Distance Zircon: Part 1?

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#1 of Sci-Fi Porn

Here I go writing again. This may be a sole upload or I may make it a series depending on how much people enjoy it.

Either way, enjoy a story cooked up out of a far too long period of pondering, waiting, and confusion. This story features Reshia, a character owned by a discord friend who has long been pushing me to write again. She gets wrapped up in circumstances beyond her control and they rapidly take a very intense turn. Expect pleasure, interest, and intrigue, porn doesn't start till about halfway through but it involves, tentacles, mind control, oviposition, and breeding. Also pleasure.

The date was the 4th of Jarti in the year 2635, according to the precise measurements of the atomic clock situated at the Deri Commonwealth Capital, the current measure of time for the ongoing ruling empire of the galactic sector. Despite this however and the relative stability of the ruling polity this did not mean that there was no trouble and unease in the galactic sector. With the means available and tools present sentient lifeforms were always looking to get ahead of one another and surpass the skills and talents of their adversaries. In the case of advancement and superior progression, one such lab was working on the skills and advancements that would help to give their faction this edge over their adversaries. This lab was officially known as Black site #32 but unofficially and more palpable to those who inhabited the black site it was known as Distance Zircon, so defined for the nearest trade route that passed by.

Upon this particular black site lived a young two-legged otter still running in the prime of her life having managed to soar through her field of study through a combination of skill and luck. Blessed with a pretty coloration of shades of purple across most of her fur and white highlights on her chest, arms, and white shine on her cheeks one's eyes would inevitably be drawn to the pretty, bright gaze that she turned on anything she faced. Not only that but with a very cute nose and agile paws she could keep track of multiple things at once particularly skilled in the tasks which she was given. This young lass was presently working on an evaluation of a novel lifeform that held much in common with olden and traditional viruses requiring hermetic sealing as it was inspected. This virus had hailed from an asteroid that had been hauled in close proximity to the space station currently set in a stable orbit around the lab to more easily study it. This was no normal space rock however because the type of rock, as well as the concentration of materials and abundance of living organisms, seemed to mark it as the relic of an ancient planet that had been somehow destroyed. Yet, despite all of these factors the team that had discovered it had reported there was no sign of other rocks in the nearby vicinity, not even dust, just a single, very large asteroid. With good reason, this had resulted in confusion, interest, and heavy speculation but also an undeniable sense of interest for the scientists blessed with its examination.

Reshia was not alone in her examination and being clothed in a traditional white lab coat as was her assistant the two of them were busy marking down discoveries about the sample. The scientist's assistant meanwhile was a pretty lass herself but a fair few years older than the otter herself, a fact which had led to a bit of suppressed displeasure. These factors did little to hide that the goat assisting was a pretty lass herself, given the biological benefit of a horizontal gaze which could keep track of several targets at a time she was a very useful auxiliary to anyone's studies. Cloven hooves marked her feet which had been augmented with integrated mag boots the goat stood stable and secure even on two legs despite the departure from her origins of four, a black-furred form interrupted by patches of grey across her body, not the product of age but instead just biological highlights. Blessed with equally dexterous fingers and perked, intent ears the other woman was a perfect compliment to her much faster-moving team leader.

Even as the otter examined the sample through the lens of her telescope examining its shape of it while the screen next to her displayed its own readout in different wavelengths of light her latest experiment brought a small gasp. First, the otter gasped in surprise followed shortly by the goat standing behind her, the organism had moved, quite literally, as if by its own power. This of course made Reshia lift her head away from the telescope looking at the screen, rewinding it to see the small motion once again. Pausing she looked back towards her assistant where the goat stood the notepad in their hands, the pen however which had been writing notes had fallen from their grasp in surprise. A fact that Reshia quickly corrected putting the pen back into the other woman's grip. "Sel. Please mark down, under a beta pulse the organism jerked, despite being maintained at absolute zero." Reshia spoke as she returned to her examination.

