. But nothing we won't burn through soon," He says, staring at a point on the table. "Water has stopped coming from the mountains and the sediment it brought to fertilize our mushrooms. Animals have been overhunted to the point they no longer come around, and our canyons lie mostly barren. With the salmon not in season, we could very well be on the brink of a famine. And that's not good, especially while the warlord that is my father is chief even if he is half the man he used to be."

I see now why he sent a vague letter and even dismissed his bodyguards from the meeting; if any of this got back to his tribe, they might very well kill him for having the gal to say they're in a time of weakness, whether or not it's entirely true. They model themselves after dragons: stoic, stubborn, entirely self sufficient even among the members of their own tribe, and prideful to a fault.

"Hmm. Well. We have plenty of food to share if it means better relations with the Stonekin, but we cannot just gift it; they won't take it," I sigh. "And it is a lot to ask of my people to leave the jungle where they are vulnerable to trade with yours."

"That, luckily, is where my father's advisor has a solution: his hatched-kin are all traders and if you can assure they are safe, they will come. We can trade the ore your tribe covets, along with metal weapons, armor, things I have come to understand that, of late, would be very useful for your position with the encroachment of outsiders. I'm certain some of our more desperate warriors would be willing to barter their brawn in exchange for food as well."

"Oh? You had my attention. Now you have my interest," I grin. "I suppose we'll just have to trade in bulk food goods, yes?"

"Some of our hunters might wish for feathers suitable to making arrows, but yes. That is the idea."

"These are very agreeable terms. And yes, I can promise your traders safe passage in the jungle. Or that of your tribe, for that matter: we do not loose arrows first and ask questions later, anymore."

"Oh. Good. Good good," He nods with a sigh of relief, casually cleaning the thick claws on each finger as an excuse to not have to hold eye contact.

"You expected me to be a bit of an ass, didn't you?"

"Well. Yes. We absolutely would have taken advantage of you in reversed positions."

"Heh. I am well aware. But fear not, my tribe will be very keen on rubbing their feathers up against the scales of your people. The schism was bloodless, after all, and there's enough distance between us that tensions really had no reason to be strained. I'll ask my traders to be generous with their bartering. In return, would you bring some pleasure servants for the tribe as well? Intimacy is the best way to cement relations with my own people."

"We do not keep servants or slaves, though I can certainly see the appeal. No. If I were to bring anyone, they would need to be paid."

"And food is acceptable?"

"It will certainly be at the start."

"Then I believe we have an easy deal," I ascent. "I can make any oaths in writing you might need on the morrow; I know the Stonekin put stock in that sort of thing. Would you like to rest here this evening? I should rephrase that. You're resting here; the guardians like to prowl in the night."

"Ah, yes. The elusive beasts of living legend. I would rather not have a run in, so I will accept. Thank you."

"Excellent. I can see your guards to their own quarters if you'd like. Otherwise, they can join us."

"I'd prefer to have them near," He admits, issuing a small bark that recalls them to his side where they sit down casually.

"The more, the better, I say," I chuckle, thumping the floor three times with my tail.

My harem filters in from the other rooms and Robyn quickly takes her place sitting in my lap, Ferrih flanking and hugging my back from behind. Solar and Melodous go about snuggling up to the guards with Orka nuzzling into Basalt's shoulder. He stifles a bit and, gently, pushes her back some.

"I. Uh... you're beautiful, but I prefer the touch of another male," He states.

"That's fine," She smiles. "But then I'll have to borrow both of your boys."

I was prepared to dispatch Ferrih to handle one of his men, but it appears that was unnecessary as Orka quite literally picks one up and carries them over to sit next to the other, plopping them both in her lap. Melodous and Solar then both crawl up to Basalt. Looking down for most of the time when they entered, he was not prepared for two exotic pets to rub up against his stomach and chest, but this time he happily accepts their advances with a few timid glances at their faces. To the credit of my harem, both boys rub his cheeks and their noses against his, and the big guy quickly becomes accustomed to their presence.

