Dommy fox

Story by matt-the-mutt on SoFurry

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Ello ello all of you :3

this is what i have been working on for a while (after loseing a page but i sorted that) but yeah this one is based on somthing i did with mr its about time i did somthing for lovey but here we go it was fun as always.

this contains: paws, micro, unwilling (sort of) musk and domination! (not the call of duty game mode)

The case of a dom'my fox.

Slowly cracking his eyes open his hands reaching up to hold at his forehead with the worse headache in his life looking up at the ceiling as sunlight coats and warms his fur looking to his side but not being greeted by the sweet face of his boyfriends face or even the back of his head only a vast expanse of white, providing the canine with quite a shock as he sits up only seeing more white stretched ahead of him.

His almost pounding head taking its time to come to a highly illogical solution as he looks about seeing a huge version of his bedroom making him go wide eyed and remain totally still "HUN!?" he almost screams out getting to his feet with a stumble on the bedding with no response coming only a quiet tweeting of birds from what seems like miles away to his now small ears. Running to the edge panting and gasping for air as he finally reaches the edge trying to stop as if on solid ground but with the softness of the bed his paws sink down tipping forward and letting out a yelp as suddenly the small mutt finds his self falling over the edge and falling to the floor shouting all the way till his form comes to a sudden stop caught by a pile of clothes.

Laying his head back still gasping for breath and holding at his head from the god of all hangovers the little form of the canine stays laid on his back giving out a quite moan now and then as he slowly drifts off to sleep once again with the familiar smell of his fox.

Meanwhile in the shower getting his self cleaned up and freshened up for the morning Ed murrs quietly to his self brushing at his head fur quickly, the nights events playing over his head going out at 6 for a night out with his mutt having both having countless drinks but the canine clearly wasn't made to be a drinker, noticeable as his speaking was becoming slurred even if all he seemed to only be talking about how "foxes are sooo submissive and "easy" and that was the final straw struggling to guide the pissed mutt back to their place Ed already had the plan in place offering the husky cross a glass of water with a small add on of a shrinking pill Ed watched grinning all the time as they both fell to sleep together like normal.

Tilting his head in the mirror a few times and ruffling up his head fur again as he pads back into the bedroom, the fox looking to the bed not seeing his now tiny boyfriend as he left him just a moment ago, so his vision fixes to the floor just next to the bed and on the pile of clothes used last night the 6 inch form of the canine laying back down on the foxes socks at the top of the pile grinning as he leans down close to the tiny mutt and exhaling a long sigh over his body.

Once again waking up the tiny mutt gives a yawn looking about before almost instantly remembering his situation "hun hel-!" and before he has a chance to finish his sentence a seemingly massive warm hand paw clasps around his body knocking the wind from his lungs as the sudden movement giving a happy but still slightly scared look as he is man handled roughly about. The fox now reaching down with his free hand and grabbing both of his socks from the pile padding off to the end of the bed he carefully lays out the socks one on top of the other leaving them resting between his large footpaws.

"ohhh and matt before you ask what this is about, just think of this as this subby fox showing his dommy side" Ed says leaning his muzzle close to his clenched fist each word forcing a wave of slightly bad breath to wash over the small dog, with out a second word the fingers forming the fist suddenly the dog gives out a pup like yelp as he drops down to the floor not with a deadly crash but a thud as the small form sinks into the crash mat of socks with the musky scents of his boyfriend instantly filling his nose.

Now laying on his back giving a few groans looking up to a single footpaw as it starts to lower towards him frozen in fear as it dominates all of his main senses, seeing every detail of it the matted fur between the large leathery pads the large toes splayed apart showing off a small amount of dirt and grime between them, the slight warmth of the socks under him the foot warming him up, the smells from the two items washing into his nose even when using his mouth to breath. All of these making the situation seemingly hopeless and the fox lording over him the far more dominant body out of the two.

Lowering the foot ever so slowly to the little canine the fox just grins as the sensitive pad makes contact with the fur covered body only just slightly as he leans down and look down with a dark grin seeing the tiny face between the splayed toes just over it "Lick between my toes, dog!" The words ring in the canines ears "w, what h, hun?" causing the fox to laugh for a second before stopping and glaring down with a almost feral stare pressing his paw down much harder forcing it and the little dog down into the matt of socks as his head is forced further between the toes witch clamp around his skull tightly as his entire body tries to squirm under the weight "I. Said. Lick. Between. My. Toes. Mutt"

Giving a quiet wimpier and slightly sticking his tongue out only taking a single lick between the toes making the canine gag and shake his head wishing for some sort of stop only getting more verbal beating "Make more of an effort, or I will EAT you! LOVE my thick musky toes like a good subby doggy!" the shouting rattling into matt's head as he moves his arms upwards each wrapping around a single toe tears in his eyes as now his muzzle flicks up and down taking lick after lick between the toes collecting up all of the grime and toe jam worked up over a week. The movements causing Ed's arousal to grow already taking a firm grip of his large red cock and rubbing up and down pressing down slightly, even for matt under the paw despite the fear his cock presses into the firm padded bottom of the paw coating it in his pre.

"yeah, keep at that, love my paw little guy" now fully pawing his self off as he enjoys the feeling of dominating his little boy friend, the movements causing the paw on top of mutt force down harder his body aching and straining unknown to him with the amount of fear involved he coats the bottom of the paw with the now small amount of cum he can at his size further clouding his mind with a mix of fear and unknown lust as he keeps licking for his life now and then taking a deep breath of his musky surroundings before plunging his muzzle between the meaty toes and nibbling at the skin under the fur. Quickly the feelings of dominance over the tiny form becomes to much and with a deep bassy moan spewing his hugely musky cum forward landing on the floor ahead of him and with the last large amount dripping and splashing onto his toes seeping down around between them squirming about a little weaker hearing a few odd sounds from the toes the canine starts to feel dampness on both of his hands and quickly followed by the same dampness on his skull with a taste of his foxes musky cum working into his maw.

Now totally spend the large fox lays back on the bed panting slightly as the licking now stops but the little form of the canine still wiggles about under paw he gives a sigh scrunching his toes together tightly folding around matt's head and lifting his body handing limp next to a sock caught along in the toes as well with out saying a lot in his now sleepy state the fox simple grabs the sock and matt not looking as he fiddles with the two placing the little form inside the fabric and lifting his now damp paw up and into the opening pulling it up tightly trapping matt in a fabric prison as they both drop into a afternoon nap.

And that my dear furs if why you do not call a fox "subby"... well unless your like this insane mutt and happen to like it :3