The goat nodded in response for a moment before she swiftly recollected her senses and then put the notepad on the table to make the note. Reshia meanwhile returned to the microscope looking through it as she ran the pulse once again. This time however much to her surprise there was no movement at all and she blinked as if wondering what exactly she'd witnessed. She wasn't wrong, the screen had recorded it, and so had her own senses, the organism had moved, the organism which had been in a rock, exposed to the vacuum of space.

This oddity understandably confused the otter as she leaned back and tilted her head a little bit, this time looking at the small sample with her own eyes as if something would change just because she was observing it directly. Looking back at her companion she met the gaze of the goat who looked surprisingly unamused at the whole affair. "Feeling a little out of your depth? Maybe you should let me take over." Sel declared without the trace of amusement that would outline a joke.

At this comment, the otter just waved off the assessment as she thought for a second and then looked toward Sel once more. "Now isn't a time for jokes. We both know I was put in charge for a reason. Now, please prepare one of the Nutri-labs, I want to see if that motion was merely a fluke or if it was a precursor to something else." Reshia spoke smoothly as she was already working to separate the petri dish from its containment, careful to make sure that it remained in the center of its isolation unit.

Sel understandably wasn't too enthused with being blown off so effortlessly and she just shook her head for a second before turning towards the lab, flicking a few switches to start up the mechanisms to stabilize the microcosms, filling the first chamber and prepping the secondary chambers with common bacteria which should be able to examine how their xeno-life should react if it was indeed reinvigorated.

Reshia however seemed more interested in her experiment, one track focused or naive would be hard to tell. The outcome however was the same, she paid little attention to her assistant just collecting the sample and flicking the switch to bring the internal temperature up to room temperature in preparation for insertion into the controlled environment. Making her way over to the Nutri-lab she started cradling the sample less like a careful scientist but more like a mother carefully holding a child. This fact was of course caught by the goat who saw an opening for a jab and looked at her companion before speaking with a pointed word attempting to break her overseer's cool. "Better be careful you don't get too attached to it. Might start calling you mommy."

This action of course had the intended effect on the young otter as she broke her attention on the sample and looked up at her companion. "I'm not a mother and your comments aren't appreciated. You should watch your tone or I will be forced to write you up and neither of us wants that."

This of course brought a small chuckle to the goat. "Oh what a shame, more attention I might even get a promotion for my skills instead of being your pushover."

Reshia then almost huffed in her annoyance as she pointed a finger at the other scientist. Her other hand placed the sample on the table with what might be a little too much force. "If you are so unhappy working under my direction why don't you go talk to the supervisor yourself? I'm sure they'd love to hear your concerns."

At this, the goat seemed to recoil as if struck, and then she just gave a single sound of annoyance. "Perhaps I shall! You certainly aren't helping matters at all! Thinking you are so much better than I am!" Sel having raised her voice for the first time before whirling on her feet and storming out of the lab, walking past a very surprised intern who was all but shoved to the ground by the unexpected anger of the goat. The poor intern themselves happening to be akin to an artistic interpretation of a zebra.

After this affair, Reshia blinked for a moment in surprise before she slipped out of the lab too. Not to chase down her assistant but being the good soul she was leaning down to help collect the papers that the intern had dropped all across the floor in their desperate wheeling to keep their balance. Reshia crouched down as she worked to collect the papers and put them in a comfortable stack, her eyes lifting to catch the after sight of Sel as the goat swiftly whipped around a corner and out of sight. The zebra meanwhile just pulled their papers back against their chest fixing their mane the best they could with one hand and looking to Reshia thankfully. "S... Sorry for getting in the way, I didn't mean to be an inconvenience to you all."

