Chapter 1: Innocent at it's Best

Story by Nitsua on SoFurry

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During winter, no one would even dare go in, afraid they would die before even getting 1/5 the way there. But when there's an ill mother, I guess you can. A young red Vixen, the age of 14, was desperate to heal her mother of her sickness. Her name was Lenna, and though she wasn't bright, she was brave, and cute. Lenna's brother, Samuel, 19, knew a lot about Snow Field, and told her (and what he regretted doing), that the ice sickles deep within a cave did miraculous things.

This was when she decided to go on a little trip.

(End of intro)

Part 1: Adventure Ahead

Lenna cracked open her bedroom door, peeking through to see if everyone was in bed. When guessing the coast was clear, she quickly tip-toed out, and into the kitchen with a basket and cloth. She packed what she though would be enough, and then headed for the door. But stopped when hearing her parent's door open, and quickly ducking under the rocking chair, it being the closest thing.

Her dad walked out of the room, and into the kitchen to get a glass of water for her mother. As her father did this, Lenna peeked at the corner of the wall to see her mother in the bed, burning up and restless. She was very sick, and would probably die. A tear ran down her check, as she whispered, "I'll help you mother. Don't worry." She crawled from under the rocking chair as soon as her father went back inside and shut the door. The cold air was unnerving. She wrapped her robe and bushy tail around her tightly, as she walked down the hill, and into the Snow Field.

Part 2: Snow Field

She felt that the snow was not too rough at first. Though the trees made her uncomfortable. It looked to her as if they were giant, curved claws that could ensnare her any moment. It didn't help that it was night. Lenna found herself walking for hours, in this never ending path. It took her the longest time to read the signs, so she knew where she was going. It felt to her as if she was going in circles.

After three hours, now 1 AM, she snow falling had gotten very strong, and fast. Lenna was also getting too cold to go on anymore. "I...I can't go much longer...." She thought to herself. "I've seen a couple of big rocks while going down this road....maybe there's a cave nearby...." Lenna decided to go off the path, into the woods, in search for shelter, and maybe the item she desired.. As she went on, for about ten minutes searching, she never found anything. And what scared her most was that her paw prints were covered by the ever falling snow. Her only chance was to keep walking, and hope to find a path, or shelter. As she walked, the snow got deeper, her feet now being buried, slowing her down, and sending shivers down her spine with each step.

Lenna eventually lost her shoes in the snow. When her bare foot touched the snow, she screamed. It was so cold. But she continued to go on. Lenna couldn't stand it anymore. She fell on her knees, in the deep snow, almost frozen to death. Her only hope was to call for help. "HEEELLP!!!! HEEEEELLLPPP!!!!! ANYONE!!!???" she screamed. No one came to her. Lenna finally passed out, from the cold. As she blacked out, she thought she was dead.

But was she?

Part 3: No regret

Soon, after being passed out for a while, Lenna awakened, and gasped, from where she was now at. "Where am I...?" It was a small, square, wooden room. It was dark, but the edges of the room were lit by candles, and so was four around her, shaping a square. Lenna then saw that she was laying on an elegant blanket, which had four square pillows, with elegant features. That's when she noticed that her thick robe was gone, and was now in her underwear (which were two small cloths, folded in a way that they stayed on).

Soon, after examining that room, a door opened. The door was a little above the ground (and she then realized there were a couple wooden stairs). She saw a tall figure, though she could not see his face, she saw that he was a black wolf, and he was naked. It looked down at her, and Lenna screamed in fear. As she backed away, the wolf quickly moved up to her, wrapping its long arm around her chest, and the other covering her mouth. Lenna screamed into his hand, trying to break lose from his grip. He evilly smirked, then said in a sweet tone, yet twisted voice, "Now now, your not gonna fight me like, after me saving your life in the cold, now are you?" Lena continued to wiggle, still screaming. Then he put his face against hers, looking her in the eyes with his dark red ones, and he said in a more serious tone. "Listen. I'm going to do twisted things to you, and if you continue to fight like this, I'm going to break a couple of things." Lenna then stopped, a couple tears running down her face.

The wolf smiled. "Good girl." He then pushed her on her back, and placed his big, firm hands on her stomach, feeling her up to where her upper cloth was. Lenna whimpered lightly. The black wolf then placed two fingers on the cloth (as if you were going to pinch someone), and quickly yanked it, ripping it off of her. Lenna whimpered again. He smiled when seeing her pre-grown breasts. "You are very lovely...." He smirked again, then did the same with her under cloth, now revealing her tight clit. He felt her up again, now from her legs, to her chest. "Such a lovely body..." Lenna whimpered again.

"Why are you doing this?" she said as more tears fell down her cheeks. The wolf smiled.

"Because, my dear....I want to fuck you."

He then with his hands grabbed her breasts, resulting in her squealing. He rubbed them roughly. "I hope you are enjoying this...". Lenna squealed again, squeezing his arms.

"Please stop!!"

The wolf smiled, and continued to rub faster. Lenna screamed this time, squeezing his arms harder. "I think that's enough" he said, letting go of her breasts, and now pushing her up for a moment, to where her face was against his member. "I need to get hard before I can fuck you, so you'll need to this real quick." Lenna shut her mouth tight, but the wolf had no problem opening it up, and pushing his cock into her mouth. "Ahhh...suck me...suck me good..." Lenna whimpered. The foul taste of his cock made her want to vomit. The wolf's member came out more, to the point where Lenna could thrust her mouth in and out. Lenna did as he told, not wanting to be hurt severely, and sucked. He moaned, placing his hand on the back of her head, pushing his cock deeper into her mouth. Lenna gagged, causing her to stop for a moment, but then kept at it. "'re good at this..." the wolf evilly smirked again.

Lenna continued to go at the same speed. The wolf got bored, and gripped her shoulders forcefully. "Faster!" Lenna whimpered, and sped up. The wolf moaned again, then pushed her out of his now throbbing cock, and pushed her on her back again. She coughed up saliva all over the blanket. "Now it's time, my dear..." Lenna whined, as he bent her legs back, and put his cock against her tight ass. "Your going to love this..." he smirked again, now pushing his hard member into her, fast and deep, without letting her adjust.

"AAAGGGGHHHH!!!!!" Lenna screamed.

The wolf smiled, and then began thrusting fast and deep into her, moaning. Lenna continued to scream in aching pain, as her walls were ripped open, blood leaking out of her.

This went on for three minutes, then he felt he was going to come to his climax. The wolf moaned again, then quickly pulled out of her and jammed his cock into her mouth. The wolf moaned form his orgasm as hot, steamy cum poured into her mouth. Lenna gagged, but was forced to swallow it all. The wolf smiled, and began stroking her face. "You did good....we'll do this again sometime." With that said, he layed Lenna on the blanked, and walked out of the room. Everything to Lenna started to go black, as she passed out.

(Next Chapter coming soon)