Classroom Secrets Ch 1

Story by Jake Brian Purplecat on SoFurry


The following story is not suitible for people under the age of 18 (depending of course on what your area's laws are regaurding sexual content and age are) and should not be read if you are under such age(though even if you are, you will probably read it anyway considering you had to find it in the first place. just know we won't be accountable if you get in trouble).

Some, and by some we mean most, of the content in the story below has male/male and underage yiffing. If you don't like that sort of thing you should have the common sense to stop reading.

WARNING: THIS IS YAOI= BxB, boy on boy action, if you don't liek TURN BACK NOW!

Authors- Kiyoto Suzaka & Jake Brian Purplecat


Chapter 1


Takihiro-san was reading from a text book as he chalked down this week's review for the class. "Alright for the rest of class I want you to study the material I wrote here on the board, it'll be on your next exam..." He smiled a charming smile to them, his tail gently swayed behind him. "Free time for the rest of the period." He sat at his desk as the rest of the students started to study and talk in groups.

Jake opened up his book and scanned through it. He brought out a pencil and checked to make sure that Mr. Uchida wasn't looking before he started doodling. He didn't really study at all, and thought as long as he erased it later that it wasn't a big deal to draw on the desk. Just to be safe he tried to hide it behind the book while he doodled.

Takihiro got up from his desk and looked aroudn the room checking on students to make sure they were focusing on the exam and needed any questions answered. His tail lightly swayed in a relaxed manner. Soon he approached his crush's desk, Jake Purplecat. Looking down he notices his doodle and growled to get the young kitten's attention, "I see someone is well prepared for this week's exam?"

Jake looks up to Mr. Uchida, ears folded back. "Er, yes i am. sorry about drawing on the desk Mr." He starts erasing the doodle in the vain hope of getting out of yet another detention. Strange to think that in most regards Mr. Uchida was a pretty nice teacher, but he still gave him a detention every chance available.

He placed a pink slip of paper on the desk with Jake's name on it. "You know the drill Purplecat-kun...see you after class..." He nodded his black bangs lightly brushes over his eyes as he walks on to the rest of the students, few minutes later the bell rings, "Remember to study, study, study!"

Swaying his tail Jake sighed as the other kids rushed out of the classroom, leaving him alone with the teacher like most detentions turned out. He got up and went over to Mr. Uchida's desk handing him the detention slip before heading back to his desk and sitting down. Then he put his things away and leaned into his desk while looking out the window.

The wolf eyed the cute kitten as his tail swayed with determination, this time he'll confess his feelings. Licking his muzzle he stood up and walked aroudn his desk to the front and sat on it crossing his legs elegently. "Ki-Urm Jake-kun please come here...." He cleard his throat and kept a firm face as he watched the cute kitten.

Looking up to the teacher Jake wondered for a second why he was sitting on his desk like that. He stood up and walked over as his mind quickly turned to the worries of what the teacher wants to talk about. Being in detention a lot lately definatly wasn't good, it might even go on his permament record, whatever that was exactly. Standing right in front of the desk now he looked up to Mr. Uchida "What is it Mr.?"

His light green eyes met the kitten's own cute ones, sending a shiver down his spine as he softly growled in anxiousty. "Do you know why you are here?" He asked as he places a paw gently on his shoulder and gives it a firm squeezed .

"Because I drew on the desk right sir?" His tail twitched around nervously, trying not to look too scared about what's incoming. Glancing over to the paw on his shoulder once before looking back to him.

The teacher lightly smirk then moved closer to his face, his warm breath tickling his lips, "Maybe....but there's something more....important...." He looked into his eyes before pulling the kitten close and kissing him deeply, his paw tangled in his head fur deeping the kiss.

Jake squirmed from the sudden kiss, unsure what to think. He whimpered a little but didn't make an effort to push his teacher away.

Takihiro kept kissing him as he wrapped his arms around his waist pulling him in closer then slowly pulled away lightly panting, "That's why...."

Catching his breath he blushed a bit looking into the teacher's eyes again. "Really? I didn't know boys could like other boys like that. Is that why you've been giving me all these detentions?"

He chuckled and nodded rubbing the kitten's ears, "Mmmm hmm of course kitten, I've had a crush on you for a while, you was so cute I couldn't help but pick on you a little." He lightly laughed and kissed on his neck rubbing on his back softly. "Do you like me kitten?"

Jake shivered and purred from the rubbing. "Uh, of course Mr. Uchida. You're a pretty nice teacher except for the picking on me thing"

He chuckled and kissed the boy's cheek, "Sorry about that..." He stood up then grabbed the boy setting him on top of his desk. His paw began to unbutton the kitten's shirt and he kissed on his neck more. "Mmmm I'm going to make you all mine kitten..." He gently growled against his neck.