Reshia though wasn't particularly set on letting this poor individual take the sharp end of the stick and just smiled at them softly. Her own mind meanwhile worked on the confusion of Sel's reactions, they were both professionals, they should be better than a shouting match, shouldn't they? Nevertheless, she was determined to make sure there were no hard feelings with at least one of the people here. "No worries. It's not an inconvenience, I don't know what got into Sel but I'm sorry she pushed past you like that. Also, I seem to be out of an assistant at present, care to help me out for the next hour or so until I finish my experiment?"

The Zebra seemed surprised at this offer and then he seemed like he wanted to nod. Then paused looked at the papers he was holding and then shook his head. "I should really get these to my boss, he'll be upset if I take too long. He told me to be quick about it and I already spent a bit too much time in the cafeteria. I appreciate it I really do but I shouldn't..."

Reshia simply smiled her comfortable, captivating smile as she rested a hand on their shoulder. "Nonsense, I'll submit a letter of recommendation for you, I can hardly work with frontline science alone who knows what might happen. What's your name by the way?"

This comment seemed to push them over the edge and then they lifted their head to her with a small nod. "Oh, it's Timmothy, just Tim works though. And ah... I suppose I can take a little longer to deliver these papers then. I'd love to see what you are working on."

This brought a genuine smile to the otter's lips lifting her cute nose in a very pleasant way which undeniably brought its own convincing to the suggestion. "Awesome, just right through this door, you can put your documents on the table." And like that, she led her new assistant into the room the Nutri-Lab having successfully spun itself up in the intervening time. Thus she found that she didn't need to do much more preparation, just collect the little dish from its containment and place it in the opening gate to the lab. She then flipped the switch which would seal the gate and equalize the interior conditions as well as use an automated arm to crack open the dish and release the sample.

Tim meanwhile stood awkwardly in the corner of the room looking back and forth around the lab and the different tools that were within it as well as the clean surfaces. "A... Are you really sure that I should be here? I mean it all looks so clean and what even would I do, I might contaminate something..."

Reshia just chuckled in response to that worry and then she looked back at him. "Come on, we aren't barbarians, even if this room was filthy the equipment is more than capable of keeping important things clean. Now, please, either that computer or the notebook, all you need to do is write a few notes for me about how things react so I can plan future experiments."

Looking away from the lab, however, proved to be a bad idea for even as automated systems cracked open the dish what happened next was nearly instant. Coming in contact with the nutrient solution the tiny organism that had seemed to be naught but a Xeno virus all but exploded, multiplying over and over with frightening speed, quite literally changing the color of the fluid it was stored in. It was enough for Tim to take notice and point at the chamber where it was being stored. "Is... Is the water supposed to be turning purple?" He inquired with confusion.

This comment of course caused Reshia to look back at it wondering what he was talking about before her eyes widened in shock at yet another change. This one was much more pronounced and faster than she could have possibly anticipated. "What? Not even military viruses propagate that fa-" She was then cut off by a new development, a hissing sound as the glass of the chamber began to crack, an integrated sensor giving a painful screech as the interior pressure soared. The otter tried to take a step back from the lab but not fast enough, with another second the pressure sensor all but exploded.

Trained as she was the poor otter was not trained for single-celled organisms to cause hardened systems to explode and she did all she could. Dive to the ground even as glass and metal were thrown across the room, a few of which were thrown across the ground some small pieces cutting into Reshia's back drawing blood. She was far too busy with the unpredictable nature however and quickly looked to Tim who was standing in terror, not at all trained and not able to handle this outcome. "Don't stand there, pull the alarm." As fate would have it this comment was completely unnecessary, however. Red light flooded the room as the alarm engaged without either of their intervention, an automated voice starting up. "Structural integrity compromised. Make your way to safe rooms. Await further instructions. This is not a drill."