As it turns out, one of the guards is female as Orka probes their slits with her fingers.

"No, no. Please, don't stop," The guard moans as Orka withdraws, the bigger bird smirking but happily complying while the female bodyguard's counterpart quickly becomes hard beneath the albatross's touch despite her massive talons grazing along his sensitive flesh.


I sniff at the air, picking out the scent of Aso among the other parts of the jungle. As prolific as he's been, he smells just like one of the tribe but always with a citrus undernote, making it rather easy to track him in an otherwise rickety and abandoned area of the village. The footpaths here are aged and the roof of the treehuts long starting to fall into disarray from neglect. This is where many of the upstart elders lived on the fringes of the village before making their exodus several years ago, and no one wanted to move into their old homes.

The only ones who come over here are craftspeople being taught to repair damaged structures by their mentors, so what that furry, horned sneak is up to cannot be anything he wants found out. It's almost a little impressive he got out this far without being followed or missed. Following the scent, I quickly come to one of the houses still having a roof and spot him through a window. He lets out a muted moan as there comes a slight donk sound on wood. A sound I would recognize as amber.

The entryway allows me to simply walk in and lean against the wall, Aso immediately whirling around as I enter. He's squatted above an amber orb. One that he somehow managed to fit up there and made a glowing, sitcky mess all over the floor in front of himself trying to remove, it would appear. There's another one in the corner that I can sense because it's charged despite being hidden underneath leaves and other discarded foliage.

"What'cha got there?" I ask dryly.

"Oh, hi Leiti. It's, uh, a smoothie!" He grins, holding up a cup filled until began to overflow with his cream.

I've heard gossip he tastes like citrus and that fluid especially so.

"Mhm. Might want to drink it all before the flies come, then."

"R-right. Good idea," He chuckles sheepishly.

Raising the cup to his obsidian jaws, he downs the cup in three long gulps, excess drops running down his chin that he wipes away with the back of his hand after finishing.

"I can see why the tribe raves about you so much now. In any case, what are you up to with those orbs?" I question.

"Would you believe me if I told you they make great toys?"

"Yes. I have several."

"Oh... w-would you have let me use them?"

"If you had known and asked? Sure, why not. Tell you what, because Solar sings your praises, give me the orbs and I'll forget this ever happened," I croon, walking forward and crouching down to rub his head. "And you can feel every bump, ridge, and warm hole I have to offer. How does that sound?"

"Hm-r-r-r-ph~" He purrs, "With a sexy bird like you, I would have killed to do that any other day."

Snatching the orb before I can grab it, he runs at the wall, retrieving the other amber talisman with his tail, and smashes through the rotting wood to jump onto a footpath. I dart through the doorway and give chase, both of us at a dead sprint as he makes his way back towards the village. His legs are longer than mine but we're both matched at the same speed.

With a harsh whistle followed by a resonating scream, I call out, "Vorkai! Aid is needed!"

With a sonic boom, the giant tawny eagle guardian appears in the skies above us.

"Bring this thief to heel! He carries charged talismans!" I order him.

"Oh, shit!" Aso swears as he looks behind his shoulder just in time to push himself off a post and aside as giant talons rip apart the wood in the spot he was running. "Just had to be the shaman to find me."

"My acolytes can be nervous dolts but certainly not clumsy enough to lose two spheres in a week!" I yell back

I took Yskra's advice to lose the cloak and mask, and it's a good thing I did, giving me the peripheral vision to notice a clearing in the trees to leap off. Raising my forearm, Vorkai catches it within his powerful claws.

"Drop me on him. He must not be allowed to use or hide that amber!" I command the guardian.

He gives an affirmative shriek and beats his wings, propelling us forward several meters each time and quickly falling in line with a spot above the trees. With that, he lets go and I hurdle through the canopy, smashing straight into Aso and sending us both sprawling onto the hard wood planks of the bridge he was crossing.