He mewed and swayed his tail, lifting his neck a little enjoying the kisses. "What're you doing now Mr.? Why're you taking off my shirt?"

"Mmm me by my first name or Taki for short..." He softly purred to the kitten. He removed his shirt and kissed on the kitten's chest, "Mmmm so cute....." Slowly lays him back on the desk getting above him.

"Ok then Taki, would you tell me what you're doing to me now?" Jake looked at Taki's chest wondering how he would look without his shirt. He was slowly getting hard but wasn't aware of it.

"I'm going to make love to you kitten, its what adults do when they really really like someone..." He softly smirked and kissed the kitten's nose. Moving up he undid his shirt and a burst of sweet colonge met the boy's nose. His chest was muscly and covered in white soft fur. He grabbed Jake's hand and gently rubbed it agianst his chest, "Its ok to touch kitten I won't get mad..."

Jake nodded and rubbed at his chest fur with both paws. He took in the nice scent of the colonge and got more excited purring deeply. "It's very soft and nice Taki, is my chest this nice?"

"Mmm oh yes kitten its really cute and beautiful..." He kissed on his nipple softly and pinched the other gently. His paw slowly ran down his side to the boy's hip giving it a soft squeeze.

"Aah~" Jake pinched his nipples back after feeling how good it felt. "Um, does making love mean taking off our pants too Taki? I feel weird down there"

He nodded as he couldn't help but growl in surprised as Jake pinched his nipples, it was cute how much he was trying. "Mmmm yes kitten we do take off our pants....does it hurt down there?" He knew what was going on but wanted to tease him more. His paw moved from his little waist to rub on his crotch feeling that the kitten had gotten hard...perfect.

The kitten moaned softly for a second time. "N-no, if anything it feels good. A different kind of good than i've felt before though" He grinded against Taki's paw loving how good it felt.

The hairs on the back of the wolf's neck stood up hearing the moan coming from him, "Mmmm so cute...!" Growls and grinds a little harder against his crotch. He undid the buttons to Jake's pants and tugged them right down along with his boxers. "Good, I want you to feel really good kitten..."

He smiles up to his teacher and looks down to his now exposed cock. "Thanks, you seem to be pretty good at that Taki" Jake reached back up and rubbed a finger against his nipple.

He blushed and chuckled as he rubbed on the kitten's cock, his paw warming it up more. He playfully growled and kissed on one of Jake's nipples as he sucked on it, twirling his rough tongue around it and licking it harder. His large paw wrapped around the cock and began to slowly stroke on it, "Mmmm thanks I try my best, are you enjoying this too kitten cause I sure am..."

"Oh yes, i'm enjoying this very much" Mews and moans kept coming from the kitten's lips. After enjoying it for a while he reached his paws down for his teacher's pants. "I want to see yours Taki, show it to me?" Looking up with cute eyes as he asked.

Takihiro nearly jumped right out of his pelt when the kitten made a bold move. Looking into those cute eyes he could only manage a nod as he stood up straight and helped jake sit up as well. Slowly the wolf unbuttoned his pants and slipped them right down, his cock hard and sticking up straight, a pearl of precum sat on the tip. "Mmmmm see it kitten? You make it happy..." Rubs on Jake's ears moving closer to him.

Jake purrs and reaches out grabbing his cock slowly rubbing on it. "It must be really happy, so much bigger than mine. What's that on the tip though? it doesn't look like pee" Rubbing faster he reached his other paw out touching the precum with a finger.

Takihiro lightly growled as his cock twitched in Jake's little paws, "Nnn....k-kitten that's can eat it....most people like it cause it tastes good..." He softly growled licking his lips and purred to him. He petted his head, rubbing on his ears, "Mmmmm such a good boy..." He blushed as he started to stroke on the kitten's cock matching the rhythm.

Wiping the precum from Taki's cock Jake brought it to his mouth and licked it off. "Mmm, it is tasty. Does mine have that too or is it just a grown up thing?" Jake kept rubbing faster on the big wolf's cock, thrusting into the paw that was holding onto his own.

"Mmm it does depends on how it is, is this your first time?" He smiled and lightly moved his hips to his stroking, Holding the kitten's head he softly brushed the tip agianst his lips, "Mmm its always best to taste everything kitten...if you really want to..." He blushed and smiled down at him.

"It is my first time sensei" Jake looked up at him cutely giving his cock a lick. His ears perked and he purred taking the tip into his mouth sucking on it. Lapping his tongue at the tip and slowly taking more of the yummy cock in.

"Mmm ohhh...t-that's hard to believe with the way y-you're sucking me..." He softly growled and took in a shakey breath, "Mmm d-don't choke kitten, take your time...." He pet Jake's ears then scratched them watching him go down on his cock blushing a bit. It felt good having his hot mouth on him. His paw gave Jake's cock another rough squeeze then he slowly ran his claws on the boy's little balls to tease him.