This of course Reshia was all too happy to do, springing to her feet and sprinting across the room, grabbing the hand of the still-frozen Tim and all but yanking him towards the doorway even as the fluid leaked from the lab and started to bubble across the floor as if possessed of a mind of its own. Nevertheless no matter how hard she pulled the zebra seemed to be frozen, eyes staring blankly forwards. "Tim! Come, we can't wait and stand here we need to move now!" Despite this though the zebra stood still as if he couldn't move at all. It took Reshia a moment but then she caught onto the fact, they weren't standing still because they didn't want to move but because they couldn't. Thus recognizing the fact Reshia looked back and forth as she sought some manner to either pull the zebra along with her or to stop the bubbling liquid which thankfully wasn't still expanding.

Seeing nothing, however, she stepped out into the hallway at exactly the worst time possible. Having expected the emergency lights to be lit guiding her towards the safe room or someone she could get to help her move the frozen zebra she instead came face to face with a completely foreign beast. It was like nothing she had ever seen before, composed of all sorts of strange amalgamations, whiskers on either side of its snout. A narrowed, predatory muzzle with two dangerous upwards-facing teeth on either side of its bottom jaw, and flared nostrils that seemed to be vertical slits. Not to mention the large frills that almost seemed to be fans on either side of its head. That was not all however because what really caught her attention was the eyes, four to be exact, arranged in two sets, one set further back on either side of its head the front pair nearer facing forwards much akin to a traditional predator. Four blood-red eyes that seemed to profess vast violence and the ability to cause untold terror.

Reshia looked into the fearsome eyes, unable to help herself and somehow, the feelings started to change, gazing into them the fear and terror altered and morphed, it started to bend itself to something much warmer, much more comfortable. Not only that but her legs grew weak and she shortly found herself falling forwards, expecting violence still she was pleasantly surprised when the contact was gentle, smooth. Her fears ebbed as she lay on that snout, enough that she was pleasantly amused when a new feeling touched her legs. A warmth, a warm tendril creeping up her legs this time as she felt it she smiled, her rational self ebbing as pleasure seemed to take its place. It was like a cloud had moved in, parched for water in the desert and now, it was like a cloud had blocked that heat. After all, how could she do anything but trust such a kind soul, clearly they had her best intentions at heart.

Thus with an increasingly lazy smile, she barely thought of anything at all, her hands moving to strip out of her lab coat. Something told her it was the right thing to do, yes, the right thing to do, it was all the right thing to do, fall into that gaze, let it fill her with its power, its strength, its care. She wasn't even aware as she lost her clothes, just smiling happily as that tendril continued to creep up her leg. She couldn't stop it, she didn't want to stop it, and not only that but a new sensation arose. This time warm and wet, slipping over her chest, the sensitive flesh of her belly and lower. Her outfit was gone and yet the inquisitive explorer barely seemed to care about the panties she still wore. Tongue squeezing beneath them it explored further before it graced across her folds, the otter giving a soft gasp of delight as the sensations were amplified. One of her hands moved forwards as she slowly, lazily stroked along the side of its snout. Hers, it was hers, it had seen fit to make her its own and now she was so very blessed.

Just smiling the whole while Reshia was happy when it finally took charge, that tendril around her leg pulling her feet out from under her, falling happily on her back as she looked into those lovely eyes still. Those lovely warm eyes gazed into Reshia's own as she enjoyed the feeling of its all-consuming presence, all hers, all theirs, only theirs. This delight continued to roll through her even as more tendrils found their way to her body, the first one around her leg was joined by another on her arm, and one more on her back healing the wounds she didn't even know were there. Yet more, one on each arm, wrapping around her fingers as she gave a happy sigh, her jaws opening even as another tendril took the opening.

The otter released a muffled moan as her throat was filled by a very determined tendril, pushing down her body, filling her fleshy insides with its own bulk. This beast was not satisfied with just that however and even as she lay there she released a gasp once more muffled, her senses flooded with new pleasure. One of the tendrils had forced itself down her cunt, spreading her wide her eyes rolled and she all but cried out with delight. Her hips moved with unrestrained pleasure as her eyes locked on that lovely gaze, powerful, all-consuming, she was so very lucky. Moaning as her throat was filled her hips moved helplessly with the filling. More and more slick tendrils seemed to join the fray her body assaulted with pleasure in every single direction. Eyes rolling in her skull her own ability to react had been effortlessly shredded with the utmost ease.

