Pack Mentaility Chapter 11

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#11 of Pack Mentaility

It is now early spring and a new routine has formed in the house. Nadia and Veli worked in the kitchen for Nadia assisted Lela when she was alive, while Jezeca and Pat ran his trade business. At night Pat goes to bed in the main bedroom still unable to take the middle he still sleeps on his side of the bed a silently cries for Lela. Veli kisses a portrait of her mother that Jezeca commissioned as a birthday present. That certainly helped Jezeca and Lela bond closer. Veli then says good night to the portrait. Jezeca and Nadia still sleep with each other though now Jezeca always kisses Veli goodnight to comfort her.

Most of the time though they don't go to bed right away. Normally very submissive to Jezeca, Nadia always initiates their sex aggressively and nearly nightly. With out a doubt if one of them was a male, they'd have 5 pups by now.

During this time the group became happy though there will always be a gap left behind by Lela, but one day Jezeca noticed Pat looking sadder than usual (He has become his old self completely since Lela's death.) She goes up to him and asks, "Pat what's wrong?"

He looks at her with the same level of sadness she saw the day she found out Lela died and he responds, "I've lost my wife and now I feel that I'm losing my daughter to you."


"I know you don't mean to. You care for her like I do and I consider that a blessing but, she hardly spends time with me anymore and I can't stand it much longer."

Jezeca puts on her deep thinking poise for a minute before the light bulb goes of and she snaps her fingers.

"I got it! You and Veli go out and have a father daughter weekend at the pond."


"Yes really you'll have three days to rebond while Nadia takes care of things here."

"But what about the business?"

Jezeca waves that off, "We don't have any routes planned out during that time so you're clear. Now go get ready and I'll take care of Pup and see that she goes."

Some life finally shows up in his eyes at the idea. He then hugs her deeply for the first time ever in his life.

"Thank you."

He then rushes off to prepare. After a small discussion Jezeca manage to convince Veli to go camping with her father and later that day both of them head out to a pond a few miles away for some fishing and bonding.

They got there in the middle of the morning the next day and they set out to make camp. They started fishing in the afternoon. They sat on a log and talked about various things and occasionally catching some fish for dinner and had some fun while eating dinner. As they head to separate tents for bed, anyone could tell some major healing had accorded to both of them and for the first time since Lela's death they went to sleep with smiles on their faces.

The next day they had a lot more time to fish and the started catching nice ones on the other side of the lake but, still there were times of quiet when the fish weren't biting. During one of these times Veli popped the question, "Dad why did you want to do this and why just us not Jezi?"

Sighing first Pat took a deep breath and answered the question, "I felt like I was losing you to her. Not that I blame her for doing it on purpose but since your mother died your all that I have left of her and I don't want to lose you. Don't worry about Jezeca she was the one who thought of this for me she understands what I was saying. I know my business keeps me away from you but you are now the most important thing to me, the only reason I live now."

Silence follows his little speech for a few minutes before Veli suddenly drops her pole and hugs her father tightly.

"Father I have never had stopped loving you and I'm sorry my closeness to Jezi has hurt you, but she comforted me when you were unable to. She truly is a big sister to me so please never think you are forgotten we're family, all of us, even Nadia. I do have an idea on how to spend even more time together."

She looks at him with a smirk he realizes that by irony both Lela and Jezeca had shared and he knew this was going to be big.

"And what is that?"

"Let me come with you and Jezi on your routes. I've been training hard with Jezi and I want to help."

Sighing, Pat knew he might run into this problem eventually but he's still unprepared for it.

"I don't know..."

"Please!" She gives him the sad puppy dog look.

He looks at it for a second them laughs a belly laugh much to Veli's disappointment.

"That settles one thing."


"That Nadia is family. You just did her sad puppy dog look perfectly, I know I've seen her use it on Jezeca many times."

"Did it help?" sighing again he looks at her with weary eyes.

"Only if Jezeca thinks you're ready."

Veli then hugs her father again before they both went back to fishing. The rest of their trip went by with more bonding but little else. When they left, they left much better than when they arrived.

Jezeca and Nadia were not idle during this time. Jezeca continued to train and prepare for the next route while Nadia cooked but, it was interrupted by sex. Sometimes while Jezeca was in the middle of either training or business Nadia would jump on her and begin stripping her and passionately kiss her.