"You lunatic!" He snarls. "That could have killed you!"

"Such are the sacrifices I am willing to make!" I declare, getting on my feet again before he does and whirling around to bring my tail around in a deadly arc.

He slides back onto a nearby branch to avoid the swing but loses an orb in the process, one I quickly retrieve it with a telekinetic pull. I push into a pocket on my pants before advancing on him. Along the branch, he has nowhere to go but hurl himself down; a fall I can safely say he will not survive. With more bravado than I thought he had, he instead rushes directly at me, ducking under another swing of my tail and smacking aside my hand as I prepare to blast him with magic.

The wayward missile shoots somewhere up in the tree canopy and he grabs my shoulders, fiercely kissing me. I'm caught so drastically off guard I barely register his hand sink into my pocket as his tongue pushes an entire cup's worth of his glowing seed into my snout. I don't know whether to blush or knee him in the groin, but I'm forced to swallow the stuff as he suddenly pushes me back over the railing of the footpath and continues running. Falling in an ungraceful heap, I quickly collect my wits and continue giving chase as he enters the village proper, and we begin to encounter tribespeople in our path.

"Stop him! Stop Aso! Stop the thief!" I yell, again and again until I'm hoarse, incredulous to the inaction of my tribe.

They give me emptyheaded, astonished looks like the man could never cause any harm, and a few of the blasted idiots even try to grab my arm and stop me to ask whatever the matter is.

"VORKAI!" I yell angrily, the eagle blasting through the canopy and sending people scattering for cover and out of my damn way.

With an angry growl, I drop to all fours, claws digging into the ground as I throw any measure of dignity to the wind to catch the damn troublemaker.


Running my fingers down the tough scales on the side Basalt's abdomen, I press down with my claws so that he might feel something through all that armor and nuzzle down to above his loincloth. Gently nipping along the leather cord, I look back up at him for confirmation but find he's lost in Melodous's plumage as the feminine birdy gently kisses the big guy. I almost stop to wait, but the loincloth begins to tent with a heady scent accompanying it.

Pushing aside the leather, a thick, ridged dick is awaiting below, half peeking out of its sheath. It's almost Yskra's size as is, but I suppose that's to be expected by such a big guy. Running a long lick across the deep red flesh, it bumps along my tongue and the rest of its length slides free of the slit. Above me, Basalt lets out a moan and his tail curls around to rest on my shoulders. After Yskra, I expect to be slammed down on his dick, but instead it just gives me gentle pushes until my snout is nuzzling against his tip but no more.

This is the first tender person I've met here, and now I suddenly want to meet more of Basalt's tribe as I wrap my tongue around his tapered tip, receiving a heavy pump of pre into my maw and swallowing it down with a smoky, spicy flavor. Judging by how he purrs into Melodous's beak as the bird kisses him deeper, and his shaft is already pulsing heavily, I realize he's close. There's not much to do for an unstable grenade but set it off, messily slurping along his full length to get some lubricant across it. Accepting inch after inch of hot flesh into my mouth until his tip tickles that back of my throat, I make it about halfway down his full size before I struggle to not accidently nick his girth with my teeth.

I need to use both hands to pump his base effectively, massaging his dick inside my maw and using it like a toy to squeeze and suck on the hot flesh. His tail taps my shoulder, giving me a needed warning as he suddenly erupts in my mouth, blasting the back of my throat in musky cum with a flavor and scent that quickly fills my sinuses. I struggle to gulp down his load, a jet of it escaping my jaws and painting his genital slit in sticky white until I force myself down on it. My throat is given a stretching and bulges outwards as I cram it deeper, feeling another shot hit my stomach.

I don't reach his base but rest about three fourths of the way there, weakly massaging his shaft with my esophagus when his tail suddenly pulls me off. Another rope of cum is shot into my mouth before he rubs my head with a heavy paw, another few weak gouts painting my face and chest.

