A Thing for Star - Chapter 9

Story by Kahedro on SoFurry

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#9 of A Thing For Star

Chapter IX: A New Friend

The bus pulled to a stop, and Star nudged on me to wake me up. "Good morning" I said after a big yawn. Then I remembered we were on the bus in the afternoon, and I quickly got up and exited. We walked to our house, and I picked up a key from under the welcome mat.

"Under the mat?" Star asked, with a gentle laugh in his voice. "That's so cliché."

I replied, also with a gentle laugh, "Well, people would see it if it was over the mat." I opened the door, and I was suddenly tackled by something big and heavy that was licking my face.

"Oh my god we got a puppy!" Star exclaimed.

"It's too big to be a puppy" I said, unsure if I should try to hide the fact that the licking was in my ticklish spot. Star began petting him, which got him to stop licking me. I hesitantly also began petting him. I knew he was friendly, but the general factor of him tackling me without warning intimidated me. "What should we name it?" I asked.

"I don't have any ideas." Star replied. So we both started thinking of names, although I couldn't focus too easily since he was still on me. After a minute, Star said "I don't think we should give it a conventional name."

"Of course not" I immediately replied. "Say, can you get him off me?"

"Well, I can try" Star said. I couldn't see or hear what he was doing, but I heard him whistle from a little further back and, sure enough, the dog got off of me and walked towards Star. Now that I could see him, I saw that it had a shiny blue coat of fur He started petting it, and then the dog rolled over, allowing Star to rub his belly. I noted that it took a liking to Star, and so I ran a couple astrologic names in my head. Big, blue, and in the sky - Neptune.

"Neptune!" I exclaimed. "It's a perfect name!"

Star looked up, while still rubbing its belly, and said "Neptune it is."

"Neptune," I heard my dad say from the door. He smiled and said "I like it!" I wondered how long he was standing there for a moment, then me Star ran up and hugged Dad, overcame with joy. Then, Neptune ran up to us, probably also wanting a hug, and knocked us all down. After a good three minutes of just lying there laughing, we got up and went in the yard to play with an old tennis ball. Time flew so fast, I don't even remember everything we did, and in no time I found Star and I begging Dad to let Neptune sleep in our room.

"I'm sorry boys, but I just don't want him to make a mess in your room" Dad kept repeating. After trying for half an hour, I gave up and went to bed, but Star stayed, still trying to get him to be able to sleep with us. I had no idea if he was trying something different, or just kept asking, but about twenty minutes later he came in, sniffling and saying he couldn't convince him.

"Don't worry," I said, trying to cheer him up. "He'll still be there in the morning."

"I guess so..." Star said.

"Ugh this pillow feels like a brick!" I exclaimed. After a minute of silence I asked "Would you mind if I slept on you again?" I could tell I was blushing a lot, but it didn't matter much in the darkness.

Star was silent for a few seconds, then replied "Sure, but if it gets uncomfortable can you get up?" I climbed down from the top bunk, and came to lie on Star's chest. It was surprisingly fifteen times better than the pillow, and I slept like a baby.

In the middle of the night, I awoke to something poking me. I leaned over and saw a massive buldge in Star's pants. I stared at it, and I lost my self-control. I carefully and silently unbuttoned his jeans, and saw the buldge grew even bigger and more enticing. I wiggled his boxers around, and got his penis through the little hole in it. As if in a trance, I silently put it in my mouth, and he immediately exploded right at that very moment. Worried he has woken up; I slowly turned to see the vague shape of his head in the darkness, still lying down. I had a warm feeling of comfort in my chest, and so I leaned in to kiss him and went back to sleep.

This time I had woken up with the lights on and Star was petting my belly like he was with Neptune. He looked at me with a smile and asked "Have fun last night?"

I blushed, thinking he was surely asleep the whole time and replied "Yes, I did." Star laughed at my promptness; no doubt he thought I would try to hide it. I considered that, but realized there wasn't anything to hide.

"As did I. "he said. After a couple seconds, either of us glanced at the clock and realized we had to get dressed for school. I had already picked out and set up my clothes, so we decided to meet outside. I found Neptune in the kitchen, eating his kibble, so I rubbed his back a minute and went outside. When Star came out, Neptune was pawing and whimpering at the door, and I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of this. But then the bus came and I shrugged it off. But then when we got on, Star kept staring at the door until it was out of sight, and I began to feel that he liked Neptune more than me. The unpleasant feeling swiftly also became a stomach ache, but I kept it to myself, and I kept telling myself if he's happy, I'm happy. But in the back of my head I knew this was untrue, and it was driving me crazy.