In a sense of irony Nadia who is usually shy and totally obedient to Jezeca is always the one to start the sex and do so aggressively. this would usually last until after the first climax, by then Jezeca is into it and takes on her alpha role and proves that Nadia is still submissive. They never go into full bondage for Jezeca fear that would bring unpleasant memories.

One time Jezeca was in Pat's office going through the supplies list and looking at the current news on raiders. There's been a sudden spike of raids lately and though so far they mange to avoid it and she's working hard to keep it that way they might eventually run into the group. She was trying to figure out the best trails to take when she's tackled by Nadia who immediately begins to strip Jezeca of her dragon scale armor that she wears almost constantly.

"Nadia..." She tries to protest but is interrupted when Nadai kisses her. "Mmmhhhh."

She moans at the passion of the kiss and soon relents to the lust of her lover. First Nadia gropes both of Jessica's breasts and then grinds her pussy against Jezeca's, causing moans form both of them. Soon one of Nadia's hand slips down and digs into Jezeca's pussy and stars pumping. They finally break their kiss and both are now panting as their sex session continues.

Quickly, Jezeca moves so her face is below Nadia's pussy and stats licking. Within minutes both climax and collapse on the floor in the after glow. Jezeca is the first to recover and carries Nadia into their room. She lays the slowly recovering Nadia on the bed and goes over to the dresser. From in side a special compartment she grabs a strap on dildo and puts it on feeling and smaller bump on the inside slide into her pussy then walks over to Nadia." Now it's my turn." She says her eyes showing more gold than usual for the wolf is more to the fore. She turns Nadia over so her back is facing Jezeca. She then enters Nadia's pussy with the dildo grabs Nadia's breasts and lifts her so her back is touching Jezeca's breasts and starts thrusting the dildo. Nadia groans in pleasure of the dildo filling her pussy. Jezeca was right to fear what bondage could do to Nadia for even in this joyous union her mine still replays her experience with Lie Vu, but she knows her current mistress does it out of kindness and love and cruelty and lust and it helps drive bad those bitter memories. Soon all thought leaves her my to be swallowed by the pleasure her mistress brings.

"Oh....I'm....I'm cumming. I'm cuuummminngggggg." and the both howl in ecstasy and collapses on the bed. They will do this of and on throughout the night and for once not having to worry about waking their roommates. As the fall asleep together Jezeca is glad Pat and Veli are gone for she wouldn't have to deal with Pat finding her armor of the floor of his office.

The following day Pat and Veli returned home thankfully for Jezeca late enough the she cleaned up the mess in Pat's office. Pat told her of Veli's idea to join the trading. Jezeca was reluctant but decided to spar with Veli to see if she made the cut. They went out to the clearing where they normally trained. Jezeca decided to hold back her skills to the point where they were before the change and let Pup make the first move. She didn't wait long as Veli begin with an upwards swing with Jezeca's spare sword which Jezeca blocked and Veli swung the blade again this time on the left side and downwards causing Jezeca to dodge out of the way. Jezeca then launches an attack of her own swing her blade which it she was actually fighting would cut Veli in half but, Veli manages to block it just in time. This series of blows, parries, and blocks continued for several minutes before Jezeca yelled. "Stop." Breathing heavily Veli puts the end of the sword down. "You're good. In a couple years as good as me before the change. She can come." Pat nodded both proud and scared. Proud that his daughter did so well but scared that she now has to face the dangers of the road.