"Don't hurt yourself, little one," Basalt chuckles, Melodous chirping and hugging himself to the large male and grinding needily against him with his tailfeathers fully raised.

I give Basalt a nod with a smile as I lick his thick ejaculate off the sizes of my mouth and gather a bunch from my fur, reaching up and making Melodous shudder as I thickly spread it on his hole.

"Let's prep him just a bit more," Basalt rumbles, turning Melodous around and burying his snout in the pretty bird's rump.

"OHHhhhhhh~" Melodous coos as a large tongue invades inside him.

I hold his hands for a moment to give him something to brace on as the lizard batters his prostate and tightness therein into puddy. Experienced as he is, Melodous's half erect shaft is still leaking pre by the time he is set in the giant's lap with its massive dick grinding between his cheek. The bird doesn't even have to beg as its tip is inserted and he is slowly sunk to its base with Melodous climaxing right then and there, cum springing forth from his avian shaft as he instinctively gyrates his hips.

With a small grin, Basalt begins to thrust up into his prize, sending the harem member into utter bliss as he's stretched thin around the overwhelming beast inside him. Trapped with his back against his lover's chest, Melodous just has to take it. Spoiled beyond what Yskra would even remotely do, the birdy receives words of praise and gentle nuzzles with a hand rubbing up and down his chest until he's nothing but a shuddering mess that wants to please the gallant giant.

With Basalt busy, I look around and see Orka riding the male bodyguard, his pelvis damn near crushed by her punishing riding as she effortlessly holds his female counterpart against the wall and is in the process of practically devouring her vent. The poor she-lizard is barely holding on as the skilled tongue of the albatross presses every correct button and her beak nips along the sensitive flesh in ways that produce a noise from the guard every time without fail.

Ferri and Robyn have been stacked on top of one another with Robyn along the bottom, but in opposite ways so each bird can lick along Yskra's shaft while he breeds the other's sex. In this manner Ferrih has been spared cum drooling onto her face and beak, but that doesn't stop the two from submerging their beaks into one another's snatches when it's not being filled with raptor dick. As Melodous's calls begin to fill the air, Basalt flips him onto the floor where he can better rail the feminine male in a position more comfortable for his feral musculature.

I catch Yskra eyeing me curiously out of the corner of his eye, and I jut a thumb out towards Basalt's butt, his tailhole left vulnerable with his tail wrapped firmly around Melodous. Making a lewd gesture with a finger thrusting through a ring formed by the index and thumb of the other hand, I get my message across, and he gives me a cheeky grin as he hilts inside Ferrih and gives her a second womb-filling load, the former scout milking his dick for all its worth.

Pulling his wet and dripping cock free, he bids them to stay warm without him as he drops on all fours, prowling past me to pounce on Basalt's vulnerability and drives his cock home in one thrust. Instead of yelping, the armored warrior lets out a high-pitched moan that sounds as girlish as Ferrih, making Yskra throw his head back in a guffaw as Basalt pauses mid thrust. His facial scales turn a deep red with blood blooming below them before Yskra presses his head back down and begins roughly thrusting into him.

A man robbed of most stimulations by his thick scales, the raptor's erection strokes and grinds against where's he's most sensitive, and Melodous quickly finds himself caught up in the same hard pace as Yskra drives Basalt to new heights of pleasure.

"Such a grand warrior to let a lowly chief such as myself hilt balls deep inside him and not resist? Oh, I think we're going to get along just fine," Yskra chuckles, humping into Basalt and revealing his true preferred position.

He yelps and growls while pushing his surprisingly large ass back into each heavy thrust that forces his hips forward, bringing his shaft to bury inside Melodous time and time again. There is no quarter as Yskra's ball's slap loudly against his scaled, toned cheeks and rails the lizard straight into cumming inside the bird. The raptor milks him, breeding that tight hole even as Basalt's body locks up around his eager cumdump and unloads a heavy enough shot it visibly bloats Melodous's belly despite half of it spurting out and shooting across the lizard's pelvis and legs.

