If You Are Reading These They May Be About You

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#57 of poetry

I woke up with the pieces of these rattling around in my head. The first haiku is in fact an accurate description of the circumstances of the writing.

I don't usually write horny poetry. And I don't usually write haiku. Yet here we are.

Husbands beside me

Breathe loud in the darkness

Just before sunrise.

I ought to sleep more,

But all my dreams were passion

And I am too roused.

All my dreams have turned

To smoldering near-erections

And poems half-remembered.

Poems to many friends

Whom I wish to hold, naked,

And talk about poems.

To friends who are men

And also wolves or foxes

Or lions, in their souls.

To friends who are bears,

Who fight like hungry badgers,

And who love like dogs.

Poems of the passions

That animals like us stoke

For we're not yet dead.

Poems of the feeling,

Against my grateful muzzle,

Of my god's chest fur.

Poems that speak of

The little gay rabbits.

Prayers for their asses.

For who will pray for

The little gay rabbits,

If not you and I?