A couple of days later Jezeca brings to Veli a suit of light armor and a sword saying they were hers. Her eyes lit up and she hugged Jezeca deeply as both Nadia and Pat look on with grins on their faces. Her first trip with them was uneventful but she did enjoy seeing the other towns. The second trip they ran across some minor bandits and Veli had her first kills there. As with anyone your first kill is a life altering one but she steeled herself and continued. The fifth trip would change her life forever. They were on their way home with a cart full of riches from their sales when they were ambushed by the very raiders Jezeca hoped to avoid. Thanks to her nose they were ready and hoped they my get through without fighting but, this was not the case. The group was led by a man called Raul, devious but cocky when he notices the escorts he had to comment. "Using women as guards! Haha you must be a desperate man to disguise whores as guards. We were only going to take the money but now we'll take the girls to." As they tried to close in Veli and Jezeca lash out. Proving that Jezeca was a good trainer Veli manages to slice off the arm of one of the bandits and decapitate the other. She then rolls to the left and engages the next bandit. Parry, block, parry, swing block, parry, thrust, withdraw. She then manages to have a pause and sees how her sister is doing. Jezeca herself was doing fine after killing 4 bandits she faced Raul himself. The man had a cutlass and was eyeing her with the glee of battle with a little hint of fear. She'd heard he was good with the weapon normally found on ships and sailors so she trend cautiously. After a minute of circling each other she struck and in a fury of blades last lasted only seconds the break off. He had several nicks and cuts over his body to the one or two nicks and cuts that were already healing on her's. He's shock to see her cuts healing in front of his eyes causing me to attack first. The next series on blade blows lasted minutes this time. At first it was a dead draw but as the time flew she gain the momentum and in despration he tried more usual moves that she wasn't famiular with. this got him a couple of good hits but her being a werewolf weren't as bad as they should be. With a slice to his side ends the fight, he falls to the ground aperantly dead and Jezeca moves on the the next opponent.

Minutes later the bandits were either dead or had fled and the Pat and company regroup and assess the damage. Veli's armor had some dings and she herself had some nicks,cuts, and bruises. Pat had a couple of cuts but nothing to serious. Jezeca turned out the best of the group with her werewolf healing she had no inguries and her and the perk of dragonscale armor was it was harder to ding. The only sign of her even being in battle was a slight sheen of sweat on her body."Well that could have been worse." Jezeca nodded in agreement.

"Yes. I have seen a group this good since Black Star."

"Well let's get out of here." and the three of them started to head back to the cart. Pat suddenly gasped in pain and fell forward, a dagger in his back. Without hesitation or even looking Jezeca shows the deadly combination of werewolf reflexes and warrior skill as she throws her own dagger and it hits center mass in Raul's chest. He has enough time to look at it before collasping in death. Torn between making sure he's dead and helping Pat. The decision is made when Veli cried.

"Dad! DAD! Stay awake!" jezeca then moves over to Pat andVeli and looks at the damage. The dagger was well into his back but, thankfully not near the heart so he has a chance.

"Pup go get the cloth in the cart quickly. Pat your going to be okay." She hoped she wasn't lying.

"If I'm not. I want you to promise me something." Pat gasps.

"Your going to be fine." Jezeca putting all of her will into that being so.

"This is Important Jezeca aaaarrrgghh! Now are you going to listen?" Sighing she relents.


"If I don't make it you have to take care of Veli got it! She has no other family and I don't want her alone."

"Please Pat..."

"PROMISE ME!" She takes his head and moves it do it faces her face and she looks deeply into hs pain dazed eyes.

"I promise no matter what I'll take care of her so you can focus on living and not having me need to do that." he manages to nod. Veli has returned with the cloth and Jezeca removes the dagger and dresses the wound. After she cleans the wound she wraps the cloth around him and carries him to the cart and put him in the back."Pup get ready to move out I have to take care of something." She then takes the dagger that was in Pat and walks to Raul's corpse. he was clearly death but that was no longer enough. She first removed her dagger then she decapatated him and with a final bit of revenge stabbed his cock with the dagger and left him there.As she returned to the cart she checks on Pat. The cloth was turning red so she added another layer to it. "How you feeling Pat?"

"Hurts like hell." She pat's Pat on the shoulder an attempts to move to the front when pat grabs her wrist. She looks at him and he explains."Wait I want you to know I have no regets on anything. I also consider you family and the third best thing that happened to me, I want you to know...just in cast." With tears in her eyes she kisses him on the forehead and moves to the front to get them home.

Pat died half way from the battlefield to home. Both Veli and Jezeca then openly cried for the lost of another member of their family.When they got home Nadia came out to greet them but was puzzled by not seeing Pat."Where's Pat?" Veli started crying again and Jezeca hugged her close and responded.