The beast which had captured her, however, was hardly done with its pursuits and as it dove a tentacle down her throat it also made sure to spread her womb with the intrusion. That tentacle plunged powerfully into her core over and over each thrust managing to push it further which was an impressive effort considering the absolute girth of that intrusion. Despite all rational reasoning, it continued, pumping its tentacles deeper and deeper into Reshia's body as she was left completely at its mercy.

Over and over this unknown beast made sure she knew exactly who she now belonged to as her small frame was filled mercilessly and powerfully. Crying out with delight her sounds were once again muffled but that hardly mattered, her body had become essentially a complex toy. Filled with an unnatural girth that would make any reasonable woman cry out from the pain but in the otter's lust-addled state, she found herself naught feeling naught but pleasure. Even as that tentacle pushed deeper into her folds however it seemed to have further to go, the fluids being secreted were making her more lubricated but despite that fact, the tentacle never seemed to reach its goal. Deeper and deeper it pushed with undeniable force and powerful desire from its wielder filling up the helpless otter over and over again.

Thrust after thrust was delivered and Reshia soon found herself being lifted off of the ground by the tentacles plunging deep inside of her. Not only that but the beast seemed determined to make it to her core and as such another tentacle was added to the fray, plunging into her cunt and spreading it even wider with the additional intrusion. With the extra filling, there was absolutely no chance for the poor woman to possibly keep herself conscious and her mind broke, drooling past the tentacle filling her mouth as she just laid there like naught but a fucktoy. As would be fortune however she didn't need to do much more, the beast holding her had everything it needed to take full advantage of its capture. Additionally, with the extra filling stuffed into her cunt the tentacle finally found its target, slamming against her cervix it pushed through with uncanny ease. The action only earned a delirious moan from the otter as her deepest depths were breached and she just laid there eyes rolling and hands solely held up by the tentacles firmly wrapped around them.

With its target acquired though the beast finally gave a soft rumble of satisfaction shortly followed by another slam of the second tentacle breaching Reshia's womb. Her body shuddering in uncontained ecstasy and wracked by climax after climax she was completely unaware as the tentacles started to swell. It started with the one stuffed down her throat, a potent chemical cocktail being pumped into her stomach with unstoppable force, bulging out her middle. That was not the only filling she would receive however because another plump filling would soon swell the tentacles in her cunt. These ones however were more solid, more directed, and much more obvious. The first one struggled to be pushed through Reshia's already obscenely stretched entrance but with the same persistence the tentacles had first displayed it found its way through. This of course earned a full-body shudder from the otter before she fell still again another climax shattering through her mind and body. The object pushed into her womb where it found a home, a snug rest for the egg now filling her easily on its own. It was not the only egg to find its way into her body however and with another forceful push, she was filled with a second egg, then a third. Each egg forced into her body brought a swelling then a shudder followed by a pitiful whine from the otter as her body was stretched more than it was ever meant to be. Even as she was filled with egg after egg however Reshia found her consciousness fading, she couldn't possibly stay awake. Eyes already lolling her reactions grew less and less to each filling as she rapidly dropped out of all awareness. Her body mercilessly filled.

Whether she was awake or not however the creature seemed to have no intention of stopping what it was doing. The otter was still a perfect host which it would use to its full abilities ensuring her body would be filled and swollen with its brood. The last thing that Reshia saw before she passed out completely was a swollen middle down below, bulging obscenely around the fluid pumped down her throat and the eggs that felt impossibly good swelling her body. A last fruitless gasp of pleasure and then the darkness closed in on her vision and she finally fell slack in the grasp of her captor, her body completely at the mercy of the beast who had so effortlessly taken control.