"You love that, don't you? Do you want to feel my dick more?" Yskra croons in his ear, mounting Basalt just as he has the amorous bird.

"Y-yes! Please, give it to me, master!" Basalt rumbles and then let's out a small gasp as he realized what he just said.

"Master, eh? Then you must be my cockslave."

"Erm," The scaled warrior squeaks before being spurred on by Yskra bringing his cock to bare and pounding inside him again. "Yes! Yes! Master! Breed me master!"

"That's a good toy!" Yskra huffs approvingly, "I'm going to cum inside you until I get an egg from your boy-cunt! Do everything I say, and I'll give you this whenever you need~"

As if to prove his point, Yskra drives his dick inside once more and his heavy balls visibly pulse as they work overtime to drain every drop into the giant's needy hole, only further straining Melodous's guts as another gush of semen is deposited within him. I cock an ear and listen to commotion outside, cries of alarm raising along with the piercing scream of an eagle.

Plan B it is then, I take it. Reaching into my chest fluff where a tiny pouch has been carefully hidden, I pull out a small ball and casually setting it on the ground where I smack it with a flat palm. A capsule inside the ball ruptures and the room fills with a faintly pink vapor heavier than air, the members of the room within receiving a full breath before they realize something happened. By then, potent aphrodisiac reaches their bloodstreams and while everyone tries to resist at first, the lust raging inside them can't be resisted especially while they were in the middle of sex. Interestingly, the harem members seem the most affected and redouble their efforts.

Melodous's belly bulges outward as he willingly slams himself down onto Basalt's spire, the lizard's previous reservations lost as he thrusts into the bird without restraint and then forces himself back onto Yskra's dick with each thrust of the raptor, both quickly lost in the fog. Robyn and Ferrih switch to a position where they can eat each other out at the same time, slurping each other's sexes and nibbling on one another's love buttons until they can't take it anymore and retreat to the harem's quarters where I see them grabbing the biggest false-dicks off the wall.

Orka does a similar maneuver as she entirely abandons the bodyguard's dick for a much larger false dick and instead lets him thrust inside of her anus while the female counterpart ride's the albatross's tongue hard enough scratches appear on her belly scales from the beak scraping across them.

"ASOOO!" Comes an angry roar as my friend comes bursting through the entryway with a furious Leiti quite literally biting down on his tail before he knocks them against a post.

Seeing the gas as we had discussed for emergency but not carrying the mask I gave him for it, he buries his nostrils in the curve of an elbow and quickly moves away from Leiti as they gasp in breaths of air from running and immediately quiver.

Knotted cock almost immediately sliding out of its sheath, I'm the first thing they see, and I prepare to bend over to give Aso the time he needs before I'm suddenly grabbed from behind by a very large pair of talons.

"I don't know what... you've done!" Yskra snarls with effort to form coherent words while his massive, were-raptor cock throbs from where it was thrust between my thighs, "But it... is. Not going to... work!"

I'm so fucking glad I prepped to take dick tonight and whimper as I feel Yskra's cock gape me like it did the first time we met as he heaves down on my shoulders until his balls slap against my crotch. Leiti then immediately yanks my head down and buries her cock into my maw and thrusts directly down my throat. Spitroasted between the most powerful people in the tribe, it's about all I can do to dutifully grip Yskra's shaft with my ring and give Leiti my tongue as a cushion while they both hammer into me without any regard for what lies beyond each hole.

Tears sting my eyes and I gag around the intense rutting of the dick filling my maw and the gigantic raptor cock buried deep in my tailhole.

"Leiti!" Yskra growls, fighting both his innate feralness and the alchemical gas. "Snap - snap out of it!"

"Easy for you to say!" They snap as their knot is forced past my lips and at least four clutch's worth of semen is fired into my belly in rapid shots and filling it to the brim.

Cum flows out of my nostrils as Yskra rams his dock inside by tailhole and I feel his cream shoot further within. I feel like I'm already full after Leiti, and he just keeps adding more to the mix.