"He's in the back. See to him I don't want to leave Pup alone right now." Nadia nods and heads to the back while Jezeca guides Veli to her room. Nadia will also cry when she discovers the truth about Pat having become close to him these past years. Inside Jezeca helps Veli strip out of the armour and puts her into bed and cuddles around her stroking Veli's hair and face until she fell asleep. Jezeca did not return to her room that night and Nadia slept alone for the first time knowing it wasn't her place to join them right now. They buried Pat the next day next to his wife. The tombstone will be placed a few days later. Veli during this time was in a catatonic state only eating, sleeping, and going to the bathroom. Jezeca never left her side for a week. A month pass and Jezeca was preparing a letter for Silverback stating why she can't ever return to the den hoping he'll won't force the issue this time when Veli entered the room. Jezeca looks up giving her full attention to Veli.

"What are you doing Jezi?"

"I'm writing a letter to Silverback stating why I can't return to the pack."

"Why can't you?"

"Because though I failed your father, Man I wish I could take his place, I promised him to look after you thus I'm not leaving anymore and leave you alone. Even my wolf can't stand that thought."

"He's not going to like that is he?"

"No." Jezeca says with a sigh."He's not but I'm hoping he'll honor my reasons this time." Veli nods and walks over to the window and looks out. Jezeca watches her for a few minutes before going back to the letter.

"You didn't fail my father.' Veli finally says.

"What? Of course I did I should have made certain he was dead."

"But I would have lost him without you there, he had at least a chance. You also saved many times for years I should have lost him long ago." Veli pauses and looks out the window again before continuing.

"I think I have a way to ensure your looking out for me and keep Silverback off your back." She lightly chuckles at her pun.


"Take me with you to the pack." Jezeca violently shakes her head.

"No I will not put you in that postion. I fight my wolf for control hard, thankfully she has like your family so that has been a worry and Nadia is for the most part purely submissive but most of the others. I wouldn't trust them with you, besides you'll be the only human there an outsider. Stay here with those who still have the gift of still being fully human."

"Why do you hate this wolf so much from what Nadia's een telling me she didn't exisit until after what she called it.....rebirth ceremony, so she had nothing to do with it?" Jezeca sighs.

"You don't understand. She represents what I lost that night. I lost my humanity and as much as the wolf tries to comfort me even saying that it loves me despite how I resist it. I still can't get past the hate. I feel human when I'm with you,Pat, and even Lela that just for a moment I could be human again. you helped me through that better than anything and admittedly allowed me some peace with the wolf. So yes I will stay her and the pack can deal with it." Veli moves from her spot at the window and walks towards Jezeca. She then put her hands on Jezeca's face to make sure Jezeca looks straight into her eyes.

"Your all I have left and I'm the only thing keeping you here. I don't want to stay here anymore. I was an outsider before you first came and I will be when you leave I have too many painful memories here and I trust you and Nadia to keep me safe at the pack. Please lets leave." While they stare at eachother a debate goes on in her head.

"I....I can't take her there, it's to dangerous."

"Yes you can. I think you both dishonor your pack and underestimate your influence on them."

" I know you treat that day as a birthday and I don't blame you for thinking that but that was the worse day of my life. I know Silverback will try to turn her AND I will not allow that, and the others will see her as an enemy." The wolf sighs.

"Silverback respects you, he may want to but he won't force the issue and as far as the others there might be some hesitation from the females minus Raceh but the males might want her as a mate."

"What!? Oh that's just what she needs."

"Consider it a complament to you both she's now nearly as good as you were before me. The pack will consider her your pup even if not in blood and that's another mark for her because you manage to defy the alpha without much punishment. I am surprised Silverback hasn't courted us."


"Males wolfs are divided into to two groups. One group wants to dominate their chosen mate. They may care for her but is always the one in charge. The second group wants a strong mate one they can share their life equaly and produce strong pups and thease will actually court their mate instead of force themselves on their chosen mate. We are strong. Why do you think Brutus wanted us back then. he felt we could produce strong pups but he wanted to dominate us. We show we weren't weak, did you notice during that challenge many of the males were aroused until we castrated Brutus." The wolf growls lovingly at the memory."Those cocks hid so quick. Whether you like it or not you have standing in the pack and that will help defend her."

"Jezi." Veli interupts the debate and Jezeca looks at her again instead of through her.

"I'm sorry Pup. I'm having a debate with the wolf on this your not being ignored."

"Oh....Okay." Jezeca returns to the debate.