The boy nodded and swirled his tongue around the tip, taking more in slowly. He shivered a little as his young bits were played with. He grabbed the part of the wolf's cock he wasn't sucking and rubbed his paw along it some more.

The wolf growled louder as it sent a shiver down his back, he rubbed on the kittens ears a little hard as his hips lightly moved. "Mmmmm doing wonderful kitten....keep it up..." He kisses the kitten's ears gently as he rubbed a little harder on his balls gently pinches them.

Purring louder Jake moved his paw away as he engulfed even more of the cock. Mewing out feeling his balls being pinched accidently brushing his fangs on his teacher's shaft.

The wolf froze for a second then growled to the kitten in a pleasing manner, "Mmmm its ok to use then kitten, they felt really good but be more careful next time..." Chuckles and pets his ears, his paw caresses his cheek and slowly pushes more of his cock into the kitten's mouth. He rubbed more on Jake's balls and softly tugged on them.

The kitten nodded pushing himself onto the last inch of the cock now deepthroating it. Breathing softly on the teacher's belly through his nose he stayed there enjoying his maw filled up. His rough tounge rubbing along the bottom of the cock.

"Oohhhh s-such a good boy....." He softly growls and holds the kitten's head, moves his hips slowly back and forward starting to fuck his tight throat. " hot..." Moves his hips a bit faster and grinds against your face getting as deep as possible, precum oozing down your throat.

Jake lets Taki take over, sucking hard as his face is thrusted into. Reaching his paws up and rubbing on the teacher's balls, squeezing them gently. "Mmmm"

Taki moved his hips faster feeling his cock hitting the back of his mouth. Growlng his ears lay flat on his head as his thrusts got faster and rougher in the kitten's mouth more cum oozing into it, "Nnnn g-gonna cum kitten! Where do you want it?"

Jake swallowed down the pre eagarly, licking at the cock agian wanting more. "In meb mouff pweas" The kitten looked up cutely to his teacher after the muffled plea, rubbing more on the big wolf's balls.

The wolf blushed and a growl sounded in his throat more turned on than ever as he nodded and lightly slammed his cock harder in his tight throat. "Mmmmm! A-As you wish a good boy and finish me off?" Lets go of your head and stops looking down at you to watch.

Purring even louder Jake moved his head back and forth quickly. He kneeded and rubbed even more at his sack as his purrs vibrated the teacher's cock. Licking and wrapping his tongue all over trying to get the wolf to cum.

"Mmm oohh...t-that's it...mmm.." He growls and rubbed on the kitten's shoulders to stay steady, "Nnnn g-gonna cum....!" Little bit of cum starts to shoot into the kitten's mouth, "Nnn cumming kitten!" He lets his cum flow fully, the kitten's mouth filling up quickly with warm seed as the wolf shivered and bit his bottom lip.

Jake started sucking down the wolf's seed, lapping it up from the tip. "Mmmm, Tafty!" He deepthroated his teacher again wanting to make sure he got all of the cum into his belly, licking all over to clean the cock.

He groaned loudly, "Oohhh nnn s-such a good boy!" Growls and licks his muzzle then slowly takes his cock out of the kitten's mouth softly brushes the tip on his lips getting out the last few drops of cum on him. "Mmm you drank it all, good boy...." Chuckles and leans you back kisses you deeply licks at your lips tasting some of the cum.

Kissing back the kitten wrapped his arms around his teacher's neck. "Of course I did, it was very tasty. Are we going to do this more Taki?" His tail swayed happily as he nuzzled his teacher.

"Mmm hmm as much as you want kitten....just so you know you're mine now! I'm going to love on you till we pass out, I'm going to spoil you like the little prince you are..." Purrs into the kitten's ear getting more over him and rubs cock against his tailhole. "Mmmmm ready kitten? Its gonna hurt a little so please bare with me....I'll make you feel so good...I promise..."

Nodding the kitten moved his paws down to the wolf's back, pulling himself a bit closer. "I'm ready, I know you'll make me feel very good" Smiles waiting for the cock to go inside of him again.

Smiles and kisses him deeply slipping his large cock right into Jake's tight hole. Softly growling he felt the boy tighten on him as he slid in deeper and kissing him harder, his tongue licking on his soft pink lips. "Mmmmm you're so tight kitten!"

"Aaaah! s-so big!" Digs his claws into the wolf's back a little, mewing from the pain of his first penetration. He licks and kisses back, trusting that it'll start feeling good soon.

Moves slowly in him, his hips rocking back and forward nice and slow. He softly growled and kissed on his neck softly, "Mmm it'll feel good in a minute kitten....ooohhh s-so're sucking me in each time..." Chuckles teasing you.