"D-do something!" Yskra whines.

"What!? I... I can't stop!"

"What is this damn gas?"

"I-I don't know, but I keep cumming!"

Minutes fly by and their rutting only becomes more urgent as their breathing is strained, my belly beginning to dome outward with a swelling bump. I think Melodous has lost consciousness with Basalt not far behind him and the rest of the harem screaming in pleasure from their room. Any bystanders looking through the door are already in the area of effect as the gas pours outwards and a full blown orgy breaks out across the foot paths and nearby huts with slave and master dynamics thrown to the side.

My vision begins to fade as I cum across the ground for the second time, the vengeful, railing dick of Yskra obliterating my tailhole until the pressure grows too great and I'm forced to climax, painting myself and Leiti's legs. There's a cry of relief from Aso as he breaks free of the collar with the power of the orbs and tears open a portal. Leiti is already swaying on their legs and Aso easily pushes them aside, yanking me off Yskra. Leiti is thrown to the harem as Yskra falls backwards onto Basalt without me for support and immediately latches onto him, Aso pulling me through the portal and closing it behind us.

We collapse into the soft-pine needle floor of a northern forest and Aso is ontop of me in moments with his glowing bits the only visible source of light.

"I need your hole," He moans and then let's out a surprised noise and I yank him down to my neglected genital slit with a twitching erection.

"And I just got wrecked to buy you time! Everything else hurts, so you'll just have to put up with a handy!" I grunt, grinding his obsidian beak into my shaft until he opens his maw.

He's careful to avoid toothing me, but I order him to hold the fuck still and wrap my shaft around his tongue like a guardrail and thrust into his warm mouth in a corkscrew fashion, one of my gripping paws wrapping around his shaft and wanking it with copious pre for lube. Soon that's not enough and I flip him over, pushing down onto him in a speedbump position and pumping load after load into his fluffy ass, our tails tied together until there's enough residual light from his cum decorating the ground I almost think it's sunrise.

I'm not sure when we pass out, but the two of us awake sometime at sunup and pick ourselves up. Covered in cum, reeking of sex, and sore in many ways, we drag ourselves to the nearest stream to clean up and then try to figure out where we portal jumped. It might take a few days or weeks, but we can finally go home.


I wake up in the early morning, feeling bone tired but snuggled up against the back of someone very warm. Out of repetition, I expect it to be Orka, but instead open my eyes and find it's Basalt with my dick still firmly sunk inside of him. The entire hut is pervaded with the scent of lovemaking despite the open windows, and I rub my head before shaking out the cobwebs and pulling myself free of the big lizard's well-used-and-abused hole.

He stirs a little, Melodous wrapped up in his arms with their head tucked below his scaled snout. Walking stiffly to harem's quarters, I find Leiti and Ferrih passed out on top of one another with Robyn sandwiched between them and the two guards strapped into slings and left abandoned to hang there, softly swaying in the wind, by Orka who lays curled up on her bedroll.

I recall Solar used some kind of gas creating device. What would he call it... a bomb? Eh, it doesn't matter. The stuff appears to have faded by now, and I find the rest of the walkways outside my home are covered in feathers and no small amount of jizz. However, it would appear anyone who passed out was dragged back and into the surrounding homes so they wouldn't sleep outside.

The first thing I do is try to rouse Leiti, but she's mostly unresponsive and I instead drag my ruffled feathers to Arra's home. Apparently lust inducing gas was not cause for concern, just gossip, so she only heard about the event a few minutes before I arrived and is already in the process of packing a bag. I take that and she retrieves a few acolytes to help provide smelling salts while I try to administer some water to the slumbering occupants of my home.

Basalt is the first to awake and gladly takes a handful of dried fruit along with a bowl of water and appears to have become very attached to Melodous as he takes over caring for the smaller bird. I'm attending to my harem and the guards when Arra and the acolytes arrive, and we have everyone awake, fed, and washing in the hot springs within the next half hour. Leiti is too exhausted to take charge as they would normally and instead leaves the acolytes to the task of attending to the rest of the affected tribe members.