"You may have some points but the main flaw is YOU want to go back their pack to YOU not me. The only pack I have to use the term is Veli and Nadia nothing else." With hurt in her voice the wolf responds.

"HOW DARE YOU! I have sacraficed alot for you as I do pine for the pack. I did it because I love you. You are my other half and I have always loved you and I consider Veli pack. I love and care about her as much as you. She doesn't want to stay here. Too much pain for her here and she knows it might be dangerous and BOTH us and Nadia will look after her. She knows what youve sacraficed for her ife and happiness. Allow her to do the same. She loves you as a sister, I wish I could say she feels the same about me. Trust her, or do you hold her in such contempt." That was the nessecary blow to Jezeca's opposition to the idea. She then grabs Veli's face and asks.

"Are you sure about this? It will not be easy in the slightest and we'll be far away from here."

"Yes I'm sure. Your my sister, the only family I've got now and I know I can endure anything with you by me and I don't mind being far from here. I never want to see this place again." Jezeca then nods and gets up.

"I'll need a some time to get everything taken care of can you endure being here for I while longer?" Veli nods. "Okay I'll send a letter to Silverback letting him know to expect us."

Two weeks later everything was settled. Jezeca transfered her and Veli's funds to Jezeca's old town just in case. The house sold to a friend of Pat's and now they were ready to leave for good. They had one last stop however. Veli stands alone before the graves of her parents holding the statue Silverback had made."I'm sorry mom, dad, but this will be the last time I visit you. I can't stay here anymore without feeling the pain of losing you, so I'm heading to Jezi's pack and live with them. I will carry you in my heart always please rest easy." She then places the statue in between the graves and then heads for the cart where Nadia and Jezeca wait. Jezeca herself came to the graves earlier and reaffirmed her vow to do her upmost to care and protect Pup. They then left the town for the last time, never to return.

Back at the den Raceh returns from the letter drop off to hand Silverback the unopen letter. She, Argus, Silverback, and Snow hunter the only werewolves in the pack that could read so Silverback always read the letters to the pack. He opened the letter and started to silently read before reading aloud as was his habit. How ever this time he didn't read aloud and just continued reading intently. When he was finished he crumpled the letter in his paws."What is it?" Raceh asks.

"Very sad news everyone. Jezeca and Nadia are returning home."

"How is that sad news?"

"The reason they're returning is the fact Pat, Pup's sire has died in combat." Sad expressions spread throughout the pack. Though they have never met the three humans who mange to wrest two of their number from them they felt close to them through the letters. Silverback continued."Jezeca is also bringing Pup with her and she warns 'Any male that tries to take her WILL lose their malehood once a month for the rest of their life." All the males once again unconsiencely move apaw protectivly over their malehoods, all remebering what happened to Brutus and thinking of it happening repeatedly made them all shiver. Though Silverback was more aroused than afraid, once again wishing Jezeca wasn't a lesbian for she's the perfect candidate for Alpha Female."We should expect them in a couple of months from now. That's all." the pack disburst and Raceh, her mate Argus, and her children Crescent and Bob stay behind and Raceh comments.

"Poor Jezeca and poor Pup. I will defiantly help her adjust to living here." Argus comforts his mate as she feels a bond to Jezeca who was reborn at the same time she was.

"Let's make her space in the den better than it ever was before they arrive."

In a town near Veli's home town in a run down warehouse a man receives distresting news."What!?"

"Boss your brother Raul is dead. He was killed in a botched raid a month ago."Raul's brother(Who's name is Roy) throws everything on his desk to the floor.

"Why am I now hear about this and who's responsable?"

"I wanted to gather facts first before I told you know you'd want to know. He was killed by a woman named Jezeca. She was a guard for the trader your brother tried to raid."

"Tell me everything."

"Well it apears that the trader died from the wounds your brother gave him and this woman then killed him and desicrated his body. Shall we kill her?" Roy shakes his head.

"No, we take someone she cares for then torture them both. Yes threaten to kill that person unless she does what we say than when she's done it all we kill that person anyways."

"Sounds good boss."

"How about the traders wife?"

"Nope she's allready dead. Some illness she got. From what I was able to figure out the only people she's close to left are the traders daughter and some woman that lived with them."

"Grab the girl."

"There's a problem boss she left with the woman to parts unknown." In a rage Roy grabs his henchman and yells.