"Nya, w-well it is starting to feel better" The kitten let out gasps and soft moans, the discommfort slowly being replaced by pleasure. "Oh yes, more"

The wolf blushed hearing the cute moaning and gets a little faster wrapping his legs around his waist. "Mmmm nnnn s-so good...!" Shivers and kisses on Jake's neck softly sucks on it as he rubbed on the kitten's warm back.

Jake moaned out louder and lifted his head to expose more of his neck to his teacher. Cuddling tighter against the wolf's soft fur as his tailhole clenched teasingly. "Mmm, deeper! I want it all in me"

"Mmmm someone is liking this a lot..." Chuckles sliding every inch of his cock right into him, grinds his balls against his cute little butt to tease him back, "Mmmmm like this kitten?" Kisses and sucks on his neck more, the tip of his tongue pushin into the cutie's soft fur and skin.

"Exactly like that Taki" He purrs and rubs his paws up and down the wolf's back. His tail swaying happily brushing against the wolf's balls.

Shivers and softly growls, his paw grips his cock and starts to jerk on it, moves faster and harder in him. "Mmmmm s-so good kitten...!" Rubs harder and faster on Jake's cock, his claw brushes his balls gently then pulls out and sits on the desk, carefully he picked up Jake and held him over his cock, "Mmmm does kitten wanna try it this way?"

Jake looks down at his cock and rubs a paw on his chest. "Yes sir, I wanna find out all the ways we can make love" He sways his tail brushing it against the wolf's cock to tease him some more.

Taki growls gently into Jake's ear as he slipped him right down on his cock holding his waist. Wrapping his arm around Jake's shoulder he held the boy against his warm muscled chest then started to getnly move him up and down on his cock. "Mmm..nnn....I can get deeper into you like this kitten..." He purred into his ear softly as his cock hit a sweet spot in him.

The kitten moaned out and tryed to push himself further onto the cock. Nuzzling into the wolf's chest and taking in the scent of the colonge again. "S-so good. Does it feel this good to be in someone as it is to be filled up?" He licked and sucked on the wolf's nipples, nibbling lightly on them.

"Mmm oohh it feels really good to be in you kitten! Nnn its so hot and wet inside..." Purrs and leans head back a bit eyes closed. "Mmmmmm! How about you t-try to move on your own kitten...." Holds your hips and helps guide you up and down on his cock, "Mmm start off slow....I'll hold you..."

"Ok sensei..." Jake moves up and down on the wolf's cock, purring as he starts riding. He wraps his arms around the wolf and thrusts himself down harder. "Oooh, s-so good. Will I get to try being inside you s-sensei?"

"mmmm maybe one day kitten but I like being in you more..." He blushed shyly hearing such a request and moves faster in him, "Mmmm t-that's good're going really good..." He praised him his cock dripping more precum into his tight hole. "Mmmm haaa....I'm gonna cum inside you this time kitten...I want to fill you up...!" His hips bucking harder into him, his paw softly smacks his ass.

His ears perked up a bit and he slammed his tailhole up and down on the wolf really fast. "Please, fill me up. I want your cum in me again" The kitten leaned his head into the wolf's chest, riding him with all his might.

"Ooohh k-kitten! Y-You're just too cute!" He held the kitten's waist as he moved harder and roguher into him. Growling his cock grew in the tight hole letting the kitten know he was ready to shoot another load into him, "Mmm ahhh g-gonna cum kitten!" He growls grabbing Jake's cock with one of his paws to jerk on him, he rubbed his cock against his stomach to increase the heat and friction between them.

He clenches around the wolf's cock, moaning out. "It f-feels funny, I think i'm cumming too!" The kitten grinds hard into the wolf's stomach fur, dripping precum all over it.

"Mmmm that's it...cum kitten...lets cum together!" He purred to him rubbing his cock harder agianst his fur feeling it get wet and sticky from the precum. His hips getting faster and harder, lightly leaning back he bounded the kiten harder and faster, pushing every inch right into him, "Mmmm I-I'm cumming!!!" He growls pushing all of his cock in knotting the kitten's hole as he came hard filling him up with his hot thick cum.

"Me t-too! cumming" The kitten moaned out and came all over the wolf feeling the knot enter him. panting and puring as he enjoys the feeling of being so full.

He softly groaned and panted holding the kitten against his chest rubbing on his back gently, his cum sticking to both of their stomach fur. "Mmmmm that was...amazing kitten....did you enjoy it too?"

"Very much Taki" He kisses the wolf on the lips smiling. "Uh, you don't have to give me more detention whenever we want to do this right?"

He kisses him back and smiles, "Well I guess not but we don't want any one getting suspicious now would we kitten? How about we go on dates?" He lightly chuckled his paw softly rubs on the kiten's butt and tail.

The kitten nods and purrs, cuddling into his teacher. "That sounds fun, just like my parents. This must be why they take so long"