"So," Basalt is the first to break the silence, sunk up to his neck in the water with Melodous combing back his mane. "I'm guessing that was not supposed to happen, Yskra."

"No. No, it was not," I reply wearily, Ferrih and Robyn flanking each side of my chest with an arm wrapped around their shoulders. "Those were two captured outsiders I made a part of my harem. I should have kept them in leashed collars on my wall; I had thought they acclimated a little too quick to their positions. I hope this doesn't affect anything."

Orka, even now, is still attending to her two new pet Stonekins, rubbing their scales down before they in turn help with her plumage and rumpled up tailfeathers.

"No, not at all. It will just be a night to remember... for the parts I do recall, anyhow," Basalt continues.

"Indeed. So, tell me Basalt. Our clans have had so little to do with one another. How did you know of our woes before coming here?"

"Oh. Well..." He murmurs.

"Go ahead and tell them! I don't care," Arra calls from another pool nearby where she listens while bathing along with Leiti in the warm waters.

"Arra has had active correspondence with me. It's how I sent a letter to you in the first place," Basalt answers. "We were friends before the schism, you see."

"Ah," I say, relieved. "If it's Arra, then I need not worry. So, that means I can invite you over whenever I want?"

"Y-yes. I suppose so," He replies sheepishly with a slight red tint forming on his facial scales.

"You'll have to if you want to take Melodous with you."

"You would allow that?" Melodous chimes in, surprised.

"You two literally began kissing at first site. Who am I to prevent a little romance?" I wink, knowing Melodous would make a very good spy. "Just make sure to bring him back in one piece. It can be a little disheveled; he likes that."

Melodous stifles a small, embarrassed noise.

"If you will allow me his company, I can assure he will come back," Basalt nods, stroking the bird's chest and reaching up to tap one of his plumes playfully.

"Excellent. I assume you might want to stay another day and rest?"

"I want greatly, in fact," Basalt chuckles.

"Oh, how fun for me," I grin knowingly and watch Basalt's stony façade crack just a little bit more.

It will take a bit more work, but he'll practically be a part of my harem before long. After we finish our soaking bath, Arra pulls me aside to have a few private moments.

"What are we going to do about the two escapees? You know, the ones that now know a lot about us, strengths and weaknesses?" Arra questions, worried.

"I think we're safe from them," I say. "If Aso and Solar come back, I'll strap them to a post in the middle of the village for even the Greenwreathed's public breeding use. But I don't think they'll tell anyone. They didn't strike me as vengeful."

"I hope you're right. Because that's about all I can hope for now. What about the gas? How are we going to explain all of that, and Leiti chasing Aso through the village?"

"Hmm. Well. There is no good explanation, so we'll just have to tell our people the truth: I fucked up, and I intend to do better in the future."

"And that'll slide?"

"No one got hurt, and I doubt anyone will try to challenge me to ritual combat over the matter."

"True enough... at least our diplomat wasn't hurt."

"I'd say relations were even improved."

"Yeah, you would be able to turn a surprise sex party into a good thing. The Yskra Standard, if you will."

"Heh! I like that."

"Of course, you would. We're certainly going to have a lot of eggs. Are we going to officially recognize this in our tribe's history? The people certainly will."

"Absolutely. In fact, I want this to be a holiday."

"Oh, dear... what's the bloody name?"

"The Yskrian Breeding Solstice, of course!"

"This is going to be a regular occurrence now?"

"How else are we to ensure the tribe always has a steady population?"

"You mean so they'll put up with your shenanigans. Fine, fine. I'll talk with Leiti and get it officialized in our records."

"You're the best."

"I'm the only one productive around here, you mean," She smirks, taking a moment to fuss with my crown of feathers before giving me a thumbs off and walking towards the exit.

I wonder if Leiti can make more of that gas...